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Chapter 237 Pet system is online!

Chapter 237 Pet system is online!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 237: Pet system is online!

  Mind Interference Device!

  This name sounds complicated.

  Especially after reading the description of the equipment, the intelligence players were instantly excited.

  ”What the hell?!”

  ”Drive aliens?!”

  ”Even death claws?!”

  ”I see, the answer to the intelligence version is animal tamer!”

  Although most players have never seen the horror of the death claw, they can feel it just by looking at the post posted by Brother Fang.

  The team with the highest combat effectiveness in the entire server, with awakened people and equipment, can only run away when they encounter it.

  Those predators sent dozens of people, even rocket launchers, to hurt that thing.

  As long as you have 2,000 silver, you can become the father of the death claw!

  This is more than just a strengthening. It

  ’s simply taking off on the spot!

  Compared with the ecstasy of the intelligence players, the players of the other systems all have expressions of envy and jealousy.

  The boy and the brick on the construction site: “Oh my god, the intelligence attribute must be greater than 10! I’m a strength type, and I only reached 5 after awakening!”

  Debt Big Eyes patted his shoulder and said with a smirk.

  ”From LV0 to LV10, only 2 points of secondary attributes are added. The basic intelligence of the strength type is 3~4. From this, it can be inferred that you may have to awaken twice more. It’s about level 30 to 40, and there will be no problem by then!”

  The boy and the brick on the construction site: “I’m crying.”

  Just when everyone was still commenting on the shelf, someone had already made a decisive move.

  Kuangfeng: “Give me a set!”

  Boss Xiayan took a set of equipment and put it on the counter.

  ”I’ll charge you 2,000 silver. The surgery needs to be scheduled one day in advance. You can find Heya in the medical laboratory or come from me.”

  One is a metal collar and the other is a headset. Just looking at the appearance, it is very easy to understand. The collar is definitely for aliens, and the headset is for people to wear. After

  buying the things, Kuangfeng didn’t stay at the door of the weapon store for long. After thanking, he hurried away.

  Everyone was stunned when they saw this, and then reacted.

  ”Damn, this thing doesn’t have a quantity limit, does it?!”

  ”I remember! This thing seems to have been snatched from the looters! There are only more than 30 in total?”


  ”Boss Xia! I want one too!”

  ”I’ll do it!”

  ”Give one to Tail, too!”

  ”Awei, wake up, you are an agility type, right? You definitely don’t have 10 points of intelligence.”


  The 37 pieces of equipment that were just put on the shelf were sold out in less than 5 minutes.

  Looking at the empty shelves, Xia Yan was confused and silently took down the sign that had just been hung up.

  Are these people crazy?

  Fortunately, Xia Yan couldn’t understand what the players who bought the equipment were chattering about, otherwise he would probably be more determined at this moment.

  They are actually planning to capture the Death Claw? !

  Have you lost hope in life?

  If you encounter that thing, you are lucky to be able to run away!

  Quickly grabbing the last item on the shelf, the Fountain Commander put on the headphones in ecstasy and grabbed the Battlefield guy’s shoulder.

  ”Hahaha, good brother, I’m looking for you! Come on, come on, let’s go catch the Death Claw!”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group was shocked.

  ”Fuck, brother, are you crazy?! Death Claw! It’s harder to deal with than mutants!” The

  exoskeleton he just got hasn’t even warmed up yet!

  He doesn’t want to lose it like this!

  The Fountain Commander said nonchalantly: “What do you know? Now is the best time to catch the Death Claw! The lizards are hibernating. If you don’t catch them now, will you wait until spring to give away your heads?”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group couldn’t help but spray: “I think you’re going to give away your heads now!”

  Not all lizards are trash.

  For example, the big guy kept in the shed at the west gate by the manager doesn’t look like he’s afraid of the cold.

  At most, he’s a little sleepy.

  However, it was his good brother’s request after all, so the battlefield guy was finally persuaded and went back to the shelter to change his equipment and took off the exoskeleton he had just bought.

  When he came out, he also called the perception department’s Wo Zui Hei.

  Although unlike the two who had already awakened, Wo Zui Hei was still a little short of LV10, but even if the perception department had not awakened, the reconnaissance ability was still good.

  Just think of it as helping him level up for free.

  Wo Zui Hei, carrying a sickle assault rifle, looked at the two good brothers with excitement.

  ”Let’s go, where are we going to fight today?”

  The fountain commander studied the map and said calmly while touching his chin.

