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Chapter 245 The correct use of rat man!

Chapter 245 The correct use of rat man!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 245 The Correct Use of Rat People!

  Changjiu Farm.

  A fat rat was following a little rat, leading the other rats through the wasteland covered with a thin layer of snow.

  Soon, the little rat leading the way stopped beside the ridge of the field, stood beside a bunch of frozen bushes, and squeaked at the big rat, with a face full of grievance and hurt.

  ”Is it here?”

  The fat rat lazily said a human word, leaned forward to take a look, and saw the hole for air circulation hidden under the bushes, so he dug with his two front paws and soon dug out a groundhog that had not yet woken up from the hole. The groundhog that

  was pulled out was full of anger, and just when he wanted to see which stupid thing disturbed his hibernation, he was frightened by the big face in front of him.

  Ah ah ah!

  What the hell is this?

  Before it could react, the fat rat slapped it and hit it on the head, making it dizzy.

  Seeing this, the mice nearby cheered excitedly and squeaked, just like the little monkeys on the Flower and Fruit Mountain.

  Qiangren Suonan couldn’t understand what those “kinds” were saying, but he could feel that the mice were cheering for him, so he fought harder.

  This was a tough time for the groundhog.

  At first, he wanted to resist, but soon found that he was no match for the one-meter-tall mouse in terms of physique and strength, so he had to roll on the snow, turn over his belly, and squeak for mercy.

  ”Do you accept it? Hmm? I’m asking you if you accept it?”

  Qiangren Suonan pressed its head, bared his front teeth, and made dangerous threatening sounds.

  ”Chirp, chirp!” The groundhog turned over his belly, dared not resist anymore, and just begged for mercy.

  It seems that he accepted it.

  After reading the look in his eyes, Qiangren Suonan loosened his claws contentedly.

  But why does the sound of this groundhog sound like a dog?

  Is it a game setting?

  He stepped on the groundhog’s belly with one foot, looked down on the surrounding mice, and said with great momentum, regardless of whether they could understand him or not.

  ”This guy is now defeated by me, and he will be my little brother in the future.”

  ”If anyone else bullies you, take me to find it.”

  ”The big horned rat will stand up for you!”

  Looking at the big rat showing off his power, the mice cheered and worshiped.

  Although its cry was a bit strange, like those damned humans, it didn’t matter.

  To them, this ugly beast was the strongest of this generation.

  Whoever can defeat it will be their king!

  The groundhog felt very aggrieved. He was sleeping soundly, but he was inexplicably beaten for the first time in the new year.

  Was this done by a mouse? It’s

  totally unethical!

  In this way, another member of the mouse army was added. The last time it came in was a mutant squirrel, and this time it was a groundhog.

  Walking in front of more than 20 mice, Qiangrensunan led them and walked proudly through the newly piled ridges, starting to look for the next target.

  This is the method he recently discovered. It is

  actually very simple to tame these little beasts. Just beat them, beat them until their bellies are exposed, and beat them until they beg for mercy.

  In the animal world, fists are king. No matter how much nonsense you say, it is useless. The mice don’t understand it. Instead, they think it’s noisy.

  Look at the eyes of the female mice behind.

  It’s more than admiration, there is light in their eyes!

  Thinking back to the treatment he received when he first entered the game, Qiangrensunan couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

  Alas, the world of alien species is still simple.

  Human stuff, die!

  Makabazi, who was plowing the field, found the mice beside the ridge. Just as he was about to thank nature for the gift, he suddenly recognized that the fat mouse leading the group was Qiangrensunan, so he loosened his hand on his waist and laughed and teased.

  ”Brother Nan, what are you doing?”

  ”I have nothing to do, so I came to help me plough the land.”

  Qiangren Suonan rolled his eyes at him.

  ”Get lost, can’t you see I’m busy?”

  Makabazi said with a smile.

  ”Damn, what are you busy with? You’re always fighting with rats. When will you be able to awaken?”

  ”You don’t understand,” Qiangren Suonan raised his nose and said proudly, “Look at the group behind me, they are all my newly recovered brothers, awesome or not?”

  Makabazi said with a grin.

  ”Awesome! I just don’t know if they can block a shuttle of my short sickle.”

  Even the mutant rats, the kind that are half the height of a person’s calf, were not taken away by one shot, but were sent away by two shots.

  The combat power of mutant rats is basically equivalent to that of mutant cockroaches. These two are the weakest alien species in the wasteland, weaker than hyenas.

  After all, hyenas are extremely hungry and can still hunt gnawers. Rats are extremely hungry and can only fight with cockroaches.

  Qiangren Suonan heard this and warned him immediately.

  ”I’m warning you, don’t do this! They are all my pets!”

  Makabazi said with a grin.

  ”I was just teasing you, how could I really do that, but you’d better mark them, otherwise they will be killed by others as wild monsters.”

  ”Hiss… what you said reminds me.”

  Qiangrensunan immediately took note of this matter and would mark his subordinates in the future.

  He had finally saved up these rats. They

  can’t be killed as wild monsters!

  Time soon reached evening.

  Qiangrensunan had been wandering in the wasteland west of Changjiu Farm, relying on his huge size to bully the weak, picking fights with groundhogs and voles that were shorter than him, and recruiting subordinates while completing tasks.

  Occasionally, when he met two unconvinced ones, he would directly stab them in the stomach with a dagger.


  The rat sequence is different from other alien sequences. There is no hard-working DEBUFF, and it is no weaker than other players in using tools.

  He even asked Mosquito to make a pair of special boxing gloves for rats, with steel claws on them, which were much sharper than his original claws.

  The thorns that were killed became food for the mice.

  These mice had no taboos. No matter whether they were the same species or anything else, as long as they were edible, they would eat them and never waste anything.

  Whenever this happened, Qiangrensuanyi would generously stand by and watch.

  Although his body had turned into a mouse, he still couldn’t stand eating this kind of “game”.

  Not to mention eating it raw.

  Of course, the whole day was not always smooth sailing. When he went deeper to the west, he and his brothers encountered a hungry mutant hyena.

  Spring has arrived.

  After being hungry for a whole winter, the aliens are going to start hunting.

  This beast has obviously been hungry for a whole winter. Seeing so many little guys, his eyes are glowing green.

  Fortunately, Qiangrensunan had a pistol on his waist and killed the hyena. If it was a close combat, with his one-meter height and poor attribute panel, he might not be able to win.

  Looking at the leader who defeated the hyena, the mice admired him again, and then pounced on him for a full meal.

  Qiangrensunan took out the dry food and sat on the edge of the field. While watching his subordinates feasting, he followed them and started gnawing.

  After the mice were full, they surrounded the corpse and burped, and started their post-meal activities with a squeak.

  Some were quarreling, some were fighting, and some were hugging each other. It was so lively.

  Looking at those energetic little brothers, Qiangrensunan suddenly felt a sense of joy of harvest.

  ”It’s not easy.”

  He took off the VM on his belly and took a look. The task required him to subdue ten mice.

  It was obvious that he had exceeded the task.

  I guess the manager would reward him well!

  But at this moment, Qiangrensunan suddenly felt worried.

  It’s okay to have only 20 or 30 mice now, but when there are more in the future, he will definitely not be able to feed them by hunting alone.

  And it’s nonsense to expect these mice to hunt by themselves. These things can fight cockroaches evenly, and they will be beaten directly by creatures like hyenas.

  Despite their large number, they are actually a group of rabble. They didn’t take action this afternoon. Their only role is to support the scene.

  How should mice survive under normal circumstances?

  Of course, they gnaw on human granaries.

  But can they gnaw on the granaries of Changjiu Farm?

  Obviously not.

  The manager is not only an NPC, but also has GM authority, and can directly “repatriate” people.

  This is not just about refreshing the health bar or something.

  If you violate the server regulations, you can unplug your network cable!

  Besides, a person only has one account. Even if there are not so many rules, he is reluctant to offend other players and ruin his reputation.

  If you can’t eat your own family’s granary, then you can only eat other people’s granaries.

  Qiangren Suonan couldn’t help but look up and look towards the north with confidence.


  he should apply to the manager for a hibernation capsule for archiving.


  Just as Qiangren Suonan was thinking about how to trick the manager into giving him a hibernation capsule, Makabazi was sitting on a tractor in the farmland being reclaimed not far away, stepping on the accelerator excitedly.

  I saw a long row of rakes hanging behind the tractor, turning up the soil and a thin layer of snow.

  ”Hahaha, damn! This thing is so easy to use!” Isn’t

  this much better than Farm Simulator?

  The little newbie standing next to him said with a smile.

  ”Let me tell you, if you modify it like I did, it will definitely work better than the one you had before.”

  Although it didn’t have much technical content, it was just an improvement on the harrow behind the tractor, but the efficiency of plowing the land has more than doubled.

  As for the harrow that Mosquito made originally, it was probably found directly on the Internet. It works well on cultivated farmland, but it is useless when it comes to land reclamation. Sometimes it gets stuck while dragging, or it doesn’t grip the ground firmly and slips on the snow.

  After making the changes according to his advice, the original problem was immediately solved.

  Mosquito, who was standing aside, said with surprise.

  ”Fuck, it really works! Boss, what do you do?”

  [Boring to hit the tiger] smiled embarrassedly.

  ”I grow tobacco.”

  Before Mosquito could react, Makabazi, who was driving the tractor, was shocked and almost drove the tractor onto the ridge.

  ”Fuck?! Growing opium?! Is the tobacco you are talking about serious?”

  Tiger said quickly.

  ”Don’t talk nonsense. What kind of opium is that? I work for a real tobacco company.”


  Makabazi looked envious.

  Working for a tobacco company?

  That must be a lot of money.

  Mosquito also looked envious, but the point of envy was different.

  ”This is too cool. Working in a tobacco company means you have endless cigarettes to smoke? And you can smoke those unlicensed ones at will?”

  Tiger suddenly looked melancholy.

  ”Ah, it’s all tears if I talk too much. I thought so when I first entered the industry, until I became a smoking reviewer, smoking every day, several packs a day, and I had to write reports after smoking. You know what it means to be in ecstasy.”

  Makabazi: “What the hell? There is such a good thing?”

  Tiger rolled his eyes.

  ”What a hammer! During that time, I wanted to vomit when I saw cigarettes!”

  Facts have proved that turning a hobby into a job is not necessarily a happy thing.

  Mosquito asked curiously: “Brother, are your lungs okay?”

  Tiger sighed.

  ”It’s OK. Later I changed jobs. Now my daily job is to deal with tobacco farmers. It’s quite relaxing to run to the fields every day.”

  Makabazi asked curiously.

  ”How big is your tobacco field?”

  Tiger thought for a while and said.

  ”It’s not convenient to say specifically, but the project I’m in charge of has tens of thousands of acres.”

  Makabazi: “Awesome!”

  Mosquito: “666”

  No wonder you know so much.

  This is too strong!


  On the other side, north of Beth Street, on the edge of the Fifth Ring Road.

  Kuangfeng, Yeshi, Laobai and Quitting are sweeping the building with the lone wolf brothers who have just entered the game.

  It’s not easy to upgrade the intelligence system, especially in the early stage. With three points of strength, you have to breathe after running two steps, not to mention archery and spear throwing. This is also the reason why many teams are reluctant to bring intelligence systems in the early stage of the game.

  Low efficiency is a small matter, the key is to drag your feet!

  This is fatal.

  Unless you are a player with strong hands-on ability and can choose the life career route, it is still difficult to upgrade.

  However, it is another story with the thigh belt.

  In just one day, the level of the lone wolf jumped from LV0 to LV1.

  This upgrade speed is like riding a rocket.

  At this speed, if nothing unexpected happens, there will be no problem to reach LV3 in four days, and it may even reach it in three days.

  When you kill monsters, you can also do a task to explore resource points, hang up a scavenger profession to do garbage picking tasks, brush the contribution to citizens, and easily save two or three hundred silver coins.

  At that time, you can directly go to VM, buy a PU-9 submachine gun, and if conditions permit, you can also equip a bulletproof vest made of devil silk or something, basically you have the ability to protect yourself.

  The sky outside gradually darkened, and the group withdrew from the abandoned high-rise building with the looted items.

  Today’s harvest is not bad.

  The looted items plus the task rewards, the average income per person is about 100.

  In the current version, if there is no war, it is already very high to have this income every day. If they weren’t bringing in new players, Lao Bai and his team could actually earn even more.

  I heard that there are Death Claws in the recently opened hunting ground in Yuanxi Town, so many high-level players have gone there to explore. After

  checking the progress of the task completion through the VM, Kuangfeng looked at the Lone Wolf and said,

  ”The first three levels are still quite fast, but it starts to slow down after level three.”

  The Lone Wolf said with emotion, “This game is too liver-intensive.”

  Lao Bai nodded in agreement, “It’s indeed a bit liver-intensive. I’ve been stuck at level 13 for almost two weeks.”

  Ye Shi sighed.

  ”You’re still relatively good. I’m a perception major, and since I reached level 11, the progress bar seems to be stuck.”

  Quit Smoking: “Hey, it’s so painful to hear you guys being so Versailles. The child who hasn’t awakened yet is going to cry.”

  Kuangfeng suddenly said: “Maybe we have to challenge higher-level monsters.”

  Ye Shi: “For example?

  ” Kuangfeng: “Mutants and the like.”

  Ye Shi was shocked: “Fuck, isn’t this too difficult?”

  Lao Bai suddenly sighed: “If Fang Chang was here, it would be great.”

  Kuangfeng: “Indeed, this guy’s understanding of the version is second to none. With him, our upgrade speed will definitely be faster!” “”

  Night eleven -faced envy: “This dog, a single person is too stunned!”

  Lao Bai said with a smile: “He has been lucky. Line. I will still be online at seven o’clock. “” Quit smoking: “That is, we will have more places in the future




  Ye Shi


  smiled and

  said ,” Do


  help us improve the brick factory?

  ”Okay! Don’t worry, brothers!”

  ”Wait a minute until I log off, and I’ll think of a way!”

  … As

  the night got darker, at the north gate of the outpost.

  Baiyinzhi’s father grabbed his good buddy’s arm, crying and chasing him from the gate to the inside.

  ”Good brother, I was just joking! Give me a chance, I won’t dare to do it again next time.”

  Baiyinzhijian mercilessly shook off his hand.

  ”Zou Kai! I finally trusted you once, but you made me lose so thoroughly.”

  Baiyinzhihan: “Boil!”

  At the entrance of the sanatorium.

  The little players who had eaten and drunk enough were queuing up to return to their nests, and there was a lot of noise in the square.

  The queuing Ya Ya put his hands together and prayed devoutly.

  ”Planning Master, I hope the water fee will not increase today.”

  Teng Teng in the queue glanced at her.

  ”You are too slow, under normal circumstances, ten minutes is definitely enough.”

  ”How can it be so fast! Oh, but Teng Teng’s words–”

  Teng Teng’s face instantly turned red, and she stood on tiptoe to cover her mouth.

  ”Okay, okay, you don’t have to talk anymore!”

  Ya Ya: “Woo woo woo!”

  The players on the side excitedly cheered.

  ”Go on! Go on!”

  ”Boss Ya, come on! Don’t give up!”

  Although there are now hundreds of hibernation capsules in the “save point” of the outpost base, and the bathroom has recently been installed with water pipes and beggar’s solar energy, everyone still wants to take a shower in the shelter.

  Even if the water price has been rising due to macro-control.

  In fact, there is nothing we can do about it.

  Even if the players want to stay on the surface and go online, it is more convenient, but there are not enough hibernation capsules, and the 100 capsules are full every day.

  If you want to save, but you can’t grab a space, you still have to go back to the shelter.

  Even though Chu Guang has adjusted the resource allocation of the black box for producing hibernation capsules to the highest priority, and arranged for someone to press the button to ensure uninterrupted work around the clock, there is still a big gap in the inventory of hibernation capsules.

  In theory, to meet the needs of all players to go online and offline, at least 900 hibernation capsules are needed.

  Moreover, even black boxes cannot operate non-stop 24 hours a day.

  I don’t want to break the equipment, so I have to rest for at least two or three hours a day.

  Chu Guang was thinking about the resurrection point. He carried Xiao Qi down the elevator and walked towards the shelter.

  At this moment, he suddenly saw a big gray rat running in front of him.

  He looked down and found that it was Nan Xiong.

  Chu Guang looked at him with caring eyes and said in a gentle tone.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  The big rat bowed and said respectfully.

  ”Dear administrator, I have completed the task you assigned!”

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

  So fast?

  After retrieving the action records of several players’ VMs and drone aerial photos, Chu Guang soon discovered that this guy was indeed not bragging.

  Not only did he complete the task, but he also exceeded the target!

  Chu Guang’s expression was a little subtle.

  Of course, he was embarrassed to say that he was too busy during this period and had not yet thought of a reward, so after thinking for a while, he coughed lightly and said.

  ”You did a good job.”

  ”Being able to obtain the support of alien species is undoubtedly a huge help to our cause.”

  ”In addition to silver coins and contributions, do you have any other rewards you want? Feel free to tell me.”

  Qiangren Suonan was stunned, and his heart was suddenly ecstatic, and he hurriedly said .

  ”My lord, I don’t want anything, I just hope you can give me a hibernation capsule!”

  Chu Guang looked at this guy strangely.

  ”Hibernation capsule? What do you want that thing for?”

  Qiangren Suonan continued with a serious face.

  ”I want to go to the north! Xizhou City, which is farther away than Yuanxi Town! There is no interference from other players there, and there are no rules to restrict in the enemy’s territory. I can snowball more easily, unite the local rats, and strengthen the power of the rat people!”

  What the hell?

  This is a good idea.

  After listening to Brother Nan’s words, Chu Guang’s eyes lit up, but he still reminded cautiously.

  ”The power of the hibernation chamber is 1KW, and you have to prepare a generator for it. It’s not easy to transport these equipment to Xizhou City, you have to think it through.”

  Qiangrensuan said seriously: “Please rest assured, I will solve this!”

  He has already ordered a “Hell Breath” from Mosquito, and at worst he can order a smaller firewood generator.

  When the snow on the ground is thinner, he can set off immediately!

  Chu Guang nodded and said nothing more.

  ”Okay, tomorrow you go to Changjiu Farm to find Luca, and he will give you a hibernation capsule.”

  ”In addition, I will give you another task. You go to Luca to get a radio station, take it to Xizhou City, which is just north of us, and set up a communication base station there.”

  ”This task is very important, please be cautious. After completing it, you can move freely in the area of ​​Xizhou City, and I will also arrange new tasks for you from time to time.”

  Qiangrensuan said happily.

  ”Thank you! Dear administrator, I will definitely use it well!”

  The hibernation capsule is not a great technology.

  When there are enough hibernation capsules at the save point, Chu Guang has considered allowing players to buy hibernation capsules and move into the small house they built.

  But that’s for later.

  At present, resources are limited, and the collective interests are above all else. The resource allocation of public facilities is always the first priority.

  After all, this is related to the gaming experience of most players.

  Chu Guang took Xiaoqi back to the administrator’s office and sat on the office chair. He turned the chair and looked at the wall on one side of the office.

  There were many screens on the wall, which were all modified by Yin Fang using VM.

  Sixteen small screens formed a large screen, showing a map on which flashed dense green and blue dots, forming a distribution map of players and NPCs.

  Among them, there were players without VMs, and there were also historical locations marked by drones.

  Through this map, Chu Guang could easily grasp how many players there were in each area, how many tasks should be assigned, what was the ratio to functional NPCs, and whether more people needed to be sent over. What

  made Chu Guang happy was that this group of newbies who had just entered the game were more motivated than he expected.

  A total of 300 people, half of them were involved in the pioneering army, and more than 90% of them were strength-oriented.

  Although the other half did not go to the pioneering army, they were also pulled to spread the fire, following the big guys to make progress in the tunnel, or to sweep the buildings on the edge of the Fifth Ring Road.

  The gnawers there were as numerous as ants, not only was it a natural leveling field, but it was also possible to collect rich resources.

  Among the total of 300 newbies, Chu Guang focused on two players.

  One was [Bored Fighting Tiger].

  The other one is Professor Wang, or [The Lone Wolf of the End of the World].

  Chu Guang had been following the little player in the forum for a long time. He often saw him exchanging farming experiences with other players and often posted photos.

  After observing him for a while, Chu Guang immediately marked him in the background. When the version that needed farming came, he pulled him in without saying a word.

  And this Tiger brother did not disappoint him. As soon as he came in, he improved the two tractors produced by Mosquito and No. 81 Steel Plant.

  Now the efficiency of ploughing the land is twice as fast as before, which can be said to be a great help!

  Professor Wang in the back was a pure surprise for Chu Guang.

  This professor was added to the cattle and horses group last week. When Chu Guang peeked at the screen, he learned that he was a colleague of Kuangfeng and a professor in the field of mechanical engineering and automation design.

  For this professor-level reservation player, and in the application field, Chu Guang did not hesitate and immediately marked him and included him in the Alpha1.0 version.

  Tiger chose the power system.

  This lone wolf brother, like Kuangfeng, chose the intelligence system. It was probably the latter who taught him to choose it.

  Although this lone wolf is still leveling up with the cattle and horses team and has not yet shown his professional level in the game, Chu Guang is not in a hurry.

  If you want to improve the productivity of a region, you must first have a sufficient understanding of the region. You

  have to do research before setting up a factory in Africa, not to mention that it is a completely different world.

  Chu Guang is very satisfied with the current pace of Professor Wang.

  If he doesn’t even understand the situation here right away and gives instructions, it will give Chu Guang a headache.

  ”Not bad!”

  ”You are worthy of being the one I chose!”

  Chu Guang retrieved the action record on the VM and took a look. A happy expression appeared on his face, as if everything was under control.

  ”It seems that the Alpha 1.0 version is running well, and the new player has officially entered the main line of the game.”

  ”Next, there are only two core tasks left for the shelter!”

  One is the large-scale development of Linghu North Bank, and the other is the investment attraction of the new industrial zone.

  Attracting Lister to come in and set up a factory is just the beginning.

  If this guy gets a taste of success, more powerful merchants will soon come with extra equipment and talents.

  In addition, the caravans from the East Coast will bring money to their doorsteps as long as they can create a stable development environment for them.

  If Shelter 404 clashes with Boulder City one day in the future, they will have an extra card to play.

  Of course, cooperation is the best.

  Although fighting can make you rich overnight, in the long run, the income is still not as stable as farming.

  ”Solid-state hydrogen batteries are at least a D+ technology. Depending on how they store and utilize chemical energy, they may even be C!”

  ”Although they are not as good as metal hydrogen batteries that contain multiple B-level technologies and a small amount of A-level technologies, they are still much better than the ‘old methods’ in reality!” ”

  With the black box obtained from Shelter No. 117, if the situation is optimistic, it should be possible to allow most LV10 intelligence players to use neural connection devices within two versions, so that the penetration rate of exoskeletons among players will reach 8%, and the penetration rate among guards will reach 15%!”

  Now that there are more players, Chu Guang has to make decisions more from an overall perspective and reduce local micro-manipulation.

  Letting a certain player own a certain piece of equipment will not improve the overall strength of the shelter very much.

  Only when a certain piece of equipment accounts for a certain proportion of the player group can the impact of this equipment on the overall strength of the shelter be reflected.

  And productivity is the key to everything.

  I have to say that this spring came at a very timely time!

  Just when Chu Guang was planning the future of the shelter, Xiao Qi’s voice suddenly came from the side, pulling him back from his daydream.


  Chu Guang: “What’s wrong?”

  Xiao Qi continued in a low voice.

  ”Although Xiao Qi doesn’t want to disturb your rest, there is new news about the two little players you sent to Boulder City and Red River Town.”

  (This month has updated 250,000 words, which is really not short, brothers. I won’t set a flag, at least 6K a day, strive for 10,000, quality first, I will continue to work hard next month!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode