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Chapter 260 The boss’s identity can no longer be hidden

Chapter 260 The boss’s identity can no longer be hidden


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 260 The boss’s identity can no longer be hidden.

  The photos were copied in, and the reading bar was 85%. Jian Chun’s memory card was full again. The

  memory card of the mobile phone in 2009 was small, and the camera had high pixels, so the photos taken were very large. In addition, Zhuang Chen was too warm-hearted and took a lot of photos, so it was normal that it could not fit in.

  ”Chun Chun, there are too many photos of you and Jiang Qin. I can’t copy them in. I’d better send them to the email.”

  Jian Chun bit her lip: “Then delete some of the old photos.”

  Zhuang Chen opened his eyes wide and looked at her in disbelief: “Didn’t you say that the old photos are precious memories, and they can’t be found after deletion?”

  ”There are some that are not so precious.”


  Zhuang Chen silently operated, deleted the original photos in the memory card, and copied in the photos of her and Jiang Qin.

  Chun was so happy to get the photos that she held the phone and began to check them carefully, and she had to enlarge each photo to see every detail.

  She didn’t know that Zhuang Chen deliberately made Jiang Qin’s skin darker, and she thought to herself that men with bronze skin are indeed the most handsome.

  Seeing Jian Chun’s upturned mouth, Zhuang Chen’s mood became very lost, then he pursed his lips, cast his gloomy eyes out of the window, and glanced at it casually.

  He remembered that a book said that when you are in a very bad mood, you may be cured by looking into the distance.


  What is that thing, it’s so dazzling?

  Zhuang Chen came to his senses and found that the bus had arrived in Linchuan City at some point, and the streets and alleys at this time were full of bright yellow posters of group buying, like a yellow wave.

  At the same time, other students in the car also noticed this scene, all opened the curtains, and looked out through the windows, their eyes full of surprise.

  If group buying is just an industry within the school, many people will still subconsciously think that it is just a small fight, informal, and unprofessional.

  Just like your eight-year-old cousin won the championship in the Go competition held in the school, you would only think that his level might be stronger in the amateur group.

  But when he took the competition to the national level step by step and won, you would be surprised, what the hell is called eight years old?

  Just like now, when they saw that the group buying that started in school had spread to the whole city without anyone noticing, the shock began to multiply.

  My God, who can do business in the whole city in one year? You call this a college student? My father can’t do it either!

  Thinking of this, everyone couldn’t help but look at Jiang Qin, who was sitting in the third row from the bottom.

  He was playing cat and tat with Feng Nanshu. The rope was black and thick, obviously the shoelaces of Feng Nanshu’s small leather shoes.

  ”Fuck, too pretentious, fuck!”

  Zhang Guangxu was so angry that he smashed the chair in front of him with his iron fists.

  It’s okay for the three golden flowers in the class to help him show off, and he can tolerate him showing off invisibly by making phone calls, but now the whole street is helping him show off, is there any law?

  ”What’s wrong with you?” Zhou Chao, who was sitting in front of him, suddenly turned around and cursed.

  Zhang Guangxu was instantly furious: “How dare you scold me?”

  ”What’s wrong with scolding you? Why the hell are you smashing things? You almost gave me a concussion. Believe it or not, I’ll tell Brother Jiang that you bullied me?”

  Zhang Guangxu wanted to scold him, but when he thought that Zhou Chao was Jiang Qin’s roommate, he shut up in the end.

  He was dissatisfied and angry, but everyone in the class knew that although Jiang Qin was elusive, the four people in 302 had always had a good relationship.

  Zhou Chao was nothing in his eyes, but he knew he didn’t have the ability to provoke Jiang Qin.

  ”You damn fox pretending to be powerful, I’ll let you go this time, but if you dare to say something again next time, I’ll fucking change my seat and scare you to death!” ”


  Zhang Guangxu gritted his teeth and looked out the window, and suddenly he suffocated again.

  Because the bus happened to pass by Linchuan Railway Station at this time, and there was a huge outdoor billboard opposite the station, which was also replaced with an advertisement for group buying to the store.

  In the picture, Zhang Zixuan, the top campus beauty of the University of Science and Technology, made a heart shape on her chest, which was broad and turbulent, and next to it was the logo and slogan of Pintuan.

  As soon as passengers exit the station, the first thing they see is not Linchuan, but the heart and Pintuan.

  ”Lao Zhuang is so miserable. He actually met such an opponent. His best ending may be to help push Jiang Qin’s butt when he and Jian Chun are playing games.”

  ”Damn, too pretentious, too pretentious…”

  After a while, the bus arrived at the station, and everyone looked at Jiang Qin with cautious and envious eyes.

  The scene of Jiang Qin bending down to help Feng Nanshu tie his shoelaces made the girls unable to stop, and they all put themselves in the picture, and they couldn’t close their legs.

  Which woman would not be confused when seeing a man who can turn the tide and be gentle as water?

  ”Jiang Qin, take a walk.” Feng Nanshu, who had put on her shoes, looked at him with a smile.

  ”Just came back from the farmhouse, haven’t you had enough fun walking? I have to go to 208 to deal with work. You go back to the dormitory and walk later.”

  Jiang Qin sent the rich girl back to the dormitory, then turned back to 208 and listened to Wei Lanlan’s report on the ground promotion and the progress of the Ministry of Commerce.

  Since the part-time teams from the four major universities joined the marketing team, the efficiency of ground promotion has increased significantly. They promote in fan-shaped areas from four directions, just like a spider’s web, directly covering the entire urban area.

  While signing contracts with merchants, the Ministry of Commerce also began to advertise.

  In addition to the posters and billboards seen along the way, there are also some internal advertisements sweeping Linchuan, such as elevator advertisements in the community.

  After all, ground promotion is not an all-powerful marketing method. Some areas that cannot be promoted by manpower can only be opened up by overwhelming advertising.

  However, in addition to attracting a large number of users, these advertisements also attracted another group of people, resulting in Wei Lanlan receiving two to three unfamiliar calls every day.

  These calls basically asked about group buying, and also tried to confirm whether the boss of the group buying was a freshman at Linchuan University.

  When Wei Lanlan refused to answer in the name of confidentiality, the caller could only reveal his identity and said that he was a representative of an official media. The purpose of this call was not for anything else, but to interview the boss of the group buying.

  This shows that some things are beginning to be hidden.

  ”It seems that this is how the world is. When you get something, you are destined to lose something.”

  Jiang Qin couldn’t help but sigh after listening to Wei Lanlan’s report.

  ”Boss, what did you get? What did you lose?”

  Wei Lanlan looked confused.

  Jiang Qin took a deep breath: “When I gained wealth, I also lost my ordinariness.”

  Wei Lanlan: “…”

  In fact, Jiang Qin was not surprised by the sudden media attention, but felt that it was too early, because he felt that the summit in the second half of the year would be the best time to officially debut.

  However, the development of some things is often not controlled by others.

  The momentum of the group buying was so great that it was almost like sticking flyers on the faces of passers-by. In addition, the first two marketing campaigns also tied up with Linchuan’s largest Wanzhong Mall, and there were girls in miniskirts dancing in the mall square.

  We are not blind, how could we not see it?

  So after the last round of Wanzhong’s marketing, many media have begun to collect information and look for the boss of the group buying.

  When an unknown person wants to hide, except for loan sharks, almost no one can find him.

  But when a person who is becoming more and more famous wants to hide, even a dog can find out who he is.

  Especially Jiang Qin was on the Linchuan Youth Daily. Although the main project reported at the time was Zhihu, the name was always the same. When compared with the information fed back by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, the identity of the group buying boss was obvious.

  After reading the background check materials, Director Chen of the People’s Livelihood Program of Linchuan TV was confused. What the hell is called a freshman?

  And Editor-in-Chief Jiang of Linchuan Financial Newspaper thought, what the hell is called nineteen years old?

  Young, in school, university entrepreneurs, working part-time to help with school, stimulating consumption in the city.

  All kinds of things made Linchuan media practitioners excited, because they knew that Jiang Qin’s life story was too legendary, so Wei Lanlan was harassed every day.

  ”Boss, so do you want to accept the interview? Those media reporters are still waiting for my reply?” Wei Lanlan asked.

  Jiang Qin pursed his lips: “How about this, you prepare a form for me, and I will study it first.”

  June 17, the twenty-fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

  Jiang Qin came to 208 and received the invitation form prepared by Wei Lanlan.

  Faced with these interview invitations, he could not refuse, because for a businessman, media resources and business reputation are often linked, not to mention that those who invited him to participate in the interview were all official media in Linchuan.

  You have to know that in this era, people all learn about the world through TV news.

  When the media says you are good, even if you are a heinous criminal, consumers will still believe that you are good, and when the media says you are bad, even if you are upright, some people will think you must have ulterior motives, so TV shopping ads were so popular during this period.

  For this reason, many companies hope to maintain a good relationship with the media. In other words, if you don’t want to expose yourself so early, you must have a reasonable reason and can’t just offend others.

  ”Hello? Is this Director Chen from the People’s Livelihood Program? I’m Jiang Qin.”

  ”Oh, yes, yes, the group buy is mine. Thank you very much, Director, for giving me this opportunity for an exclusive interview. I’m really honored, but…”

  ”But exam week is about to begin, Director. I’m the Study Star of Linchuan University. My main focus is on entrepreneurship and academic studies, and I focus on both grades and performance. If I don’t do well in the exam, I really don’t want to be interviewed. How about we make another appointment?” ”

  Yes, Director. I come from a scholarly family. My mother is a well-known talented woman in my hometown. My father often helps people write couplets during the Chinese New Year. If I don’t do well in the exam, I will be beaten when I go home.”

  ”Oh, can it be postponed? Thank you so much!”

  ”…” ”

  Hello? Is this Editor-in-Chief Jiang from the Financial News? Thank you very much… I’m so sorry… I’m the Study Star!”

  After a long time, Jiang Qin put down the phone, which managed to calm the media. At the same time, he left a good first impression on both parties with his skills in talking nonsense, but he knew that this was only a temporary solution and not a permanent cure.

  Because even if they can’t get the interview content, Linchuan TV and Linchuan newspapers will still report his deeds from a third-person perspective.

  I can’t hide it anymore. I can’t hide the fact that I’m rich.

  As expected, Linchuan TV introduced him directly in the local news section in the evening of the next day.

  He, an ordinary college student, an entrepreneur in school from a scholarly family, founded the group buying business in just half a year, which stimulated the Linchuan market. While providing consumers with high-quality services, it also promoted the upgrading and transformation of the Linchuan business district…

  ”Boss, why are you so bitter?” Sunai had just returned from dinner and saw Jiang Qin’s face with a stomachache.

  Jiang Qin sighed: “You don’t know, your boss, I’m going to be famous.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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