  ”Today we’re going to do something big.”

  Wo Zui Hei said excitedly: “Awesome! What big thing?”

  The battlefield atmosphere group laughed.

  ”Death claws, and they’re catching them alive, is that a big deal?”

  Wo Zui Hei: “???”

  Shit! Is it too late

  to get off the car now?


  What Chu Guang didn’t expect was that the 37 “Torch” mind interference devices he had just put on the shelf were snapped up in less than 5 minutes.

  When Boss Xia told him the news, he was stunned for a long time before he said with a smile.

  ”I was careless.”

  ”It should be put on the shelves in batches.”

  Xia Yan looked at him strangely.

  ”Is there any difference?”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Of course, after all, what I need is not the silver coins in their hands, but to maximize the value of resources.”

  Pet flow is not suitable for all players, and the mind interference device is not omnipotent.

  There will definitely be some players who find that the equipment they bought with a lot of money is not as easy to use as imagined.

  What’s more, capturing aliens is not an easy task. However,

  Chu Guang did not expect that his players would buy them so quickly and pay for them without saying a word.

  I should have added another restriction earlier, requiring that the surgery must be scheduled or the “surgical subject” must have been captured before the purchase.

  However, it doesn’t really matter.

  Looking at it from another angle, this might be a good thing.

  When a game is first released, no one has a guide. It’s only after playing for a while that the big guys make a guide. Similar situations also happen with new heroes in MOBA games, or DLCs for some stand-alone games.

  After all, it’s equipment that you bought at a high price. It’s unreasonable not to spend some time thinking about it, right?

  As more people use it, guides will naturally come out.

  Xia Yan tilted her head, with a slightly blank expression on her face.

  She didn’t understand what Chu Guang was saying.

  Isn’t it silver coins that are needed? Then

  why does the store charge money?

  As for resources and value… It sounds too difficult to understand. Can’t you use more understandable terms?

  However, although he always said something difficult to understand, he looked pretty good when he smiled…


  Just as the little players of the intelligence department called their friends to go deep into the wilderness and embark on a journey to find magical animals, the streets of Boulder City, more than ten kilometers away, were bustling.

  The most recent blizzard was a week ago. According to the weather forecast inserted in the nonsense by “The Voice of Boulder City”, it will be sunny for the next week.

  Although not every word of House, who talks a lot of nonsense, can come true, the sunny days have lasted for a week. On the warmest

  day, the temperature even returned to above 0 degrees!

  Winter is already a spent force.

  Although there is still a month before the official arrival of spring, there are signs of recovery in all walks of life, and factory orders are even scheduled for two months later. And for hot commodities such as soap, lighters, matches, and antibiotics, even the goods for April are sold out in advance, and all factories and small workshops are working overtime to produce.

  As for hard currency such as rifles and bullets, although there is no shortage due to the large production, the price has also risen a lot.

  According to past experience, it will take until February for the snow on the ground to completely melt.

  However, it will only take a few days for traffic to resume.

  Pirate Bay Tavern.


  noise is like the foam of beer, even drowning out the heavy metal music played by the bassist.

  The waitress with big breasts and thin waist, wearing a pirate costume, holding a barrel full of flyers, walked through the crowded crowd and the teasing whistles, walked to the wall of the tavern, and nailed the flyers to the wooden board with nails.

  [The Chocobo Merchants Group is recruiting guards, two-year contract, daily salary of 3 chips, double attendance, food and accommodation and weapons, paid every half a month. ]

  [Redwood Forest Logging Camp is recruiting forest rangers. We have a group of night badgers that need to be dealt with. Salary negotiation. ]

  [The Boulder City Military Industry needs a postman to deliver a package to the Wandering Swamp. Awakeners are required. The reward is generous. Details are negotiated. 】

  【Help me kill someone, the reward is 1000 chips. If you are interested, go find White Shark. If you meet my requirements, he will tell you what to do next. 】


  Although the Pirate Bay Tavern is not the largest tavern in Boulder City, it is definitely the favorite place for mercenaries.

  The consumption here is not high, and the commissions are rich, from delivering express to Yunjian Province to finding lost cats. It can be said that there are many kinds of commissions, and the prices are reasonable.

  The beautiful waitress put the order on the wall, and then turned around and left.

  A group of men surrounded it, staring at the commissions on the wall, and commented on them with interest.

  ”The Chocobo Caravan is recruiting again? Didn’t they recruit more than 20 people last year?”

  ”I heard that they opened a new trade route, maybe they need people.”

  ”The daily wage of 3 chips is not bad, and it’s double when there is work.”

  ”What’s good about it? This money is not enough for me to drink, if I want to do it, I’ll do big business.”

  ”The caravan going to Garbage City needs temporary workers. It takes two months to go back and forth, and I’ll give 1,000 chips… But it’s too dangerous there. I heard that mutants are rampant there.”

  ”Fortune is sought in danger, I plan to try my luck.”

  ”Haha, I hope to see you here again in two months.”

  The crowd squeezed to the commission counter, and the bar counter naturally became empty.

  The bartender standing behind the bar counter wiping the cups glanced at the man who walked to the bar counter and sat down, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

  ”What wind brings you here?”

  ”What wind can blow in this damn weather? Give me a cup of hot honey water.”

  The man put two white chips on the table.

  The bartender accepted it skillfully, turned around and took a freshly cleaned cup, poured some hot water into it with an iron kettle, then scooped a spoonful of honey into the cup with a slender spoon and placed the cup on the bar.

  ”Your honey water, Mr. Lister.”

  ”The service here is getting worse and worse. Do you still need customers to stir it themselves now? Mr. Bai.” Holding the spoon and stirring, Lister said with a smile.

  White Shark.

  The owner of the Pirate Bay Tavern. Being a

  guest bartender here is one of his pleasures, and it is also one of his few normal pleasures.

  The bartender smiled lightly, without explaining, and talked to him in a casual tone.

  ”Where are you going to make a fortune this year?”

  Lister continued.

  ”I plan to go east and buy a batch of goods when I pass by Honghe Town.”

  Bartender: “Yunjian Province?”

  Lister shook his head.

  ”It’s too far.”

  ”So you’re here to issue a commission?”

  ”No, I’m here to get information,” Lister looked at him and continued, “I heard that the situation in the River Valley Province has been turbulent recently.”

  The bartender smiled faintly and said, “It’s a bit late to hear about it now.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”The Legion suffered a defeat in the north, and a batch of arms somehow fell into the hands of the plunderers. Those villains dare not cause trouble in the Great Rift Valley, so they can only go south. I heard that the slave owners in Red River Town have made a fortune. If you plan to go to Red River Town, you might as well bring more KV-1 exoskeletons.”

  Silently noting this information, Lister nodded and continued.

  ”I heard that the Bone Chewing Tribe seems to have reached out to Qingquan City recently?”

  The bartender said in a relaxed tone.

  ”Yes, and the country bumpkins in the northern suburbs suffered heavy losses. I guess you will lose a few more customers on your client list.”

  Lister cursed.

  ”Aren’t the militia going to take care of it? Those bandits are right under our noses.”

  The bartender said nonchalantly.

  ”What is there to care about? It’s just a few villages with a few hundred people.”

  Even if the people of the Bone Chewing Tribe robbed Qingquan City from all directions, it would not affect here.

  Lord Fang is not interested in them. Boulder City has its own affairs. This is the official answer.

  Of course, if those primitive people without eyes dare to shoot at them, the power armor will soon fall on their heads.

  The bartender thought for a while and suddenly spoke.

  ”…But I heard that the Bone Chewing Tribe seems to have fallen in the northern suburbs.”

  Lister raised his eyebrows.

  ”Oh? But I heard that they came aggressively.”

  The bartender laughed: “They were indeed aggressive when they came, but that was a month ago. The two thousand-man teams lost two battles in a row and were defeated. The blue coats that suddenly appeared in the northern suburbs beat them to a pulp. It is said that hundreds of prisoners were sent to open up wasteland. Those people are really good at managing prisoners.”

  Beaten to a pulp by blue coats?

  This is really a rare thing.

  Although the situation in each shelter is different, most of the blue coats are good guys, which is also one of the common sense in the wasteland.

  I didn’t expect the blue coats that appeared in the northern suburbs to be so good at fighting.

  Lister couldn’t help but think of the group of people he met in Linghu Wetland Park a few months ago.

  Are they those people?

  However, he couldn’t imagine how those dozens of people could win consecutive victories under the siege of two thousand-man teams.

  Power armor?

  Or some kind of pre-war equipment.

  Lister looked at him curiously.

  ”How did you know?”

  The bartender said without thinking.

  ”There are at least twenty raiders sitting in this tavern, even though they claim to be mercenaries. How do you think I know that?”

  The heavy snow blocked the road, and it was the trade route. If it was just one or two people, they would have found a way to get here.

