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Chapter 253 I leave Youran to you

Chapter 253 I leave Youran to you


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 253 I leave Youran to you

  Tang Weiwei’s three roommates.

  Su Yanyan scored the worst, but she scored above 80 in every subject.

  Shen Minyao scored above 85 in every subject, and even above 90 in some subjects.

  Bai Yueer’s grades surprised Xu Xiuwen.

  Bai Yueer scored above 90 in every subject, and most of them were above 95.

  The reason why Xu Xiuwen was surprised by Bai Yueer’s grades

  was because she was the least serious in reviewing, at least compared to Su Yanyan.

  Su Yanyan has been sitting in the first row with Tang Weiwei since the beginning of the school year, and she listens carefully in every class, but she scored the worst in the exam.

  Bai Yueer only “woke up” in the later period and joined the study team.

  In the final review stage, she was often busy bickering with him.

  It feels like her mind is not fully focused on reviewing.

  But she scored particularly well in the exam.

  Xu Xiuwen could only sigh that her learning talent is too strong.

  Xu Xiuwen checked the results and wanted to send text messages to inform them, but gave up after thinking about it.

  Anyway, the results have been determined, so there is no point in talking about it now.

  It is better not to tell them and let them have a happy New Year.

  Of course, except for Shi Xiangming, maybe everyone else has checked their results.

  As for Tang Weiwei, Xu Xiuwen plans to tell her later. After all, Xiao Youran is next to him now, and the time is not suitable.

  Xu Xiuwen closed the webpage and his cell phone rang suddenly.

  It was the 7610 phone.

  On the 7610 phone, Xu Xiuwen currently only saved the numbers of three people, namely Tang Weiwei, Cheng Lu and An Shishi.

  No matter whose call it was, Xu Xiuwen didn’t want Xiao Youran to know.

  So he didn’t answer it immediately, but said to Xiao Youran: “Youran, aren’t you reading the novel I wrote? Just sit here and read it. I’ll go out for a while.”

  After that, he took the phone and walked out of the room.

  Xiao Youran is simple, but she is not stupid.

  Xu Xiuwen must have gone out to answer the phone.

  So whose call was it, and why couldn’t he answer it in front of her?

  Xiao Youran’s mood suddenly became lost.

  Does Xiao Xu have a girlfriend?

  Impossible! Xiao Xu can’t have a girlfriend.

  Xiao Youran shook his head and rejected the idea.

  Since he didn’t have a girlfriend, why did he go out to make a phone call?

  Xiao Youran was secretly sad because of his evasive behavior.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t know what Xiao Youran was thinking.

  After coming out of the room, he immediately went to the balcony and closed the glass door of the balcony.

  He picked up the phone and took a look. It was An Shishi’s call.

  Sure enough.

  Xu Xiuwen also guessed that it was An Shishi’s call.

  He immediately pressed the answer button.

  ”Hello, Shishi.”

  ”Honey, were you busy just now? Did my call disturb you?”

  ”No, I was just checking my grades, so I didn’t answer it right away. Have you arrived in Guilin?”

  ”Oh, hehe, I’m in Guilin, just got out of the station, and am about to take the bus home.”

  ”Are you missing anything?”

  ”No, I only have one suitcase, and I’ve been pulling it.”

  ”Well, that’s good.”

  An Shishi asked with a smile: “Honey, you said you were checking your grades just now?”

  ”Yes, the final exam results are out.”

  ”Then how are your grades, honey?”

  ”Not bad, all above 90 points.” Xu Xiuwen said quite complacently.

  Upon hearing this, An Shishi immediately shouted: “Wow, my husband is so amazing, he really deserves to be my husband.”

  An Shishi is really good at talking. It’s impossible not to be happy when chatting with her.

  Xu Xiuwen asked with concern: “Is it troublesome for you to go home? If it is troublesome, just take a taxi and let the driver drive you home. At most, you will have to pay a little more. Don’t be reluctant to spend money.”

  An Shishi laughed when she heard this, which made Xu Xiuwen feel itchy. He

  really wanted to grab her and slap her hard.

  An Shishi laughed for a while before saying, “Thank you for your concern, husband. It’s not troublesome for me to go home, but

  I have to change cars several times.” “Isn’t it troublesome? Listen to me, just take a taxi back directly. By the way, you must take a regular taxi, not an illegal taxi.”

  ”Then I will listen to my husband, I will take a taxi back later.”

  ”Well, before getting in the car, you should remember the license plate, and then send it to me by text message. Send me a text message as soon as you get home.” Xu Xiuwen was worried and reminded him again.

  An Shishi nodded.

  The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

  Neither of them spoke.

  In the end, An Shishi was the first to break the silence.

  An Shishi smiled bitterly and said, “Honey, I miss you.”

  Although they had only been apart for one night, Xu Xiuwen was already craving for sex. He also missed An Shishi, but he was thinking about her beautiful body.

  He looked up and looked behind him, and whispered, “I miss you too. You know, I almost couldn’t sleep last night without you by my side.”

  Hearing this, An Shishi’s almond eyes were full of spring, and she panted tenderly, “Me too. I’m not used to sleeping without my husband holding me.”

  Her panting was no different from that in bed.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly recalled the feeling at that time.

  He was afraid to continue chatting. If the women at home saw him, it would be difficult to explain.

  He hurriedly said, “Okay, go get the car quickly, and we’ll talk later.”

  ”Okay, honey, I love you, kiss.” An Shishi said coquettishly, as if it had become her habit.

  ”Yeah, kiss.”

  After hanging up the phone, Xu Xiuwen took a few deep breaths.

  This An Shishi, just making a phone call, almost ignited his anger.

  Some people may be born with this talent.

  An Shishi is undoubtedly such a person.

  But Xu Xiuwen likes it very much.

  Because no matter how coquettish, charming, and seductive An Shishi is,

  she only shows it to him.

  That doesn’t matter.

  After hanging up the phone, Xu Xiuwen pretended to go to the bathroom before returning to the room.

  After returning to the room, Xu Xiuwen walked to the computer.

  He didn’t care at first, but when he walked to Xiao Youran, he noticed that Xiao Youran’s face was not right.

  Xiao Youran saw him coming back and wanted to ask him who called, but was afraid of causing him to be disgusted, so he hesitated.

  Xu Xiuwen had guessed what she wanted to ask.

  He took the initiative to “explain” and said, “The person who called me just now is the director of the crew. He has something to discuss with me about the TV series.”

  ”Really?” Xiao Youran heard this, and his face suddenly turned from gloomy to sunny.

  Xu Xiuwen nodded and said.

  Xiao Youran smiled with relief.

  Seeing Xiao Youran smile because of his explanation.

  He was a little helpless

  He wanted to persuade her not to focus on him, but he knew that it was useless to say it, and it would only make her unhappy, so he didn’t say it.

  It has been half a year since his rebirth, and Xu Xiuwen has long let go of his resentment from his previous life.

  As for Xiao Youran, he only regarded her as a good sister who grew up with him.

  Apart from that, he never thought about it at all.

  After his worries disappeared, Xiao Youran remembered that she had not read the novel yet, and said shyly, “Xiao Xu, I want to read the novel you wrote.”

  ”Then read it.” Xu Xiuwen immediately gave up his seat.

  Xiao Youran sat in his chair and began to read the novel.

  Xiao Youran read very attentively.

  Xu Xiuwen waited for her to finish reading, and asked with a smile, “How is this book?”

  Xiao Youran looked at Xu Xiuwen with admiration and praised, “It’s so good, but it’s a pity that there are too few.”

  Xu Xiuwen suspected that she was exaggerating, but he was still very happy.

  Xiao Youran definitely cannot represent all female readers, but she can definitely represent a part of them.

  If some female readers like it, then the performance of this book will not be bad.

  Not long after, Ning Wanqiu prepared the meal and it was time to eat.

  At the dinner table, Zhang Ruoshu picked up dishes for Xu Xiuwen several times and said, “Xiao Xu, try it and see how Auntie cooks it. Is it to your taste?”

  After hearing Zhang Ruoshu’s words, Xu Xiuwen realized that some of the dishes were cooked by her.

  Xu Xiuwen was flattered.

  Because although Aunt Zhang treated her well before, she would never care so much.

  The look in her eyes showed both appreciation and love.

  Xu Xiuwen immediately thought of Xiao Youran.

  Isn’t this a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law?

  Xu Xiuwen was scared instantly.

  He could handle Xiao Youran, but he was not sure he could handle Aunt Zhang.

  Xu Xiuwen decided to play dead, so he buried his head in his food and didn’t say a word.

  Zhang Ruoshu was helpless when she saw this, so she had to turn around and chat with Ning Wanqiu.

  From their chat, Xu Xiuwen knew that they were going to look at cars together in the afternoon.

  Xu Xiuwen decided to remind her, “Mom, when you look at cars, don’t be reluctant to spend money and only look at the cheap ones. When buying a car, cheap things don’t work.”

  Ning Wanqiu rolled her eyes at him, “Do I need you to remind me?”

  She didn’t have the confidence to speak, because she originally thought so.

  After hearing what Xu Xiuwen said, Zhang Ruoshu was amazed.

  Little Xu is really a good kid, filial and sensible, and very outstanding. The most important thing is that he grew up with his daughter as childhood sweethearts, and he is simply the best choice for a son-in-law.

  Xiao Youran didn’t think much about it. She just felt that what Xu Xiuwen said made sense. Of course, you can’t buy a car that is too cheap. She also understands the truth that cheap things don’t work.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t know what the three people at the dinner table were thinking.

  Seeing Ning Wanqiu’s impatient expression, he shut up tactfully.

  Zhang Ruoshu crossed out, “Xiao Xu, don’t worry. I’ll go with your mother to look at cars in the afternoon. I’ll remind her.”

  ”Well, thank you, Aunt Zhang.”

  Zhang Ruoshu was very satisfied with Xu Xiuwen. She caught a glimpse of her daughter beside her and asked with a smile, “Xiao Xu, are you going out in the afternoon? Or are you staying at home?”

  ”I don’t know, maybe not.”

  ”Is that so? I’ll leave Youran to you. You grew up together as childhood sweethearts, so you must have a lot to talk about.”

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned.

  He subconsciously turned his head to look at Xiao Youran, who looked at him expectantly.

  Xu Xiuwen hesitated for a moment and nodded, “Well, Aunt Zhang, don’t worry, I will take good care of Youran.”

  Zhang Ruoshu laughed when she heard this. She said, “I believe you. In fact, if you have nothing to do in the afternoon, you can take Youran out for a walk. Anyway, you can do it yourself.”


  Xiao Youran was already very happy at this time.

  If Xu Xiuwen and Aunt Ning were not there, she would have wanted to hug her mother and kiss her.

  She couldn’t wait to start spending time alone with Xiao Xu.

  Ning Wanqiu saw the reactions of Zhang Ruoshu and Xiao Youran.

  She was not slow and immediately thought of something.

  She planned to ask Zhang Ruoshu alone in the afternoon, so she didn’t say anything.

  After lunch, Xu Xiuwen was responsible for washing the dishes and pots.

  Ning Wanqiu and Zhang Ruoshu went into the bedroom after lunch.

  Xiao Youran sat on the sofa at first, then walked into the kitchen and stood next to Xu Xiuwen.

  Looking at Xu Xiuwen who was busy washing the dishes, she took the initiative to say, “Xiao Xu, let me wash the dishes with you.”

  Xu Xiuwen turned his head and looked at her, then chuckled and shook his head.

  Xiao Youran blushed instantly because of his laughter.

  She whispered, “Why are you laughing? Do you think I’m not good enough?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t deny it either, and nodded to admit it directly.

  Xiao Youran’s face flushed, and she wanted to explain and deny, but she didn’t have the confidence.

  Xu Xiuwen found her expression of indignation and grievance very interesting.

  He suddenly washed his hands, wiped off the water droplets on his hands, then turned to face Xiao Youran, stretched out his hand, and said, “Give me your hand.”

  Xiao Youran didn’t know what he was going to do.

  But her heart began to pound, and her face turned a little red.

  After hesitating for a few seconds, she finally slowly put her hand into Xu Xiuwen’s hand.

  Xu Xiuwen gently grasped Xiao Youran’s jade hand and looked at it carefully.

  Xiao Youran’s hands are very beautiful.

  ten fingers are slender, slender, yet plump, white, soft and pearly.

  Her nails are shiny, and the crescent at the root of the nails is clearly visible. The tips of the nails are thin and cut into the shape of almonds, which are cleaner than ivory.

  Xiao Youran’s palms turned red and hot because of his actions.

  She lowered her head and asked softly, “What are you doing?”

  Xu Xiuwen took the opportunity to throw her hand away and said, “Your hands are so beautiful that I can tell that your fingers are not touched by women. I dare not let you wash dishes. If I destroy such beautiful hands, I will be guilty of a heinous crime. Even if Aunt Zhang doesn’t say anything, my mother will probably blame me.”

  Xiao Youran blushed and said shyly, “How can it be so exaggerated?”

  Then she raised her hands again, looked at them by herself, and asked in confusion, “Is it really beautiful?”

  Xu Xiuwen said unhappily, “Being overly modest is hypocrisy. Don’t you know whether it is beautiful or not?”

  Xiao Youran’s pretty face became even redder when she heard this.

  She hummed like a spoiled child, “I really don’t know, how can it be hypocritical?”

  She was very happy.

  Of course she knew that her hands were beautiful, not only because her fingers were not touched by women, but also because she usually paid attention to maintenance and trimming.

  Many people had praised her beautiful hands before, but she was happier to hear Xiao Xu praise her beautiful hands than to hear anyone praise her.

  Xiao Youran acted like a spoiled child with such a beautiful face, and I’m afraid few men could resist it.

  But Xu Xiuwen is not a man.

  I’m wrong, he is not an ordinary man.

  He has seen many beautiful women and has developed resistance.

  If it were An Shishi’s charming and seductive posture, he might not be able to control himself.

  But Xiao Youran was just acting coquettishly, and he could handle it.

  Xu Xiuwen said calmly: “Okay, I’m going to wash the dishes. It’s okay for you to stand by and watch, but don’t disturb me while I’m working.”

  ”Oh.” Xiao Youran nodded, looking like I’m very well-behaved.

  Wash the dishes and pots, and then clean the kitchen briefly.

  After doing these things, Xu Xiuwen returned to the room and prepared to continue typing.

  Xu Xiuwen’s hand speed is very fast, not slower than those bachelors.

  Xiao Youran also followed in. She didn’t say anything, but sat quietly beside his bed and watched him type. He

  was thirsty from typing, and Xu Xiuwen subconsciously picked up the cup on the table and handed it to his mouth, only to find that there was no water in the cup.

  He was about to get up and go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, but Xiao Youran quickly stood up, walked over, and took the cup from his hand.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at her in confusion.

  Xiao Youran smiled faintly, “Xiao Xu, keep typing. I’ll get you some water.”

  Xu Xiuwen nodded and continued typing.

  In the quiet little room, only the clacking of the keyboard could be heard.

  It lasted until about three in the afternoon.

  Xu Xiuwen stopped, stretched, and prepared to take a break. He had

  just typed several thousand words.

  At this speed, he could finish the entire novel in less than half a month.

  He remembered that he hadn’t heard anything from Xiao Youran. He

  turned around and looked over, but was stunned.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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