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Chapter 239: Methods of taming alien species and preparations for spring plowing!

Chapter 239: Methods of taming alien species and preparations for spring plowing!

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 239: Methods for taming alien species and preparations for spring ploughing!

  Three full days have passed since the planner drew a big picture about the “pet system” on the forum.

  So far, apart from a few hundred posts on the forum about pet raising, no player has successfully tamed alien species on the wasteland.

  However, it cannot be said that there is no gain at all.

  At least during this period, Chu Guang saw many new species that he had never seen before at the market at the north gate…

  in the square in front of the sanatorium.

  Looking at the commander of the spring water who came back from outside, who was working with the construction team, he smiled and teased.

  ”Brother Quanshui, did you catch the death claw?”

  Recently, the outpost base has been under construction, and the entire north of the resurrection point has become a large construction site. On the one hand, many players have been promoted to intermediate citizens, and the area of ​​land allowed to be purchased has been expanded to 50 square meters. On the other hand, more and more NPCs have settled nearby.

  As the chief architect of Wasteland OL, his construction skill proficiency has been brushed to level 6!

  It is said that you can unlock achievements at level 10, and you can enter the Hall of Fame when you reach the maximum level of your first skill proficiency. However, it is getting harder and harder to upgrade from level 5.

  The commander of the fountain has not spoken yet, and the battlefield atmosphere group next to him cursed.

  ”Catch a chicken, wandering around all day, killing six dogs! Killing a lot of cockroaches and blood sucking insects, but not seeing a shadow of a death claw!”

  The commander of the fountain also sighed.

  ”It’s too difficult, I can’t find it at all.”

  ”I clearly followed the official strategy and touched several landmarks on the map where death claws may appear. As a result, I found a lot of strange things, but I can’t find death claws!”

  For example, the water treatment station they went to today has a collapsed structure, which is 20 meters below the surface, with a radiation index in the medium threat range. There is an abandoned backup reactor, and it stands to reason that there should be death claws nesting there.

  However, when they went there, they found that in addition to some blood sucking flies as big as washbasins and cockroaches crawling all over the ground, there were only stupid gnawers.

  Fortunately, due to the high activity of the alien species, there are still some materials that can be recycled.

  After clearing the alien species there, the silver coins and contribution points rewarded for reporting the resource point are not bad, which makes them a small profit.

  Otherwise, they might not even make back the money for the bullets.

  Although the spring and the battlefield man looked depressed, I was the darkest one next to them, and my face was full of joy.

  ”Awesome! Hahahaha! I finally reached level 6!”

  ”MMP, this game is too difficult to upgrade!”

  On the other side.

  There was a big circle of people in front of the market at the north gate.

  Qiuye, who was sitting next to her sister, looked in the direction of the crowd curiously.

  There was a big crab lying there, and the tall shell was covered with dirty mud and algae.

  Qiuye recognized what the big guy was at a glance, and his saliva flowed down, and he pointed over there excitedly and said.

  ”Sister! Look over there!”

  Crab cakes!

  Crab mashed potatoes!

  And crab roe noodles!

  There will definitely be a lot of delicious food at the market in the next week!

  Looking in the direction pointed by her sister, Qiu Cao’s face was also full of surprise.

  In her cognition, the split-claw crab is a very dangerous alien species. Even the bravest warriors and hunters in the tribe will not hunt it.

  These blue coats are so strong that they can include such a terrifying monster in their diet and hunt one after another…

  It would be great if they could bring one back to the village.

  Just as the two sisters were sighing in their hearts, they didn’t know that these little players didn’t actually want to kill this thing at all.

  Instead, they planned to catch it as a pet.

  It’s just a pity that this crab is too difficult to deal with!

  Like most arthropods, it can maintain a strong fighting spirit when it is awake until its life is completely ended.

  Even if its legs are blown off and its shell is entangled by the devil’s silk, it still waves its big claws and attacks people who approach it quickly.

  In desperation, in order to reduce losses, Edgewater could only use an anti-armor wooden-handled grenade to kill the big guy that he had finally found.

  At this moment, standing next to the big crab, Edgewater was bargaining with Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes.

  The body of a split-claw crab can be sold for 400 silver, which is the purchase price of the NPC warehouse, and is basically the market’s guide price or bottom price.

  At the market at the north gate, if other players buy it, it is normal to float up 3% to 10%.

  Unless it is a particularly popular prey, it is difficult to increase by more than 20%.

  By the way, due to the decline in inventory, the price of the Iron Fist Bazooka has recently risen to 80 silver coins, and it is estimated that it will rise to 100 silver coins before it stops. Due to

  the post of Brother Mole, which describes the weaknesses of the split-claw crab in detail, many gamblers have been born among the newbies recently.

  That is, save 80 silver coins to buy a Iron Fist Bazooka, find the split-claw crab hibernating in the cave, and then shoot it in the head.

  If you can hit the forehead, or even the side of the head, it is more than enough to kill the prey in one shot, and it can also ensure the integrity of the prey.

  This sounds like a good opportunity to make a fortune.

  But on the other hand, if you miss this shot, or accidentally wake up the split-claw crab,

  there is a chance that you will work for several days in vain…

  ”…410 silver, no more, I can’t afford it if it’s more expensive.” Hearing the 450 silver offer from the edge of the water, the tomato scrambled eggs shook their heads and gave their own price.

  When they heard that their price was cut by 40 silver, the edge of the water couldn’t help but say.

  ”Fuck! You thick-browed and big-eyed guy, when did you become as picky as a mosquito!”

  The debt-ridden big-eyed also echoed.

  ”That’s right! A crab cake can be sold for 2 silver coins! This crab weighs at least one or two tons, so it’s okay to get 100 kilograms of crab meat, right? It’s not too much to make 1,000 crab cakes, right?”

  The boy and the brick on the construction site: “Damn, I can sell it for 2,000 silver coins! I got an exoskeleton! Too dark, too dark.”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes rolled his eyes.

  ”Do you think green wheat doesn’t cost money? Seasoning doesn’t cost money? Do you think people will buy what you make?”

  ”And it’s not that exaggerated. It’s enough to get 90 kilograms of crab meat. It’s not autumn now.”

  But there was one thing he didn’t tell the truth.

  Crab cakes are actually quite easy to sell.

  After all, not all players will go back to the base to eat, especially at noon, most people eat outside.

  Generally, new players, who don’t have much money in their pockets, will take a piece of wheat cake or dried meat before going out, soak it in water and eat it, and some hardcore players choose to eat it directly.

  This way of eating is not delicious, and there is almost no taste. At most, it can fill the stomach and prevent the debuff of low blood sugar from weakening the combat power.

  Old players with relatively affluent economy will choose to spend one or two more silver coins to buy some food such as steamed buns, steamed buns, and meat sandwiches, which are convenient, delicious, and more balanced in nutrition. To maintain a healthy body for a long time, you can also get a strong buff bonus of 1~5% attribute improvement.

  Crab cakes born in the celebration are also a good choice. Whether it is sandwiched in bread or eaten directly, it can provide a lot of calories, and the taste is also quite good.

  Even for the awakened who are a big eater per capita, two 200g crab cakes are basically enough. Strength players may have a bigger appetite, but basically three cakes can feed them.

  In the end, the big crab was sold for 420 silver coins.

  The four people on the edge of the water each got 105 silver coins. Even after deducting the ammunition consumed, the income was still considerable.

  Scrambled eggs with tomatoes were not idle either. They took out pliers, hammers and steel nails, ready to start working on the crab shell and get the crab meat out.

  Some professional life players and natives squatted nearby and watched curiously, ready to pick some crab shells with good shapes, spend one or two silver coins to buy them back and use them as armor.

  A piece of crab shell as thick as a thumb can block three 7mm bullets at a distance of 100m.

  If it is broken and wrapped with devil’s wire, it can be made into small pieces of lining and stuffed into clothes, and it can even produce the effect of a composite bulletproof plate!

  This unique equipment is also unique to the wasteland.

  At this time, Brother Mosquito suddenly came over and asked Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes who was processing the cracked claw crab.

  ”Brother, is your crab shell still useful?”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes was stunned.

  ”Crab shells? They are useless… What do you want these things for?”

  Mosquito chuckled.

  ”Of course they are useful to me. How about selling them to me for 10 silver coins?”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes rolled his eyes.

  ”Get lost. At least 50 silver coins. Otherwise, forget it.”

  Mosquito: “Fuck! You can’t use it!”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes said unhappily: “Can I sell it to someone else? Ask the people around you to see if anyone wants it.”

  Mosquito was regretful for not getting a bargain, but he still paid for it in the end.

  The surrounding players saw this and immediately realized that their materials were intercepted by Mosquitoes, and they all dispersed with curses.

  Only the natives were still waiting there, not knowing what happened.

  ”Let me make a deal first. Don’t damage the shells in front. These shells are all mine now.”

  Looking at the painful face of Mosquitoes, Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes said with a smile.

  ”Don’t worry, you know my skills. But then again, what’s the point of having so many crab shells? Even if they are strong enough, they are not as good as steel, right?”

  ”You don’t understand this,” Mosquito said with a grin, “Steel is so expensive. One ton of steel costs several thousand silver coins! The strength of this crab shell is not much worse than steel. The only disadvantage is that it is heavier, but it’s not a big problem!”

  ”This natural composite material has been tested in actual combat for its defense against light weapons! I plan to install an engine on it to drive a few mechanical legs, and then install a gun barrel in front and a machine gun on its back. Isn’t it much more powerful than a living split-claw crab?”

  After hearing this, the scrambled eggs with tomatoes were stunned on the spot, looking at the mosquito with a surprised face.

  ”Fuck…you are too cruel, aren’t you?”

  Mosquito smiled and said modestly.

  ”Low-key, low-key.”


  Just as the players were thinking about how to make the best use of the alien species that could not be tamed, their dearest planners were also thinking of ways for them.

  Brick factory of cattle and horses.

  Chu Guang quickly found the previously captured Gray Wolf through the foreman Yang Ergou.

  This guy surrendered voluntarily and gave the information about the Lion Fang Thousand Man Team, and won leniency. Although the punishment and labor could not be exempted, playing in the mud was a little easier.

  When Chu Guang called him over, Gray Wolf was a little nervous.

  After all, the body of Black Snake was still hanging at the north gate.

  Although he was not a subordinate of Black Snake, he was still panicking.

  However, after hearing Chu Guang’s intention, Gray Wolf felt a little relieved.

  At least he was still useful to these people.

  It shouldn’t be like Black Snake…

  ”For alien species like hyenas and wolves, it is difficult to remove their wildness through ordinary domestication methods. If you want to completely tame them, you have to start training from cubs.”

  Chu Guang thought for a moment and asked.

  ”How long does it take for a mutant hyena to grow up?”

  Gray Wolf replied.

  ”One and a half years, or two years.”

  It takes at least one and a half years…

  It grows faster than the clones of the legion, but this time is too long.

  Moreover, it is difficult for a single hyena to form an effective fighting force. It is

  only stronger than mutant rats and cockroaches, or it can bully brainless gnawers. The mutant snow wolf is slightly stronger, but the average fighting power is only at the level of LV3. A few individuals can reach LV5, and they are also alpha wolves.

  Spending two years, investing a lot of food and energy, to cultivate a LV3 fighting power is indeed too uneconomical from a cost perspective.

  Pets are really just pets.

  It is still a bit difficult to use them as combat pets.

  Chu Guang continued to ask.

  ”Is there any way to tame adult hyenas or wild wolves?”

  The gray wolf looked a little embarrassed and nodded reluctantly.

  ”Yes, but it’s not easy… and if the wildness cannot be eliminated, it’s difficult to make them work.”

  ”It doesn’t matter, as long as there is a way.”

  Chu Guang threw him a VM, which did not have a task release function, but only unlocked the recording function.

  ”You can dictate the methods and experience of taming and raising wild beasts. If it can be used, your sentence can be reduced.”

  The gray wolf was delighted and said immediately.

  ”Don’t worry, sir! I will tell you everything I know!”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”That’s better.”

  Later, he will ask Xiao Qi to organize the contents of the recording into notes and update the database on the official website, which should provide some reference for his little players.

  In fact, compared with hyenas and wolves, he expects his little players to tame some more powerful alien species.

  Chu Guang believes that as long as they are given enough time, with their intelligence and imagination, there must be a way to do it.


  A week has passed since the “Spring Thunder” operation, and the sunny days in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City are still continuing. The last heavy snow seems to have been two weeks ago.

  The snow that was knee-deep yesterday can only cover the calves today.

  Everyone can feel that the cold winter is fading.

  The frozen life is reviving.

  However, the threat from the north has not been lifted.

  For the upcoming war, both the players and the survivors in the northern suburbs are seizing the time to prepare for the war.

  However, as a manager, Chu Guang has to consider not only military issues at this moment.

  There is also next year’s food production.

  More and more facts and evidence have proved that after awakening, players not only have strong combat power, but also have amazing appetite.

  In fact, not only after awakening, the food consumed by the original players is 1.5~2 times that of the natives. As the level increases, it can even reach an astonishing 3 times after reaching LV10.

  Chu Guang didn’t know what to complain for a while. Was it because the natives were too tight on money, or was it because his players were too greedy?

  If it weren’t for the express delivery from Black Snake, the little surplus food in the warehouse might not last until the corn in the greenhouse ruins is ripe by the end of next month.

  In order to recruit more players into the game.

  The reclamation of the wasteland north of Linghu Lake must be put on the agenda as soon as possible!

  In the meeting room of Changjiu Farm, Luca meticulously reported the work situation to Chu Guang who came to inspect the work.

  ”Sir, spring ploughing is about to begin. Although we have enough rifles, we can’t use bayonets and rifle butts to plow the land.”

  ”Those slaves… I mean the prisoners of war. Although they can undertake the most severe land reclamation work, it is too inefficient to dig the land with sticks and hands. Even if they are exhausted to death in the fields, they can’t complete the production task.”

  ”We need at least 1,200 sets of farm tools, including hoes, rakes, shovels, and some sowing plows, as well as transportation tools such as wheelbarrows. Since there are not enough livestock, we may have to use manpower instead.”

  Chu Guang thought for a moment and asked.

  ”How much do we have in stock?”

  Luca said with a wry smile.

  ”Sir, how can we have any inventory… The entire industrial zone’s entire production capacity is used to produce arms. The only 120 sets of tools were brought from several survivors’ settlements such as Highway Town, but their tools are of poor quality, and less than half of them are made of iron.”

  Hearing the helplessness in Luca’s tone, Chu Guang was a little embarrassed.

  The external survival pressure is there. He admitted that he did use military force a little bit some time ago, but there was nothing he could do about it.

  Besides, this is not a bad thing.

  The military industry has driven the production capacity of steel. If the production capacity of steel is increased, wouldn’t it be easy to make a few farm tools?

  ”I will find a way to do this,” Chu Guang thought for a moment and promised, “I will try to get 300 sets of tools needed for land reclamation within a week, and strive to fill all the gaps before the end of the month. What about our neighbors? Is there a way to borrow some from them?”

  Luca thought for a while and said.

  ”Brown Farm should have it, but I’m afraid it’s not enough. In my impression, even if the indoor planting area is counted, their cultivated land area is less than 400 acres.”

  400 acres…

  Chu Guang shook his head.

  ”Too little.”

  There are more than 100 square kilometers of wasteland from the north of Linghu to the forest area of ​​​​Yumu District, which is equivalent to 150,000 acres.

  400 acres is enough to fill the gap.

  In Chu Guang’s plan, the first phase of the planned cultivated land area is 30,000 acres, ensuring that it can feed at least 30,000 people and produce a part of cash crops to supply the raw materials such as plant fiber, oil, rubber, etc. required by the industrial zone.

  It’s not just a shortage of tools.

  Manpower is also a big problem.

  In the absence of automated equipment, we can only use manpower to pile up. It is roughly estimated that at least 1,000 to 3,000 people are needed to reclaim the 30,000 acres of land.

  There are currently nearly 700 prisoners of war that can be mobilized. There

  are more than 1,500 people in the refugee camp, but the young and middle-aged labor force may only account for 50%, and some of them have been absorbed by the industrial zone. The reason

  why the rifles and bullets in the hands of players can be sold so cheaply is inseparable from the sweat of these people on the assembly line.

  Children under the age of 12 are useless. Even if women and the elderly who can work are put into production, it is estimated that only 400 to 500 people can be gathered.

  After a moment of silence, Chu Guang thought.

  ”We can assign part of the production tasks to players who like farming and design a unique farming career gameplay.”

  ”If the effect is good, you can apply for more land.”

  But farming is a technical job.

  And it requires patience.

  Farming in “Wasteland OL” is still very different from Penguin Farm.

  Planting and harvesting vegetables is not a matter of clicking the mouse twice. Not only do you have to sow the seeds, but you also have to water, fertilize, and remove insects regularly, as well as drive away the unique alien species in the wasteland and guard against extreme weather in the wasteland.

  The climate in the wasteland is not as good as in reality.

  Even in the suburbs with low radioactivity, two clouds of unusual colors occasionally float across the sky. It’s okay when it doesn’t rain, but it will be very bad when it rains…

  After listening to Luca’s report, Chu Guang continued to look at Wrench who was waiting on the side. From the expression on his face, he should have good news to tell him.

  Without waiting for the administrator to ask, Wrench saw that Luca had finally finished speaking, and immediately stepped forward and took the initiative to speak.

  ”My lord, I also have an important thing to report to you!”

  ”Say it.”

  Restraining the joy in his heart, Wrench said excitedly.

  ”The predators stationed in Yuanxi Town have withdrawn!”


  Chu Guang was slightly stunned, and then his face changed.


  Let these dogs run away!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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