  In the past two months, the streets of Boulder City have been a little depressed, but it was only the streets.

  His tavern has never lacked customers.

  The expression of interest on Lister’s face became more and more intense. Looking at the honey water in the glass, he suddenly spoke.

  ”When the snow melts, I plan to go over there and take a look.”

  He smelled a business opportunity!

  Bartender: “Go ahead. The northern suburbs have changed a lot recently. I heard that it has developed well. The old ones don’t go, the new ones don’t come. This is true for chips and customers. Am I right?”

  Lister: “That’s absolutely right.”

  The bartender laughed, wiped the glass in his hand, and continued in a casual tone.

  ”But I suggest you be careful, they took Torch’s things.”

  ”Although I don’t know what the box means to ‘Torch’, those superstitious lunatics will definitely not let it go.”

  ”What does that have to do with me?” Putting the empty glass on the table, Lister stood up from the bar, straightened his collar, and said indifferently, “I don’t do business in the south.” The

  Torch’s sphere of influence is in the south.

  It is said to be a place called the Coast of Death.

  Just by hearing the name, you know that it is not a good place to do business, and in fact it is true.

  Before, it was ruled by a group of pirates and plunderers, and then a group of charlatans. In short, there have been few normal

  people. In comparison, he still prefers to do business with people in the enterprise. Although they are not always trustworthy, at least they can let him make a fortune safely.

  The bartender said in a relaxed tone.

  ”It’s just a suggestion. You can consider it or not.”

  ”Thank you for your suggestion. When I make a fortune, I will come to you to recruit more people.” Lister waved his hand and walked towards the door of the bar with several modified men around him.


  In the evening.

  At the north gate of the outpost, the crowded stalls were decorated with lights and colors, and it was as lively as a festival.

  Although a New Year’s celebration was just held here two days ago, it did not prevent the people living here from holding another one to celebrate yesterday’s triumph.

  Black Snake is dead.

  His more than a thousand tribesmen died, escaped, and those who did not escape became prisoners and were sent to the snow to open up wasteland.

  And his body was also hung on the gallows at the north gate for public display.

  The active substance extractor is working 24 hours a day.

  When all his subordinates have refined the raw materials for the players’ resurrection, he will be the last one to take his turn.

  If it hasn’t rotted by then.

  In any case, thank nature for the gift.

  Thank you for the express delivery from the Bone Chewing Tribe.

  The price of ramen today finally didn’t increase, and the amount of devil jelly was even slightly larger.

  However, what surprised everyone the most was not the sudden conscience of Crow Boss, but the fact that Crow, who never went to the front line or made a deposit, actually awakened! ?

  This is big news.

  The mushroom stall had just opened, and a large circle of small players gathered in front of the stall to eat melons.

  ”If you don’t understand, just ask, can picking mushrooms also awaken?”

  ”I remember that Crow Boss is a perception system, right? Isn’t it only the intelligence system that can gain experience from life professions?”

  ”This is too unscientific!”

  ”That’s right! Mosquito is only level 7 or 8! A shady deal!”

  ”Tell me the truth, did you secretly find the planner py?”

  ”Hidden mission! It must be a hidden mission! Damn, eating alone!”

  Seeing the rude look of this group of people, Crow was so angry that his teeth itched and said with glaring eyes.

  ”What the hell! You people, I am also leveling up well, okay?”

  ”I, I don’t just pick mushrooms!”


  These people actually forgot that Wei Ba and Si Si were her apprentices!

  However, it was obvious that this statement was not convincing and no one believed her at all.

  At this time, someone suddenly asked.

  ”By the way, what is the talent that Boss Ya unlocked?”

  As soon as this question came out, it caused a thousand waves.


  What is Boss Ya’s talent?

  A pair of eyes immediately looked at her curiously.

  Being watched by so many people, Ya Ya blushed, coughed dryly, and subtly moved her eyes away.

  ”Okay, okay, don’t ask, it’s annoying to ask again.”

  Everyone looked at each other, but became more curious.

  Unfortunately, no matter how everyone asked, Ya Ya refused to say anything.

  I think it should be because of bad luck that she unlocked a useless talent.

  This kind of thing is not uncommon on the forum.

  Especially for players who initially have talents, it is normal to balance it.

  After all, if you draw SSSR, you will definitely go to the forum to show off.

  It’s not so hard to talk about it.


  After going offline.

  Official website forum.

