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Chapter 262 Cousin, do you dislike me?

Chapter 262 Cousin, do you dislike me?


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 262 Cousin, do you despise me?

  After ending the call with Cheng Lu, Xu Xiuwen called An Shishi again.

  Xu Xiuwen loves Cheng Lu more, but An Shishi is also his woman, and he will not favor one over the other.

  An Shishi doesn’t have a TV at home, so she can’t watch TV series.

  Xu Xiuwen called her mainly to relieve her lovesickness.

  In fact, An Shishi is more clingy than Cheng Lu and Tang Weiwei.

  It’s just that she doesn’t say it, but every time she calls, her excitement and her reluctance to leave when the call is about to end have already explained everything.

  Xu Xiuwen can understand.

  Most girls will become more clingy and want to get close to a man after giving him love.

  If the man doesn’t notice the woman’s emotions at this time and can’t give enough care, the girl will be worried about gains and losses.

  Xu Xiuwen is naturally not that slow, so he always says whatever sounds good on the phone, and every time he says it, An Shishi smiles.

  After calling Cheng Lu and An Shishi in a row, Xu Xiuwen sent a text message to Tang Weiwei.

  Tang Weiwei hadn’t told her grandmother about their relationship, so the two of them always kept in touch via text messages.

  After contacting the three girls, Xu Xiuwen thought of Bai Yue’er, who had no news, so he called the girl.

  ”Xu Xiuwen, you actually called me?” Bai Yue’er’s voice was full of surprise.

  Xu Xiuwen chuckled, “If you don’t call me, then I’ll have to call you.”

  Hearing his voice, Bai Yue’er laughed from the bottom of her heart.

  Her smile was very sweet, but it was a pity that Xu Xiuwen couldn’t see it.

  Bai Yue’er laughed a few times, then pouted and said, “Why didn’t you call me earlier? I’ve been back for so many days, and you didn’t call me at all.”

  ”Then I’m afraid that Brother Shi will misunderstand. What would happen if I contacted his fiancée all day long?”

  Bai Yue’er’s expression instantly turned cold when she heard this.

  She snorted and asked, “You called me again now, aren’t you afraid now?”

  ”Isn’t today special? Today is the first broadcast of the TV series. I think Brother Shi should understand.” After a pause, he continued, “Have you watched the TV series?”

  Bai Yue’er felt a sense of resentment for no reason.

  She snorted coldly, “No.”

  ”Brother Shi called me and he watched it. I thought you watched it too.”

  ”I don’t have a TV at home.”

  ”Oh, so, I called just to ask your opinion. If you haven’t watched it, forget it.”

  Bai Yue’er didn’t say anything.

  The atmosphere became cold.

  Xu Xiuwen had to change the subject, “If the TV series becomes popular, you will become a female star. How do our future female stars feel now? Can I know?”

  After hearing what he said, Bai Yue’er couldn’t help but imagine what would happen after the TV series became popular.

  She found that she didn’t seem as excited and happy as she imagined.

  Bai Yue’er didn’t answer but asked, “What about you?”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled, “Of course I’m happy.”

  Bai Yue’er suddenly snorted, “You should be happy. When you become famous, all the girls in the school will be around you. You will be so happy!”

  Xu Xiuwen smelled a sour smell.

  He couldn’t help laughing and said, “Why do I smell sour smell?”

  Bai Yue’er was quiet, and then denied it, “Don’t talk nonsense, who is jealous! I’m not jealous.”

  Xu Xiuwen laughed, “I didn’t say you were jealous, aren’t you confessing it yourself?”

  Bai Yue’er stamped her feet, clenched her fists and said, “Xu Xiuwen, you are annoying!”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t say anything.

  Bai Yue’er waited for a few seconds and said, “Weiwei and I are good sisters. I will help her keep an eye on you. If you dare to do something to let Weiwei down, I…”

  She paused, not knowing what to say.

  Hesitated for a while, and finally said, “I will scold you!”

  Listening to Bai Yue’er’s weak warning, Xu Xiuwen shook his head speechlessly.

  An Shishi also said that she would help Cheng Lu to supervise him, but ended up stealing from the company.

  Xu Xiuwen thought: Bai Yue’er, it would be good if you didn’t steal from the company, but you also helped Wei Wei to keep an eye on him. You are not credible at all.

  At this time, Bai Yue’er suddenly snorted: “I don’t care, you make so much money, you must treat me to a meal, otherwise I will lose too much.”

  ”No problem, wait until next year when I go back to school, I will be the first to treat you to a meal, you can eat whatever you want, as a thank you for not paying me for filming.”

  Bai Yue’er said coquettishly: “That’s better.”

  ”You’ve been home for a few days, how do you feel?”

  Bai Yue’er bit her lip and said: “What else can I do, I just stay at home every day, help my mother with some work, and then go to bed.”

  ”You didn’t go out? Isn’t Brother Shi from the same village as you? You didn’t go to find him? He didn’t come to find you?”

  ”I didn’t go anywhere, why should I go to find him, I don’t like him, he did come to find me, but I don’t want to go out with him.”

  Xu Xiuwen sighed, “You don’t like Brother Shi so much?”

  Bai Yue’er thought to herself: If you were forced to get engaged, would you like the other person? And I have met such an excellent boy like you, how can you expect me to look down on Shi Xiangming.

  Seeing Bai Yue’er didn’t speak, Xu Xiuwen sighed again, “Remember to take care of yourself at home, nothing else, I’ll hang up first.”

  ”Well…” Bai Yue’er actually wanted to chat with him, but she didn’t keep him.

  Bai Yue’er’s feelings for him were very complicated.

  She knew that she had a good impression of Xu Xiuwen, but Xu Xiuwen had Tang Weiwei, and he was also engaged.

  There were too many obstacles between the two.

  But she was unwilling to marry Shi Xiangming.

  If she didn’t know Xu Xiuwen, although she didn’t like Shi Xiangming at all, she might succumb to the status quo and finally marry Shi Xiangming after graduating from college.

  But she already knew Xu Xiuwen.

  How could a girl who had seen wild wolves like local dogs?

  Back in the cabin, the first episode of the TV series had just ended.

  Ning Jiali rushed over happily, hugged Xu Xiuwen’s arm, and said excitedly: “Cousin, this drama is so good, you are really handsome in it.”

  Xu Xiuwen rubbed his cousin’s head and laughed.

  In the evening, the Jiangsu Provincial TV station broadcast a total of two TV series.

  After the TV series was over, it was already nine o’clock.

  The biggest difference between the countryside and the city is at night.

  At night, there are no street lights in the village, and it is pitch black

  everywhere. Looking up at the sky, the stars in the sky are shining, and the Milky Way is particularly clear.

  If you set up a mat in the yard and lie on the mat to watch the stars, it is also a good experience.

  But you must have a mosquito net, otherwise you will be bitten all over your body if you are not careful.

  Even inside the house is not particularly safe.

  The chandelier in the house is full of mosquitoes and moths.

  This group of mosquitoes and moths are not afraid of death. They are circling around the light bulbs, flapping their wings and making a buzzing sound.

  It’s past nine o’clock.

  Uncle and aunt went back early.

  The eldest aunt’s family lost face and went back.

  Ning Jiali stayed and did not go back with her parents.

  The second aunt’s family and the younger aunt’s family also stayed.

  Their homes are all in town, so they chose to stay overnight.

  There are a total of six beds in my grandmother’s house.

  There are three beds in the big house in front.

  In the three small rooms at the back, excluding the kitchen on the far right, there are two rooms left. The one on the far left is Ning Jiali’s room. There are two beds in the small room in the middle.

  After the distribution, the second aunt and the second uncle shared a bed, the youngest aunt and the youngest uncle shared a bed, and Xu Xiuwen and his cousin Wu Lei shared a bed. The three of them slept in the big room in front.

  Ning Wanqiu slept in a bed with her little cousin from her aunt’s family, and her grandparents slept in a bed with her little cousin from her aunt’s family. The four of them shared a room.

  Ning Jiali still slept in her room and her bed.

  After discussing how to sleep, everyone washed their faces and feet one after another, and then went back to sleep.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t like these relatives, so he went to bed after washing up.

  He put on an attitude of “don’t disturb my sleep”.

  The second aunt’s family and the second aunt’s family really wanted to chat with Xu Xiuwen, but when they saw him go to bed and fall asleep, they had to give up.

  After turning off the lights.

  Soon the five people fell asleep.

  But Xu Xiuwen couldn’t sleep at all.

  He underestimated the “strength” of the two uncles!

  After the two fell asleep, the snoring was deafening, and one after another, there was no time for a break.

  Who can sleep like this?

  Xu Xiuwen thought that although the second uncle and the second uncle also snored before, it was not so exaggerated.

  He admired the two aunts and the second cousin very much. It seems that they have suffered a lot of torture in their daily lives and are probably used to it.

  Xu Xiuwen tried various methods, but none of them worked.

  Finally he gave up, he opened his eyes, and stared at the dark ceiling in a daze.

  The sound was too loud, he couldn’t stand it,

  he sat up all of a sudden, then put on his clothes, walked out of the big house, and closed the old wooden door.

  Coming to the yard, Xu Xiuwen prepared to sleep in the car for a night.

  He walked to the back door of the front room, unbolted the door, and walked into the yard.

  There was a large double-opening iron door on the east side of the yard. Tractors entered and exited through this door. There was a lock on the door, but the lock was just hanging and not really locked.

  Xu Xiuwen took off the lock and was about to go out.

  ”Who is it?”

  Suddenly he heard a voice behind him.

  Xu Xiuwen’s movements stopped instantly.

  He turned his head and asked uncertainly, “Lili?”


  Ning Jiali heard Xu Xiuwen’s voice and walked quickly along the stone path in the yard.

  She was wearing a dark red autumn shirt and autumn pants, and a cotton jacket on the outside.

  The winter in the countryside was particularly cold, and she shrank her body.

  ”Cousin, why don’t you sleep? Are you going out?”

  Ning Jiali approached and recognized Xu Xiuwen and asked in confusion.

  Xu Xiuwen explained: “That room is too noisy, I can’t sleep at all.”

  Ning Jiali quickly understood the reason. She had also heard the scene of her two uncles snoring.

  Thinking of her cousin who couldn’t fall asleep because of the snoring of his two uncles, and was even forced to escape from the house, she couldn’t help but chuckle twice.

  She stopped laughing and asked, “What are you going to do, cousin?”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “I plan to go to the car to sleep.”

  ”Ah? How can I do that?” Ning Jiali immediately shook her head after hearing this, “It’s so uncomfortable to sleep in the car.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled bitterly, “What should I do? I can’t stay awake all night.”

  Ning Jiali didn’t say anything.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Okay, you go back to sleep, I’ll go to the car.”

  He said and went to unlock the door and prepared to open it.

  At this time, Ning Jiali suddenly called out in a tender voice, “Cousin~”

  ”Anything else?”

  Ning Jiali’s face was as red as blood, but fortunately the night covered everything.

  She took a deep breath and whispered, “Cousin, why don’t you sleep in my room?”

  Xu Xiuwen refused without thinking, “I sleep in your room and you sleep in the big room? How can that be possible!”

  Ning Jiali shook her head and said, “I won’t sleep with my second cousin.”

  ”Then you won’t sleep?”

  Ning Jiali found that her cousin could be so slow.

  She had already mustered up the courage to say it, but he didn’t understand what she meant.

  Did she have to say it herself?

  Ning Jiali felt her face getting hot.

  She explained, “I am willing to sleep with my cousin.”

  As if she was afraid that Xu Xiuwen would misunderstand, she quickly added, “We are cousins, it doesn’t matter if we sleep in the same bed, as long as we don’t–”

  She stopped talking abruptly.

  Xu Xiuwen finally understood what she meant at this time.

  His first reaction was to think it was ridiculous.

  Isn’t this nonsense?

  Although cousin Ning Jiali is not yet an adult, she is also a sixteen-year-old girl, and she has developed everything that should be developed.

  What kind of thing is it for the two of them to sleep together?

  Xu Xiuwen refused without hesitation: “No, we can’t sleep together.”

  Ning Jiali was very shy about her proposal, but when she heard Xu Xiuwen’s refusal, she was stunned.

  She didn’t care about being shy.

  Ning Jiali’s face suddenly changed, and she asked faintly, “Cousin, do you dislike me?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “How could I dislike you?”

  ”Then why don’t you want to sleep with me?”

  ”We are cousins. Even if we are siblings, we can’t sleep together at this age.”

  ”You just dislike me!” Ning Jiali said, her eyes were red, and her voice was crying.

  Xu Xiuwen thought to himself, cousin can’t cry, otherwise it will wake up others. Seeing that the two of them are not sleeping in the middle of the night and secretly meeting in the yard, he also made his cousin cry, which is really yellow mud falling off the crotch.

  Xu Xiuwen hurriedly whispered to comfort him, “Don’t cry, I really don’t dislike you.”

  Ning Jiali actually sniffed, “I know you hate me, cousin, because my mother used to treat you and Third Aunt badly.”

  She paused and continued, “Cousin, I apologize to you on behalf of my mother, can you forgive her?”

  Xu Xiuwen was speechless.

  He did have a lot of opinions about his aunt, but he had no opinion of this beloved cousin.

  When he came back for the New Year when he was a child, Ning Jiali would follow him like a tail, calling him cousin, and always share anything delicious with him.

  Although many delicious things in her eyes were actually ordinary snacks in the eyes of Xu Xiuwen, a city dweller.

  But because of these reasons, Xu Xiuwen liked this little cousin very much since he was a child.

  It’s just that they had too few opportunities to meet each other, and the feelings accumulated in childhood were also dispersed by distance and time.

  Xu Xiuwen thought of the past when he was young, and his heart became soft like cotton when he thought of his little cousin’s cute smile.

  He reached out and rubbed his cousin’s head, and said soothingly: “Okay, I don’t dislike you, I promise you.”

  Ning Jiali smiled when she heard it.

  She took two steps forward, took Xu Xiuwen’s arm, and pulled him into the house.

  Xu Xiuwen passively followed her to her room.

  Ning Jiali’s room is very simple, with a bed, a desk, a chair and a large mahogany wardrobe. Ning Jiali’s

  bed is a canopy bed, which consists of a bed board, a fence, a pillar and a bed top.

  The fence is a seven-grid vertical strip fence, with a total of four pillars, which is the common four-poster bed, and the bed top is also seven-grid.

  Most people may not know why it is seven-grid.

  Xu Xiuwen once read a popular science article, so he just knew it.

  In traditional furniture, it is important to “the bed is always seven”, and the size of the bed is generally three feet seven, four feet five inches seven.

  The size of the bed is seven to ask for a good start, which is homophonic to “the bed is always away from the wife”.

  The canopy bed is a smaller house to some extent.

  The seven-point grid on the top of the bed symbolizes the Big Dipper in the sky, which echoes each other and also represents “the top is the sky”, implying “a good fortune and blessings equal to heaven”.

  Some people will definitely say that this is superstition.

  But Xu Xiuwen prefers to believe that this is a kind of spiritual sustenance and blessing given by the ancients based on astronomy, geography and traditional culture.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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