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Chapter 247 Little Rich Woman: I’ll Hug You Next Time

Chapter 247 Little Rich Woman: I’ll Hug You Next Time


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 247 Little Rich Woman: I’ll hug you next time.

  A soft and gentle voice sounded in Jiang Qin’s ears, and he was stunned instantly.

  How could the white, rich and beautiful woman, who was as cold as the moonlight, cry?

  He stared at the beautiful little rich woman with long eyelashes and rosy red lips, suspecting that he had heard it wrong. After a while, he couldn’t help wiping his saliva, still looking proud and arrogant.

  ”No, you can’t hug me. Have you forgotten that we are good friends? If you hug me, our friendship will not be pure. It’s very dangerous.” Jiang Qin threatened her.

  Feng Nanshu looked at him coldly: “Jiang Qin, good friends can hug each other.”

  ”Who said that? You are talking nonsense. He can say such irresponsible words. It’s simply treasonous!” Jiang Qin was furious.

  ”But, but that’s what you said.” The little rich woman said pitifully.

  ”How could I possibly say such a thing?”

  ”When we went to take a shower together, you hugged me and poked my butt with your phone, and then you said that good friends can hug each other.”

  Jiang Qin was choked: “Although that’s true, I’ve crossed the line by feeding you and holding your hand. Hugging you again is not in accordance with the Zhouli.”

  ”You also ate my feet.” Feng Nanshu added for him.

  ”We said that you are not allowed to mention that.”

  ”Brother, hug.”

  Jiang Qin squinted his eyes and thought for a long time: “It’s okay for friends to hug, so hugging is still friends?”

  Feng Nanshu nodded seriously: “Lifelong good friends.”

  Jiang Qin felt that she was changing the concept, but there was no evidence.

  ”Okay, let’s go!”

  The transition time from dusk to night is actually very short, just a blink of an eye, and the maple forest in Linda is very lush and large. Once you get in, it seems dark and particularly quiet.

  Jiang Qin turned left and right to find a corner, turned around and hugged the fragrant and soft little rich woman into his arms, and then hugged her slender waist.

  Feng Nanshu instantly showed a happy expression, buried her head in his arms and rubbed it twice, and felt her heart was hot.

  ”Why do you like to stick to me so much?”

  The little rich woman shook her head gently: “I don’t know.”

  Jiang Qin was silent for a while, and hugged her tighter: “This is known to heaven and earth, you and me, and you must not tell Gao Wenhui, otherwise I won’t hug you next time.” “I know


  ”You won’t keep your word this time?”

  ”I will, but you have to keep your word and hug me next time.”

  Feng Nanshu kept her little face in his arms, and her voice sounded a little muffled, but she still grasped the key point in one sentence, and she was very smart.

  As the sky got darker and darker, the environment of the maple forest became more and more quiet. The little rich woman stood upright at first, thinking that hugging was just two people standing up and hugging each other, and she was so serious that she looked a little silly.

  But slowly, she began to soften in Jiang Qin’s arms like a kitten, and she learned it by herself.

  When it got darker, more and more couples came to the grove. Of course, they were not good friends, so their tricks were more elaborate than theirs.

  The most common one was the one of sucking each other, which made the rich woman eager to try.

  But before she could have enough, a hand covered her beautiful eyes, and picked her up and turned her in another direction.

  ”Play again.”

  Jiang Qin was stunned for a moment: “What to play?”

  The little rich woman showed her little face from his arms: “The one where you pick me up and spin me around.”

  ”That’s not for playing, it’s to prevent you from seeing things you shouldn’t see.”

  Jiang Qin coughed: “Okay, happy times are always short, I feel it’s about time, let’s stop here today.”

  ”Hold me for another five minutes.”

  Jiang Qin lowered his head and rubbed her slightly cold ears: “Does it itch?”

  The little rich woman chuckled happily: “Itchy.”

  ”Okay, let’s stop here, our friendship almost changed, fortunately I stopped in time!”


  Jiang Qin suddenly let go of his hand, took two deep breaths, turned around and found a chair to sit down, quickly crossed his legs, and pulled down the hem of his short sleeves.

  The temperature was not good when it rose, and there was no way to wear a coat with him, so he could only use time to cool down.

  After waiting for about half an hour, Jiang Qin felt a little relieved, and immediately took the little rich woman out of the maple forest and took her back to the dormitory, turning left and right, so that she would not learn too much here.

  Then he also went back to the dormitory, turned on the computer and watched an episode of “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf”.

  ”Brother Jiang, did you have insomnia again last night?”

  The next morning, Zhou Chao got up from the bed and couldn’t help asking, his eyes full of curiosity.

  Jiang Qin smiled calmly: “No, I slept better than usual and slept all night.”

  ”Brother Jiang, insomnia is not shameful, why are you still hiding it?”

  ”You are sleepy, do you want me to help you close your eyes?”

  ”No, no.” Zhou Chao retracted his head and got back into the quilt.

  Jiang Qin put on his clothes with an arrogant look on his face and started to do sit-ups with bent legs. After finishing, he touched his belly. He didn’t know if it was an illusion, but it seemed to be harder than before.

  At the same time, on the top floor of Wanzhong Mall, Pintuan Information Technology Co., Ltd.

  The twelve people in the marketing planning department were assigned to six groups. According to the divided areas, with Wanzhong as the center point, they began to conduct investigations and data collection before the ground promotion.

  For some marketing veterans who have done ground promotion, these things are relatively easy to do.

  But for some employees with little experience, it is obviously a planning job, but they have to go out to the streets, like the kind of sales who attract people everywhere, which makes them feel very confused.

  Especially as the temperature in Linchuan gradually rises, it is really torturous to run outside for a whole morning.

  The newly hired Deng Yuan and Zhang Yu have been running for only two days, and their skin has become darker. Every day when they return to the rental house, they can’t wait to take a shower and go to bed. But

  they can’t sleep, because after collecting the information, they have to organize it and compile it into a promotion plan. This feeling of fatigue is really uncomfortable.

  ”I said, as long as it is a small company, there is no such thing as a high-paying and easy job.”

  Roommate Liang Xiao had just brushed her teeth and looked at Deng Yuan and Zhang Yu lying on the sofa, and couldn’t help blurting out sarcastic remarks.

  In fact, she also participated in the first round of interviews and received a notice for the second round of interviews, but after knowing that she had to do ground promotion work, she immediately gave up and didn’t even go to the second interview.

  Are you kidding? I am a college student after all. Summer is coming. I still have to go out. Are you going to kill myself?

  ”Manager Yue said that we only need to run for a few days to get familiar with the surrounding environment. When the time comes, we can write the plan and there will be daily workers to implement it.”

  Deng Yuan couldn’t help but defend herself.

  ”Which boss doesn’t say that now? There are not enough people now, but it will be better in the future. As a result, I am exhausted from working so hard, and I didn’t wait until the future.”

  ”Manager Yue is not our boss.” Deng Yuan couldn’t help but reply.

  Liang Xiao frowned: “Then who is your boss?”

  ”I haven’t seen him yet.”

  ”Oh my God, the boss doesn’t show up? This company is not going to run away at any time, right?”

  Deng Yuan couldn’t help frowning when she heard it: “Impossible, although we haven’t seen the boss, but Manager Yue is a very good person.”

  ”Can you tell whether a person is good or not with your eyes? Bad people don’t write the word bad on their faces. Fortunately, I didn’t participate in the second round.” Liang Xiao couldn’t help but pat his chest and made a lingering fear expression.

  Zhang Yu was a little annoyed by what he heard: “Okay, okay, since we’re already employed, let’s work hard for a month first, we have to get our salary.”


  Three days later, on Friday, all twelve promotion plans from the Marketing Planning Department were submitted and Wei Lanlan took them back to Room 208.

  After everyone’s discussion and research, three plans were placed in front of Jiang Qin.

  One was written by a senior marketing manager with five years of marketing experience, one was written by someone who had also worked on Internet projects, and the other was more special, written by a recent graduate named Deng Yuan.

  As for the others, they basically all had some slacking elements in them.

  ”Let’s run the first round of ground promotion in the areas that these few people are responsible for, and reorganize the remaining nine people and mix them into these three groups, with Ma Changlong, Hai Shuang and Deng Yuan as group leaders.”

  ”That Deng Yuan seems very young, she just graduated from school last year.” Wei Lanlan hesitated.

  Jiang Qin was stunned for a moment: “You’ve graduated, so aren’t you more mature than me?”

  ”Uh… that’s true.”

  ”So, ambition is not about age, young people are more motivated, anyway, I’m not asking them to do the marketing themselves, I’m just asking them to be responsible for overall planning and coordination, so I prefer to use young people, at least they are serious, but old hands are hard to control.”

  Jiang Qin patted the plan on the table: “In addition, these three plans are well written, each will get a bonus of 500 yuan.”

  ”Okay, boss.”

  In the afternoon, Wei Lanlan returned to Wanzhong Mall, and reorganized the grouping of the marketing planning department with Yue Zhu, and then distributed three bonuses according to Jiang Qin’s wishes.

  In fact, bonuses have two functions, one is to reward the rewarded, and the other is to motivate the unrewarded.

  The new team has just been formed, and the cohesion and centripetal force are not enough, but Jiang Qin has no time to do other routines, so he just gives money directly.

  The old saying is right, there must be a brave man under a light reward!

  But Deng Yuan was quite confused when she got the money. Just gave 500 yuan? Isn’t this too outrageous?

  The most outrageous thing is that I don’t even have a whole year of work experience, but I was chosen as the team leader?

  Deng Yuan held the money in her hand and couldn’t help but feel that the responsibility was heavy, so she called Zhang Yu and took the plan to run through the area she was responsible for again, checking for deficiencies and filling in the gaps, and didn’t return to the rental house until ten o’clock in the evening.

  Liang Xiao and Qian Lele heard the sound of the door opening and immediately turned off the TV. They had prepared a lot of sarcastic remarks, but when they saw Deng Yuan and Zhang Yu, they couldn’t help but be slightly stunned.

  ”Why did you buy so many things?”

  Deng Yuan wiped the sweat off her face and put the bag on the table: “Uh… The company gave out bonuses, we bought some meat and vegetables, let’s have hot pot tonight, just as a celebration.”

  Liang Xiao was stunned for a moment: “Bonus? How much?”

  ”Five hundred yuan.”

  ”Isn’t your monthly salary only two thousand?”

  Zhang Yu knew that Liang Xiao’s personality was a bit twisted. She wished that everyone would live worse than herself, and when she saw others living well, she thought that the world was wrong.

  But she didn’t want to have a falling out with them since they lived under the same roof, so she pulled Deng Yuan into the kitchen and stopped them from communicating too much, lest Liang Xiao would find fault again.

  Not long after, the hot pot was served and the ingredients filled the table.

  Liang Xiao felt depressed while eating, and always felt like he had lost 500 yuan.

  ”I think there is something wrong with your company.”

  ”Think about it, you’ve only been working for three days and you’re getting 500 yuan first, and you don’t have much work experience, how is that possible!”

  Qian Lele nodded: “I think Liang Xiao is right, Deng Yuan, you have to be more vigilant, and resign quickly if the situation is not right.”

  Liang Xiao agreed after listening: “Maybe the 500 yuan is just bait, don’t end up working for nothing and not getting paid.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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