  Fountain Commander: “MMP! I’ve been walking outside for a whole day! I didn’t even see the shadow of a Deathclaw!”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “MMP, you don’t want it after killing a brown bear! Do you have to have a Deathclaw?”

  Debt Eyes: “??? I want it! How much?”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Too late, we’ve already killed it.”

  Debt Eyes: “Fuck!”

  Meat Mountain Big Bun: “QAQ”

  Elf King Fugui: “I’m just curious, can the Crack Claw Crab use this thing?”

  Kuangfeng: “Not sure, but does the Crack Claw Crab have a neck?”

  Elf King Fugui: “Fuck, I didn’t notice it if you didn’t say it… It seems like it doesn’t!”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Think about it from another angle, if you can hide the collar in the Crack Claw Crab ‘s shell, wouldn’t that solve the problem of the collar being easily damaged? ”

  Fang Chang: “Fuck? ! That’s something I didn’t expect! If you can really control the Cracked Claw Crab, I feel it will be no less useful than the Death Claw!” ”

  Edge Paddling”: “+1, if you encounter a thick shell, even Iron Fist needs two shots to penetrate it. If this thing is on the battlefield, it will be a mobile bunker!” ”

  Kuangfeng”: “The key is that this thing is not slow when running, and it is also very powerful in close combat.” ”

  Ye Shi”: “It’s a tank for sure. (Funny)” “Quit

  Smoking”: “Fuck, I have a picture!” ”

  Lao Bai”: “I’ll ask the planner!!!”

  After looking through the posts on the forum, Chu Guang finally figured out why there were a lot of private messages in his backstage.

  Good guy. It

  ’s okay to ask me for a strategy.

  If I have a strategy, do I need to copy homework on the forum?

  Chu Guang thought about it and felt that it was not appropriate not to reply to so many people asking.

  It was even more inappropriate to reply to only some players.

  So he posted a post publicly and temporarily pinned it to the top for a day.

  Guang: “The pet system is still under development, so please be patient. The original intention of designing the Mind Interference Device is mainly to enhance the gaming experience of players with intelligence. After all, the strength of intelligence attributes in the current version is difficult to be directly reflected in DPS.”

  ”Regarding the gameplay of this equipment and how to maximize its advantages, please explore it yourself.”

  ”In addition, it is not only players with intelligence who have pet systems. Even without the help of the Mind Interference Device, some alien species in the wasteland can be domesticated.”

  ”The most common ones are wolves, followed by mutant hyenas, and even rats. I believe many players should have noticed that some predators or experienced hunters will tame wolves or hyenas, using their sense of smell and perception of crisis to hunt or avoid danger.”

  ”This part of the function is not exclusive to NPCs. Players can also use it, but it requires certain skills. For more gameplay of “Wasteland OL”, please explore it yourself in the game!”

  After posting the post, Chu Guang turned off the computer and went to sleep.

  These players can stay up 24 hours and practice immortality with helmets, but he can’t stand it.

  However, what Chu Guang did not expect was that almost at the same time when his post was sent out, the players who were still discussing “Which is stronger, the Cracked Claw Crab or the Death Claw” and “Let’s cut the intelligence system” were instantly excited.

  Tail: “!!! Then Tail can have two big bears!”

  Sisi: “Surprised, Awei wants to step on two bears.”

  Quit Smoking: “Awesome! So players of other systems can also raise pets?!”

  Irena: “The Imperial Barbarian Cavalry is online. (Funny)”

  Canyon Escape Mole: “Although I have guessed it before, it has never been confirmed… Since the planner said so, it should be possible.”

  Forced: “Speaking of which, can alien players also raise aliens? Or can I only raise mice. TT” Fang

  Chang: “I suddenly have a bold idea…”

  Ye Shi: “If you don’t understand, just ask. Is it a serious idea? (Funny)”

  Fang Chang: “? I don’t understand what you are saying, but… I may need the cooperation of Garbage Jun.”

  Garbage Picking Level 99: “Fuck, what do you want to do?”

  Fang Chang: “Talk online. (Squinting smile)”

  Garbage Picking Level 99: “???”

  (Today I have only written 6K words. I have adjusted my work and rest schedule. My thinking is slow at night and my efficiency in typing is too low. I used to write 6K words in the afternoon and 6K words at night and go to bed at 12 o’clock. But if something happens one day, my rhythm may be messed up. I have updated 210,000 words this month and should be able to reach 250,000 words by the end of the month to prove that I am not lazy and I really don’t play games… QAQ)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode