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Chapter 257: The three parties met, each with their own hearts

Chapter 257: The three parties met, each with their own hearts


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 257: The three parties met, each with their own heart.

  It was raining heavily outside the courtyard, and lightning flashed from time to time.

  Luo Xian’er stood silently under the eaves, her pleated skirt swaying in the wind and rain, and a look of worry appeared on her cold face.

  ”Young Master hasn’t come back yet.”

  It has been nearly an hour since Yang Shifei was taken to greet the Lord of Jintian Palace.

  Not to mention his figure, even the Lord of the Temple He disappeared, and no one knew where he went.

  ”Sister Luo, relax~”

  Qiu Buhuan came with a white velvet shawl, smiling softly: “Brother Shifei has a close relationship with the Lord of Jintian Palace, and the two countries of Shu and Liang are about to form an alliance. No one here will attack him.

  Maybe he has something important to discuss, so he hasn’t returned yet. We just need to continue waiting.”

  Two days ago, the Taiwu Holy Soldiers stored in the Holy Fire Altar were purified and their power was restored.

  The manor where everyone was was naturally the first to be baptized by the Holy Soldiers. The filth gradually dissipated, and naturally there would be no more unexpected attacks in Fang County.

  ”I understand.”

  Luo Xian’er pursed her lips, her expression slightly strange: “It’s just that I feel a little worried, as if the young master will be bullied.”

  Qiu Buhuan couldn’t help but burst out laughing: “When did sister Luo become so sentimental?”

  ”I was just talking nonsense.”

  Luo Xian’er turned her head away and said faintly: “Don’t take it to heart.”

  ”Okay, don’t be angry~”

  Qiu Buhuan patted her shoulder gently and said softly: “In my opinion, you care more about right and wrong, so you think about him from time to time. As a sister, I can’t wait to be relieved~”

  Hearing this, Luo Xian’er glanced at her: “When did you really become our sister?”

  ”You are older~”

  Qiu Buhuan winked playfully: “If you don’t want to call me sister, it’s okay to call me aunt~”

  Luo Xian’er was even more amused: “I already have enough aunts, but I don’t need you.”

  She sighed lightly, turned back to the lobby, and poured a cup of hot tea.

  Just looking at the water in the cup, it is inevitable that a ripple will appear in the heart.


  Qiu Buhuan caught a glimpse of her cute face with her head down and blushing, and couldn’t help laughing.

  This girl, no matter how indifferent she is on weekdays, is still a young girl who has just experienced love. Uh…

  On second thought, it seems that I am not much different. I will blush and feel hot when being teased by my brother.

  Qiu Buhuan was embarrassed and patted his face quickly.

  No, I must stand up in the future – huh?

  She seemed to have sensed something and looked at the far end of the courtyard.

  There were two figures walking side by side in the archway corridor.


  Qiu Buhuan just showed a hint of joy, his eyes moved slightly, and soon he saw the graceful beauty beside him, and his expression was stern.

  The newcomer has a beautiful face, a mature figure swaying with every step, and a posture that is extremely charming and seductive.

  But in addition to this, the other party’s temperament is even more graceful and noble, I am afraid that even the emperor in the world is no more than this.

  ”I was just worried that you guys hadn’t gotten up yet, so I wanted to wait outside.”

  Yang Shifei came over with a smile: “Sister Qiu, have you all eaten?”

  Qiu Buhuan nodded modestly: “Shifei, who is next to you…”

  ”She is the Lord of Jintian Palace, named Ji Shang.”

  Yang Shifei helped introduce each other: “And this one is the Lord of Qianren Bingtan.”

  ”So, you are Madam Qiu.”

  Ji Shang smiled slightly: “I have heard of your great name for a long time, and now I see with my own eyes that you are indeed a beauty picked from thousands of miles away.”

  While chatting and greeting, she secretly thought that she had to help check more and take a closer look at the details of these ladies.

  In the future, she will teach Shifei some skills to control people, so that he can live more comfortably at home.

  Qiu Buhuan smiled back: “I have heard of the reputation of the Lord of Jintian Palace for a long time, but I didn’t expect that she is more like an emperor than I thought.”

