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Chapter 252: Cutting the grass and eradicating the roots, internal and external cooperation

Chapter 252: Cutting the grass and eradicating the roots, internal and external cooperation


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 252: Cut the grass and root it out, cooperate with the inside and outside.


  As the blood gushed out, Yuwen Zhong’s body twitched and fell in a pool of blood.

  Seeing his head rolling out several times, dozens of followers including Xie Yunfeng were stunned and froze in place as if struck by lightning.

  Prince Yuwen was over fifty years old and had reached the third rank of cultivation. His martial arts were so exquisite that he could compete with the Heavenly Man and Black Tortoise for several moves without losing.

  It was because of such a background that he dared to come and kill Yang Shifei in person, but now he lost his head in the blink of an eye? !

  Everyone suddenly came back to their senses and looked at the mysterious and beautiful girl like a banished fairy, with horror in their eyes.

  Is this woman the Luoshui Sword Fairy of Liang State. Luo Xianer? !

  But according to the intelligence, this woman has just entered the realm of heaven and man, why is she so terrifying——

  ”It just so happens that they are all here, so we don’t have to chase them one by one.”

  Luo Xian’er walked gracefully, as if she was walking lightly in a pool of blood, her skirt was like smoke and fantasy, and she was so beautiful.

  The girl’s jade face was cold, her black hair was flying, and the white sword in her hand was flowing with a faint sword light.


  The pale sword light suddenly flashed, and the sides of the alley collapsed instantly, and several houses collapsed in an instant. The

  interlaced sword light tore through the earth and cut through gold and iron, and the flesh and blood of dozens of people almost broke at the same time.

  No one could hide, no one could stop. In just one move, the battle was over.


  As the bricks and stones fell, blood spurted out in the dust. Dozens of people were chopped to pieces without even a scream.


  Yang Shifei raised his arm to help Tan Xiang block the wind and dust, and looked at the tragic scene around him like a natural disaster, and couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

  Xian’er’s sword was really getting more and more terrifying, just like the means of a god.

  ”Are you all right?”

  Luo Xian’er walked over quickly, her face no longer indifferent, revealing a bit of concern.

  Yang Shifei smiled and waved his hand: “If it weren’t for the attack of the Heavenly Man Xuanwu, what would happen to us.”

  Tan Xiang put away the sword and nodded: “Miss, don’t worry, we are not injured.”

  As she said that, she bent her finger and gently hooked it, and the transparent spider silk attached to the two people gathered like flowing water, gathered into a small ball in her palm, and threw it on the ground and turned into water stains and seeped into the ground.

  The many poisons that Xie Yunfeng had just sprayed were blocked outside the spider silk barrier, and the two people were naturally fine.

  Luo Xian’er breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s good that you’re okay.”

  ”Xian’er came in time.”

  Yang Shifei chuckled again: “It’s just right to deal with these people, so as not to run back and forth.”

  Luo Xian’er frowned slightly: “Who are they and why did they attack”

  few coughs

  were faintly heard not far away. As the smoke and dust completely dissipated, more than a dozen men and women in black robes were standing outside the ruins at a loss.

  ”What happened just now?”

  A woman in black robes was dazed and murmured, “I seemed to see only a few rays of light, the houses collapsed, and there seemed to be blood.”

  ”They are all dead.”

  Looking at the broken limbs in the ruins, the middle-aged man in the lead gradually turned pale and swallowed his saliva, “Even Prince Yuwen was no exception, he was killed with one sword.”


  Everyone present was silent for a while, with only unspeakable fear in their hearts.

  The rumors were true. This Liangguo Tianren was not a beginner in the Tianren realm.

  He could kill dozens of people in an instant. With such a skill, he could be regarded as the peak of the world, comparable to his own palace master.

  Looking at the blood on the ground, they felt even more complicated.

  Yuwen Wang relied on his power to be arrogant in several remote counties for half his life, but he didn’t expect that he would die like a crushed ant because he misjudged his opponent’s cultivation.

