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Chapter 241 expansion pack is online! A visit from an old friend

Chapter 241 expansion pack is online! A visit from an old friend


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 241 expansion pack is online! A visit with an old friend

  [New expansion pack: “Swords into Plowshares”]

  [Introduction: Winter is coming to an end, and the season of recovery is coming. Now is the critical period for spring farming and preparation for farming. Only by ensuring the food supply for the coming year can we awaken more compatriots to go to the surface and carry out the next stage of work. ]

  [Content: From now on, “Wasteland OL” will open a series of tasks including farming, management and other related elements. Players can receive them through VM or find NPCs such as Luca, Guo Niu, and Guo Ma. Complete tasks with expansion pack labels to get activity points.

  After the expansion pack is over, the points can be used for lottery, redemption of expansion pack limited titles, special rewards, and agricultural land! ]

  Happiness comes too suddenly.

  Without the slightest sign, not even a promotional PV, the Alpha1.0 version and the new expansion pack suddenly appeared on the bulletin board of the “Wasteland OL” official website. Almost

  at the same time as the announcement was released, the little players squatting on the official website to share today’s game experience, as well as the daily sand sculpture netizens, instantly boiled!

  In less than a minute, hundreds of comments popped up under the announcement.

  Tail: “!!!”

  Quit Smoking: “New expansion pack?! Awesome!”

  Makabazi: “Swords into plowshares?! Activity points can be exchanged for land?! Damn, my DNA moved!!”

  Spare the Life: “Life Pro players are ecstatic!”

  Teng Teng: “Woo woo woo, finally waited for the expansion pack for Life Pro players, I can’t help with the battles at all. QAQ” Ya Ya : “It doesn’t matter! Leave the battles to Ya Ya, Teng Teng will be responsible for making nice clothes! (@≥︶≤@)”

  Ye Shi: “Ask if you don’t understand, Ya

  Ya will be in charge of making nice clothes! (@≥︶≤@)”

Boss, have you ever been to the frontline? (Funny)”

  Ya Ya: “??? Are you polite?”

  Debt Eyes: “Wait a minute, the first two expansions ‘Winter is Coming’ and ‘Land Sailing’, which expansion version answer is not Life Professional Player! ? ”

  I’m the Darkest: “That’s it! Don’t even think about tampering with your memory! Combat Professional Players also need expansion packs! (Furious)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Please planner, swipe another wave of predators! I just saved up money to buy an exoskeleton and spent money to make a bulletproof, and you told me that those predators ran away TT “TT”

  Spring Director: “I knew it, I took the money to buy a tractor, right? Fortunately, I saved it.”

  The predators probably can’t afford

  clothes (funny) ” Professor Yang of Thunder and

  Dharma:” Well,

  are you too young, will there be no surplus value? Yun player “” “Come to our brick factory to work, we hire you to be the




  Many players have started to share their experience of growing vegetables on the forum, and hardcore players have even posted the design drawings of agricultural machinery on the forum.

  Although most of these posts have gone astray in the end and become Versailles about how many acres of land one has at home, there are still many experiences worth learning from that have been preserved.

  I believe it will come in handy in the upcoming spring ploughing.

  If it weren’t for the fact that the characters in the game also have to sleep and go to work in reality, many players would have already put on helmets and run to work on the line.

  There are also those newbies who have obtained the closed beta qualification, and they are ecstatic and have given their acceptance speeches.

  As for the cloud players who didn’t get the closed beta qualification…

  Although Chu Guang is also anxious for them, there is nothing he can do about this kind of thing.

  It’s true

  that he is a real planner. But the game is not a real game. Even a wishing machine like the “black box” needs to consume electricity and materials to produce a hibernation capsule, and the maximum output per day is only 24 units.

  It’s impossible to make something that doesn’t exist out of thin air.

  At present, there are nearly 100,000 players who have made reservations, but there are only 300 remaining cultivation chambers. Even if Chu Guang opens all these cans, the probability of players winning is only 0.3%. It

  is impossible to get everyone into the game.

  Moreover, when the number of foreign immigrants exceeds the limit of social tolerance, it may not be a good thing.

  Just like the refugees in the wasteland, if they cannot be digested in a short period of time, they will become destroyers of existing rules and obstacles to development.

  This is also one of the reasons why most online games on Steam cannot be played during discount seasons and free weeks.

  After reading all the hot posts on the forum, Chu Guang thought for a while and updated the “Developer Log” as usual.

