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Chapter 267: Fox Wife’s Soft Heart, Resentful Cat

Chapter 267: Fox Wife’s Soft Heart, Resentful Cat


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 267: Fox Wife’s Soft Heart, Resentful Cat

  Yang Shifei was even more confused.

  Why did this woman call “My dear” right away?

  He just wanted to sit up, but found that his whole body was tightly wrapped by the fox tail, and he couldn’t move for a while.


  The fox girl gently touched her lips with her slender fingers: “It’s too noisy, it’s easy to wake everyone up.”

  The girl’s voice was quite sweet and seductive, and there were ripples in her eyes: “My dear, do you recognize me?”

  Yang Shifei’s mind moved slightly, and he didn’t struggle anymore.

  He looked at the other’s white fur tail and ears, calmed down a little, and vaguely realized the truth of his identity.

  ”Are you… the little white fox?”

  The fox girl’s beautiful eyes lit up, and a sweet smile spread on her pretty face: “I showed up late at night and scared you.” ”

  Well, I’m fine.”

  Yang Shifei’s face was not natural.

  The fox girl was now lying on his chest, and the soft touch was really… hard to ignore.

  He tried to look directly into her eyes and whispered, “You can actually transform into a human form?”

  ”I was very weak before and couldn’t transform.”

  The fox girl said softly, “But after resting here for a long time and taking a strange pill, I was able to temporarily transform into this form with the power of my true form.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes flickered, “Does Ji Shang know about this?”

  ”I haven’t told my sister yet.” The

  fox girl touched his face and moved closer, “I want to tell you about this first.”

  Feeling the other’s fragrance, Yang Shifei’s face tightened, “It’s really a surprise. I didn’t expect you to really become like this. But–”

  He thought for a moment and said carefully, “Why do you call me ‘young master’?”

  The fox girl was startled.

  In silence, she pursed her lips until they turned pale, her eyelashes trembled, and tears seemed to flash in the corners of her eyes.

  ”My dear, you are indeed a heartless man who loves the new and hates the old. You don’t want to accept me?”


  Yang Shifei was stunned when he heard it, and he was even more dumbfounded when he saw the other party’s sad and resentful look.

  When did he and the little white fox make a vow of eternal love, and when did they have any real husband and wife relationship?

  ”My dear, don’t you remember anything?”

  The fox girl cried, and hesitated.

  ”Wait a minute, let me think about it.” Yang Shifei took a breath and hurriedly recalled everything that happened in the dragon tomb.


  The next moment, he was suddenly stunned: “You are talking about. I took you out of the tomb?”

  The fox girl bit her pink lips lightly: “My dear, you clearly remember it. Are you teasing me on purpose?”

  ”Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean that.” Yang Shifei’s mouth trembled slightly, and he had already realized the reason.

  At that time, in order to prevent hidden dangers, he carefully checked the other party’s body and absorbed the filth in his body, which caused the little white fox to be exhausted under his hands.

  If it was just a small animal, it would be fine, but now it can be transformed into a human form.

  ”My dear, please open that place and take a look. You

  also sucked me to the point of ecstasy. I am so ashamed.” The fox girl pouted her lips in grievance, and her voice was even softer: “My dear, what you did to me is no different from robbing me of my virginity.”

  As she said that, she clenched her fists and gently hit her shoulders as if she was ashamed and angry: “Bad guy~” ”


  Yang Shifei could only smile awkwardly: “I was rash at the beginning and made you sad and upset. I apologize to you first.” No

  wonder the look in the eyes of this little white fox would become very complicated from time to time. I am afraid that it is no different from the heartless man who pretends to be ignorant after eating and wiping clean.

  ”Not only that.”

  The fox girl puffed up her cheeks again and became a little angry: “My dear, you even extended your claws to my sister. You… You are so bad!”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes twitched: “Are you talking about Ji Shang?”

  ”Who else could it be.”

  The fox girl glared at him fiercely, but without any momentum at all, and looked like she was acting coquettishly.

  ”It is indeed my fault.” Yang Shifei chuckled twice: “But now the matter is done, girl, think about it…” The

  fox girl’s ears drooped gradually, and she showed a bit of resentment: “If my husband wants to abandon me cruelly, I can only jump into the river and commit suicide.”

  ”Stop, stop, stop.”

  Yang Shifei interrupted her hurriedly: “Why are you still trying to commit suicide? When did I say I don’t recognize this?”

  The fox girl’s ears trembled, raised her wet eyes, and said pitifully: “Are you serious?”

  ”Why would I lie to you.”

  Yang Shifei smiled helplessly: “But you and I have known each other for a short time, and we can’t even say we understand each other. It’s too early to call us husband and wife.”

  He comforted her in a gentle tone: “Girl, you might as well calm down first, and we will get along slowly in the future. After all, matters of the heart always progress step by step, and can’t be rushed. What do you think?”

  The fox girl’s eyes were blurred with tears, and a sweet smile appeared on her pretty face again: “Well, I’ll listen to you.”


  Yang Shifei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart was inevitably a little ridiculous.

  This little white fox is so delicate and soft, she is really a weak and timid “young lady in the boudoir”. If she meets someone with ulterior motives, she will be sold and have to help count the money.

  ”However, you have been sleeping in the dragon tomb for hundreds of years, how can you know these things?”

  ”I vaguely remember some things in the past.”

  The fox girl shook her head: “Although I am a white fox, I have been taught by the princess of the Qiu Kingdom, and I understand many customs and rules of the women of the Qiu Kingdom.”

  Yang Shifei was speechless for a moment.

  So, it was the last princess of the Qiu Kingdom who taught her?

  He sighed and said, “Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, can you get up from me, young lady?”


  The fox girl blinked, looked down and saw her peaks and mountains pressed into a pancake shape, her cheeks slightly stained with bright pink.

  She cupped her hands to cover her soft white flesh, and said shyly: “This is the first time I become like this. I’m not used to it.”

  The fox tail that was wrapped around her limbs was gradually pulled away, and Yang Shifei was able to regain his freedom. He touched her hair with a smile: “Since you have learned a lot of women’s rules, remember to put on clothes next time, and don’t be naked all the time.”

  ”I know,”

  the fox girl shrank her shoulders, her face becoming more and more rosy: “It’s only because I saw my lover late at night that I became like this.”

  As soon as the voice fell, white mist lingered around her body, and she turned into a fluffy and soft fox fur cloak, wrapping her fair, plump and delicate body.

  Looking at the little fox girl with a rather holy and otherworldly charm, Yang Shifei immediately relaxed a lot and chuckled, “It’s good to look like this, it suits you very well.”

  ”Because this dress is made of my fur.”

  ​​The fox girl raised her body with a red face. Just as she was about to say something else, she sighed faintly, “My dear, have a good rest. I’m going to change back to my original state.”

  ”Can this posture only last for a moment?”

  ”Well, my cultivation is not enough now, and I’m not skilled.” ”

  There is a long way to go, and it won’t be too late to practice slowly in the future.” Yang Shifei took her soft little hand and said gently, “You don’t have to worry too much about gains and losses, just live a peaceful life.”

  The fox girl’s heart trembled when she heard it, and she lowered her head to her ear and said, “Just treat it as a secret between you and me, don’t tell others about what happened tonight.”

  Immediately, the white mist rose and circulated again, and her figure gradually disappeared until she turned into a small white fox and fell on the quilt.

  She whimpered shyly, jumped off the bed with a whoosh, and hurriedly got into her exclusive nest not far away, curling up her body.

  Yang Shifei leaned over to take a look and couldn’t help laughing.

  It seemed that she had mustered up the courage to say those words
to his face.

  Seeing that he was trembling with shame, Yang Shifei didn’t get out of bed to ask more questions and lay back down.

  ”I didn’t expect this to happen.”

  He pinched his eyebrows and was secretly sighing when he suddenly shuddered all

  Yang Shifei subconsciously turned his head to look at his side. Yue Rui had come over without knowing when, and a pair of cat eyes in the crack of the quilt were full of resentment.

  ”Brother. Cheating with a fox.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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