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Chapter 250 Mother-in-law meets son-in-law

Chapter 250 Mother-in-law meets son-in-law


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 250 Mother-in-law looks at her son- in-law

  Zhang Ruoshu is a mother after all.

  She immediately adjusted her mood and asked, “According to what you said, Xiao Xu is not very popular with girls in school?”

  Xiao Youran nodded and said very depressedly, “Yes, many girls call him, send text messages, and harass him every day. Xiao Xu is so annoyed. Why don’t they know how to be reserved?”

  Zhang Ruoshu looked at Xiao Youran’s depressed expression and became depressed too.

  Silly daughter, still reserved?

  Such an excellent boy, if she was ten or twenty years younger, she couldn’t help but be moved.

  She really wanted to tell her daughter that if you continue to be reserved, Xu Xiuwen will become someone else’s boyfriend.

  Zhang Ruoshu decided to remind her daughter tactfully, “Sometimes it’s not a bad thing to take the initiative.”

  Xiao Youran nodded, “I think so too, so I plan to go to Aunt Ning’s house tomorrow and chat with Aunt Ning. Mom, you know, Aunt Ning likes me the most.”

  Knowing to follow the path of Xu Xiuwen’s mother, it seems that her daughter is not stupid enough.

  ”You go to see your Aunt Ning tomorrow. When you see Xu Xiuwen, ask him tactfully if there are any girls hanging around him recently.”

  Xiao Youran finally reacted.

  A smile instantly broke out on her face, “Mom, is Xiao Xu back?”

  ”Yes, your Aunt Ning just called and said that he just came back tonight.”

  ”Then why didn’t he tell me? No, I have to ask Xiao Xu.” Xiao Youran said as she picked up her phone and started texting Xu Xiuwen.

  Zhang Ruoshu saw this and quietly left the room.

  At home.

  Xu Xiuwen was about to go to bed when he suddenly received a text message from Xiao Youran.

  The girl asked him in the text message if he was back tonight.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t even have to think about it to know that it must have been his mother who told it.

  ”Well, I came back in the evening. Is there anything wrong?”

  ”Xiao Xu, why didn’t you tell me you came back? I thought you didn’t come back.”

  ”I’ve been very tired recently, so I forgot.”

  ”Then I’ll make you some soup tomorrow and send it to you to nourish you.”

  ”No need, it’s too much trouble.” “It’s okay

  , it’s not a big deal. I’ll go tell my mom now.”

  Xiao Youran immediately put down her phone and ran to find Zhang Ruoshu, asking her to make a bone soup or old hen soup to take to Aunt Ning’s house tomorrow to nourish Xu Xiuwen.

  Xiao’s father just came home at this time. Hearing what his daughter said, he said jealously: “Your dad is exhausted from working overtime, and you didn’t ask you to make soup for me. You only have eyes for your Xiao Xu.”

  Xiao Youran smiled shyly and hid in the room immediately.

  After Xiao Youran entered the room, Zhang Ruoshu really walked into the kitchen and started to get busy. After

  Xiao’s father took a shower and came out of the bathroom, he saw Zhang Ruoshu washing the pot in the kitchen and couldn’t help saying: “You really listened to your daughter and made soup for Xiao Xu?”

  Zhang Ruoshu rolled her eyes at him and ignored him.

  Seeing Zhang Ruoshu ignoring him, Father Xiao said depressedly, “I have never enjoyed the treatment Xiao Xu received.”

  Zhang Ruoshu snorted and asked, “Do you know why I listened to my daughter and made soup for Xiao Xu?”

  ”Oh, is there any other reason I don’t know?” Father Xiao looked curious.

  Zhang Ruoshu nodded slightly and explained, “I want to tell you something. Don’t tell anyone. It’s better for our family to know it.”

  Father Xiao smiled, “You don’t understand my personality. When have I ever told outsiders about my family affairs?”

  ”Well, do you know what Xiao Xu has done this semester?”

  ”What can Xiao Xu do? Isn’t he in college? Did he make a mistake in school?”

  Zhang Ruoshu rolled his eyes at him, “What are you thinking? What could a boy as good as Xiao Xu make a mistake?”

  Father Xiao looked at Zhang Ruoshu, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong

  . She had never thought that Xiao Xu was good before, let alone making soup for him.

  Something must have happened in the meantime!

  Zhang Ruoshu didn’t keep him waiting, and said directly: “Xiao Xu started writing novels after graduating from high school. He wrote a total of three books. The first one earned 250,000 yuan, the second one earned more than 1 million yuan, and the third one earned more than 1.5 million yuan.”

  Father Xiao opened his mouth wide after hearing this.

  Zhang Ruoshu saw his surprised expression and smiled. Her reaction just now was not much different from his.

  Even if Ning Wanqiu told her these words in person, she still couldn’t believe it.
It was

  not until she confirmed it from her daughter’s mouth that she gradually believed it.

  Zhang Ruoshu continued, “During the time when Xiao Xu was in college, he used the royalties from his second book to shoot a TV series, which was then sold to the Jiangsu Provincial TV Station for 12 million. I heard that the TV series will premiere the day after tomorrow. You said that Xiao Xu is a quiet kid, but he has done so many things quietly.”

  Father Xiao was silent.

  He was still trying to digest what Zhang Ruoshu said.

  He wrote three novels and earned nearly 3 million in royalties, and then he filmed a TV series and sold it for 12 million.

  Why did he feel like he was dreaming?

  He hesitated and asked, “Are you sure?”

  Zhang Ruoshu nodded and said, “I have confirmed it with my daughter, it should be correct. Wanqiu and my daughter can’t be lying to me, right? And didn’t the TV series say it would premiere the day after tomorrow? We will know then.”

  Father Xiao actually believed it.

  He couldn’t help but say, “No wonder you started preparing as soon as your daughter said that. I haven’t enjoyed such treatment.”

  Zhang Ruoshu explained, “Youran is too naive. I asked her how their relationship is now, and she told me that it’s still the same as before. Do you think this child is stupid? She didn’t know how to seize the opportunity of Xiao Xu, such an outstanding boy.”

  ”So you, as a mother, personally came out to make soup for your future son-in-law? It’s true that the mother-in-law likes her son-in-law more and more. But didn’t you think much of them before?”

  ”Can it be the same now as before? I was originally worried that Xiao Xu would have no future, and that Youran wouldn’t have a good life with him. But apart from this worry, I have watched Xiao Xu grow up since he was a child, and I know him inside out. I am not afraid that he will treat Youran badly in the future.”

  Father Xiao nodded and said, “That’s true. Xiao Xu is quite good to Youran. He used to hang around Youran every day and never complained about anything we asked him to do. He was also very respectful to us.”

  He thought about it seriously and felt that Xiao Xu was indeed very good and suitable for his daughter, so he said, “I support you in making soup. Youran is immature, and as a mother, you should give her more advice to promote their relationship.”

  ”Do you need to tell me that? Tomorrow, Youran will deliver the soup. I plan to go with her. Then we can have a good chat with Wanqiu. By the way, did you know that Xiao Xu spent 650,000 yuan on a BMW 5 Series and said tonight that he would buy a car for Wanqiu as well.”

  Father Xiao was shocked. “650,000 yuan for a BMW 5 Series? Isn’t that the top configuration?”

  Zhang Ruoshu rolled her eyes again. “Who is discussing cars with you? Didn’t you hear what I meant? Xiao Xu made money. He installed air conditioners at home during the summer vacation. Now he wants to buy a car for Wanqiu. This child is not only sensible but also very filial.”

  Father Xiao praised and said, “Xiao Xu is indeed a good child.”

  Zhang Ruoshu said, “Okay, go back and have a rest.”

  Hearing this, Father Xiao also reminded, “Since you are making soup for Xiao Xu, you must buy a pure old hen when you go to the vegetable market tomorrow.”

  ”I know, don’t worry.”

  Zhang Ruoshu prepared the pot and checked whether the ingredients and seasonings were complete.

  Everything is ready. Now all we need is a pure old hen to make the soup.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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