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Chapter 25 A Guest from Afar

Chapter 25 A Guest from Afar


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 25 A guest from afar

  Yang Shifei was slightly embarrassed, and Luo Xianer glanced at the two of them meaningfully.

  But when the atmosphere was tense, Tan Xiang quickly retracted her gaze and returned to her usual indifference.

  ”Miss, there are distinguished guests visiting.”

  ”Who is it?”

  ”The Shoujian Sect who just arrived in Dongcheng, and the little princess who insisted on coming with them.”

  ”Take them to the guest hall first, make some tea, and make some cakes to entertain them.”

  ”Yes.” Tan Xiang nodded slightly, turned around and left with an elegant step.

  Seeing her reaction as if nothing had happened, Yang Shifei felt a little relieved, but he couldn’t help but murmur, guessing what the maid was thinking.

  Luo Xianer was thoughtful, and glanced at Yang Shifei.

  ”Would you like to go with me to meet the guests?”

  ”Me?” Yang Shifei retracted his thoughts and couldn’t help frowning and said, “I just heard from Tan Xiang that there is also a princess among the guests?”

  Miss Luo’s social circle is getting more and more exaggerated.

  ”She is the daughter of Shang Wutao, the Prince of Dingjiang. The palace is in the North City area.”

  Luo Xian’er said calmly, “Although she is a princess, she is also approachable and easy to get along with.”

  Yang Shifei thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

  After all, Luo Xian’er has already announced her identity as her ‘fiancé’ to the public, so he naturally has to help out in these scenes.

  ”But doesn’t that sect sound a bit strange?”

  ”It means ‘guard’ and ‘mountain stream’.”

  Luo Xian’er cast a reproachful look, “Although this sect is not the best in Liang, it is also one of the most prosperous sects with a large scale and close relations with the royal family. Its founder once guarded Tianshui Stream with several disciples two hundred years ago, repelled three hundred scouts, and protected the emperor who was ambushed at the time, so he was given the name ‘guard the stream’.”

  Yang Shifei scratched his head and smiled awkwardly. Fortunately, he didn’t say anything more.

  Seeing his funny reaction, Luo Xian’er’s eyes softened a little: “Let’s go.”

  Not long after, the two came to the guest hall of Luo’s house.

  Several young men who were guests in the audience quickly stood up and clasped their fists. They were dressed in white and green robes, with their hair tied up and swords on their backs. They all had extraordinary demeanor.

  The white-bearded old man in the lead was dressed like an old Taoist priest, with a kind smile on his face: “Miss Luo. I haven’t seen you for a year, and you have grown taller.”

  Luo Xian’er walked slowly and calmly, and replied: “Old Yan, you look good. But I wonder where the little princess has gone?”

  ”Hehe, the little princess is a little naughty, and she followed your maid to the kitchen to make trouble.”

  ”Forget it, the princess knows her own limits.”

  Luo Xian’er looked at the people behind the old man: “Who are these people?”

  ”They are my disciples, eighteen or nineteen years old, and they are all young and promising geniuses.”

  The white-bearded old man called Old Yan smiled and said: “I don’t ask for any use this time, just to see more of the world. If there is any dirty and tiring work, let them run errands.” The

  young men of Shoujian Sect were now holding their breath and lost in thought, amazed by the dreamlike beauty in front of them, and felt that all the fairies in the sky were just like her.

  But their eyes moved, and soon they noticed Yang Shifei who was accompanying them, and they all frowned.

  Old Yan also exclaimed: “Miss Luo, who is this young man?”

  ”He is my fiancé.” Luo Xian’er said calmly: “Because we just got engaged, not many people know about this.”

  Yang Shifei bowed his hands at the right time, with a humble smile on his face.

  Several disciples of Shoujian Sect were full of regret. They didn’t expect that such a beautiful woman would have a crush on someone. They could only sigh with regret.

  In addition to practicing martial arts diligently, they also read poetry and books. Naturally, they disdain to do the despicable thing of taking away the love of others. They are only envious of the young master Yang in front of them.

  But Old Yan’s reaction seems a bit exaggerated.

  He suddenly widened his eyes, his wrinkled old face full of shock, and he said in a lost voice: “Miss, when did you find your fiancé?!”

  ”Not long ago.” Luo Xian’er stretched out her jade hand and motioned everyone to sit down first: “My family has been urging me for a long time, so I want to find a fiancé myself so that my family can be more at ease. Recently, I have finally fulfilled my wish.”

  As she said, she gently pulled Yang Shifei’s sleeve, and the two of them came to the main seat and sat down side by side.

  ”Actually, it was you who found it yourself?”

  Old Yan’s tone was full of surprise, and his face was even more uncertain.

  This weird reaction, not to mention Yang Shifei, was very strange, even the disciples behind the old man showed strange expressions.

  Strange thing.

  They were not anxious, so why was the elder anxious?

  Looking at the expression of the elder, this trip could not be to propose marriage to his grandson, etc. The elder didn’t have a grandson either?

  The disciples of Shoujian Sect were confused.

  But seeing that the atmosphere was not right, they were all worried about whether they should pull the elder aside and ask him not to react too strongly, in case they scared the young lady.

  If they start a quarrel in someone else’s house later, they won’t be able to explain themselves, not to mention that they are not being treated!


  Old Yan realized it later, smiled awkwardly, and sat down with his beard brushed.

  ”This is really unexpected. I didn’t expect that the young lady would find a suitable husband. But I don’t know whether this should be told.”

  ”No need.” Luo Xian’er took a sip of tea, her tone as quiet as before: “This is my own marriage, and it has nothing to do with others.”

  Old Yan hesitated and finally sighed: “Then the young lady should take care of herself in the future. If there is anything wrong, we, the Shoujian Sect, can try our best to help.”

  ”Thank you for your concern, Old Yan, I will be more careful.”

  The conversation between the two sides was a bit of a mystery. Yang Shifei was a little confused. He only knew that there might be some unknown secrets behind Miss Luo.

  It should be related to her family background?

  But fortunately, Old Yan did not get angry again. He talked to Luo Xian’er about the situation in various parts of Liang State and the recent situation in Dongcheng.

  Yang Shifei sat quietly, listening attentively.

  In ancient times, information transmission was very difficult and limited, so it was rare to hear some news outside the East City.

  It was a pity that the conversation between the two sides was only brief, and Old Yan quickly changed the subject.

  ”Miss, I hope you have a stable life recently. As for this little brother.”

  Old Yan turned his eyes and looked at Yang Shifei with interest: “You have a fair and handsome face, and you are indeed a refined scholar. I wonder if you have ever passed any exams?”

  ”Please excuse me, Old Yan.”

  Yang Shifei bowed calmly and said, “I am from Niujia Village. I don’t have any official title. I have only learned some arithmetic. Now I work as an accountant in Qingyue Tower.”

  ”Ah, this old man guessed wrong.”

  Old Yan patted his forehead, but his eyes were even more surprised.

  Luo Xian’er put down the teacup and said lightly: “Not only is he an accountant, he has also learned martial arts for a few days and has good strength.”

  ”Oh?” Old Yan raised his eyebrows and laughed happily: “This is my strong point.”

  And several disciples of Shoujian Sect also cast curious eyes and secretly looked at Yang Shifei.

  This person has a good physique, and he is indeed not as frail as ordinary scholars. His eyes are bright and his back is straight. He has a good posture for practicing martial arts.

  Unfortunately, he seems to be a little older. Nowadays, if you practice martial arts, you can probably only strengthen your body. It is quite difficult to practice internal energy.

  ”Little brother has a good physique, but it’s a pity that you are a little older.” Old Yan stroked his white beard and said in a gentle tone: “Why don’t I teach you a health-preserving martial arts, so that you can strengthen your body and take better care of Miss Luo in the future?”

  Yang Shifei smiled and was about to refuse, but his sleeve was gently pulled.

  Glancing sideways, he saw Luo Xian’er blinking her beautiful eyes and whispering, “It’s okay. Elder Yan has a good relationship with my Luo family. I’ll teach you martial arts as a gift from the older generation.”

  ”Miss Luo is right.” Elder Yan smiled and waved his hand, “Little brother, don’t be so formal.”

  ”Thank you, old senior.”

  ”Why don’t you follow me to the courtyard and practice a few times for me to see.” Elder Yan patted the armrest and stood up, “In a few days, I will redraw a picture album and hand it over to you.”

  Not long after, everyone walked out of the living room and came to the wide courtyard.

  Elder Yan walked down the steps first, lifted his sleeves, looked back and laughed loudly, “Little brother, if there is anything you don’t understand, I will show you a few more times.”

  Yang Shifei nodded seriously, “I will try my best to remember.”

  ”Haha, then I’ll start.”

  After saying that, Elder Yan quickly exhaled and breathed in, stretched out his hands flat, and his aura suddenly changed.

  Seeing this, Yang Shifei’s eyes moved slightly.

  Although he looked old and frail, his natural aura should not be underestimated.

  He was indeed an elder of a sect. While he was watching intently, the disciples of Shoujian Sect beside him were sweating.

  What happened to Elder Yan today?

  They were clearly here to visit him, but the martial arts he was teaching was the most difficult martial arts to learn in the sect.

  Even those young geniuses had to suffer a lot and endure for several days before they could get started. And now that he was being taught on the spot, who could remember it? It would be embarrassing.

  This brother Yang looked honest and simple. How could he be bullied by others who were kind enough to entertain him like this?

  The disciples of Shoujian Sect swallowed their saliva, their palms sweating, and they looked at each other secretly, with plans in their minds.

  If this brother Yang didn’t remember any of his moves later, they would stand up and say a few nice words to ease the situation, and then seriously teach him a few simple sword techniques, and give him a sword to resolve the awkward situation.

  If he could barely imitate a move or two, they would praise him a lot.

  This is not intentional. After all, there is no disciple in their sect who can learn it right away. If this person can really learn something, they will admire him.

   I hope everyone can follow and vote for more. Thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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