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Chapter 246 The Cemetery of Civilization

Chapter 246 The Cemetery of Civilization


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 246 The Cemetery of Civilization

  Just as Chu Guang expected.

  After finishing the first day of the journey, his little player logged off and immediately brought the first-hand information to the official website.

  Canyon Escaping Mole: “Brothers, I’m back! Damn! The road to Honghe Town is so damn hard to walk, my shoes are almost broken! (grin)”

  Macabab: “Stop talking, who the hell cares about your shoes, have you arrived yet?” Quit

  Smoking: “Tell me quickly, what’s the situation with the new map?”

  Tail: “GKD! Ψ()Ψ”

  Canyon Escaping Mole: “Damn! How can it be that fast, it’s nearly a hundred kilometers! Not to mention the troubles on the road. I heard from the head of the caravan guards that it takes at least a week to go back and forth. Oh my god, I can’t save the game for a week, I’m so panicked.”

  Less Bullshit: “Fuck, why are you talking so much nonsense?”

  Quit Smoking: “Shao Fan is gone! Don’t want to replace me! (mad)”

  More and more people are squatting in the post, and everywhere you look, there are calls for updates.

  Brother Mole didn’t dare to talk nonsense anymore, and quickly got to the point.

  ”Ahem, no more nonsense, let’s get down to business! Our journey eastward was full of bumps and bumps. At first, we could take the provincial highway, but later it was all country roads. The road was full of twists and turns, and the traffic conditions were really hard to describe. Especially in some dangerous places, even those caravan guards with prosthetic modifications dared not approach, so they could only go around.”

  ”Plus, the snow has not completely melted, so we are not moving very fast. We have only walked one-third of the way today. I heard from the guard leader with a mechanical arm and electronic eyes that if we are lucky, we should be able to arrive at noon on the third day. If we are unlucky, I am afraid we will have to wait until the fourth day!”

  Last year, the slave traders from Honghe Town rushed to the northern suburbs of Qingquan City to collect people at the end of winter, and it only took two days.

  But another merchant named Sun took a full five days to walk from there in order to avoid the range of the predators’ activities.

  This shows how complicated the road conditions there are.

  The boy and the brick at the construction site: “Can you understand what they are saying? (Shocked)”

  The Mole on the Run in the Canyon: “There are guards following us, are you stupid? The guard who went with me is called Lu Bei. Just ask him if you don’t understand something. In addition, the VM in the mission unlocks the subtitle function, but this thing sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. Don’t expect it to be useful all the time. Anyway, I tested it and it basically only works when setting up camp or stopping to rest. But even so, some sentences are still very strange when translated, and you have to combine your own understanding and experience to understand them.”

  Elf King Fugui: “666!”

  The Mole on the Run in the Canyon: “Let me continue, this journey is quite exciting. Although according to the head of the guards, we took a safer route, we still encountered three waves of alien attacks on the road. The first time was when we were passing through the forest, we were targeted by a group of extremely hungry hyenas, but it was not a big problem. We quickly killed the five in the front, and the rest quickly ran away.”

  ”The second wave was even more exciting. An ugly thing with many legs and a sanity value that looked like it was dropping wildly suddenly jumped out from the side of the road, scaring me. I have never seen this thing in the northern suburbs. After asking, I learned that it was a centaur, a species that lives in dark and humid environments. Its danger level is between that of a crawler and a tyrant. It has strong speed and strength. You can’t tell what it is just by looking at its appearance.”

  Kakarot: “In addition to the new map, there are new monsters???”

  Quit Smoking: “Awesome! What about the third wave?”

  Canyon Fugitive Mole: “Monster! That’s what the wastelanders call it. It was mentioned in the official website before, but there has been no illustrations about it. This guy is bigger than a bear, hunchbacked, with his head almost buried in his shoulders, his teeth turned out of his lips, his pale and rotten skin as if it had been blistered, and there are a few tufts of sparse hair on it, and his roar is like thunder!”

  ”This thing is just like its name. It looks like a monster and is incredibly strong. With a wave of its hand, it can break a tree by its roots! In terms of strength, I’m afraid even the Death Claw is inferior to it! But its weakness is also obvious. It is very slow and far less flexible than the Death Claw.”

  ”As soon as the caravan guards saw it, they shot at it with their guns, but after a burst of shots, it was not hurt at all! I suspect that its recovery ability is a little stronger than that of mutants, which completely overturned my understanding of the strength of carbon-based creatures. It was not until later that a guard took out a steel tube-shaped rocket launcher and shot it in the chest, and then took the beast away.”

  Quit smoking: “Awesome!”

  Construction site boy and brick: “Oh, I’m so envious!”

  I’m the darkest: “Dirty tricks! It’s all dirty tricks! (Going crazy)”

  It’s okay to be the first to experience the new map.

  There are actually brand new monsters!

  It’s so unfair!

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Fuck! What you said makes me want to go so badly! Can I go there by myself?”

  Fountain Commander: “In theory, the game doesn’t set map boundaries anyway, but the problem is, there are no save points and no quests there. You will lose money if you bring equipment, and you will not be able to go far without equipment. (Laughing sideways)”

  Night Ten: “+1, I remember it was five days ago or something, anyway it was before the new version was launched. Some unlucky kid saw that the snow had melted, so he tried to find the Boulder City, but he was gone when he reached the edge of the Fourth Ring Road. Not only did he lose his equipment, he also had to buy a VM again. (Funny)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “MMP, forget it.”

  Irena: There is no way. The roads in the city are too difficult to walk on. Who the hell would have thought that there was a cracked claw crab lying in the puddle? This thing also has camouflage, and a large pile of garbage is hanging on its back. It lies there like a garbage dump. It is really difficult to deal with it without a perception system. (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Fuck, old monk, tell me the truth, is that unlucky kid you?”

  Irena: “Guess.” (Rolling eyes)”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “By the way, where is Fang Chang? Has anyone seen him?”

  Ye Shi: “I don’t know, I guess he went to write a guide. This guy is a lot of dawdling.”

  Almost within a minute after Ye Shi’s reply was sent out, Fang Chang’s ID soon appeared on the forum.

  ”Day 1 of the Boulder City Journey: Ruins, Death, and Dystopian Culture”

  ”Distance is just a pale number on paper, but it is a natural chasm under our feet. The straight-line distance between us and Boulder City on the map is only 20 kilometers. Even if we only move forward one meter per second, it will only take a little over five hours. However, when we crossed the edge of the Fifth Ring Road and went deep into this cemetery where civilization was buried, we found that every second here was extended.”

  ”The towering buildings go deep into the clouds and into the unfathomable abyss. The tombstones have stood for two centuries and will most likely continue to stand strong in the next two centuries. We walked through the broken alleys with vigilance and caution. The dead shops and broken billboards described the prosperity of the pre-war era in a few words.”

  ”The caravan guards told us that this is a paradise of chaos and death. We not only need to be careful of the aliens, but also be alert to the predators lurking in the high-rise buildings. They don’t need very advanced technology. A stone thrown from the 20th floor is enough to smash our skulls. Even some smart aliens have learned this trick. In addition, there are mines buried in the ruins, remote-controlled bombs, and even cold guns hidden in a dark window.”

  ”We must choose the route carefully, especially after entering the Fifth Ring Road. If you don’t keep your eyes open, it’s hard to see the sun the next day here…”

  There are five or six paragraphs in the preface alone, and the main text is a whole page.

  Fang Chang described in detail in the post what he felt after entering the urban area of ​​Qingquan City. Before

  discovering Shelter No. 404, Chu Guang had been there several times, but he didn’t go deep, so he could especially understand the shock in Brother Fang Chang’s heart at this moment.

  If the urban area of ​​the northern suburbs is like the style of Los Santos, then the urban area of ​​Qingquan City is Night City loaded with wasteland MOD and bug fixes.

  ”If this post is not exaggerated, the situation within the Fifth Ring Road may be more complicated than I expected.”

  ”But the good news is that the predators active in this area have not formed a unified organization. The largest team is no more than ten people… It is basically consistent with the information that Boss Xia has.”

  Touching his chin, Chu Guang thought for a while.

  ”It seems that doing business in the wasteland is indeed not something that everyone can do.”

  Because he was not out of the signal range, Brother Fang took a few pictures, and some of them passed the review and were synchronized to the post.

  The reviewer is Xiao Qi.

  In principle, according to the R12 standard, there are no bloody and violent elements. Add a filter similar to the player’s perspective and it can be synchronized to the official website.

  Looking at the post in front of him, Chu Guang, who was sitting in front of the computer and peeking at the screen, was full of surprise on his face.

  Good guy.

  This Day 1 in the title…

  It seems that he is going to start a live broadcast post.

  Chu Guang immediately looked at the wastebasket squatting in the corner to charge.

  ”Xiao Qi.”

  The signal light was slightly brighter, and the camera looked over curiously.

  ”I’m here, master.”

  Chu Guang ordered.

  ”Help me get a drink from the refrigerator… well, milk will do.”

  Xiao Qi: “Eh? But Xiao Qi has no hands.”

  ”Then go find Boss Xia. She should be off work at this time. Ask her to bring it to me,” Chu Guang thought for a while and continued, “Well, remember to heat it up.”

  Brother Fang’s post is still very good and worth studying carefully. After reviewing this memorial, he plans to start a game of Stars. He is used to drinking something when watching the sea. He

  has quit drinking.

  It’s a pity that there is no Coke.

  Otherwise it would be perfect.

  Xiao Qi, rolling the wheels and drooping the camera, reluctantly went outside the office.

  After a while, Boss Xia, holding a bottle of hot milk, pushed open the door and walked in, saying unhappily.

  ”Can’t you ask the players to go?”

  It was agreed that the time after work is his own?

  This guy really likes to order people around more and more.

  Chu Guang looked at her strangely and said as a matter of course.

  ”How can we trouble players with this kind of thing? Just put it on the table, thank you.”

  Xia Yan rolled her eyes, walked over and put the milk on the table.

  ”You’re welcome!”

  At this moment, she suddenly saw the computer screen and asked curiously.

  ”What is this?”

  Chu Guang: “This is the forum I told you about.”

  Xia Yan stared at the screen, frowned and looked at it for a while, muttered.

  ”What are the things drawn on it?”

  Chu Guang said casually.

  ”Another kind of text. If you study hard what I teach you, you won’t even know what it is.”

  When talking about learning, Boss Xia, who was exposed as a poor student, blushed immediately.

  ”Oh, who cares!”

  Looking at Boss Xia who turned around and walked out the door, Chu Guang smiled lightly and continued to look at the computer screen.

  Xiaoyu still made him worry less.

  It’s been less than half a year, and she can recognize more than 1,000 words.

  The little girl’s memory is indeed unusual. Chu Guang had this feeling before, and even doubted whether she had the potential to “awaken”.

  Awakening is not exclusive to players, and it is not uncommon in the wasteland.

  The view of most wastelanders is that awakening requires the test of life and death crisis, but this experience is not absolute.

  Some intelligence and strength players have proved that through slow accumulation and training, it is also possible to make selective expression of genes and make adjustments that are more adaptable to the wasteland environment.

  Chu Guang tapped his index finger on the mouse, staring at the computer screen, thinking slightly in his heart.

  ”This situation is indeed worth paying attention to.”

  ”Let Heya check it another day.”


  The next day.

  At the north gate of Changjiu Farm, there was a burst of chirping noise early in the morning.

  A fat rat was riding on a weird-shaped motorcycle at this moment, looking at the north with confidence.

  A group of rat brothers surrounded the motorcycle noisily, curious but not daring to approach, and could only squeak at him. It was difficult

  for others to automatically translate those sounds into “666” and “awesome” in their ears.

  After all, he tried to put himself in the perspective of those little mice and found that he was really awesome.

  As we all know, machines are the creation of the former overlords, humans.

  Being able to control human wisdom, isn’t that enough to show the bravery of the Great Horned Rat?

  It’s simply invincible!

  Mosquito, who was standing next to the motorcycle, checked the equipment, wiped the oil on the back of the car, and then looked at the fat mouse riding in front.

  ”…The hibernation capsule, the radio, and the materials for assembling the generator, I have tied a pot to the top of the camel machine for you, do you want to come down and check it out?” He said

  in a forced way: “No, I can’t wait! Hahaha!”

  Mosquito rolled his eyes and continued: “You need to shift gears to adjust the speed. The gear shifting mechanism is on the left handle. Can you twist your arm?”

  He said dissatisfiedly, “Damn, I’m at level 5 after all. How can I not even turn the gearshift handle?”

  Mosquito glanced at him and laughed.

  ”Come on, don’t you know your own attribute panel?”

  The initial attributes of the ratman sequence are all 3 except for the perception of 5, and the upgrade points are randomly added, one here and one there, without any rules. As a result, his attribute panel looks like it has been gnawed by rats, and is even worse than the intelligence system newbies who just entered the game.

  Except for the “fast synthesis” BUFF, it seems that there is no other advantage.

  Oh yes, there are also “rat relatives”.

  Mosquito subconsciously glanced at the spirited mice squatting next to the motorcycle.

  It must be said that when these rats gather together, they are really brave and are not afraid to look at people.

  Qiangrensunan: “It’s not important! We don’t look at the attribute panel in our summoning flow.”

  ”Haha, anyway, you should be careful. It’s okay if someone dies. Don’t damage the motorcycle. This thing is not easy to repair.” Mosquito

  took out a piece of wood and stuffed it into the feed port of the pot camel machine. He patted it with his hand and said with a smile.

  ”Have a good trip.”

  ”I won’t see you off. Take care of yourself!”

  This motorcycle was designed by him overnight for Qiangrensunan, and it was modified from “Hell’s Breath”.

  Because the seat of Hell’s Breath was too high, it was still a little difficult for mice to control. In addition, they had to cross large forests and hills to go north, so he had to redesign the layout of the motorcycle and move the two wheels on the side to the front and back respectively. The

  U-shaped seat is between the pot camel machine and the front wheel. Considering the off-road performance, the front wheel was enlarged and almost as high as Qiangrensunan’s chest.

  Because there was no rear seat cushion and they needed to maintain the center of gravity, the luggage that needed to be taken to the north could only be tied to the top of the pot camel machine.

  The whole motorcycle costs about 1,000 silver coins, and the selling price is 2,000 silver coins.

  Qiangrensuan, who has just gotten rid of his rookie status, certainly can’t afford such a huge sum of money.

  However, considering the relationship between master and apprentice, Mosquito allows him to buy on credit, with a down payment of 400 silver coins and the remaining 1,600 silver coins to be paid slowly.

  If the motorcycle is lost,

  Qiangrensuan may go bankrupt on the spot.

  However, sitting on the “Goblin Motorcycle” at this moment, Qiangrensuan not only has no worries about bankruptcy, but is full of hope.

  Last night on the official website forum, he accidentally saw the great article by Brother Fang Chang, which made him so excited that he tossed and turned, and completely ignited his desire to explore new maps.

  ”Xizhou City?”

  ”Very good.”

  ”Listen up, the predators there, your big horned rat grandfather is here!”

  The combustion chamber is preheated, and the pot camel engine starts.

  The sound of clangs and clangs resounded at the north gate, making a roar like a tractor.

  The mice behind him were chirping and shouting, with faces showing fear, excitement, or spinning in confusion.

  It’s moving! It’s moving!

  Seeing the tire in front of his chest start to roll, he shouted excitedly.

  ”Little ones, follow closely!”

  ”The target is Xizhou City.”


  Seeing this cheap boss heading north, some timid mice ran away, but some jumped on the car and chose to follow it on the expedition.

  For example, the groundhog that was beaten.

  There were also a few female mice with shining eyes.

  Standing at the door of Changjiu Farm, two little players holding hoes and pickaxes in their hands happened to witness this scene.

  ”What is that thing?”

  ”The Skaven’s Wheel of Destruction?”

  ”I knew it was made by Brother Mosquito at first glance.”

  ”Awesome, this thing can actually move!”


  (The next chapter will be around twelve o’clock!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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