  Although the players are very diligent, in order to let the players enjoy the fun of the game better, and to appease the combat professional players who feel abandoned by the version, Chu Guang feels that it is necessary to talk to the players about this new version as a planner.

  Guang: “Hello everyone, I am your most beloved planner A Guang. The planning department was quite peaceful last month. No one was sacrificed this time, but that’s not important. What’s important is that after working overtime for a whole winter, we finally got the Alpha 1.0 version!”

  ”Thank you to all the closed beta players for their continued efforts and support. Thank you to all the programmers who worked overtime until they were bald, and the NPCs who risked their lives to screw screws on the assembly line. Without your tireless efforts, we would not have achieved what we have now.”

  ”Developing a game is not an easy task, especially such an epoch-making game. We are now in and will be in the early stages of game development for a long time.”

  ”Building a utopian virtual community is not an easy task. It requires our joint efforts. This time may be very long, maybe three years, maybe five years, but we promise that it will not be longer than the next door “Painted Citizens”, “The Elder Scrolls 6” and Tianguo’s “Give Him Love 6″, and we promise that we will never put semi-finished products on the shelves, cut a wave of leeks and turn around and run away.”

  ”I believe that many players should have discovered that the content of the new expansion pack is basically concentrated on the two words “management.”

  ”We hope to build an economic system that is close to reality in this way. We hope that every player and NPC can play different roles in this system that simulates reality, undertake different social divisions of labor, and become the builder of this virtual community.”

  ”It may sound a bit idealistic, but we think it’s worth a try.”


  The next day.

  Before dawn, a large number of players rushed to Changjiu Farm excitedly and surrounded the warehouse in a dark circle.

  Looking at the residents of the shelter who were gathered in front of the warehouse, Luca, who had just woken up, thought something had happened and was dumbfounded.

  ”Is there anything I can help with?”

  ”Let’s be frank, I’m here to do a quest!”

  ”Field! Where is the field?”

  ”My hoe is thirsty!”

  Although he didn’t understand what the players were saying at all, Luca soon realized that this might be the arrangement of the administrator.

  So he immediately opened the VM and took a look.

  Sure enough, it was true!

  These residents of the shelter are all here to help!

  After reading the instructions of the administrator, Old Luca was moved and couldn’t help but look at the players who were gathered at the door of the warehouse.

  It’s hard not to admire this spirit of dedication and hard work.

  In a solemn and serious tone, Old Luca spoke.

  ”We need to plant the seeds in the spring, and before planting the seeds, we need to clear the weeds in the ground, level the land, drive out the alien species active in this area, and destroy their nests.”

  ”Thank you, we are short of manpower now, you came at the right time!”

  ”Please bring your tools and follow me!”

  After saying that, Old Luca walked in front and led the players to the open space on the west side of Changjiu Farm.

  The terrain here is relatively flat and close to the warehouse, which is also a relatively easy area to reclaim.

  In the plan of the manager, this land belongs to the collective ownership of the shelter, and will be cultivated by hired farmers later. The harvested grain will be put into the granary as a strategic reserve to balance the grain price in the market.

  Further west is the land planned to be contracted to private individuals, and further away is the area that the prisoners of war are responsible for reclamation.

  After arriving at the destination, the specific reclamation tasks were quickly refreshed on the player’s VM, and the area responsible for each player or team was also marked on the map. For

  every acre of arable land opened up, 100 activity reward points can be obtained.

  After the expansion is over, you only need to spend at least 300 activity points to redeem an acre of your own land, on which you can plant anything you want, as long as the use of the land is not changed.

  If you spend more points, you can also buy fertile land by Linghu Lake.

  Under the temptation of land, players’ enthusiasm for

  land reclamation can be said to be unprecedentedly high. Especially watching the proficiency of farming skills rise, many people work harder.

  Use awakeners to cultivate the land.

  Such a luxury is unique in Qingquan City.

  But even so, land reclamation is still not an easy task .

  The first thing is to clear the weeds.

  Ordinary grass is easy to say, but if you encounter shrubs and old tree roots, you have to saw and smash them, and dig out the roots.

  And weeding alone is not enough, you have to level the land.

  This includes digging out the soil from high places, carrying it to low-lying places with a load to fill it up, and then piling up the ridges, getting fertilizer or manure to pile in the fields.

