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Chapter 249: Fake Brother Guang, Real Brother Bing

Chapter 249: Fake Brother Guang, Real Brother Bing

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 249 The fake Brother Guang, the real Brother Bing

  The Boulder City is huge.

  Not only the facilities, but also the population.

  If you want to investigate the local customs and practices in depth, a week may not be enough.

  What’s more, the “New Map Experience Card” is only valid for three days…

  In the evening of the second day.

  Fang Chang, who was sitting next to the window, took a look at the gradually bustling streets outside the window, and put away the small notebook and pen in his hand.

  In general, the progress was smooth.

  Except for the inner city that could not be entered, the exploration degree of the outer city had reached 60%, and the things that needed to be understood had basically been investigated.

  Especially those parts that went deep into the social level.

  And this part was what surprised him the most.

  ”Unlike small survivor settlements such as Bate Street and Brown Farm, Boulder City is not only huge, but also different from the ‘feudal lord-style’ rule of most small and medium-sized survivor settlements. It is more like a complex collection of interests.”

  ”The city lord is the highest authority here and has the command of the militia, but does not participate in specific matters in the city, nor does he engage in the management of any assets. He is only responsible for responding to waves and other threats, and taking money from the treasury of the city hall.”

  ”The residents living here have established a bureaucratic system that suits them, responsible for dealing with messy things and the top priority of taxation. But because they cannot directly obtain support from the violent machine, their rule over the region is very weak, and they even have to rely on the help of some ‘big guys’ when solving certain problems.”

  ”Interestingly, when I was communicating with the NPC, I accidentally found the easter eggs left by the production team.”

  ”In the early days of the Wasteland Era, Boulder City was not actually called Boulder City, but ‘Tower Town’. It was not until they, with the help of an ancient organization called the ‘Post-War Reconstruction Committee’, completed the expansion from the first building to the outer city and built a huge concrete wall to cope with the waves.”

  ”In the following century, they seemed to have lost the ability to build giant walls and stopped expanding. Instead, they opened up invisible territories through trade. It was in this way that they accumulated a lot of regional prestige in the southern part of the Valley Province, and made ‘chips’ popular throughout Qingquan City, becoming hard currency in the minds of local people… and this is also the source of arrogance of most Boulder City residents.”

  ”Even the wealth plundered through chips has nothing to do with them, and it has not improved their current situation at all.”

  ”Contacting such forces seems to be a better choice than direct war to win them over through interests.”

  ”However, it must be noted that this is also their best area. The NPCs here are far more cunning than those in the northern suburbs.”

  Combined with the photos I took, I should be able to write an impeccable guide.

  Considering the professional players who have been clamoring to do business and cut NPC leeks, Fang Chang also counted the transaction prices of several major commodities in the trade station.

  And organized them into a table!

  Thinking of the players who are waiting to be fed on the forum, Fang Chang couldn’t help but smile.

  Is this the feeling of being a big boss?

  It’s great.

  When he was exploring other games before, he wrote a lot of guides, and the guides written by several vests were quite popular.

  But the sense of accomplishment he got from those games, even if all added up, is not as good as the one he is playing now.

  Just as Fang Chang put away his little notebook and prepared to go offline to rest in the next room, Lister’s apprentice walked over here.

  ”The engineers and equipment are ready. We have hired mercenaries, and they are responsible for sending us safely to your outpost.”

  ”Let’s set off early tomorrow morning.”

  Walking to the table, Qian Lai sat down opposite Xu Shun, smiled and continued.

  ”This is our last night in Boulder City. Don’t you want to go out for a walk? I know a good place to drink. The beer there is good and very cheap.”

  Xu Shun shook his head and said.

  ”Thank you, no need.”

  ”I still have a mission.”

  From the moment he went out, Xu Shun kept in mind the manager’s instructions and kept every word in mind. Deserting can happen to anyone, but it can’t happen to him.

  Seeing that Xu Shun declined his invitation, Qian Lai didn’t say anything else.

  He has experienced the stubbornness of these guys.

  Last night he suggested going out to find some fun to celebrate, after all, all the things that should be done were done, but this guy refused without saying a word. Not to mention

  the guy who sat by the window before.

  It’s impossible to communicate.

  Although this is not the first time he has dealt with the blue jackets, it is definitely the strangest one.


  The next night.

  Chu Guang saw the complete version of “Boulder City Market Research Report” published by Fang Chang on the forum.

  As expected of the first understanding king in the whole server, Brother Fang Chang’s understanding of the version has never let him down.

  This time is the same.

  Fang Chang used the style of a travelogue to describe in detail what they saw and heard in Boulder City, as well as the various industries analyzed through various clues.

  Since they were back within the communication range, the post was also accompanied by a large number of high-definition pictures.

  Not only did the players call it exciting, but the cloud players also called it awesome.

  Professor Yang, the King of Lightning: “Fuck! Is this the actual game screen?”

  What can I do with me: “Haha, bragging without thinking!”

  Keep your voice down. Braum: “Awesome, awesome, if the finished product can be half as good as this, I will directly spend money!”

  Fang Chang: “…I will update the reference table of transaction prices in Boulder City on the forum later, you can refer to it, but it is for reference only!”

  ”The trade system of “Wasteland OL” is indeed very detailed, and bargaining ability and eloquence will directly affect the transaction price. Especially for some commodities with scarce attributes, the influence of bargaining on the final transaction price can reach 50%, or even 100%!”

  ”Considering the language problem, if you don’t want to be cheated by NPCs, you can try to hire some NPCs with high charm and high trading skill proficiency to bargain for you! This suggestion is for reference only. If you are the kind of big shot who can master a foreign language with a completely different cultural background in less than half a year and is proficient in the use of slang, then just ignore what I said.” Quitting

  Smoking: “Big shot, you are awesome!”

  Fountain Commander: “Shocking! The price list has been made before the new map is opened. This is too powerful!”

  Teng Teng: “I want to open a clothing store in Boulder City! Can I hire locals to help me sell clothes? (ω)!”

  Fang Chang: “There is a serious surplus of labor there. It’s definitely possible, but the purchasing power of ordinary people is not so good. I guess only the rich can afford beautiful clothes. I suggest you try making protective gear such as bulletproof vests, or sturdy and durable leather jackets, and make money from those mercenaries!”

  Teng Teng: “Take notes, take notes! (Writing furiously.jpg)”

  Scrambled Tomatoes and Eggs: “I, I want to open a store too! I can open a restaurant! I can open a bar, too! (Excited)”

  Aoao Sesame Paste: “I’m responsible for delivery! Cat Express, the mission must be accomplished!”

  Tail: “Tail is responsible for guarding! The first escort in the wasteland is here! Leave the monster hunting to Tail! ψ(`)ψ”

  Sisi: “Oh! I’m responsible for watching Tail.”

  Makabazi: “Stop talking bullshit and be responsible for making a nest! (Funny)”

  Shao Bullshit: “Get lost!”

  Crow: “Wait, where are the mushrooms?! Can mushrooms be sold for money?”

  Fang Chang: “Uh… I seem to have only seen people buying blue parasol mushrooms? The price they offer is quite high. It is said that they are the raw materials for making anti-radiation agents. Other varieties are rare. Maybe some pharmacies will buy them? I’ll ask for you later.”

  Crow: “What the hell, do we have to buy the blue mushrooms that grow in the sewers? Σ(°△°|||)︴”

  Irena: “Tell the truth, are you scared?” (Funny)”

  Night Ten: “That day, Boss Crow recalled the fear of being drowned by leeches. (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Hahaha! Heron! Hahahaha! Noob! Do I learn well enough? (Funny)”

  Crow: “Slaughter you all! (#`Д)ノ”


  I have to say that all these players are talented.

  Chu Guang looked around the forum.

  I found that in just a few minutes, the topic has fast-forwarded from opening a clothing store and forming a caravan to cultural conquest of the wasteland world.

  Conquering the wasteland with modern consumerism?

  Is this considered a renaissance?


  Anyway, it is definitely impossible to win in terms of technology.

  At least in the short term, the gap between the two sides cannot be made up by a few black boxes.

  Not to mention that others may also have such things.

  However, consumption is indeed their weakness, especially in terms of consumer culture.

  The nobles in the inner city are keen on the goods of the ideal city, and have been separated from the public interest in enjoyment. The residents of the outer city are squeezed by the factories and are breathless. Although they basically meet the basic needs of food, clothing, housing and transportation, they have no extra consumption capacity at all.

  Mercenaries, a large and mixed group, have always been ignored by those caravans that focus on the external market.

  Although they are also very poor, when spring comes and the trade routes are restored, many people will make a fortune.

  Just look at Boss Xia.

  Most mercenaries cannot save money. Those who can save money either become mercenary leaders, or evolve into caravan owners, or do other businesses.

  These mercenaries need more than just guns and food, and not all of them will calmly invest all the money they earn in themselves.

  In addition to buying ammunition and supplies, and maintaining weapons, the remaining money either goes into the casino, or is spent on cigarettes, alcohol, or women.

  Chu Guang felt that he could find them some more ambitious ways to spend money.

  If his little players can design some clothes, shoes, gun belts, protective gear, weapons, etc. that are not only durable and strong, but also contain “elements that mercenaries like to see and hear”, the products of Shelter No. 404 may become popular in the bars of the entire Boulder City.

  If the brand effect can be established in the minds of mercenaries, it may really be able to make a lot of money.

  What is this wave called?

  Selling skins!

  Who said that only players can buy skins?

  Of course, this must be very difficult. No matter

  how poor the residents of Boulder City are, their basic needs for food, clothing, housing and transportation can still be met, and they are definitely not as miserable as those wastelanders outside the wall who have no food to eat.

  The arrogance of being superior can be felt just by listening to their broadcasts.

  ”How about…putting an Ideal City sign on the things we sell?”

  Chu Guang rolled his eyes and had some bad ideas in mind, but he had to wait for the caravans from the East Coast to arrive before he could implement them.

  And he felt that even if he didn’t participate, those players would definitely think of it with their intelligence.

  ”These are all details.”

  ”The most urgent thing is to quickly build the caravan system!”

  Chu Guang created a new folder on the desktop and typed a line of title.

  [Alpha1.01 version update: Chamber of Commerce system]

  ”The B4 level unlocking task has not been triggered yet, and more players cannot be activated for the time being. Round B testing will have to wait for a while.”

  ”The version number of this update will be temporarily set as Alpha1.01!”

  After finishing the work.

  Chu Guang took a screenshot, coded the version number, and threw it on the forum.

  Guang: “We’re working on it, we’re working on it, everyone, work hard, and once the ‘Swords into Plowshares’ expansion is finished and the farming system is tested, we’ll immediately open new maps and new game content! Test the business system you’ve been clamoring for for 10 versions!”

  Almost the moment the post was sent out, the number of replies instantly soared to double digits, and after a refresh, it was heading for triple digits. Quit

  Smoking: “Wait, why is there only a folder?”

  Sis: “Where are the things inside? Let me see!”

  Ye Shi: “Fake Brother Guang, real Brother Bing. (Funny)”

  Ya Ya: “Damn, if only our planners could be half as kind as the warm-hearted manager brother! T^T”

  Looking at the replies below, Chu Guang’s eyebrows jumped fiercely.

  These guys!

  Does it take time to arrange NPCs that can communicate?

  Do we need a save point for a place that takes two and a half days to travel? Do we need a communication base station as well? Do these things use electricity?

  And the most important thing is, if you all run around in the new map, who will till the land?

  Let’s not talk about sowing for now.

  At least we have to finish the land reclamation work.

  Do you think your managers have to do this kind of thing?

  Chu Guang felt that he had hinted very clearly.

  ”Damn it!”

  ”It was just updated, why do you want me to update it again!”

  Chu Guang cursed and closed the forum. He drank the glass of homemade sparkling water on the table, opened the Paradox game and went to watch the sea.


  The next day.

  On the south side of the outpost sanatorium.

  An old-looking man was stroking his chin and looking at the surrounding buildings, muttering something to himself.

  Since he didn’t have a VM on his arm, many players were curious about him, but didn’t pay much attention to him.

  As we all know, NPCs without VMs can’t receive tasks normally.

  ”… Since defeating the invasion of the Bone Chewing Tribe on the front battlefield, the morale and confidence of the survivors in the northern suburbs have reached a peak, and the prestige of local leaders has reached an unprecedented height. A new survivor force is rising, which may change the long-standing chaotic pattern in the northern suburbs.”

  ”There is a large amount of undeveloped land here, as well as enough labor. Although the infrastructure is backward and there is no supporting industry support, it is precisely because of this that there are huge business opportunities hidden in it.”

  Not long after Brother Fang published his “market research” on Boulder City on the forum, Lister also completed the investigation of the area under the jurisdiction of Shelter No. 404.

  But he didn’t use the small notebook.

  Instead, he used a portable flexible screen computer.

  This gadget is very convenient. It is like a pen when it is stored. When it is needed, it can be unfolded like a scroll. The screen size can be adjusted according to the usage habits.

  This high-end product that integrates a large number of carbon-based optical components and electronic components is not something that Boulder City can produce.

  However, every year, there are merchants coming from the East Coast, bringing this rare thing from the distant Utopia.

  ”…Yes, and the title of permanent partner of the enterprise must be added.”

  This is also what interests Lister the most.

  Just a few hours ago, he had confirmed through his own channels that Shelter No. 404 did obtain that extremely rare honor – or “contract”. There are

  only two plain belts across the east and west of the entire River Valley Province. The northern one has been blocked by the Bone Chewing Tribe. It is almost foreseeable that a large number of caravans will pass through here this year.

  Thinking of this, Lister’s face could not help but show a trace of expectation.

  If he can seize this historic opportunity, he may be able to earn chips that were unimaginable in previous years, and his assets will grow rapidly like a rocket! What’s that word called?



  ”How’s the research

  going ?”

  A familiar voice came from behind.

  Liszt turned around and saw Chu Guang walking towards him, and said with a beaming face.

  ”It’s done! Surprisingly, the situation is much better than I expected, although there are many problems that need to be solved. For example, you lack stable electricity, but it is commendable that you actually built a steel plant in the ruins.”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”The problem of power supply will be solved before the end of the month. Our engineers are already designing the power grid of the industrial zone and building a centralized thermal power station. Is there anything else?”

  ”There is also a drainage system,” Liszt thought for a while and continued, “If you plan to let the caravan continue to stay here next year, at least make sure that they don’t step on bad things, such as excrement, when they walk on the street.”

  Chu Guang was stunned.

  What the hell?

  ”Is this true?”

  Liszt coughed lightly.

  ”No… I’m just giving an example. After all, your new settlement already has a population of 2,000 people, but I found that there are only five toilets that rely on manual labor to carry manure. It is true that locals can solve the problem of convenience in the fields, but what about foreign travelers? What about merchants? And their guards, entourage and servants, it is impossible for them to be so obedient and go to the fields to solve the problem.”

  Chu Guang touched his chin.

  ”That’s a problem, is there anything else?”

  ”That’s all for now?” Liszt hesitated for a moment and said, “But, they are all trivial matters, I just said it casually, don’t take it too seriously.”

  ”There is no trivial matter with me,” Chu Guang shook his head and said seriously, “This problem will be solved within a month.”

  Liszt was slightly surprised, then smiled and said.

  ”It seems that the northern suburbs have met a wise manager. No wonder people here are full of confidence in the future.”

  Chu Guang: “Thank you for the compliment.”

  Lister “This is not a compliment, but a reality I confirmed with my own eyes. I have many kinds of customers, including farmers like Brown, local tycoons like your old rival, and slave owners and mine owners in Red River Town… Few people will regard the problems of ordinary people as problems that need to be solved. From my point of view, I certainly hope that your residents can live a better life so that they can have money to buy my goods.”

  Clearing his throat, Lister continued confidently.

  ”Perhaps, I should also have more confidence in your future… By the way, you seem to be in great need of agricultural machinery? I happen to know a factory owner who mainly makes engines and various power components. He has a large number of agricultural machinery and firewood engines in his warehouse. I also use his products in my plantation in the south. The quality is very reliable.”

  ”If you need, I can help you order a batch! For the sake of our friendship, I can give you a 10% discount.”

  A 10% discount is okay.

  Then the price you see is actually the discounted price?

  If this guy hadn’t mentioned it, Chu Guang would have almost forgotten about it.

  However, now is not the time to reminisce about the past.

  Chu Guang asked immediately.

  ”You have a plantation in the south?”

  In order to show his strength to his partners, Lister did not hide anything and said with a smile.

  ”Yes, it’s not just a plantation. I have a long-term contract with the local survivor settlement. The rubber produced belongs to me, and the biomass oil belongs to them. I will go there once a quarter with the daily necessities they need, and buy some things that Boulder City needs by the way. If you are interested, we can also cooperate. You provide the venue and be responsible for security, and I will provide manpower to farm. We can split the output 50-50.”

  What Chu Guang cared about was not his proposal, but the information he revealed in the proposal.

  The development environment in the south of Qingquan City seems to be better than here. Many merchants in Boulder City own industries such as plantations there.

  And that is my blind spot.

  Perhaps I should take advantage of the beginning of spring and the opportunity of the restoration of the trade route to send a few people to explore the surroundings of Qingquan City.

  Chu Guang thought for a moment and said.

  ”This sounds like a very attractive proposal, but we plan to adopt a more efficient centralized planting for cash crops, so let’s talk about those agricultural machines.”

  ”No problem.”

  Liszt was not surprised by Chu Guang’s euphemistic refusal.

  He walked around the northern suburbs and didn’t see a single slave, only prisoners of war at most. It was obvious that slavery was not popular in this survivor settlement.

  In fact, compared with the employment system, slavery is indeed an inefficient means of production. Even with the same living standards, the enthusiasm of free people for work will obviously surpass that of slaves.

  Therefore, even in the Boulder City that recognizes the legitimacy of slaves, few factories will arrange slaves to work on the assembly line.

  Chu Guang gave Liszt a list and purchased 10 “Iron Horse 60” pot-carrying machines.

  Although this thing does not use any particularly advanced technology, it is a serious heavy equipment, and the price is naturally much more expensive than the small arms and legs of the KV-1 exoskeleton.

  According to the data provided by Liszt, the total weight of this pot-carrying machine is about 500 kilograms, and it can provide a maximum of 60 horsepower.

  Compared to the 8~10 horsepower pot-camel machine copied and improved by players, and the 20~30 types commonly seen in the light trucks of the Legion, the pot-camel machine with a weight of 500 kilograms and a maximum horsepower of 60 can really be regarded as black technology.

  Shelter No. 404 is not short of light power equipment, but such heavy power equipment is still in short supply.

  Whether used in engineering machinery or in land reclamation work, these equipment are enough to increase the original efficiency by more than double.

  Compared with fuel engines, the advantages of this kind of machinery are obvious. It is easy to manufacture and maintain, and the power used is everywhere, so it is quite popular in the wasteland.

  However, the price is also quite expensive.

  The unit price of one unit has reached an astonishing 5,000 chips, which is equivalent to 100 iron pipe rifles, or 30 automatic rifles.

  According to the offer of 5,000 chips per unit, if Chu Guang wants to buy these equipment, he needs to pay 50,000 chips to Lister.

  Chu Guang naturally does not have so many chips.

  It is impossible to take out so much “foreign exchange reserves” for him.

  But it doesn’t matter.

  It was strange to pay directly, and barter was the norm in the wasteland.

  In the warehouse of the outpost, there were hundreds of tons of spirit leaves stored, all cut from the greenhouse ruins.

  After some bargaining, the deal was finally concluded with 10 pot-carrier machines in exchange for 1,000 kilograms of spirit leaves.

  Although Lister repeatedly stated that 50 chips per kilogram of spirit leaves was the price in Boulder City, and it was not possible to sell at this price at any time.

  He transported these goods back to Boulder City, and it was impossible for him to not make a profit on a chip.

  However, Chu Guang certainly would not believe his lies, and replied bluntly.

  ”5,000 chips for a 60-pot iron horse camel, isn’t that the price in Boulder City? And it’s the price you quoted to me.”

  ”And I don’t think that 1,000 kilograms of spirit leaves can only be sold at 50 per kilogram in your hands. It’s still winter now, and spirit leaves are summer crops, and they have very demanding requirements for the environment and soil. Can you get so much from other places?”

  ”The pharmaceutical factory in Boulder City will beg you to sell this batch of goods to them. Just like you believe in my management ability, I also believe that your business acumen will definitely know what to do.”

  Chu Guang believed that Lister would not be stupid enough to falsely quote an outrageous price to himself, affecting millions of cooperation for a mere 50,000 chips.

  But he also didn’t believe that Lister gave him the ex-factory price.

  Just as this guy said, the straight-line distance on the map for this round trip is more than 40 kilometers, and the actual distance is even more than 100.

  Both personnel and transportation tools cost money.

  He can’t do charity.

  ”Management ability? It’s a waste of talent if you don’t do business!”

  Looking at the order in his hand, although there is still some profit, Lister couldn’t help but complain in a low voice before quietly putting the order away.

  Chu Guang smiled.


  How do you know I haven’t done it?

  ”I’ll just take it as a compliment.”

  Spiritual leaves have a wide range of uses. They can be used to make tea, put into cigarettes, and made into spiritual water with stronger calming effect and more obvious pain dulling. They are the most popular medicines in the wasteland, along with powerful pills, Mint, radiation-removing agents, anti-radiation agents, and various antibiotics.

  Although not every mercenary has the habit of using enhanced drugs, even if the proportion is only one-third, it is still a very amazing market.

  The amount of 1 ton should not be enough to cause a large fluctuation in prices.

  Considering that the caravan at the outpost has not yet been formed, Chu Guang made a slight concession on the price.

  After the caravan is formed, he will make the money himself.

  ”This batch of goods will be delivered within a week. When my assistant comes back, I will ask him to go again immediately! I didn’t expect to see a large order of more than 10,000 chips in the northern suburbs. It’s really rare… It seems that the scale of the caravan must be expanded this year.”

  Speaking of this, Liszt’s tone couldn’t help but carry a hint of emotion.

  In the past, I went around the northern suburbs and only made 10,000 or 20,000 chips.

  Unlike now?

  I can make so much from a single transaction.

  And it’s not just chips, but also the resources behind them.

  Maybe it won’t be long before I can enter the inner city and live the upper-class life I dreamed of.

  Hearing Liszt’s sigh, Chu Guang’s heart suddenly moved.

  ”Do you need a guard?”

  Liszt, who was daydreaming, replied without thinking.

  ”Of course, there is always a shortage of excellent guards. Even if we occasionally hire mercenaries to make up the numbers, it is impossible for the entire team to be made up of just those. The combat effectiveness of those mercenaries varies, and their quality is also average. Only a few mercenary groups are okay, and most people are only slightly better than predators.”

  Chu Guang showed a bright smile on his face.

  ”That’s great.”

  Liszt was stunned.

  ”… Sorry, I didn’t understand, what do you mean?”

  Chu Guang cleared his throat and said seriously.

  ”I mean, in fact, in addition to providing high-quality products, we also provide logistics and security outsourcing services.”

  ”If your caravan needs guards, I can provide them here!”

  (Today’s 7K, continue to write tomorrow’s update)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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