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Chapter 256: Don’t Let Your Brother-in-law Be Taken Away by Other Women

Chapter 256: Don’t Let Your Brother-in-law Be Taken Away by Other Women


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 256: Don’t let your brother-in-law be taken away by other women.

  In the evening, An Shishi’s family sat together for dinner.

  An’s father was not at home. He was often not at home, and might only be at home for one or two days a week.

  The three of them sat together, and no one was busy eating.

  An’s mother had long black hair, which was tied up and pinned with a wooden hairpin.

  She wore a black sweater on her upper body and an old red coat on the outside.

  Her clothes were very rustic, but she was extremely beautiful.

  She had an oval face, with slightly thin cheeks, and a pair of willow-leaf eyebrows under her smooth forehead, with slightly long eyebrows.

  The pair of beautiful eyes under her eyebrows were like two crescent moons, with clear black and white in the whites of her eyes and pupils.

  Her facial features were very delicate, and if you look closely, both An Shishi and An Shuishui have her shadow.

  Rural people get married early, so although her daughter is already eighteen years old, she is actually just over thirty years old.

  Although she is in her thirties, she looks very young and doesn’t look like a person in her thirties at all.

  Her skin was also fair and transparent, completely different from the dark yellow skin of ordinary rural women.

  An’s mother exuded a gentle and virtuous temperament, but her slightly wrinkled brows and the melancholy in her eyes told that she was a sad young woman.

  Then at this moment, a solemn expression appeared on this beautiful face that did not look old.

  An Shuishui was still immersed in the joy of having new clothes and gifts.

  An Shishi noticed her mother’s expression, but she did not speak first.

  An’s mother could not help it and finally asked, “Shishi, don’t you have anything to say to me?”

  An Shishi was silent.

  It was different from facing her sister An Shuishui.

  When facing her mother, she needed to sort out her thoughts and think clearly about what to say and what not to say.

  But when An’s mother saw that she didn’t speak, her face became uglier.

  She worked hard to support her two daughters to study, and even borrowed money from relatives to let her eldest daughter go to college, so that she could change her fate with knowledge instead of going out to learn bad things.

  When she thought that her daughter had learned bad things, she felt that her life was bleak and hopeless.

  She was so sad that she started crying.

  An Shishi didn’t expect her mother to cry.

  She was a little confused.

  An Shuishui also asked nervously, “Mom, why are you crying?”

  An’s mother looked at An Shishi and said, “I sent you to school, not to let you go out and learn bad things. You disappoint me so much. I should have let Shuishui go out to study earlier.”

  An Shishi was a little helpless after her mother’s words.

  She asked, “Who told you that I learned bad things?”

  She turned her head to look at An Shuishui beside her, “Shuishui, is it you?”

  An Shuishui felt guilty and immediately lowered her head.

  Although she was simple, she was not stupid. Her sister said that she didn’t learn bad things, and the things were all bought by her boyfriend.

  But she was still very worried.

  What if her sister lied to her?

  So she told her mother that her sister suddenly had money to buy a lot of things, and that her sister had a boyfriend.

  An’s mother said coldly: “Don’t worry about what Shuishui said. You did a good thing yourself. Are you afraid of what others say?”

  An Shishi was helpless. “What did I do? I know some people in the village went out to learn bad things, but I’m not that kind of person. Can you stop thinking badly of me?” ”

  Okay, you don’t admit it, right? Then I’ll listen to your explanation.” An’s mother said angrily.

  But deep in her heart, she still hoped that her daughter could give her a suitable explanation.

  An Shishi had no choice but to tell her how she and Xu Xiuwen met and how they got together.

  Of course, she concealed some details.

  she told her mother was that the two of them fell in love because of a kiss in the library, and their relationship became better and better, and finally it came naturally.

  What she said was true and false, and it was just like this that it was the most difficult for people to distinguish the truth from the false.

  After listening to her words, An’s mother was silent.

  An Shuishui asked: “Sister, is Xu Xiuwen really as good as you said?”

  An Shishi turned her head and glared at her. She had only been away from home for half a year, and her sister had become a little snitch and learned to complain.

  However, she nodded and answered her question seriously: “Xu Xiuwen is the best boy I have ever met, and he is very good to me, so mom, don’t worry, I haven’t learned bad things at all.” “And

  Shuishui, you just called the one who received the gift brother-in-law, and now you call Xu Xiuwen? I didn’t realize you were such a person?”

  An Shuishui smiled obediently and immediately changed her words: “I was wrong, it was brother-in-law.”

  An’s mother immediately retorted: “What brother-in-law, I haven’t agreed yet. Your sister said it well, who knows if it is true or not.”

  An Shishi said seriously: “Mom, whether you agree or not, I have decided on him in this life. As long as he wants me, I will be with him for the rest of my life.”

  An’s mother still knows her daughter’s character better. She knew she was serious from the tone of her voice.

  She was silent for a while, and after a long time she said: “Silly girl, how can you decide on someone like this? You follow him wholeheartedly. What if he treats you badly, do you want to suffer the same hardship as me?”

  The two sisters were silent when they heard what An’s mother said.

  When they were young, they often saw bruises all over their mother’s body, which almost accompanied their childhood.

  They knew how much their mother had suffered.

  The three mothers and daughters looked at each other, and tears flashed in their eyes.

  An Shishi wiped away her tears and said to her mother: “Mom, Xu Xiuwen and my father are not the same kind of people. He will never hit me. He treats me very well. Don’t worry.”

  She remembered something, suddenly stood up, walked back to the room quickly, found the bank card and returned to the dining table.

  An Shishi held up the bank card in her hand and said to her mother: “Mom, there is 100,000 yuan in this card. He gave it to me and let me spend it as I like. If he is not good to me, how could he give me so much money?”

  An’s mother was shocked when she heard it.

  She didn’t care about being sad, and looked at the bank card in her daughter’s hand with wide eyes.

  100,000 yuan?

  This is a number she dare not imagine.

  Her daughter’s boyfriend gave her daughter 100,000 yuan before they got married? And let her daughter spend it as she likes?

  An’s mother wondered if she was dreaming.

  An Shuishui also stared at the bank card in her sister’s hand, her pretty face flushed.

  An Shishi noticed the expressions of the two.

  She turned to An Shuishui and said, “Shuishui, sister is rich now, so you don’t have to work part-time. You study hard, and after the end of senior year, sister will pay for you to go to college next year.”

  Hearing this, An Shuishui cried happily.

  She hugged her sister and couldn’t stop crying.

  She could finally go to college and didn’t have to work part-time.

  An’s mother couldn’t help but say, “He gave you money, and you gave it to your sister to go to school. Will he be angry if he knows? Don’t affect your relationship anymore.”

  An Shishi shook her head and said, “No, he is not that kind of person, and I told him about Shuishui before, he supports Shuishui to continue studying.”

  Hearing this, An’s mother subconsciously said, “He cares so much about Shuishui, does he have any ideas about Shuishui?”

  An Shuishui’s face instantly turned red from cheeks to ears.


  This time An Shishi’s face turned cold, “Mom, if you think so, I will really be angry.”

  An’s mother regretted it.

  She didn’t know why she suddenly said such words.

  Seeing her daughter’s cold face, she quickly said, “I’m sorry, Shishi, I said the wrong thing.”

  An Shishi’s anger subsided a little after hearing this.

  She turned to look at her sister who was holding her and said, “Shuishui, your brother-in-law paid for your schooling. You should thank him, not me, but don’t worry, your sister-in-law is a very good person, not that dirty.”

  An Shuishui nodded and said, “I know, sister.”

  This time, An’s mother no longer objected to her calling him brother-in-law.

  The mother and daughter chatted for a while, but it was basically An’s mother asking questions and An Shishi answering.

  An Shuishui hugged her sister and didn’t say anything.

  When talking about 100,000 yuan, An’s mother told her daughter not to spend money recklessly.

  An Shishi was a little helpless, so she said: “Xu Xiuwen made 3 million by writing novels, and the TV series sold 10 million. He only took half a year to make this money. He is not short of money at all.”

  An’s mother couldn’t imagine how big the numbers of 3 million and 10 million were.

  An Shuishui leaned on her sister’s arms. She was not scared by the numbers. Instead, she thought her brother-in-law was so powerful.

  ”You can do it yourself. I don’t care about you.” An’s mother said after a silence. After

  knowing that Xu Xiuwen could make money and was very good to her daughter, although they hadn’t met yet, she had already had a great liking for Xu Xiuwen, and changed from resolutely opposing at the beginning to accepting.

  An Shishi said, “I will go to the town to apply for a bank card tomorrow, and then transfer 20,000 yuan to you. When I am not at home in the future, if the family needs money, just tell me. By the way, I will go to the town tomorrow to see if I can buy a mobile phone. If not, I will go to the county to buy you a mobile phone.”

  An’s mother waved her hand and refused, “No, I don’t need a mobile phone. You keep the money yourself. I don’t need it.”

  An Shishi was unwilling to argue with her mother, and said firmly, “Listen to me on this matter. Okay, the food is cold, let’s eat.”

  Seeing her daughter’s firm attitude, An’s mother stopped talking, “Then let’s eat.”

  An Shuishui looked at her sister and felt that her sister was like a different person.

  It’s only half a year since I last saw her, and her sister has become so strong, and the whole person seems to be better looking and more temperamental.

  She couldn’t help but wonder, is the outside world so magical?

  What does it look like?

  I really want to see the outside world as soon as possible.

  She soon thought of her brother-in-law again.

  If her sister didn’t lie, her brother-in-law was only one year older than her, but he was so amazing, he knew everything, and he was so good at making money.

  Before they met, An Shuishui already had admiration and respect for her brother-in-law.

  The food at home was naturally not as good as the food she had eaten at school with Xu Xiuwen, let alone the French food she had eaten before.

  But An Shishi was very happy to eat.

  Because this was the taste of home.

  The An family was very poor, with only three mud houses, but four rooms.

  The main house and the gate in the middle were used to welcome guests, and dinner was also eaten in the main house at night.

  The mud house on the left was the parents’ room, and then there were two small rooms on the right, the one at the back was the sisters’ room, and the smallest room in the front was the kitchen.

  Their family also had a yard surrounded by a fence, and then there was a very small thatched house in the corner of the yard, which was extremely simple. That was their family’s toilet.

  After dinner, An Shishi returned to the room, and An Shuishui followed in.

  An Shishi took out her mobile phone and called Xu Xiuwen.

  Regarding giving money to her mother and buying a mobile phone, although Xu Xiuwen told her that she could use the money given to her at will.

  But she felt it necessary to talk to him.

  After the call was hung up.

  An Shishi noticed her sister’s expression.

  She was right beside him when he called her just now.

  An Shishi asked, “What’s wrong, Shuishui? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  An Shuishui asked, “Sister, do you like your brother-in-law very much?”

  She saw the expression on her sister’s face when she called Xu Xiuwen just now.

  Her sister had a smile on her face from beginning to end, and her eyes were sparkling, full of love.

  It was the first time she saw that kind of look in her sister’s eyes.

  An Shishi smiled when she heard it. She stretched out her hand and took her sister into her arms, and said with a smile, “Of course I like him. When you meet your brother-in-law, you will know how good your brother-in-law is, and you will understand why I like him.”

  An Shuishui asked, “Brother-in-law is so good, so will there be many people who like him?”

  ”Yes, there are many people who like him, too many to count.”

  An Shuishui immediately said nervously, “Sister, then you must keep an eye on your brother-in-law, and don’t let him be snatched away by other women.”

  ”Don’t worry, sister is not stupid.” An Shishi rubbed her sister’s head and smiled dotingly.


  When Ning Wanqiu returned home, Xu Xiuwen had already cooked the meal.

  The mother and son sat at the dining table and finished their meal together.

  Xu Xiuwen asked, “How was the car viewing this afternoon?” Ning

  Wanqiu said, “There are two cars I like more, Hyundai Elantra and Chery Penguin, I don’t know which one to buy.”

  ”Which car do you like better?”

  ”I like Elantra more, but it’s a little expensive, maybe hundreds of thousands, and Penguin is only 50,000 yuan.”

  Xu Xiuwen thought it was very expensive, but it was only hundreds of thousands.

  He immediately said, “Then buy Elantra, you get what you pay for, don’t worry about the money, I’ll pay for it.”

  Ning Wanqiu actually liked Elantra more, but she thought it was a little expensive.

  Now that her son said this, she no longer hesitated and nodded in agreement.

  Xu Xiuwen added, “Since you like it, then go buy it tomorrow. Is there a car in stock?”

  ”Yes, thank you, son.” Ning Wanqiu was a little touched.

  Her son has really grown up, and now he can buy her a car.

  She thought of the past and her eyes were dazed for a moment.

  While eating, Xu Xiuwen suddenly remembered and asked, “Are we going to grandma’s house to celebrate the New Year this year?”

  Xu Xiuwen had no father since he was a child, and he had never seen his grandparents. As far as he could remember, he only had his grandparents.

  So every New Year, on New Year’s Eve, he would definitely be at his grandma’s house to spend the New Year with his grandparents.

  Ning Wanqiu nodded. Xu

  Xiuwen said, “Since you are going back, you should buy a car early. After buying the car, we can drive back directly and don’t take the bus.”

  Grandpa and grandma’s home is in the countryside, and every time they go back, they can only take a specific bus.

  That bus left a very bad impression on Xu Xiuwen. Not only was the bus crowded, there were always all kinds of smells, and it was very noisy throughout the journey, so he would get carsick every time he took it when he was a child.

  But there was no way, there was only that bus to go back, and he had to take it.

  Ning Wanqiu heard this and nodded, “I see, then let’s go to the 4S store together tomorrow morning.”


  After dinner, Ning Wanqiu returned to the bedroom.

  After Xu Xiuwen washed the dishes, he returned to the room and started calling Cheng Lu.

  Once they started chatting, they couldn’t stop. They

  kept chatting until nearly ten o’clock. Cheng Lu’s mother reminded her to go to bed, and the two hung up the phone reluctantly.

  While talking on the phone with Cheng Lu, Xu Xiuwen also used another mobile phone to send text messages to Tang Weiwei.

  He was calling, sending text messages, and chatting with two girls at the same time.

  Xu Xiuwen did a good job and did not make any mistakes in multitasking.

  Xu Xiuwen found that he seemed to be on the road of being a scumbag and there was no turning back.

  Even if he wanted to turn back now, it seemed too late.

  The only thing he could do was to be better to the three women.

  Xu Xiuwen thought of Xiao Youran, who cried all her tears dry after being rejected by him today, and sighed deeply.

  He and Xiao Youran can only say that they are not destined to be together.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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