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Chapter 251: Ambush and Encirclement, a Deadly Sword

Chapter 251: Ambush and Encirclement, a Deadly Sword


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 251 Ambush and encirclement, a fatal sword

  Xie Yunfeng’s face was full of pain, and he spoke hoarsely:

  ”You two are poisoned, and I am the only one who knows where the antidote is hidden-”

  ”Stop talking nonsense.” Tan Xiang came over calmly: “Tell me your identity and origin clearly.”

  Xie Yunfeng opened his mouth slightly, gradually revealing a look of surprise.

  He wanted to delay time, but he found that the two people’s breath was still stable, and there was no sign of poisoning at all.

  ”How, how is it possible, you…”

  His “Yinfeng Powder” will take effect as long as it touches the skin, it can melt bones and waste power, and it is extremely toxic.

  But why is it ineffective against these two people? !

  Tan Xiang looked at him with contempt, crushed his wrist with his heel, and gradually crushed it inch by inch.

  Xie Yunfeng cried out in pain and begged for mercy: “Two, two heroes, spare my life, I’ll confess everything!”

  ”You’re quite sensible.” Yang Shifei stepped on his chest and said in a deep voice: “Tell me who you are first.”

  ”I’m Xie Yunfeng from Lianshan. I was entrusted to attack you two.”

  Xie Yunfeng was sweating in pain: “Please be merciful, my wife and daughter are in their hands, so I have to…”

  ”Who ordered you?”


  ”Young Master Yang, are you really here?!”

  At this moment, a cry of surprise came from outside the alley.

  Yang Shifei looked back and saw a rough man in luxurious clothes striding over, followed by more than a dozen fully armed followers.

  ”Who are you?”

  ”My name is Yuwen Zhong. I have some reputation in Fang County. I have the audacity to call myself ‘Prince’.”

  The burly man stroked his beard and smiled: “I heard that Young Master Yang was visiting Shu. I was thinking of coming here to entertain you all, so I came all the way here.”

  At this point, his face suddenly darkened, staring at Xie Yunfeng who was pinned to the ground: “But looking at this scene, is there a blind thief who bumped into Young Master Yang?”


  Xie Yunfeng trembled all over, but a subtle light flashed in his eyes.

  Yang Shifei nodded calmly: “It was a murder.”

  ”Someone dared to attack Young Master Yang, how bold!”

  Yuwen Zhong was immediately furious and waved his hand: “Quickly capture this assassin and interrogate him strictly!”

  His followers quickly surrounded him and forcibly pulled Xie Yunfeng out of the ground.

  ”Please rest assured, Young Master Yang. I will send more people to patrol to prevent this from happening again.”

  Yuwen Zhong clasped his fists and said solemnly, “We will find out the mastermind behind this and give Young Master Yang an explanation!”

  ”No problem.” Yang Shifei took Tan Xiang back two steps and smiled slightly, “I am unfamiliar with Shu and have to rely on your help.”

  ”Young Master Yang is favored by the court and Jintian Palace, so we naturally cannot neglect him.”

  Yuwen Zhong patted his chest and said solemnly, “I feel very guilty for frightening you two on this trip. If you don’t mind, I will host a banquet tonight and entertain you all well.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and nodded, “Prince Yuwen is so kind, I can’t refuse.”

  ”Okay! You two may as well follow me to my house and sit down first, and I will send someone to invite the other ladies.”

  Yuwen Zhong made way and spread his hands outside the alley, “There is a carriage parked outside, please get in first.”

  ”Thank you, Your Highness.”

  After walking a few steps, the smile on Yang Shifei’s face gradually disappeared.

  Tan Xiang glanced coldly, and the two exchanged glances silently. It was self-evident that they were vigilant in their hearts.

  ——This so-called Yuwen Zhong has bad intentions.

  It is hard to say whether his identity as a prince is true or false. But this assassination must be closely related to him, otherwise how could he “happen” to appear here. As

  his mind turned quickly, a strong wind suddenly blew up behind him

  ! Yang Shifei suddenly turned around and saw a sharp knife slash coming towards him!

  He immediately pressed the handle of the knife behind him and raised the knife to block it.


  Accompanied by a sharp sound, the ground under the feet of both parties exploded under the huge pressure, and the air waves surged.

  Yang Shifei’s body sank slightly, and his face was solemn. It seems that this person has been muttering for a long time just to let himself and Tan Xiang relax their vigilance?

  Yuwen Zhong showed a fierce look on his face, turned around and twisted his waist, and suddenly punched out with a heavy punch.

  Yang Shifei blocked again with his palm, but was knocked back repeatedly by the brutal force of the fist. Every step he took backwards caused cracks in the ground, which extended for more than several feet.


  Tan Xiang drew out the soft sword from her waist almost at the same time, with a cold look on her face, and the tip of the sword swept straight across Yuwen Zhong’s neck.

  But before she could cut the enemy, a hidden weapon arrived first.

  The girl had no choice but to put away her sword to parry, and she

  dodged and moved to deflect
all the hidden weapons, and retreated to Yang Shifei’s side.

  Swish, swish, swish—
more than a dozen people jumped out with light skills, blocking the front and back exits of the alley, and drew their weapons from their waists, with a fierce momentum.

  ”It’s true that your martial arts are extraordinary. No wonder even Xie Yunfeng missed.”

  Yuwen Zhong did not take the opportunity to pursue, but just lowered the tip of the knife and sneered: “It’s a waste of my words that I failed to sneak attack.”

  Behind him, Xie Yunfeng swallowed two pills, pressed his broken wrist and said hatefully: “This couple has been on guard for a long time, no matter how much you say, it’s useless.”

  Yang Shifei retracted the magic knife, clenched his fists, and his expression remained calm.

  ”We have no grudges against each other, why do you want to attack us, and even go to such lengths?”

  ”If I want to kill you, do I have to explain why?”

  Yuwen Zhong sneered and raised his hand to make two more gestures.

  Many figures approached from the roofs on both sides, and they all drew their bows and arrows.

  Yang Shifei glanced coldly, and this attack was indeed well prepared.

  ”All the people within a hundred feet have been dispersed, and no one can save you.”

  Yuwen Zhong sighed again: “I used to have a headache about what excuse to find to get rid of the accompanying Tianren Xuanwu, but now I have saved a lot of effort.”

  ”We are here at the invitation. Are you assassinating us because you are not on good terms with the Jintian Palace?”

  ”It won’t be long before the Jintian Palace will be buried with you.”

  Yuwen Zhong suddenly laughed grimly: “Use you as a sacrifice first.” He

  immediately raised his knife and swung it down, and the bows and crossbows fired at the same time, and the people behind him threw a large number of darts and silver needles.

  Seeing the black shadows coming like an overwhelming force, Yang Shifei was not at all confused.

  After the trip to Yan State, the quality and quantity of the coldness in the body have been greatly improved, and the physique is better than before.

  As the coldness in the body surged, the five senses suddenly rose to an astonishing level, and everything around became slower and slower, even every silver needle and dart was clearly visible.

  Yang Shifei held his breath and concentrated, with both arms spread out, and saw a series of afterimages passing by, and the dense arrows and hidden weapons were all knocked away without exception.

  Ding Ding Ding –

  the surrounding ground and walls were full of bounced arrows and flying blades, and the dust was slightly raised, which also made the scene quiet.

  Tan Xiang wanted to draw his sword, but he was stunned when he saw this.


  Dozens of warriors present were stunned on the spot, and Yuwen Zhong and Xie Yunfeng’s pupils shrank.

  This kid looks young, but I didn’t expect him to have such skills.

  Such means are probably comparable to the top masters of the upper third grade!


  But at this moment, there was another urgent cry from outside the alley: “The emissary of the Jintian Palace is here, why don’t you stop quickly!”

  Yuwen Zhong wanted to attack again, but he stopped suddenly and smacked his lips with a gloomy face:

  ”I didn’t expect it to come so quickly, but it took too much time.”

  Immediately, he smiled warmly again, put away his knife and bowed: “Young Master Yang, this time we had a misunderstanding. I will come to apologize later. Goodbye.”

  After that, he smiled and waved: “Let’s go, let the emissary of the Jintian Palace entertain Young Master Yang well, and we don’t have to worry about it.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes were slightly cold, and he was about to step forward, but his steps suddenly stopped, and he smiled a little instead.

  ”Xian’er, you came so quickly.”


  At the entrance of the alley, a beautiful figure quietly fell, and the dozen followers who were blocking outside fell to the ground silently.

  Yuwen Zhong’s face changed slightly when he saw this: “Who are you–”


  The sword flashed, and his head fell to the ground.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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