  As she said this, she was already a little alert in her heart, thinking that the woman in front of her was extraordinary and must be very difficult to control.

  If his younger brother Shifei is not careful, he might be eaten up by the other party.

  ”Mrs. Qiu is joking.”

  Ji Shang shook her head slightly: “I’m just a hands-off boss. How can I talk about the emperor? It’s just a joke.”

  ”Uh, you guys.”

  Yang Shifei’s brows twitched slightly, and he felt that the atmosphere between the two sides was a little subtle.

  He was just thinking about speaking slowly when Luo Xian’er also walked out of the hall.

  ”——Are you Ji Shang?”

  Looking at the charming woman in front of her, Luo Xian’er felt a little scared.

  She originally thought that the other party was a gentle lady, but she didn’t expect that when she actually saw her, she was so powerful without being angry, which was very scary.

  The eldest lady couldn’t help but feel a little worried. If this woman came and had a conflict with other people, wouldn’t the young master be embarrassed and awkward ?

  ”It’s me.”

  Ji Shang smiled generously: “Are you the little princess of the Luo family?”

  ”It’s me.”

  Luo Xian’er said calmly: “Thank you for helping you on the trip to the Embedded Dragon Tomb.”

  Ji Shang’s heart moved slightly, and he smiled faintly: “I have received a lot of care, otherwise I would not be alive here.”

  ”This time, thanks to you, you saved us a lot of trouble along the way.”

  ”It’s just a piece of cake.”

  ”Palace Master Ji, you were just…”

  ”We are discussing state affairs with the altar masters under our command and have been delayed for a long time.”

  Ji Shang tilted her head and smiled: “I would like to apologize to you two first.” Qiu

  Buhuan shook his head: “There is no need to be so formal, I’m just a little curious.”


  Yang Shifei cleared his throat quickly and attracted the attention of the three people: “Let’s not stand there stupidly, sit down and talk later.”

  ”Okay.” Ji Shang chuckled: “We just did it once, it’s better to sit down and rest.”


  Outside the hall, the air seemed to freeze.

  Luo Xian’er had a cold face and said nothing. Qiu Buhuan frowned and looked at her, his eyes flickering.

  Ji Shang still maintained a faint smile, making it hard to guess what she was thinking.

  Seeing that the atmosphere was tense, Yang Shifei quickly stretched out his hand to block the two sides.


  Facing the different looks of the three women, he immediately said righteously: “If the three ladies are unhappy, come to me, I will bear it alone.”

  Qiu Buhuan was thoughtful, and his expression softened slightly when he heard the words, and teased: “How can you bear it?” ”

  I grit my teeth and should be able to bear it.”

  Yang Shifei said dirty words seriously: “You can vent your anger however you want, I-hiss!”

  Before he finished speaking, Luo Xian’er poked his waist, which made him feel numb and numb, and he quickly took a breath and retreated.

  Looking at the eldest lady again, her jade face was flushed with a seductive blush, and she glared at him in anger.

  In this atmosphere, it’s really a pity that you can still say such obscene words!

  Yang Shifei rubbed her waist and chuckled twice: “Do you really want to murder your husband?”

  ”Who told you to do that, young master?”

  Luo Xian’er blushed and hesitated to speak.

  Ji Shang smiled and covered her lips, feeling that the reactions of the three people were quite interesting.

  ”Okay, okay~”

  Qiu Buhuan clapped his hands and smiled helplessly: “Don’t embarrass Brother Shifei, and there is no need for us to argue.”

  Yang Shifei secretly gave her a thumbs up.

  Qiu Buhuan pinched him unhappily.

  ”Madam is right.” Ji Shang chuckled: “Let’s sit down and talk about the future, how about it?”

  As soon as these words came out, the four people present took their seats as if they knew each other.

  After this commotion, the atmosphere eased.

  Yang Shifei was about to speak first, but a voice interrupted-

  ”Hey, Ji Shang, you are here too?”

  Jasmine walked into the lobby with brisk steps, her pretty face full of surprise.

  Yang Shifei immediately slapped his forehead.

  Damn, the situation is even more chaotic.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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