  ”Are you from Jintian Palace?”

  Yang Shifei stepped on the ruins and walked step by step.

  Luo Xian’er and Tan Xiang followed silently behind him, with dark and sharp eyes, which made everyone present stand on end and tremble with fear.

  ”Yang, Young Master Yang, it’s us!”

  The black-robed man in the lead hurriedly responded, took two steps back, and bowed his hands: “We came a little late, it’s really… poor hospitality!”

  The other people from Jintian Palace also bowed and saluted, and at the same time took out the token to strictly identify themselves. Everyone was nervous and sweating, fearing that they would be implicated.

  ”Don’t be nervous, I can tell the difference between friend and foe.”

  Yang Shifei glanced at the token, stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: “But I have a lot of doubts now, and I need your help to answer them.”

  ”Please tell us, sir, we will tell you everything we know!”

  ”Were those people just now really some princes?”

  ”It was indeed the local King Yuwen,”

  the black-robed man said cautiously with a rolling throat, “They are just a force entrenched in the local area. They have nothing to do with our Jintian Palace. Please don’t misunderstand, Young Master Yang.”

  Yang Shifei glanced at him: “I just heard you say you wanted to stop.”

  ”I, I’m just worried that a conflict would break out and I would accidentally hurt you.”

  The black-robed man said stiffly: “That shout was for King Yuwen to hear.”

  If he knew that such a celestial being was coming, he would certainly not say anything more.

  Yang Shifei stroked his chin, a little curious: “I remember that the Jintian Palace is very powerful in Shu. This little prince is fighting with you openly. Can you just watch?”

  ”It’s not that Jintian Palace is afraid of the power of Prince Yuwen, there are other reasons.”

  The man in black robe opened his mouth and sighed: “To be honest, many people in Shu are now contaminated by filth, and even collude with the surrounding Wei, Xu, and Zhou countries. The altar masters are trying to find a way to follow the clues, so they let them act. It’s

  just that they were careless for a moment, and they didn’t have time to take care of Prince Yuwen, so he had a conflict with the young master.”

  Yang Shifei frowned when he heard it, and looked at the fairy Tanxiang behind him.

  After being contaminated by filth, colluding with foreign countries, this is something I haven’t seen in the letter.

  ”It’s too long to elaborate on this matter. In short, the three countries of Wei, Xu and Zhou worked together to plot and instigate many hidden players. We just discovered it a few days ago.”

  The man in black robe looked at the messy corpses in the ruins and said in a deep voice: “As for why King Yuwen attacked you, it may be that the three countries of Wei, Xu and Zhou secretly ordered to kill you.

  In this way, the alliance between Shu and Liang just collapsed, and then they sent troops to encircle Shu.”

  Yang Shifei’s face darkened.

  It seems that Ji Shang was right when he said that there were undercurrents both inside and outside Shu.

  ”What will be the impact if Yuwen Zhong and others die here?”

  ”We will handle it properly and leave no hidden dangers, please rest assured.”

  The black-robed man hurriedly said: “You just need to move and move to the branch palace to check in. In a day or two, the palace master should be able to come to see you.”

  ”Okay.” Yang Shifei nodded: “Thank you all, we will leave first.”

  ”Sir, take care, we will send someone to guide you soon.”

  After watching the three people turn around and leave, the people of Jintian Palace breathed a sigh of relief, their bodies wet with cold sweat.

  ”It’s really scary.”

  Originally thought that it was the Luoshui Sword Immortal who was overwhelming, but Yang Shifei and the girl beside him also had a strong aura, which made people tremble.

  ”This world is really crazy.”

  The black-robed man walked into the ruins, looked at the scattered corpses of Xie Yunfeng and Yuwen Zhong, and couldn’t help but sigh:

  ”These young people have such terrible skills. No wonder they are so valued by the palace master”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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