  When spring comes, the land will have to be plowed again, large pieces of soil will be broken up, concrete slag and undegraded garbage buried in the soil will be picked out, and then fences will be built around to prevent small animals from running in and eating the seeds in the wheat field.

  Fortunately, the area around Qingquan City is a plain. Generally, the survivors can dig out two or three acres of land in one autumn, which is considered good.

  But that was autumn.

  If you happen to catch up with a cold winter, it will snow just after you harvest the crops in the field, which will be torture.

  Not to mention that the snow has not melted yet, even if it melts, the soil in the field is frozen hard.

  A hoe will only leave a white mark, like hitting the wall, and there will be no reaction except that the hand is shaken.

  Therefore, if you want to open up wasteland in winter, it is not enough to use a hoe, you have to change to the pickaxe head used to knock stones.

  It can be said to be quite real.


  In the evening.

  Sitting beside the ridge of the field, carrying a pickaxe and a hoe, Ye Shi said breathlessly.

  ”Damn it, I have to trouble my roommate to bring me food, and I have to catch up with people on the way to take out the trash, but I actually did farm work for a whole day!”

  The initial strength of the perception system is usually 5, and it can reach 7 after awakening, which is equivalent to 140% of the average value of normal adult males, which is slightly stronger than the intelligence system.

  However, he was still exhausted.

  The fatigue debuff has appeared on the VM, and his hands and legs feel like they are filled with lead.

  If it were in reality, it would not be as simple as being tired, and the muscles would probably start to hurt!

  But on the other hand, this day was not without gains.

  He worked a full acre of land by himself, and his proficiency in farming skills directly increased to two levels. He only needed one level to unlock the first achievement under the farming skills.

  Old Bai, who was also exhausted, carried the hoe on his shoulder and took a breath and said.

  ”I have done it before, but I have never used such primitive tools.”

  He was probably the most capable person in the cattle and horse team, working three acres of land by himself.

  This is basically equivalent to five times the work efficiency of the refugees!

  Ye Shi looked at him curiously and asked.

  ”By the way, Lao Bai, what do you do in reality? How can you make bricks, burn charcoal, and do farm work?”

  Lao Bai smiled and said.

  ”Didn’t I say that my hometown is in the countryside, and when I was a child, I occasionally helped my family with some work. It has nothing to do with now. There are not many people farming in my hometown, and I have almost forgotten it, but I miss it when I experience it occasionally.”

  Ye Shi said “oh” twice, and nodded as if he understood.

  He grew up in the city since he was a child, but he didn’t know much about these.

  Kuang Feng, who walked to sit next to him, wiped his sweat, looked at the fruits of his labor in front of him, squinted his eyes and said.

  ”It won’t work if we keep doing it until the end of time… We must improve our tools.”

  Fang Chang nodded in agreement.

  ”Indeed, sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. If we keep on working so hard, we may not be able to get 10 acres by the end of the month.”

  Ye Shi looked at them and asked.

  ”Do you two have any good ideas?”

  Fang Chang and Kuang Feng looked at each other, and the latter nodded and said.

  ”Wait for three more days. I have a friend who just got the closed beta qualification, and he should be able to help when the time comes.”

  Ye Shi asked curiously.

  ”Who? Male or female? What kind of friend?”

  Kuang Feng didn’t bother to pay attention to this guy.

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Professor Wang from the Engineering Academy next door, who is in the field of mechanical engineering and automation.”

  ”He knows more about application knowledge than I do.”


  Two days have passed since the new expansion was launched.

  At present, at least two-thirds of the 800 players in the server have participated in the land reclamation work.

  As for the remaining one-third of the players, even if they have no interest in “100% real farming” and don’t want to brush up their farming skills, they still indirectly support the land reclamation work in other forms.

  For example, the No. 81 Steel Plant.

  In just two days, 500 sets of steel structure components for agricultural tools were produced through mold casting.

  After the small workshops in the industrial zone rushed to produce, wooden handles were installed on tools such as hoes and pickaxes. The first batch of tools was quickly delivered to the front line, replacing those inefficient and poor-quality wooden and stone tools.

  For example, there is a mosquito in WC.

  Brother Mosquito has made another contribution this time.

  He slightly modified the Hell Breath, increased the output power of the pot camel machine, and made a simple tractor.

  Not only can it transport goods, he also installed a harrow for plowing land on the back of the tractor.

  This thing can help a lot.

  However, Mosquito is not very kind. Seeing that no one bought the price of 2,000 silver coins, he immediately started a rental business.

  10 silver coins for one hour, 50 silver coins for a day.

  The players cried out that it was a rip-off, but in order to improve efficiency, they still paid the money.

  Seeing that the money was too easy to make, the No. 81 Steel Plant next to it immediately started to imitate it, and also made a prototype, saying that it only cost 40 silver coins to rent it for a day.

  Chu Guang ordered 10 units from each of the two companies, asking for 2,000 silver coins each, and required delivery before the end of the month.

  After completing the order, he can also get 5,000 points of regional reputation of Changjiu Farm and 500 contribution points.

  Faced with an order worth 20,000 silver coins, Mosquito and the two factory managers of Factory 81 immediately told Chu Guang that they would work overtime to produce and deliver the equipment in the order as soon as possible.

  In addition to the tasks for life professional players, there are also some tasks for combat professional players.

  For example, hunting mutant wild boars, destroying hyena nests, building fences, etc.

  The evening of the second day after the expansion was launched.

  At the door of the Changjiu Farm warehouse.

  Facing Chu Guang who came to inspect the work, Luca excitedly reported to him the progress of the land reclamation work.

  ”Sir, in the past 48 hours, your residents have reclaimed 1,000 acres of wasteland!”

  ”At this rate, it won’t even take until the end of the month. At most 15 days, we can complete the target of 10,000 acres of wasteland!”

  When saying this, Luca’s face was filled with incredible joy.

  He originally thought that the residents of the shelter could not adapt to such high-intensity labor, but he did not expect that they were much more capable than he imagined. In just two days, they completed one-tenth of the expected goal.

  According to the plan of the administrator, the first batch of arable land is planned to be 30,000 acres.

  Among them, 10,000 acres will be completed by the residents of the shelter, and the remaining 20,000 acres will be half taken by prisoners of war and half by refugees.

  Maybe this year’s land reclamation work can even be completed in excess!

  Although the seeds have not been planted yet, he seems to have seen the golden and full granaries!

  Chu Guang did not feel any surprise about Luca’s report.

  The main reason is that he has never worked in the fields and is not sure whether it is difficult to reclaim land.

  ”1,000 acres… Based on 600 people, it means an average of 0.8 acres per person per day?”

  Touching his chin, Chu Guang thought for a moment and said.

  ”Is this fast or slow?”

  ”Sir, this speed is already very fast!”

  Listening to the Versailles speech of the administrator, old Luca couldn’t help sweating and explained.

  ”Reclaiming wasteland is different from farming. It’s a lot of work, especially now that the snow hasn’t completely melted. We have to turn the snow out of the ground first.”

  ”By the middle of the month or even the end of the month, our progress will be faster!”

  Chu Guang nodded and said with relief.

  ”Thank you for your hard work!”

  Hearing the manager’s praise, Old Luca’s face flushed with pride and said respectfully.

  ”I didn’t have much trouble, but your residents are really capable.”

  ”By the way, now that the blizzard has stopped, the refugees who were placed in the abandoned department store can gradually move back to the farm. We can’t keep them for nothing.”

  Chu Guang nodded and said.

  ”Well, after a whole winter of rest, it’s time to find something for them to do.”

  After inspecting the spring plowing work, Chu Guang walked around the warehouse and was about to go to the guard to see the training of the new recruits.

  However, at this moment, he suddenly received a communication request from the outpost.

  The communication was connected.

  Before Chu Guang could ask what was going on, Liu Ding’s voice immediately came from the other end of the headset.

  ”Sir, a caravan has arrived from the south of the wetland park. They are now parked at the south gate of the wetland park!”

  ”Caravan from the south?” Chu Guang’s face was filled with surprise, and he immediately continued to ask, “Are they from Boulder City?”

  ”Yes…” Liu Ding said cautiously, “The owner of this caravan is named Lister. He claims to have met you once and wants to meet you.”


  Hearing this familiar name, Chu Guang was stunned at first, and then an expression of interest appeared on his face.

  Good guy.

  I finally waited for you!

  Chu Guang still hasn’t forgotten the oath he made at the beginning.

  Wait for this guy to come here next time.

  I must kill him hard!

  With a happy smile on his face, Chu Guang continued to speak in a pleasant manner.

  ”Liszt, that’s my old friend.”

  ”Invite him to the reception room and prepare tea and other things.”

  ”Tell him I’ll be there in a moment!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode