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Chapter 259 Sniper Frenzy Unknown Identity

Chapter 259 Sniper Frenzy Unknown Identity


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 259 Sniper frenzy, unknown identity,

  North Suburb?

  Isn’t this the North Suburb?

  A strange atmosphere permeated the battlefield.

  ”Subtitles, subtitles…”

  Worried about missing the key plot, Weilu muttered and wanted to open the VM.

  Sisi, who was sticking to the back of the bunker next to him, frowned, and the PU-9 in his hand had already aimed at the monster in armor.

  This guy gave her a feeling that something was wrong.

  ”It doesn’t seem to be a human.” Yaya, who was dressed as a tin can, stared at the guy for a long time and suddenly spoke.

  ”Not a human?” Sisi was slightly stunned.

  What is that?

  At this moment, the group of predators on the opposite side shouted at the armor standing in the center of the battlefield.

  ”Who are you?”

  ”Are you in the same group as those blue coats?”

  The armor did not respond.

  Wuchou cursed, but did not dare to act rashly.

  He felt an unusual breath from the man in front of him, and the unknown fear made him undecided whether to take action.

  Just as his mind was spinning rapidly, the younger brother lying behind the bunker nearby didn’t think too much and aimed his machine gun directly at him.

  ”MLGB! The boss is asking you a question!”


  Wu Chou was startled and was about to stop him, but before he could finish half a word, a thick and long tongue of fire shot out from the muzzle of the gun.

  Bullets whizzed towards the iron lump, making a clanging sound when they hit the steel, and the iron lump raised its arm to block it.


  the firepower was too strong.

  In just a few seconds, the iron lump was hit by more than 20 bullets.

  Although it didn’t penetrate the steel plate, it still felt bad. It didn’t even make a muffled groan, and it stumbled and fell into the pit beside it.

  Wu Chou: “?”

  Sisi: “???”

  Tail: “giao!”


  Just like that? !

  It fell down just like that???

  ”Fuck you, I let you show off!”

  The little brother who fired the gun cursed and spit outside the bunker triumphantly.

  Wu Chou, who had half a sentence in his stomach, reacted quickly and shouted loudly.


  The gunshot rang out again!

  Bullets whizzed in the air.

  Crouching and moving to another bunker, Sisi raised the Pu-9 in his hand and fired a burst of bullets at the opposite bunker, suppressing the machine gun briefly.


  Yaya seized the opportunity and threw the grenade with a shout.

  The grenade with a wooden handle drew a parabola and flew over a distance of fifty meters and hit the back of the concrete pit.

  There was a loud bang!

  The flying gravel and the exploding flames forced the predator who was about to rush up back.

  Although this set of armor is inconvenient to shoot, it is still very useful to use throwing objects. The exoskeleton has its own strength bonus. The distance of the grenade that could only be thrown 20 meters away was doubled.


  grenades are not her patent after all. Soon the opponent threw two over.

  Although the distance was not enough and the explosion was still five meters away from the bunker, the shrapnel and shock wave still scraped on the steel armor. Crow, who was caught off guard, fell backwards to the ground with a whimper.

  ”Who, who can help me!”

  ”Damn… this turtle shell is too heavy!”

  The connection between the shoulder armor and the chest armor was welded too tightly. She wanted to stand up by herself with her hands, but she couldn’t get up just an inch after lifting her butt.

  This thing really looks like a turtle shell!

  Crow’s face was murderous and she gritted her teeth.


  If you believe in mosquitoes again, I’m a dog!

  Facts have proved that equipment that has not been tested in actual combat is easy to fail at critical moments.

  Especially the things sold by “profiteers”.

  Xu Shun and Wang Zhong behind the bunker on the other side fired back. I didn’t understand what she was shouting, and I couldn’t see the situation in front of here.

  Zhimahu understood and hurried over.

  ”I’ll help you!”

  The bullet whizzed past the cat’s ears, scaring her so much that she quickly crouched down.

  At this moment, the sound of a sniper rifle rang out again.

  With a snap, the predator who had just leaned out of the bunker and wanted to move forward was shot in the chin, and blood and teeth flew all over the floor.

  Startled by the sound of the gunshot, the predators around scattered and hid, and the offensive just launched was paused again.

  Xu Shun and Wang Zhong, who were guarding the half window on the southwest side, were shocked and a look of joy appeared on their faces.

  ”It’s reinforcements!”

  ”That sniper is ours!”

  Although they didn’t know who it was, thanks to that person’s help, their pressure was much less.

  Due to the deterrence of the sniper rifle, the predators’ offensive was obviously much more conservative, and they didn’t dare to leave the bunker and move forward at will.

  Sisi put down the PU-9 in his hand, picked up the sickle assault rifle on his back again, and muttered something in a low voice.

  ”These people are wearing bulletproof vests… The penetration of 9mm pistol bullets is too weak. It would be great if the P90 could be made.”

  Wei Tail turned his head in surprise.

  ”Huh?! Is there a difference?”

  Sis said with a subtle expression.

  ”It’s okay. You’ve been using the LD-47 anyway, which is pretty good.” Wei

  Tail said proudly.

  ”Of course I have read the strategy guide! The Scythe assault rifle is the most powerful!”

  Sis: “…”

  Is this considered a fool’s luck?

  However, it’s better to read the strategy guide than not to read it at all.

  Wu Chou glanced at the tall buildings on the southwest side and cursed.

  ”Hurry up!”

  Hearing the boss’s urging, the five predators immediately quickened their pace and walked along the collapsed concrete wall next to the building to the high-rise building where Ye Shi was.

  Sensing the murderous intent downstairs, Ye Shi saw that he could not escape, so he simply stopped running and took down the thermal imaging device and hid it in the drawer of the cubicle.

  Equipment worth more than 2,000 silver coins!

  It’s okay if the person dies, but it would be a huge loss if the equipment exploded!

  The direct combat power of the perception system is not strong. If you insist, it is only slightly stronger than the intelligence system with innate strength defects. Intuition can occasionally help him avoid a fatal blow, but he still can’t avoid it when he can’t avoid it.

  The perception of murderous intent can only help him lock a general direction and distance, and thus infer the direction of the opponent’s possible attack.

  This talent is very important in team battles, especially before entering the battlefield, it can effectively judge whether the opponent is aware of his existence.


  in a melee with murderous intent everywhere, the role of this talent is very limited. As soon as the gun sounded, anyone who is not blind would know where he is.

  After all, he is not Lao Bai. His skills are not like those of ordinary people, and he has rich knowledge and experience in outdoor survival. He is not as good as Fang Chang and Kuang Feng. One is flexible in thinking, and the other is calm and rational enough.

  Maybe… it is a bit

  hasty to come alone.

  ”MMP! I thought this guy was so powerful!”

  Glancing at the iron lump lying in the mud pit, Ye Shi cursed, calculated the time for the mercenaries to go upstairs, and fired another shot out of the window.

  At this moment, a gunshot was heard in the distance, which startled Ye Shi. He thought there was a sniper who missed, but soon realized that there was no killing intent to lock on him, and the bullet was not aimed at him.

  There was a faint scream from downstairs.

  He approached the window and looked downstairs. A body was lying at the main entrance of the office building.

  Fang Chang? !


  That guy doesn’t need a sniper.

  The gunshot was not far away, about 600 meters in a straight line, and the direction was north-west. It sounded like LD-47j.

  Ye Shi’s eyes lit up.

  No matter who it was.

  The gunshot must have come from friendly forces!

  The looters were somewhat confused by the gunshot, probably because they didn’t expect that there would be two snipers hiding in such a small place.

  ”Fuck! It’s never going to end!”

  Wu Chou, who was lying behind the bunker, cursed and had already begun to think of retreating.

  His number was twice that of the opponent, but in less than half an hour, eight of them had lost their combat effectiveness, while the opponent was only slightly injured.

  Especially that damn sniper!

  Not only did he suppress the team on his left, forcing him to send five people to deal with him, but he also killed one of his generals!

  Wu Chou’s heart ached as if it was bleeding.

  However, just as he was hesitating whether to retreat, gunshots suddenly rang out from behind them, and bullets rained down like raindrops, landing behind their position.

  Caught off guard, a mercenary leaning against the wall was killed on the spot, and the machine gunner who was shooting in the bunker was shot into a sieve on the spot. Everyone was caught off guard.

  Several mercenaries in the back row immediately turned their guns to fight, but the overwhelming shouts of killing made everyone’s face imprinted with a trace of fear.


  ”It’s their reinforcements!”

  The opposite position was in chaos.

  Sis quickly saw a clue from it, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

  The tail next to him also found it and shouted excitedly.

  ”Oh, reinforcements are coming!”

  Yaya was surprised.

  ”Eh?! It takes several hours to get here from the outpost?”

  ”It should be from Beth Street,” Sis listened quietly for a while, nodded to confirm his judgment, “Well, it should be Beth Street, they are shouting human language.”

  Reinforcements arrived on the battlefield!

  Both NPCs and players were in high spirits.

  Wang Zhong and Xu Shun exchanged glances, took out smoke bombs and threw them out, ready to cooperate with friendly forces to launch a pincer attack on the group of predators.

  Xu Shun tied a bandage on his arm to stop the bleeding, inserted a bayonet under the muzzle of the assault rifle, and prepared for a close combat.

  At this moment, the short-haired girl had already rushed out, excitedly shouting words that he could not understand.

  ”Oh oh oh! Ulla!”

  ”Awei, wait a minute–”

  Looking at the rushing Wei, Sisi was about to stop him, but he was still a step too slow. The agile figure was like a flexible rabbit, avoiding the whizzing bullets and diving into the smoke that filled the battlefield.

  Too fast!

  Sisi sighed helplessly and lowered the brim of his helmet.

  ”Forget it, let’s go together.”

  Seeing that the two big guys not far away had already rushed, Zhimahu looked at Yaya next to him nervously.

  ”Should we go up?”


  His fist knocked against the angular breastplate, Yaya gave her a reliable look, and closed the mask of his helmet.

  ”Follow me closely in a while!”

  Zhimahu was stunned, then nodded seriously and grabbed the Pu-9 in his hand.

  ”Ah, ah!”

  At this point, the battle was no longer suspenseful.

  There were about 30 guards on Bet Street, all equipped with automatic weapons, wearing black coats uniformly distributed by Shelter No. 404, and trained at Changjiu Farm.

  Although this was their first time on the battlefield, their strength was not weak.

  Before becoming guards, they were experienced hunters. This area from the northern suburbs to the city was like their own home to them. Yu Xiong, who led the charge

  , shouted loudly as he fired a burst of bullets at the looters lying behind the wall with his LD-47.

  ”Surround them!”

  ”Don’t let these bandits get away!”

  Faced with attacks launched from both sides at the same time, the looters’ offensive instantly turned from an advantage to a passive one, not to mention that there were sniper rifles in the distance blocking the two wings of their position, leaving them with no place to escape. Gun

  smoke filled the air.

  Gunshots were heard everywhere!

  Wu Chou and others, who were separated and surrounded, could only fight on their own.

  Seeing his men being knocked to the ground one by one, Wu Chou’s eyes widened and his eyes were about to burst.

  ”I’m going to chop off your heads!”

  Suddenly, he roared in anger, and his muscles suddenly swelled, and even his leather jacket and the bulletproof vest on the outside bulged.



  All of you go to hell!

  Seeing the boss go berserk, the mercenaries around him were scared and dodged.

  They knew very well that once their boss became like this, he would basically be the kind of person who would not recognize his relatives, and no one could stop him.

  ”Oh, you are the boss!”

  The tail who rushed to the predator’s position had his eyes lit up, raised the muzzle and swept over, but he didn’t expect that the man was not slow at all, stretched out his hand to grab the steel bar half exposed outside the concrete block, and lifted it up to block the bullet.

  Large pieces of cement fragments peeled off the concrete block, and the full-power rifle bullet hit it, but the man didn’t move at all, not shaking at all.

  ”Fuck! This strength is too much!!”

  20 points of strength?!

  No, maybe 25 or even 30 points –

  what surprised Tail even more was that he was still behind, and he actually threw this nearly half-ton cement block in his hand.

  Fortunately, she reacted quickly and dodged this fatal blow.

  However, the man’s hand did not stop at all, and he pulled down the street lamp next to him and rushed towards her with a roar.

  The whistling lamppost hit the concrete wall. Tail, who was dodging backwards, had no time to reload and could only pull out his pistol.

  However, several shots were fired at him, but they were all blocked by the bulletproof vest. The only shot hit his arm, but the man was as if nothing had happened!

  ”Oh my god! This BOSS is too strong!”

  Seeing that there was no way to retreat, Tail, who was already leaning against the wall, could only grab the rifle hanging on his neck again and aim the bayonet at the monster walking towards her.

  ”I’m warning you, this is a bayonet coated with poison!”

  Wuchou, with red eyes, couldn’t understand or hear anything. He was so frantic that he just wanted to crush everything he saw.

  Glancing at the half-length of the lamppost that was more than three meters long, Wei Tail swallowed his saliva and quickly looked around, looking for a direction to escape.

  But there was none.

  Street fighting is different from forests. There are obstacles everywhere here, and there is very little room for maneuver. If you take two steps back, there will be no way to go.

  ”Damn it.”

  We are all awakened, why is this guy’s ability so buggy!

  Is it because he is at a higher level?

  Just when Wei Tail pulled out the grenade and was ready to fight, a shout came from the side, and the armored Ya Ya rushed out of the smoke like a tank.


  However, the BOSS obviously found her, and without even looking at her, he swung the street lamp in his hand and hit the steel plate on her chest heavily.

  There was a dull sound, like a bell.

  Tail stared at the sight of Ya Ya, who had just rushed out of the fog, flying up and falling backwards.

  Fortunately, there was a layer of steel plate blocking it.

  If this hit a person, it would only break bones, right? !

  ”Are you okay?”

  ”Ahem – I’m fine… Damn, it’s stuck.”


  The man took back the street lamp, probably intending to kill Tail, who was the biggest threat first, and took a step forward. Almost at the same time, dense rain of bullets swept out from the thick fog.

  ”Ah, ah!”

  Zhimahu, who was holding the Pu-9 submachine gun, shouted to overcome panic while pulling the trigger to the bottom.

  Dozens of bullets were poured out in just a few seconds. Although the hits were touching, there was no essential difference between submachine guns and shotguns at this distance. There

  was a bloody mess on his shoulder. Wuchou roared in pain and smashed the street lamp in his hand towards Zhimahu.

  At this moment, a sharp blade suddenly drilled out of his chest.

  In an instant, blood was like a pillar!

  Wu Chou’s eyes widened, and he vomited blood. He was about to turn around to deal with the man behind him, but he saw that the bayonet that had drilled out of his chest suddenly twisted and directly made a hole in his body.

  After all, the awakened are also flesh and blood, and they can’t resist the pain that seems to be able to take away the soul.

  Bloodshot faded from Wu Chou’s eyes.

  He lost his strength and held the bayonet with both hands. He struggled desperately for a while, but eventually he lost his strength and fell heavily forward to the ground.

  Looking at Sisi standing behind the man, Wei Ba said in surprise.


  ”Oh, Wei.”

  He freed his hands to say hello, and Sisi, who was out of breath, took a look at her condition.

  ”Are you okay?”

  ”Hehe, it’s okay,” Wei Ba scratched the back of his head embarrassedly, “although I almost went back to OB!”

  ”It’s okay, thanks to Wei for attracting firepower, but… don’t rush so fast next time.”

  The duration of the talent ended.

  The full power gradually faded from her arms. Sisi took a deep breath, pursed her lips into a w shape, and pulled the bayonet out of the man’s back

  with force. Blood came out along with the bayonet.

  Staring at the body that was bleeding like a fountain, Sisi muttered.

  ”This muscle is too strong.”

  Strength system?

  Or physique?

  Or a completely different system.

  In short, even if she turned on “balance”, she almost didn’t pierce this guy.

  It’s a pity that this game doesn’t display the NPC level, otherwise Sisi estimated that this guy must be at least level 20, maybe even level 25.

  Although there is a suspicion of picking up heads…

  But this should barely be considered as killing monsters above the level, right?


  On the other side, inside the building.

  Crouching at the entrance of the corridor, Ye Shi aimed the Pu-9 submachine gun in his hand at the exit of the safety passage not far away.

  The other party lost his sight and the killing intention had disappeared.

  But Ye Shi could sense the hurried footsteps coming from downstairs.

  ”…Are there four left?”

  The index finger rubbed the trigger.

  Ye Shi waited nervously for the other party to go upstairs.

  However, at this moment, there was a sudden burst of gunfire in the safe passage, followed by the shouting and explosion of people’s language.

  When everything calmed down, the footsteps moved upstairs again. When he saw the man who appeared at the exit of the safe passage, Ye Shi’s jaw almost dropped to the ground in surprise.

  ”Fuck! Lao Bai?!”

  Putting the gun behind his back, Lao Bai smiled at him and said.

  ”The safety is off, be careful of accidental discharge.”

  Ye Shi smiled embarrassedly, put the gun away, and walked towards Lao Bai.

  ”Gan… why did you follow me?”

  ”Kuangfeng said you didn’t save the game, so I guessed that you probably followed me.”

  Fang Chang walked out from behind Lao Bai, glanced at the sniper rifle on his back, and laughed and teased.

  ”Oh, all the accessories are disassembled?”

  ”Aren’t you afraid of breaking it? You can’t use a scope at this distance…” Ye Shi coughed dryly and quickly changed the subject, “By the way, how did you find me? I remember I turned off the coordinate sharing.” Fang Chang

  said with a smile.

  ”It doesn’t matter. You must be following the caravan anyway. Kuangfeng was going to come too, but he has classes tomorrow morning, so I told him to go back and lie down.”

  Ye Shi suddenly remembered that there was still a firefight down there, and he said immediately. ”

  By the way, there’s still a firefight down there…”

  Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”It’s over.”

  Ye Shi was stunned.

  ”It’s over?”

  ”Yeah,” Fang Chang nodded, “Almost as soon as the battle broke out, the guards from Beth Street came to reinforce here. They should have arrived by now.”

  As he was talking, the gunfire outside suddenly became much more intense, and the sound of people shouting and killing in a joint language could be heard faintly.

  There were not many guards on Beth Street, but that was only relative to the scale of Changjiu Farm.

  A group of experienced old hunters who had received military training were not necessarily weaker in combat power than those predators.

  Besides, this was their home ground.

  ”By the way…you’ve arrived a long time ago?”

  Fang Chang: “Almost. Anyway, when you fired the gun, we had been watching for a while.”

  Ye Shi: “Fuck! Why don’t you go up?”

  Fang Chang laughed.

  ”Isn’t this giving you a chance to show off? So you don’t have to blame me for stealing your head.”

  Ye Shi’s face turned red and he argued.

  ”Can I call that showing off? I’m just worried…”

  ”I understand,” Lao Bai patted his shoulder and said with a smile, “We are also worried about you, so we followed. Originally, Fang Chang and I didn’t plan to take action, but in the end Fang Chang couldn’t help it.”

  Fang Chang coughed lightly and said.

  ”It’s not that I couldn’t help it. One of the four people who went upstairs before was an awakener, and his strength was not weak. I always feel that this group of people is not like predators.”

  ”Well,” Lao Bai nodded and said thoughtfully, “I guess they are mercenaries. Their fighting style is very similar to the group we met at the entrance of Garden Street subway station before.”

  ”And they are stronger and have more people… but the organization is much lower. Unlike the previous group, they were not only divided into three teams, but also closely cooperated with each other, and had radio communication.” Fang Chang thought for a moment, “Could it be that our business has been targeted? A gang in the slums?”

  Lao Bai said.

  ”Could it be that you are overthinking? Maybe it’s just Brother Guang who raised the difficulty.”

  ”This possibility cannot be ruled out.”

  ”By the way,” Ye Shi suddenly thought of something and asked, “Who fired that shot just now?”

  ”That shot?”

  Lao Bai and Fang Chang looked at each other and looked at him with strange expressions.

  ”Which shot are you talking about?”

  Ye Shi said anxiously.

  ”LD-47j! There were five predators downstairs who touched me before – or mercenaries, but a mysterious man shot and helped me.”

  Lao Bai thought for a while and shook his head.

  ”I didn’t notice it. There were gunshots everywhere downstairs.”

  Fang Chang: “Compared to this, should we go down and join them? The battle seems to be over soon.”

  Lao Bai looked at Ye Shi.

  ”You decide.”

  Ye Shi hesitated for a while and said in a low voice.

  ”Uh… I suddenly remembered that I haven’t saved the game yet.”

  Lao Bai: “…”

  Fang Chang: “…”

  Seeing that his teammates didn’t speak, Ye Shi became anxious.

  ”Fuck! What do you two mean by your expressions?”

  Fang Chang looked aside subtly.


  After all, Lao Bai was honest. He sighed in front of him, shook his head and turned away.

  ”That’s it.”

  Ye Shi: “???”


  A block one kilometer away.

  The azure power armor quietly stopped on the street.

  A hyena came out of the ruins. Just after shaking off the snow on its body, it was frightened by this big guy and turned back to hide in its den.

  Chu Guang ignored it, just quietly looking at the floating window

  projected in the field of vision. The green dots on the map have surrounded the red dots hiding in the ruins one by one, and then left a red cross to confirm the kill or capture.

  The battle is over.

  The rest is to finish it.

  At this time, brisk footsteps came from the main entrance of the bank building next to it.


  Xia Yan, who walked down the stairs, whistled at the blue iron lump. A semi-automatic rifle was carried on her shoulder, and her face was full of relief.

  Chu Guang turned off the holographic floating window and praised her.

  ”Good job.”

  ”Thank you for the compliment.”

  Xia Yan seemed to be in a good mood after not traveling far for a long time. She said with great joy: “By the way, if you are so worried, why don’t you send someone more reliable?”

  Chu Guang: “What is a more reliable person?”

  ”For example, that one… uh, I can’t remember what it’s called. The names of your players sound weird.” In fact, Xia Yan didn’t know who was more reliable, but her intuition told her that there should be quite a lot.


  This kind of thing can’t be decided by intuition.

  Guessing what Boss Xia was thinking at the moment, Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”The Mole and Edge teams have gone to Honghe Town, with a total of twenty awakened people, basically concentrating the combat power of the T1 and T2 echelons of the shelter. They have to face predators that are ten or even a hundred times more than them.”

  ”Midnight Killer and other 121 awakened people are in the area from Yumu District to Yuanxi Town. There are monsters and death claws that are more dangerous than mutants to be cleaned up. We need to gain a foothold in the north to defend the fertile land from Yumu District to Linghu. Depending on the situation, they may be sent to Honghe Town later.” ”

  What you see is just a player encountering a little difficulty, and there are more than ten tasks that are far more dangerous and important than this. This route has been walked twice by the T0 team, two T2 echelon players, one perception player with a high level ranking, a guide, a translator, and a bear. The only risk is possible emergencies.”

  ”They are not weak. They will deal with difficult problems. Other T2 teams will also face difficult problems if they encounter them, and they will be wiped out if they encounter them.”

  Xia Yan said in surprise.

  ”You have so many awakened people?”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Well, but… not all awakened people are suitable for fighting. Our ‘players’ may be easier to awaken, and their abilities and experience can be inherited well, but they still need to practice more to become stronger.”

  For example, Makabazi.

  Although he is a strength system, his basic talent is “plant talker”. His talent after awakening is just an enhancement of the talent of “plant talker”.

  In theory, this is more like a perception system talent, but this world is not a real game after all. Maybe the residents of Shelter 404 who have a single enhancement are the outliers.

  Xia Yan also knows a little about the players’ “resurrection”, but he doesn’t feel too strange. Aren’t there

  enough strange things in this wasteland?

  Listen to the mercenaries bragging, there are mutants on the East Coast who can be resurrected, even if there is only a little brain left.

  Some people even say that the mayor of Boulder City is an old monster who is immortal. After all, most people know that his name is Fang Ming, but they don’t know what the previous mayor was called.

  But what does it matter?

  These rumors can neither affect the mercenaries getting up and working tomorrow, nor can they affect the immortality of that adult.

  The era of being able to talk people to death has long passed.

  ”So you plan to train them?”

  ”You can understand it this way.”

  Chu Guang did not expect Boss Xia to understand the concepts of “MMORPG”, “players”, and “planners” that do not exist in this world. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. It is enough to do things within your ability.

  Of course, what Chu Guang really wants to say is that I am just a small planner, not the boss of the players. If you can’t stand this difficulty, you might as well play connect the dots.

  In order to take care of the gaming experience of most people, he has used the two thresholds of level and contribution points to control the difficulty of the game within a relatively reasonable range.

  To be honest, you can’t blame the planner for death, right?

  There are so many unreasonable things in Earth OL!

  Xia Yan said with a smile.

  ”Then why did you come anyway?”

  ”Because I considered the second possibility,” Chu Guang said casually, “The attack that the Niu Ma team encountered before was more like a test. This is the conclusion I came to after discussing with Vanus. Logically speaking, the four awakened people had zero combat losses and only suffered minor injuries, which should have made the other side retreat, but plans cannot always keep up with changes.”

  Xia Yan: “Do you know?”

  Chu Guang: “Know what?”

  Xia Yan said jokingly.

  ”You look like an old father now.”

  Have you seen what your father looks like?

  Just talking nonsense there.

  Chu Guang rolled his eyes, ignored this guy, and walked towards the battlefield that had ended.

  ”Hey,” Xia Yan caught up with him, like a hundred thousand whys, chattering behind him, “Didn’t you say you couldn’t go to join in the fun? Why did you go anyway?”

  Chu Guang replied casually and closed the visor of his helmet.

  ”There is an iron lump that came to join in the fun, and the guards don’t know how to deal with it.”

  ”I’ll go see what that thing is.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode