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Chapter 263 Alpha11 version update! With new resurrection point!

Chapter 263 Alpha11 version update! With new resurrection point!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 263 Alpha 1.1 version update! And a new resurrection point!

  ”NO!!! I don’t believe it! I don’t admit it! This is not true!!!”

  In the renovated living room on the third floor of the No. 404 office in Boulder City.

  After seeing the photo that Sisi risked her life to take, the disillusioned Teng Teng let out a short wail.

  After throwing down those words, she ran back to the room like a gust of wind and slammed the door shut.

  The kerosene lamp on the wooden coffee table swayed gently, and the mutant fruits and squirrel biscuits piled on the iron plate stretched out their shadows.

  The four people sitting at the table looked at each other.

  Zhimahu blushed and said, “It’s actually quite beautiful?”

  This sentence was originally intended to comfort Teng Teng.

  But now it seems that she seems to have been brewing for a while.

  Sisi’s expression was subtle: “Emmm… I can’t deny it, but maybe this kind of beauty is not what Teng Teng wants.”


  It seems that I’m not the only one who thinks that this dress is very boldly designed,” Yaya stared at the photo for a while, and muttered softly, “I’ve seriously reflected on whether I’m too dirty.” Wei Tail said with an idea.

  ”Could it be that Teng Teng actually has talents that she hasn’t discovered?”

  Sisi warned.

  ”It’s better not to say this to the person herself.”

  Wei Tail: “Ah!”

  Looking at the tightly closed wooden door on the side, Zhima Paste said with some concern.

  ”…Is it really okay?”

  Sisi: “Emmm… Are you talking about Teng Teng or Lao Bai, Fang Chang and the others?”

  Zhima Paste: “Eh?”

  Yaya immediately understood what Sisi meant, waved his hand and said: “Don’t worry, Teng Teng is very generous! I won’t bear grudges!”


  Sisi raised a barely perceptible smile at the corner of her mouth, got up from the sofa calmly, stretched and said.

  ”I’m a little sleepy, I’ll get off first.”


  She’s not sleepy at all.

  I mainly wanted to go to the forum to watch the fun.

  The chat before going to bed ended early.

  The time in the game is already nine o’clock in the evening, and the time in reality is exactly nine o’clock in the morning. I have been lying down since six o’clock last night, and now it is time to get up and move around.

  Zhimahu picked up a plate of squirrel biscuits and stood up.

  ”I’ll take some to feed Rourou.”

  Because she is a “pet”, Rourou can only stay with the two-headed cow, and cannot go out on the street at will, nor can she live in a street where people live.

  Fortunately, this place is not far from the reservoir area, otherwise it would be too pitiful.

  Weiba, who was lying on the table and yawning, was about to go to sleep. When he heard that Rourou was being fed, he stood up with a bang and said with shining eyes.

  ”I’ll go with you!”


  Official website forum.

  Today is as lively as ever.

  Brother Mole is vividly telling interesting stories about his journey in the post, and also accompanied it with a few illustrations he hand-painted.

  When they passed by the garbage city, they met a group of mercenaries who claimed to be from the Bone Chewing Tribe. They not only had the weapons of the Legion, but also a Conqueror tank.

  Due to language barriers and many other reasons, they did not figure out that this group of people were not from the Bone Chewing Tribe, but a group of fake mercenaries until they captured these mercenaries.

  The reason why they called themselves the Bone Chewing Tribe was to take the opportunity to blackmail the passing caravans. And the “Conqueror” tank was made of wood…

  In addition to Brother Mole, there were many other interesting posts.

  Irena and Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes were exchanging cooking skills across servers, and Makabazi was sharing how he used his talent as a “plant speaker” to communicate with plants. I have never heard of such an outrageous thing, and I was bored and called it outrageous.

  There were also discussions about the planting of tobacco leaves and corn, arguments about how to make piston aircraft engines with simple materials, and exchanges of efficient preparation techniques for RDX and polyisobutylene.

  At this time, a line of posts suddenly appeared in the forum.

  Teng Teng: “@白驹过裂@来日方长@…”

  Ye Shi: “What? What’s the matter? Tag me? If you miss me, just say it. (funny)”

  Teng Teng: “I miss you at all! Show your weapons! (╯‵□′)╰ひ╯”

  Lao Bai: “?”

  Fang Chang: “???”

  Kuang Feng: “???”

  Ye Shi: “!!!∑(Дノ)ノ”

  Irena: “Shocked, what did you do to the cute Teng Teng? (funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Shocked, is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality. (funny)”

  Just when everyone was confused by this post and guessing what had happened, Ya Ya suddenly appeared.

  Ya Ya: “Hahahaha, let me show you something good. o(*≧▽≦)ツ (picture) (picture) (picture)”

  Ya Ya: “Huh??? It didn’t work last time, but it actually passed review this time?”

  Canyon Fugitive Mole: “Fuck! Isn’t the scale much bigger than what I drew?!”

  Debt Eyes: “(Nosebleed)”

  Fountain Commander: “If you don’t understand, just ask. Is this content that can be seen without paying?”

  Teng Teng: “You LSPs! This dress is not meant for this kind of occasion, okay? Don’t you feel weird? (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻”

  Ye Shi: “Huh? Although this was an accident, I feel… it seems to be unexpectedly suitable?”

  Teng Teng: “Go to hell!” (Angry)”

  Ye Shi: “QAQ”

  Facts have proved that serious chatting can never arouse the enthusiasm of the spectators more than driving.

  A few photos instantly increased the number of players who made reservations.

  It’s even better than promoting PV!

  Although Boss Crow deleted the post at the speed of light under Teng Teng’s threat, the stupid netizens had already saved the photos with their hand speed.

  While the posts on the forum were swiping the screen like crazy, the small group of the Niu Ma Club was also very lively.

  Ye Shi: “Fuck! Didn’t that damn NPC say that Teng Teng’s artworks were bought by the nobles in the inner city? How did he appear in the nightclub!”

  Kuangfeng: “I recalled it carefully, but the NPC didn’t say that. (side eye)”

  Fang Chang: “It’s my fault. Selling it to the inner city was my guess… I thought that mercenaries wouldn’t buy clothes that were inconvenient to move around in, and the residents of the outer city couldn’t afford it at all. It could only be bought by the nobles in the inner city. I didn’t expect it to be sold to nightclubs. This was my mistake. (awkward)”

  Fang Chang is really to blame for this. He was too excited when writing the guide and boasted too much.

  If I hadn’t given too much expectation, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be so disappointed.

  I hope Teng Teng won’t be too depressed.

  But actually think about it.

  Soft power needs the support of hard power.

  Boulder City has been the big brother in the southern part of the entire River Valley Province for a century. Not to mention the northern suburbs, even the survivor settlements in the entire River Valley Province are no different from the villages of country bumpkins in their eyes.

  Unless these clothes are worn by the merchants in Ideal City.

  But Fang Chang always feels that this is probably more difficult than persuading the people in the inner city of Boulder City to accept new things.

  Lao Bai: “A large-scale social death scene, I dare not even show up. (awkward)”

  Ye Shi: “@Guang, Brother Guang, help me! Teng Teng is going to kill someone! Hurry up and issue an announcement to divert everyone’s attention! QAQ”

  Guang: “Okay. (squinting)”

  Lao Bai: “!!”

  Fang Chang: “!!!”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: “What the hell? Is A Guang your real father?!”

  Kuangfeng: “A Guang is really peeking at the screen. (squinting)”

  Ye Shi: “A Guang is awesome! (surprise)”

  Quitting: “Damn, you are too good at licking, I can’t stand it!”

  Ye Shi: “Get out! Can this be called licking? This is called gratitude from the heart!”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “Ugh ugh ugh!”

  After closing the group chat, Chu Guang went to the forum and took a look, and roughly understood what was going on.

  Although it was slightly different from the script he had expected, how to say it?

  He felt that this could not be completely considered a bad thing.

  Although the artwork of Teng Teng’s hut failed to conquer the hearts of the people in the inner city, it at least conquered the night of Boulder City.

  Even the nobles in the inner city of Boulder City couldn’t live in a cozy house every night. Even the emperor would sneak out of the palace to play, let alone the ministers in the palace?

  It’s just that in most cases, they won’t let ordinary people know.

  In addition, if the “artworks” of the little players can become popular among them, it’s possible that these goods will be sold not only in Boulder City, but also in more distant places.

  That will be a wider market.

  And this is a good start.

  ”For the sake of this father, the announcement will be sent out one day in advance.” Looking at

  the cattle and horse teams being chased by vines, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile and clicked the mouse with his index finger.

  Just as the spectators and LSPs on the forum were frantically circulating the photos taken by the big boss Sisi, an announcement suddenly appeared.

  [Wasteland OL Closed Beta Server Alpha1.1 Version Update Announcement. ]

  There was no sign at all.

  Every update of “Wasteland OL” is so unexpected.

  The group that was still exchanging learning materials the previous second, was immediately attracted by this heavy news.

  [Major update:

  1. The number of closed beta players has increased to 1,500.

  2. Wave system!




  1. A richer NPC store, now open to purchase neural connection equipment, the most basic unmanned reconnaissance vehicle requires an intelligence attribute of more than 15.

  2. The season in the game has entered spring, with more vegetation and wild animals, and the night will no longer be safe!

  3. Fixed a small number of bugs.

  4. …


  [Detailed explanation of the “wave” system: The suitable environment in the urban area will cause the mutant slime mold to reproduce rapidly. When the spore concentration in the air reaches a certain threshold, it will cause the hatching room in a stable state to produce a probabilistic mutation and form a new mother nest. It is predicted that the wave will occur in the next two weeks. Players, please be prepared. This may be the most severe test since the server was launched! ]

  [New NPC joining: Yu Hu, a hunter from Beth Street, will join Shelter No. 404. As an experienced and calm hunter, he is proficient in making traps and tracking prey. 】

  【In addition, the Hunter’s Guild has been officially established, and Yu Hu will be the first president. Congratulations to the hunter players for now having their own organization! 】

  ”Developer Log: Alpha 1.1 Version”

  Guang: “Hello everyone, this new version is quite hard-won. In fact, the version number we planned before was 1.01, but because our potato supplier is powerful enough, we now have more potatoes… I mean server resources.”

  ”In short, the new version will give birth to 400 lucky people. The announcement of the internal beta qualification will be a little later, and it is expected to be made public after the launch tomorrow.”

  ”All the employees of the “Wasteland OL” game production team promise you that although we are still in the early stages of entrepreneurship, we will still do our best to provide as much gaming experience as possible for the small players in the closed beta, and make the game world as perfect as possible. The much-anticipated public beta version will also arrive in the final stage of game development.”

  ”In fact, we already have a specific timetable, but it involves corporate secrets, so it is not convenient to disclose it.”

  ”Next is the explanation about the new version. We have introduced a brand new concept in the game – the wave. Although in the early stage of the game, our players are mostly opponents of people in the wasteland, but in fact, it is not only the wastelanders with hot weapons who are extremely threatening, but also those terrifying mutant creatures. After being silent for the whole winter, they have long become hungry, whether it is the death claws or the slime mold.”

  ”During the duration of the wave, the mutant slime mold will multiply crazily, and high concentrations of spores will even form a misty spore cloud in the air. Excessive intake can cause respiratory infections and even partial tissue lesions. It is recommended that players with low physical fitness try to wear gas masks when exploring deep into the city, and players with physical sequence should not take it lightly.”

  ”Searching and clearing are the only way to end the wave. We can’t expect them to disappear out of thin air, and we can’t watch them destroy the homes we built with our own hands.”

  ”The ‘Hunter’s Guild’ was born as a result!”

  ”Take the hunter profession, search for the source of spore release and eliminate potential dangers, you can get rich rewards and unlock rare achievements and medals!”

  ”Information about the mother nest, hatchery, and mutant slime mold has been updated in the official database. For more details on the gameplay, please explore in the game!”


  On the first day of the new version’s launch.

  The number of hunter players doubled in an instant.

  Except for the life profession players who had no reaction, almost all combat profession players had a hunter profession on their heads and registered as members of the Hunter’s Union.

  As the president of the Hunter’s Union, Yu Hu did not disappoint the players’ expectations. He used the budget allocated to him by Chu Guang to find some experienced hunters from Bette Street to teach the players the skills of hunting and tracking prey, and organized the players to go to Qingquan City to perform search missions.

  More than 200 hunter players were divided into more than 50 teams, starting from the Garden Street subway station in three different directions, and conducting a carpet search in the area from the Fifth Ring Road to the Fourth Ring Road in Qingquan City to find the source of the spore release.

  The combat effectiveness and recovery ability of slime mold variants are positively correlated with the concentration of spores in the air. When the spore cloud weakens the light on the surface to a certain extent, it will no longer be safe even during the day.

  It is not realistic to kill the wave in its cradle. Most of the alien species that make up the wave come from mature mother nests, which are usually located in the city center. The oldest ones are even more than a century old.

  However, if the mutant incubator can be found and destroyed before it forms a new mother nest, it will undoubtedly greatly reduce the concentration of spores in the air in the northern suburbs, thereby weakening the strength of the wave and the combat effectiveness of the gnawers.

  This is Heya’s speculation. It is

  also the first task that Chu Guang gave to the Hunter Union.

  Just as the combat professional players were heading towards the urban area of ​​Qingquan City, the exit of the B3 floor of Shelter No. 404 was busy.

  Several small players of the strength and physique system were dragging a cargo truck to move one culture chamber after another from the shelter to the tunnel outside the exit.

  These culture chambers were lined up in front of the sentry post at the door, and not far from these culture chambers, there was a truck that had just been assembled.

  This is the latest work of Goblin Technology.

  Since the sponsor who placed the order was the respected administrator, this truck also got a slightly more normal name – “Electric Mule”.

  As the name implies, this is a pure electric truck. From the appearance point of view, it is basically modeled after the light truck of the Legion, but the length of the cargo box is increased, and the pot camel engine is replaced with batteries and motors.

  The structure of the whole vehicle adopts the conventional layout of steel cab and wooden body, with a total weight of up to 4.3 tons, 4 wheels and a nearly 5-meter-long body. The engine output power can reach a maximum of 80 horsepower, and the rated maximum load capacity is 1.8 tons. In fact, overloading to 3 tons is not a big problem!

  In addition to the advantages of 0 displacement, excellent endurance and low noise, the off-road performance of the vehicle is excellent, and the high chassis design can adapt well to rugged terrain.

  Not only that, the connection parts reserved on the front of the car can also be used to weld bulletproof plates and machine guns.

  The wooden boards on both sides of the cargo box are also designed to be unfolded like the outside, so that the 4-mounted anti-aircraft guns can be easily installed on the truck.

  Whenever necessary, this medium-sized transport truck can be turned into an armed truck at any time!

  In addition to its domineering appearance and wide range of uses, the technical content of this truck is also not low.

  The energy storage component is a battery pack of 102 KV-1 solid-state hydrogen batteries in series, with a total weight of up to 102 kilograms. It is installed in the back of the truck for easy disassembly and replacement.

  This is also the first order that the Lister factory has received from the shelter since it was put into production!

  Unlike fuel trucks, the structure of pure electric trucks will be relatively simple, and the core technology is basically concentrated in the energy storage area. There is no great technical difficulty in the power components.

  Therefore, in addition to batteries, other components, including motors, are basically “independently developed” by large and small workshops and factories in the industrial zone.

  The only disadvantage of this truck is probably that energy is not easy to obtain.

  Unlike the wood-burning pot camel machine, the “No. 102 battery pack” used in this truck is expensive, and the production cost of only one set is as high as 12,000 silver coins.

  Not only that, the electricity outside the shelter mainly relies on thermal power generation, which is still burning wood in the final analysis. Before the energy structure is improved, there is an additional energy conversion process out of thin air, and electric trucks will consume more firewood. However

  , considering the ventilation environment in the tunnel, this is also a forced choice. After all, it is impossible to move a wood-burning truck underground.

  If you really do that, I’m afraid everyone will be poisoned by carbon monoxide in a short time.

  ”How much does this truck cost?”

  Silver Sword, who put down the incubator, raised his arm to wipe the sweat from his head, and looked at the truck not far away and couldn’t help sighing.

  Silver’s father, who was standing aside, said with a mean smile.

  ”I don’t know, but I just know that you definitely can’t afford it.”

  Silver Sword: “Fuck, why should I buy this thing? I’m just curious and ask a question.”

  Silver Hand: “I want to know where these incubators are sent.”

  Silver Sword thought for a moment and said, “It’s probably Shelter No. 117!”

  ”Shelter 117?” Silver Hand was surprised. “Why send it there?”

  Silver Father: “Are you stupid? Apart from the 100 rooms on the B2 floor, is there any room in Shelter 404? If the operator does not open a new server, the resurrection points of new players can only be moved to other shelters!”

  Silver Hand: “Fuck, then aren’t we the last batch of players in Shelter 404?”

  Silver Sword: “Not necessarily. What if the 4th floor is opened, there will be another 600 good brothers… But this game is too real. The resurrection points have to be transported by old players.”

  Silver Father sighed: “Indeed, it’s really real… I’m a player and a father. I’ve never worried so much when playing other games.”

  As soon as he said this, he was rolled his eyes. He

  got angry when he thought about the ID issue, and the two decided to ignore this idiot for an hour.


  All 400 culture chambers have been displayed in the tunnel.

  The “E-Mule” medium-sized transport truck will deliver these incubators to Shelter No. 117 under the Garden Street subway station in 8 trips at a rate of 50 per trip.

  After the continuous efforts of the players, the tunnel between Shelter No. 404 and Shelter No. 117 has been completely opened, and the mutant creatures and incubators along the way have been completely cleared. The

  7-kilometer-long tunnel takes an hour to walk, but if you take the 60-meter train at an average speed of 30 yards per hour, it will only take more than ten minutes.

  New players will use Shelter No. 117 under the Garden Street subway station as the resurrection point.

  There is a controlled fusion reactor there, and wireless power supply facilities can power the incubator.

  Shelter No. 117 has complete living facilities, and the underground passage can be connected to Shelter No. 404, making transportation very convenient.

  In addition, the archive points of the outpost base and Changjiu Farm have been equipped with 200 hibernation chambers and public hotels for lying down, which can meet the offline needs of players at any time.

  As for the management of the newbies, there is no need to worry at all.

  After obtaining the administrator authority of Shelter No. 117, the management system of the entire shelter has been connected to the main server of Shelter No. 404.

  Chu Guang authorized some of his authority to Xiao Qi.

  The cameras in the shelter have almost no blind spots. As long as they are within the signal coverage of the shelter, he can always grasp the situation in the shelter.

  If anything unexpected happens, Xiao Qi will notify him as soon as possible.

  In order to ensure that everything is foolproof, Chu Guang even granted it the right to deal with emergencies.

  When special circumstances above moderate violations occur, Xiao Qi can directly cut off the power supply to the culture cabin with a specific number in accordance with the management regulations, and then report the “fault”.

  The whole process will be completed within 2 to 3 frames, and it is noted in the shelter management regulations as a “fuse mechanism”.

  To put it bluntly, it is to unplug the network cable.

  It took a whole morning, with the cooperation of players and NPCs, the 400 cultivation chambers were finally delivered to Shelter No. 117 and placed in separate rooms.

  After doing these things, Chu Guang immediately started the synthesis program and began to generate clones of the players.

  These 400 newbies will be online in three days, half of them are combat professional players and half are life professional players.

  The battle with alien species tests not only the combat effectiveness of the shelter, but also the logistics capabilities.

  Chu Guang needs not only a large number of combat professional players to fill the front line, but also bullets and shells that can be continuously delivered to the front line.

  Only in this way can the safety of the rear be guaranteed.

  Chu Guang has high expectations for this batch of fresh leeks.

  Looking at the gate of Shelter No. 117, he said with a gratified smile on his face, wearing the power armor of the previous manager.

  ”If nothing unexpected happens, this should be the last batch of players before the B round of testing.”

  ”If the idea of ​​sending the incubator to other shelters as resurrection points is feasible, we can focus on searching for information about the shelters in the future.”

  At this moment, Xiao Qi’s voice suddenly came from the communication channel.


  Before Chu Guang could ask what was going on, Xiao Qi continued.

  ”The players you sent to investigate the area around the Fifth Ring Road seem to have discovered something incredible…”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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