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Chapter 261: Waves and B4 Level Mission!

Chapter 261: Waves and B4 Level Mission!

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 261 Waves and B4 Layer Mission!

  Lone Wolf studied for a long time but still couldn’t figure out how this machine could achieve a horsepower of more than 60.

  It’s not because the machinery is too complicated.

  On the contrary, it’s because it’s “too simple”, so simple that he couldn’t help but wonder if the game production team was being lazy.

  The principle of the pot-camel machine is actually not difficult. In essence, it’s nothing more than boiling water. The movement of the piston drives the crankshaft to rotate and then drives the flywheel to output power to the outside.

  Referring to the engine, ignoring the cost-effectiveness, it is actually very easy to simply increase the power. Increasing the cylinder volume, increasing the number of cylinders, or increasing the pressure in the cylinder, etc., these methods are all possible.

  However, what confused Lone Wolf was that the pot-camel machine in front of him was actually a single-cylinder one!

  Sixty horsepower on a single-cylinder pot-camel machine?

  This is not a joke.

  Lone Wolf suddenly said.

  ”What is the maximum horsepower of a single-cylinder diesel engine?”

  Hearing the young professor’s question, Brother Levin was stunned and answered subconsciously.

  ”I’ve heard of 30 horsepower.”

  Brother Ce Suo also said, “I remember there were 35 horsepower.”

  Lone Wolf nodded.

  ”About that.”

  In his impression, there seemed to be 40 or 45 horsepower, but they were not common. In fact, the more common ones were only about 40 horsepower.

  Agricultural tools simply don’t need such a large horsepower, and large equipment with hundreds or thousands of horsepower can’t use a pot camel.

  A single-cylinder pot camel can actually reach 60 horsepower?

  And it only weighs 500 kilograms?

  Lone Wolf couldn’t help shaking his head.

  ”I’ve never seen such an outrageous thing.”

  Brother Ce Suo smiled.

  ”It’s the first time I’ve seen it too.”

  Brother Levin scratched his head and said.

  ”I don’t understand. I didn’t understand when I dismantled the light trucks of the Legion before. The design ideas are actually similar. Why is the horsepower of their power equipment a little bigger than our imitations.”

  Picking up a belt, Lone Wolf held it in his hand and looked at it for a while, and suddenly muttered to himself.

  ”…What is this?”

  Brother Levin was stunned.

  ”This…is the engine belt?”

  Brother Ce Suo also nodded.

  ”I think so too.”

  This is nonsense.

  Lone Wolf certainly knows that the thing in his hand is a belt, but he can’t tell what material it is made of.

  ”It doesn’t look like neoprene…”

  Unfortunately, he is neither an expert in materials science nor an expert in engines. He just has a little knowledge of these fields because he studies automation design.

  ”Not only belts, but also gaskets, hoses, O-rings… All rubber parts are made of materials I have never seen before. Is it an imaginary setting?”

  Lone Wolf knocked on the outer shell of the cylinder with a wrench, and listened to the clanging echo, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

  ”Fuck? This broken thing can’t be made of titanium aluminum alloy, right?”

  It doesn’t seem like it.

  But it may be something similar.

  The more Lone Wolf studied, the more surprised he was.

  This game production team is quite smart. They directly made up some materials he has never seen before. He couldn’t say that the design that was originally unlikely to be realized in reality was completely unreasonable. The

  three pillars of modern technology can be basically summarized as energy, materials, and information. It’s like there are many people who know IC design, but not everyone can make a chip.

  The game production team did not provide a solution, but only a general direction. The deeper he dug, the more surprised he was.

  He finally understood why Yanfeng was so obsessed with this game.


  Looking at the lone wolf standing next to the machine and muttering, Brother Levin and Brother Ceso looked at each other, and their faces showed strange expressions at the same time.

  ”Should we remind him that this is a game? Maybe the only thing he can’t figure out is Brother Guang’s line of code.” Although

  they sometimes get serious, they are far from being so paranoid.

  Brother Ceso scratched the back of his head.

  ”Well, let’s wait for him to understand it himself.”

  He’s a newbie.

  That’s normal.

  When everyone first came, there were so many things they didn’t understand. Brother Daoxialiuren was still wondering what kind of cement was used in those houses in the wasteland until a month ago. It hasn’t collapsed in two hundred years. Later, he gradually got used to it. Anyway,

  there are still seven of the same pot camel machines here.

  It’s enough for them to be busy for a while.


  Official forum:

  [Announcement: The immortal Bachi has joined the shelter. He is from the Utopia on the far east coast and is determined to become a great adventurer. However, due to the infection of slime mold, part of his body has become a mutant. He is currently helping Dr. Yin Fang with some data processing work in the scientific expedition team. ]

  [Usually Bachi will wear armor and move around the shelter. If you see a mutant that can speak human language, please do not hurt it. ]

  [Luca: The sunny days have lasted for nearly a month, and the snow on the surface has basically melted. The busy farming days are getting closer. ]

  [Wrench: There are death claws in the area of ​​Yuanxi Town. Three residents have unfortunately died. The dangerous area has been marked on the map. Please be careful! ]

  [Repair patch: Season system correction, melting snow causes the air humidity to rise, please keep warm. 】

  Garbage Pickup Level 99: “Fuck! I was wondering why I started disconnecting intermittently again!”

  Makabazi: “Hahaha! Shame on you!” Crow

  : “Woo woo woo, is winter going to end? Can we see snowmen made of small fish again? (ó﹏ò)”

  Irena: “Manager: If winter doesn’t end, mice will run out of my granary. (Funny)”

  Night Ten: “Crow! Have you arrived?”

  Teng Teng: “Yes, we just arrived tonight. By the way, Boulder City is really far away. It’s only 20 kilometers away on the map, but it took two days to get there.” Tail:

  ”And there’s a setting to close the city gates at eight o’clock! Fortunately, we arrived at the last ten minutes. (`-д-;)ゞ”

  Sesame Paste: “It was a close call, just a little bit.”

  Sisi: “But speaking of which, the city gate is so lively at night, especially when standing under the giant wall, you don’t feel like you are in the wasteland at all.”

  Tail: “It feels like a big city! ψ(`)ψ”

  Teng Teng: “We plan to rest for a night! We will continue to explore the mysteries of this city tomorrow!”

  Ye Shi: “Hehe, as long as we arrive safely.”

  Fang Chang: “(squinting)”


  Two full days have passed since the caravan set out.

  Two tons of spirit leaves have been delivered to Boulder City. Chu Guang learned from Shu Yu that Lister has paid all his 100,000 chips.

  It seems that spirit leaves are really popular in Boulder City. Almost as soon as they were transported to the warehouse, buyers came to the door with chips.

  In order to facilitate the transaction, Shu Yu opened an account in the Boulder City Bank according to Chu Guang’s instructions. The huge amount of 100,000 chips will be completed in the form of a transfer transaction.

  This will be much safer than keeping it in a safe.

  In addition, the owner of the Gray Squirrel Clothing Store recently came to the door again, hoping to purchase another batch of artworks, and said that it would be better if the quality of those socks could be slightly worse.

  ”The quality is a little worse?”

  Chu Guang said with a strange look on his face after listening to Shu Yu’s report on the phone, “I have never heard such a strange request.”

  Shu Yu: “I also find it strange… But he didn’t tell me the reason, just asked us to think of a solution.”

  ”Well, this matter is actually easy to say. The production of devil silk is limited. We originally planned to develop some substitutes for the sinking market.” After a pause, Chu Guang continued to ask, “By the way, how is the recruitment of personnel going?”

  Shu Yu: “According to your instructions, I have recruited 23 employees, serving as field and office staff respectively. I offer them a salary of 40 chips per month for a two-month internship period, and 100 chips per month after becoming a regular employee.” The salary expenses of

  the staff are 2,300 chips. Counting the monthly rent of 800 and the expenditure budget of 400 chips, the monthly expenses of this office have reached 3,500 chips.

  This is not a small amount.

  If it is exchanged for arms, it can buy nearly 30 rifles.

  Sure enough, we still have to find a way to open up more ways to make money.

  ”Have you sorted out the employee’s resume?”

  Shuyu: “It’s already sorted out!”

  Chu Guang said immediately.

  ”Send it to me.”

  ”Okay, sir!”

  After receiving the resume sent by Shuyu, Chu Guang simply glanced at it.

  Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as a resume in the talent market of Boulder City, and these personal profiles with photos are just a simple record of the situation of the recruited personnel that Chu Guang asked Shuyu to make during the interview.

  For example, ask clearly what the other party did before and what special skills they have. After taking the record, make a comparison based on all the information asked, which can effectively screen out those dishonest interviewers.

  What surprised Chu Guang was that many of them had worked in the factories of Boulder City, and one of the resumes made his eyes light up.

  ”I used to be the workshop director of the Boulder City Steel Plant… Is the information on these resumes credible?”

  It’s a waste of talent for such talents to work as clerical workers.

  Although the age of over 40 is a bit old, it is not a problem at all in Chu Guang’s opinion.

  Shuyu said cautiously, “This… there is no way to verify it. The information on the resume can only be used as a reference. But he gives me the impression that he has rich management experience.”

  Chu Guang nodded and continued.

  ”You can ask him for me to see if he is interested in working in the steel plant in the northern suburbs. The salary can be tripled.”

  Shuyu said seriously.

  ”I will ask for you, but… according to my observation, these local residents are quite resistant to leaving the Giant Wall. Except for those mercenaries with high mobility and very poor people, few people accept field work that may leave the Giant Stone City.”

  ”It’s okay, just ask, don’t force it.”

  Chu Guang paused for a moment and continued.

  ”In the future, you can go to the talent market in Giant Stone City more often, whether you go there yourself or send someone to go, or simply set up a fixed stall there. The factories in Giant Stone City cannot absorb the excess talents, and we can do it for them.”

  In short, it is to dig more corners when there is nothing to do.

  Not only talents, but also discarded second-hand equipment, everything that Giant Stone City can’t use, the northern suburbs can take it all.

  In this way, Boulder City lost its unemployment rate, optimized the talent market with extremely unbalanced supply and demand, and removed excess industrial capacity.

  Although he suffered a little loss, Chu Guang felt that it was not a big problem.

  What is the spirit of internationalism?

  Of course, it is selflessness.

  Shu Yu immediately understood what the manager meant and said with a knowing smile.

  ”I understand, sir.”

  Chu Guang nodded approvingly.

  ”Well, as long as you understand what I mean.”

  Although he looks a little young, this young man named Shu Yu is unexpectedly capable and saves him a lot of work.

  After hanging up the phone, Chu Guang browsed around the official website.

  Today’s forum is as lively as ever.

  The Mole Squad and the Edge Squad have arrived at the Garbage City. On the way, they encountered the nest of the centipede, but fortunately they were safe.

  More than 20 centipedes were killed. They took off the gallbladders and skins that were the only valuable of the centipedes, and then continued on their way.

  There was also a small episode here.

  Although the caravan guards said that the meat of the centipede was inedible, Lao Na still roasted a leg out of curiosity to try.

  Facts have proved that things in the wasteland cannot be eaten casually.

  Even with a physique of nearly 20 points, he held on to a tree trunk and vomited for half an hour…

  Except for the two teams of Mole and Edge, the other players were not idle and had their own things to do. Brother Quanshui was doing the mission of the scientific expedition team and helped Yin Fang collect a lot of valuable information. Junjijun was playing in Yuanxi Town and hitting the bottleneck of LV10.

  There were also life professional players who helped him design the irrigation canal on the north bank of Linghu Lake and the underground drainage system of Changjiu Farm.

  At present, the engineering team that spared people from the knife is in full swing.

  What surprised Chu Guang the most was the strong man he had sent to the north before.

  After dawdling all the way, this rat man brother finally arrived in Xizhou City with a group of rat brothers.

  Although many rats fell behind on the way, it was not a big problem for him.

  After arriving at the destination, Qiangren Suonan quickly beat the local rats with his extraordinary fists and feet, as well as his unethical tricks, and made them bow down and worship him as the King of Rat in Xizhou.

  Qiangren Suonan, who had conquered a piece of land, did not stop there. After getting familiar with the terrain in the southern suburbs of Xizhou, he quickly used the radio, hibernation capsule, batteries and small generators he brought to establish a safe foothold in the southern urban area of ​​Xizhou City.

  After contacting the signal tower of the shelter, the map information he had explored along the way was also synchronized to the server through VM.

  According to Qiangren Suonan’s description in the post, the situation there can only be described by the two words “desolate” and “miserable”.

  The ruins were filled with a lingering stench, corpses were randomly abandoned on the streets, or hung on viaducts and street lights, and some people had slogans insulting the rebels hanging around their necks. The streets were full of rats, cockroaches and hyenas. The

  whole city was like hell!

  ”…the Ya Clan of the Bone Chewing Tribe has looted everything they could. Except for a few survivors who organized a resistance army, they are the only ones left in the city.”

  ”With the looters’ style of not caring about the next meal after the last one, they probably won’t be able to hold on for long. But maybe the think tank of the legion played a role. They began to drive some of the captives to farm. They heard that as long as they can grow food, they will not be eaten. Those captives worked desperately in the fields.”

  ”I really couldn’t bear to chew up their crops, and the sheep’s horn potatoes buried in the ground were not delicious at all. So I asked my little brothers to be restrained and wait until the food was stored in the granary before feasting.”

  ”In addition, the entire city is not completely under the control of the Bone Chewing Tribe. Although they destroyed all the survivors’ strongholds on the surface, they did not conquer everyone. Some people still survived.”

  ”Those people call themselves the resistance army, hiding in sewers and air-raid shelters, fighting guerrilla warfare in the ruins, causing a lot of trouble for the looters. Although the Ya clan sent two teams of 1,000 people to hunt them down, the results were minimal, as the environment there is like a maze.”

  ”The leader of the Ya clan seems to be planning to gain a foothold in Xizhou City and then continue to expand the territory southward. I am trying to contact the local survivors. They are not many in number and their equipment is poor, but their fighting spirit is high. If we can provide them with a little help, they may be able to help us contain the trouble in the north.”

  ”It’s not difficult to find them. I now have more than a hundred brothers. The only thing that gives me a headache is… How can I make them believe in a talking mouse? Damn it, why is it a mouse! I wish I were a cat!”

  The post was three pages long.

  Chu Guang read the post that was forced to the end and made a general summary of the information in it.

  Although Xizhou City fell under the iron hoof of the Bone Chewing Tribe, it was not completely conquered. There were still many survivors there who were making a tenacious resistance.

  Since Xizhou City had accumulated a large amount of looted spoils and slaves, the Ya Clan, who planned to use Xizhou City as a base for the southward advance, could not leave those resistance organizations alone and could only allocate a large number of people to deal with them.

  This would be a protracted war.

  Before solving their own troubles, they could not spare all their strength to continue to move south.

  Looking at the sorted intelligence, Chu Guang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Before the situation in the entire Xizhou City was completely a black area for him, and no one knew when the northern plunderers would come again. It could only be analyzed from a probability perspective that it might be after the autumn harvest.

  Based on the information that was forced, Chu Guang could now basically determine that the Bone Chewing Tribe in the north would not be able to spare any effort to deal with him for at least three months.

  After sorting out the information in the post, Chu Guang immediately edited two more intelligence-collecting tasks, and the publisher was set as [Forced].

  However, Chu Guang did not send the task immediately, but set a timer to send it, delaying it until tomorrow morning.

  This would make it seem less deliberate.

  ”…If we can get in touch with the local survivors and support their resistance movement, it might be a good idea.”

  Chu Guang touched his chin thoughtfully.

  To the south of Shelter No. 404 is Boulder City. The space to the south is too small. In addition, the situation in Qingquan City is complicated. If you want to expand, you can only go north.

  Xizhou City is a good choice.

  There are a lot of reserves of both manpower and material resources.

  The only problem now is that the number of players is still too small. With the gradual expansion of strategic depth, 1,100 players are obviously not enough.

  ”If only the B4 floor could be opened!”

  Now is the farming period, whether it is planting vegetables or moving bricks, people are needed.

  Glancing at the time, it was getting late, Chu Guang turned off the computer with regret, got up and went back to his room to sleep.

  That night.

  He had a very long dream.

  In the dream, there were many strangers whose faces could not be seen clearly, calling him dad, dad.

  Being annoyed by the shouting, just when Chu Guang wanted to ask who their mother was, he suddenly woke up from his dream.

  As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt the heat and stickiness on his back, and he immediately guessed what happened.

  There was no surprise.

  He had upgraded again.

  ”…This is too unexpected.”

  Chu Guang sat up from the bed and moved his limbs to adapt to the enhanced body.

  His strength felt the same, and his thinking speed seemed to be the same as before, but his reaction speed seemed to be faster than before, and his vision was also slightly enhanced.

  So what was enhanced this time was agility?

  Just as Chu Guang was recalling what he had done yesterday, a line of light blue floating windows suddenly appeared in front of him after a long absence.

  And the text in the floating window also made him really feel what it meant to be caught off guard.

  [Mission: Wave! ]

  [Briefing: According to air condition monitoring data, the concentration of mutant slime mold spores active in the air has reached a critical value, and the probability of a new mother nest forming is as high as 97%. This will be a severe test for the survivors in Qingquan City. 】

  【Requirements: The “wave” will arrive within two weeks. Resist the invasion of the “wave”, search and destroy the mother nest north of the third ring line, and completely eliminate the crisis of the wave! 】

  【Reward: B4 level authority of Shelter No. 404】

  【Available reinforcements: “200 culture chambers” x 2】

  Chu Guang was stunned after reading the task interface from beginning to end.

  Good guy.

  This trouble came at the right time.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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