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Chapter 235: Snow Girl’s Ambush, Awkward Meeting

Chapter 235: Snow Girl’s Ambush, Awkward Meeting


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 235: Snow Girl’s Affair, Awkward Meeting

  The next morning, it was drizzling outside the window.

  The house was still beautiful, and it was even more damp and cold.

  Between the curtains and the bed, there was a beautiful scene of human beauty.

  The proud body without any clothes was covered with a big red silk quilt, the hips were full, and the slender legs were outlined, showing the seductive sensuality.

  The beautiful woman with snow-white hair opened her sleepy eyes, and her charming face was still confused.

  She muttered lazily, and subconsciously hugged the arm in her arms, squeezing the white flesh out.


  Yan Lingshuang suddenly woke up a little, and her icy eyes blinked.

  She stared at Yang Shifei who was sleeping on the same pillow with her, her heartbeat seemed to miss a beat, and the memory of last night suddenly emerged.

  The beautiful woman’s face changed, and her cheeks were stained with an attractive blush.

  After a long silence, all the complicated feelings in her heart turned into a sigh, and she couldn’t help but touch the sleeping face, and tenderness and pity gradually appeared in her eyes.

  ”Right or wrong.”

  I have been lonely for half my life, and now I know the taste of love, which is so warm and intoxicating.

  This relationship is not easy to come by, and I must cherish the person in front of me in the future and make him happy.

  Coo, coo –

  a faint sound made Yan Lingshuang frown slightly.

  She raised her head slightly to find the quilt was slightly raised, as if someone was lying there.

  At the same time, the silk quilt squirmed, and a figure came out.


  Jasmine also had a smooth body, and she stood up panting.

  When the two sides met each other’s eyes, the girl’s face flushed, and she covered her mouth and whispered vaguely: “Emperor Yan, I…”

  Yan Lingshuang’s icy eyes were rippled, and she stood up and gently knocked her head: “You dirty girl, what are you doing to Shifei so early in the morning.”

  Jasmine rolled her throat twice, and then she said shyly:

  ”I think the young master is energetic in the morning.”

  Yan Lingshuang was angry and amused, pinching her fair face: “Silly girl, you should know how to help your husband take good care of his body, and you must not be too restrained. Shifei is still a good time to practice martial arts, and you must take good care of her.”

  ”But His Majesty Emperor Yan clearly pestered the young master several times last night.”


  Her Majesty the Empress blushed for a while, and felt ashamed in her heart.

  Only then did she realize the absurdity of this scene. She actually talked about these things with the younger generation she had watched grow up.

  What’s even more embarrassing is that I really indulged myself too much last night, and I didn’t know how obsessed I was.

  ”Okay, okay, I’ll go prepare breakfast first, and then go and wake up the young lady.”

  Jasmine blushed and hurriedly got out of bed: “Your Majesty, continue to accompany the young master to sleep for a while.”

  Seeing the girl quietly putting on her clothes, Yan Lingshuang’s eyes moved, and she sighed softly: “Girl, don’t call me ‘Emperor Yan’ in the future. Just call me ‘Aunt Shuang’ like Xian’er and Shifei.” Jasmine looked

  back in surprise, and soon smiled a little: “Aunt Shuang has really changed.”


  Yan Lingshuang smiled helplessly and watched her turn and leave.

  As the door closed again, the beautiful woman looked at Yang Shifei who was still sleeping, her eyes became softer.

  She leaned her upper body gracefully, lifted her loose snow-white hair, and leaned down to kiss him lightly.

  Yang Shifei woke up in a burst of excitement.

  He half-opened his eyes, and his eyes swept vaguely, just meeting Yan Lingshuang’s tender eyes.

  ”Auntie Shuang. Hiss!”

  A wonderful and refreshing feeling suddenly emerged, and Yang Shifei suddenly woke up and couldn’t help but take a breath.

  It seemed that there was a skillful hand gently teasing in the quilt.

  Yan Lingshuang supported her cheek, looking down, but there was a little shyness between her eyebrows: “Shifei, this is my first time. Will it be comfortable?”

  Yang Shifei frowned: “Auntie Shuang, do this so early in the morning?”

  Moreover, the beautiful woman’s body was still naked, and the silk quilt only covered half of her body. The round melon was almost standing in front of him, which was quite shocking.

  Yan Lingshuang blushed and said: “I wanted to let you take a break, but after checking your kidney meridian pulse, you were still very angry. So I thought of helping you again.”

  Her Majesty the Empress was also a little embarrassed.

  After all, she was still blaming Jasmine for being ignorant not long ago, but after taking a closer look, she realized that she was completely ignorant.

  ”Fei, you… close your eyes.”

  The beautiful woman’s movements suddenly sped up a bit, her hands were light and skillful, as if she was performing swordsmanship.

  Yang Fei couldn’t help but kiss the honeydew melon, and the beautiful woman trembled all over.


  Her Majesty the Empress let out a little moan, her eyes were as charming as silk.

  She bit her lower lip lightly, and turned over and sat on him again: “Fei.”

  Feeling the beautiful woman’s gentle rubbing on her waist, Yang Fei took the opportunity to hug her waist: “Auntie Shuang can really stand it?”

  Yan Lingshuang’s heart softened, and her cheeks became hotter as if on fire.

  Even though she was the Empress and had the cultivation of a celestial being and a black tortoise. But last night, she was defeated by this child, and the dignity of an elder was completely lost.

  In the end, even her true appearance was revealed, but she was still held down and bullied by Fei, and her body seemed to be burned.

  ”I feel a little sore, so it’s you.”

  Yan Lingshuang resisted the embarrassment and leaned over to kiss her: “Be gentle. Woo~”

  As the silk quilt slid down the beautiful woman’s jade back, the two figures swayed and wavered again.

  Jasmine pressed the hem of her skirt and walked into the bedroom with a blushing face.

  Luo Xian’er had already woken up, her dress was neat, and she sat by the window braiding her hair.

  She caught a glimpse of her shy expression and couldn’t help but smile: “Did she suffer last night?”

  Jasmine was a little embarrassed.

  Although she hadn’t been deflowered yet, she had done all kinds of things several times and was also tired and limp.

  ”Well, breakfast is ready, young lady and I will go eat first.”

  ”Okay.” Luo Xian’er was thoughtful and didn’t tease her intentionally. She stood up with her skirt: “Young Master and Aunt Shuang haven’t gotten up yet?”

  ”They seem to be still asleep. I’ll go and call them later-”

  ”Let’s go and take a look together.”

  Luo Xian’er walked out of the bedroom, crossed several corridors, and walked towards Emperor Yan’s bedroom with ease.

  Jasmine followed silently, thinking about how to resolve the embarrassment, but she heard a strange sound coming from not far away.


  Luo Xian’er paused for a moment and continued to walk forward.

  When she arrived at the door, the eldest lady gently pushed the door open and saw two figures entangled and collided behind the curtain, as if they were fighting fiercely.

  ”Auntie Shuang?”

  Yang Shifei and Yan Lingshuang’s movements were stagnant.

  Her Majesty the Empress was even more surprised and tilted her head: “Xian, Xian’er?!”

  The exclamation suddenly sounded, but then it turned into a long tremor, lingering in the air. There was a

  commotion in the bedroom, and it calmed down after a while.

  Yan Lingshuang put on her black gauze skirt again, and put on a dragon-patterned robe to cover her plump body that was still white and shaking just now.

  The beautiful woman’s cheeks were still flushed, and she hurriedly combed her messy snow-white hair. When she looked back, she met Luo Xian’er’s eyes again with a strange look on her face.


  The atmosphere in the room became quite subtle again, and everyone stood still.

  Yang Shifei was caught between the two parties, secretly sweating, but still stood up. But

  before he could speak, both sides cast concerned glances at him almost at the same time, as if they all wanted him not to worry.

  Yang Shifei was stunned for a moment, his mind moved slightly, and soon heaved a long sigh of relief: “Xian’er, Aunt Shuang, Jasmine and I will bring breakfast, you guys go to the study first?”

  Luo Xian’er nodded slightly: “Okay, young master, be careful of the burns.”

  The eldest lady took the initiative to take Yan Lingshuang’s arm: “Aunt Shuang, let’s go out first.”

  ”Okay.” Her Majesty the Empress smiled and nodded, and left the palace with her.


  The two women walked hand in hand in silence for a while, and then gradually they could no longer maintain their gentle expressions, and a trace of blush climbed up their necks.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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