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Chapter 267 How to deal with the waves!

Chapter 267 How to deal with the waves!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 267: How to deal with the wave!

  ”Big brother, help

  me!” “Damn, this gnawer is so unethical! Why is he trying to steal my equipment?!”

  ”Get out! Stop gnawing my shield!”

  ”Clothes! My clothes!”

  ”If you don’t understand, just ask. Is this game serious???”

  ”Come closer to me! Damn! Don’t run!”

  The noise of the players echoed in the subway tunnel.

  The corner of the strength department was still trying to stabilize his teammates, but the agility department’s white gift with a sniper had already run away, leaving only the lost newbie of the perception department trembling, and the prop guide of the intelligence department was chasing each other on the spot.

  Looking at the four newbies running around the field being chased by the gnawer, Quitting felt a headache.

  He felt that even if he smoked all night, he probably couldn’t figure out how these people got the qualification for the closed beta test. Damn


  So angry!

  Looking at the IDs of these people, he thought they were so awesome.

  Seeing that the boss didn’t move the whole time, the prop master hurriedly asked for help.

  ”Boss! Shoot!” Quit

  Smoking couldn’t help but spit.

  ”Damn, what kind of gun do you need to fight the gnawers!”

  But if he didn’t take action, these newbies might not see the sun tomorrow.

  In the end, Quit Smoking opened the safety, raised the sickle assault rifle in his hand, and shot the gnawers who surrounded the prop master with two shots.

  Then, he pulled out his short axe, rushed up and chopped it up, and led his pit apprentices to kill a bloody way out of the siege of the gnawers.

  Holding the wall to take a breath, Quit Smoking shook the axe covered with black mucus.

  To be honest, this gnawer feels really strong!

  Both the speed and strength are obviously different from those he encountered in the tunnel in the previous winter.

  Even though he has been through many battles, he still feels a little tricky.

  However, this does not prevent him from pretending to be a newbie.

  Taking a deep breath, Quitting said calmly,

  ”There are only a few attack routines for the gnawers, grab with your hands, pounce on them and bite. Don’t panic if they hit you in the face, and remember not to get entangled with them. Just use a shield to make them lose their balance, and then hit them on the head with your weapon… You will get the hang of it after a few more times.”

  Leaning against the wall of the tunnel, panting, the four little players who survived the disaster listened to Quitting’s explanation of the strategy and skills, their eyes shining.

  ”Big brother is awesome!”

  ”Too strong!”

  ”Is this T0 combat power!”


  Listening to the awkward boasting of this group of people, Quitting coughed dryly.

  ”Cough… It’s not as exaggerated as you say. Don’t you read the strategy?”

  ”Look! We’ve been doing our homework for a long time!” The sixth old man in the corner laughed, and then said, “I’m a strength type! I’m the front row output!”

  The other three also raised their hands in unison.

  Lost newbie: “I, I, I sense! Professional scout!”

  Free Sniper: “I’m agile, I just need a sniper!”

  Item Master: “I’m intelligent! I plan to go for the brainwave mechanical flow after awakening! Late-stage dad!”

  Quit Smoking: “…”

  He seemed to know where the problem was.


  All four hundred players have left Shelter 117 and followed the old players to the world outside the shelter.

  Through the VM device associated with the “Passing on the Torch” mission, Chu Guang can easily grasp where the newbies have gone, what tasks they are doing, and who is leading them.

  With the “Hummingbird” drone patrolling in the air, he can even move the camera above the players’ heads to peek at the screen.

  Of course, there are also a few stubborn players who decide to take the 5 silver coins issued by the novice gift package and go to the wasteland alone.

  Sandbox game.

  High degree of freedom is part of the game content.

  As an excellent planner, Chu Guang certainly will not interfere with the specific gameplay of each player.

  He only makes macro decisions and rules to ensure that most individuals are on the right track.

  A few exceptions are not important.

  The significance of the rules will be reflected after they have in-game property.

  When the newcomers are fully equipped with magical equipment and have a lot of brothers or sisters in the game who are closer than in reality, they will naturally understand that following the rules is not for others, but for themselves…

  Shelter No. 404.

  Chu Guang, who had just finished talking to the newbies in the shelter next door, took off his power armor and went straight to the medical laboratory on the B3 floor.

  When he arrived here, Bachi, who was dressed as a tin can, happened to be there.

  Since he settled down in the shelter, he would go to the medical laboratory whenever he had time to inquire about the latest research progress on mutant slime mold.

  Heya hadn’t come out of the analysis room yet. Chu Guang looked at Bachi sitting on the chair and asked curiously.

  ”Are there no mutant slime molds in Yunjian Province?”

  Bachi: “Of course there are. Whether it is Yunshi or Yunxia, ​​it is almost impossible to completely eradicate them.”

  Chu Guang: “I heard that the Legion will limit the living space of slime molds by demolishing cities.”

  A chuckle of laughter floated out of the tin can.

  ”Haha, don’t listen to the bragging of the idiots in the Legion. Demolish all those high-rise buildings? They didn’t do it even with the entire nuclear bomb reserve of the Human Union. How can they have this ability?”

  Chu Guang looked at him strangely.

  ”Why would the Human Union demolish its own house?”

  ”Who knows what happened two hundred years ago,” Bachi shrugged, “I heard that there are many companies in the Prosperous Era.”

  As he was talking, the alloy door of the sample analysis room opened, and

  Heya, wearing a white coat, walked out from behind the door and handed a tablet computer converted from a wrist computer to Chu Guang, who had just returned from outside.

  Chu Guang glanced at the dense data on the screen. Although he knew every letter and number, he couldn’t understand it when they were connected together.

  But it didn’t matter.

  If I could understand it myself, what would I need her for?

  ”What is this?”

  Heya said with great excitement in her brows.

  ”A detailed analysis report on the juvenile mother nest! Thanks to the samples your residents obtained earlier, we now have a more comprehensive understanding of the formation of the mother nest, and this further confirms my guess – these slime molds are dominated by a unified consciousness, and the transmission of this information is likely to be achieved through spores!”

  In other words…

  spores are not only reproductive cells, but also a medium for information exchange between mutant slime molds?

  Similar to insect pheromones?

  Chu Guang, staring at the tablet, fell silent.

  What a convenient creature.

  At this time, Bachi, who was standing aside, suddenly became nervous.

  ”Wait, that is to say… the mother nest issues orders through spores? Then will the slime mold on my body be controlled by the spores released by the mother nest?”

  Heya looked at him and said.

  ”You were infected outside Qingquan City, right?”

  Bachi nodded nervously.

  ”…After I was infected, I walked west and north for five or six hundred kilometers before I arrived in Qingquan City.”

  Chu Guang said.

  ”Five or six hundred kilometers, it should be out of the territory of the Valley Province.”

  Heya said in a relaxed tone: “Then don’t worry, these mutant slime molds have strong regional attributes. They rely on RNA transcribed proteins to identify the same kind. Only the same kind can have a unified consciousness coordination, and the slime molds in different regions have different ‘identification codes’.”

  Hearing this, Bachi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Chu Guang looked at Heya and asked the question he was most concerned about.

  ”Does this mother nest have weaknesses?”

  Heya answered very straightforwardly.

  ”Its weakness is the weakness of all living things. If it is killed, it will die.”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  This is as good as saying nothing.

  Heya answered straightforwardly.

  ”If you want to kill them completely, the best way is undoubtedly fire, followed by explosives. Strong acid is also a good way, but the cost is too expensive. If you want to ask if there is any shortcut, unfortunately, there is none at present, unless…”

  Chu Guang asked immediately: “Unless?”

  ”Unless we can find a way to get samples from the mother nest in the city center,” Heya said with confidence, “According to the model I built, more than 80% of the spores in the city are produced by the mother nest in the city center, and the other fruiting bodies including the gnawers, hatcheries, and even new mother nests, the ultimate source is the oldest mother nest in the city center!”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  What’s the difference between this and not saying it?

  Honest and straightforward Bachi spit out his inner thoughts for him.

  ”…I think even if we don’t use model analysis, we can draw this conclusion by looking at it with our eyes.”

  Heya glanced at him.

  ”Eyes can deceive people, but data can’t.”

  Chu Guang coughed lightly.

  ”You’re right, data won’t lie, but what we need most now is a way to crack the wave, and we don’t have much time left.”

  However, what surprised Chu Guang was that he didn’t expect these slime molds to have formed a highly organized hive society as Heya guessed.

  They imitate not only the forms and hunting methods of other creatures in nature, but also go deep into a more complex social level.

  Some fruiting bodies are responsible for reproduction, some are responsible for development, and some are responsible for hunting. When necessary, the “worker bees” will even sacrifice themselves to become nutrients for the expansion of the fungal blanket in the incubator. The

  spore cloud covering the entire city can even provide information services for the slime mold aliens in the city like a local area network, and these aliens themselves play the role of routers, releasing spores all the time.

  There is no shortcut to destroy them.

  After a pause, Chu Guang continued.

  ”As for the samples of the mother nest… your request is difficult to do, but I will try my best to help you find a solution.”

  The Boulder City on the edge of the Third Ring Road may have a solution.

  Chu Guang had heard from Xia Yan before that some powerful mercenary groups could go deep into the city center to search for the remains of pre-war civilization.

  As long as he had enough chips in his hand, this problem might be solved with money.

  Just as Chu Guang was lost in thought, Bachi, who was sitting next to him, hugged the tin can on his head in pain.

  ”Damn… why did I go on this long journey?”

  He had begun to regret it.

  Perhaps, he should have just traveled around Yunjian Province like other alumni who chose graduation trips.

  There was no need to go so far, and there was no need to set such a high goal right from the start.

  When he thought about his handsome face turning into this ghostly look, he wanted to die in pain.

  No matter how he thought about it, it was Luo Hua’s fault that he became like this!

  Chu Guang looked at his friend who came from afar with a strange expression, and reminded him kindly.

  ”Actually, it doesn’t matter if you take off your helmet. I think… the guys in the shelter won’t mind your appearance.”

  It’s better to say…

  NPCs with strange looks are more popular?

  However, after hearing Chu Guang’s words, Bachi shook his head and showed strong resistance.

  ”I won’t do it even if you kill me!”


  In the evening.

  The newbies who had been playing the game for a whole day returned to the outpost with their tired bodies and tattered equipment.

  When they set out from Shelter No. 117, many of them were still carrying engineer shovels and axes produced by Steel Plant No. 81, or shields, javelins, bows and arrows, and spears made from carpenter’s huts.

  However, now, almost everyone’s equipment has been replaced with steel bars, sticks, and even bricks picked up from nowhere.

  Some players simply didn’t even come back.

  After being cloud players on the forum for several months, they finally experienced how real a “100% real” virtual reality game could be.

  Throwing the tattered stick on the ground, the newbie with the ID Painter sat down at the south gate and cursed.

  ”Damn, this Gnawer is too strong. It just kept gnawing while holding the shield. It almost gnawed my nose off!” A

  good friend named Illustrator also echoed.

  ”That’s right! Isn’t it said that the Gnawer is a novice monster? This strength is too outrageous!”

  The experience of the two newbies is not an isolated case.

  In fact, it is not just the newbies who find it difficult, even the awakened players can clearly feel that the strength of the gnawers is much higher than before.

  And this enhancement is not just the optimization of the “monster AI”, it is obvious that even the panel data is one or two points higher than before.

  Once surrounded, even the awakened players of the strength and constitution system can easily fall into a dangerous situation.

  Not to mention the newcomers whose panel attributes have not yet grown up.

  However, despite the complaints, no one is discouraged.

  If you can’t even accept this little difficulty, it is unlikely to fill out the questionnaire with increasingly outrageous questions and difficulty, and it is even less likely to have the opportunity to become a lucky closed beta player.

  It’s not just the unloading point at the south gate and the market at the north gate that are bustling, the wooden house in front of the hunter’s union is also bustling.

  Looking at the predators with their hands and feet tied, Yu Hu’s expression was a little confused.

  If I remember correctly, the task I issued should be to search for slime mold aliens in the area, clean up the hatchery that produces gnawers, and the source of spore spread.


  how did these “players” catch a lot of living people?

  A rough count turned out to be about a hundred.

  His Hunters Guild doesn’t have any slave hunting missions.

  Looking at the president of the Hunters Guild, the Fountain Commander chuckled: “We didn’t find the hatchery, but we did find the predator’s nest.”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group sighed: “These people are really awesome, hiding in the bridge hole!”

  I am the worst: “Too stinky!”

  The old man next door: “Hey, the ones I caught are even more awesome, their nest is actually on the hanging tower!”

  Kakarot: “Fuck, aren’t you afraid of falling down when you sleep so high?!”

  The old man next door shook his head and poked the predator next to him with the muzzle of his gun, “I don’t know, why don’t you ask him?”

  The predator poked by the gun trembled, afraid but not daring to hide to the side.

  The same is true for other predators.

  In addition to fear, there is more confusion on their faces.

  They didn’t intend to pay attention to these poor guys who didn’t even have a two-headed cow. Those fat caravans were their targets.

  However, when these people saw them, their eyes seemed to glow green, and they rushed up without saying a word.

  In fact, from the perspective of the players, there is nothing wrong.

  After all, the combat power of the alien species has been significantly enhanced, and the only things that have not changed are the predators.

  The old players are very experienced in dealing with predators. From bloody hands to bone chewers, which one has not been defeated by them?

  Not to mention that these predators are much fatter than gnawers. Taking down their nests can not only earn a sum of silver coins, but also increase contributions.

  Who would refuse a walking experience pack?

  In addition to the captured predators, there are also slaves rescued by players from their nests.

  Among them are men and women, some with intact limbs, some with missing arms and legs, and even dying.

  Some of them even have big bellies.

  Yu Hu, who has never dealt with predators, didn’t know how to deal with it for a while.

  Fortunately, the manager came over at this time.

  After understanding the situation, Chu Guang immediately found Guo Niu, who was in charge of the warehouse of the outpost, and gave him instructions.

  ”Send them to the prisoner-of-war camp first. The guards there know how to identify looters. After the interrogation, looters stay in the prisoner-of-war camp, and other rescued survivors are sent to Changjiu Farm.”

  ”If they have other places to go, let them go. If they are willing to stay, place them in the refugee village and let Jiuli find them something to do.”

  There are large tracts of farmland on the west side of Changjiu Farm that need to be cultivated.

  In addition to farm work, Changjiu Farm has recently opened a number of hotels and taverns for traveling merchants, and is recruiting accountants, accountants, cooks, cleaners and waiters.

  Whether you have a skill or not, as long as you want to work, there will always be no shortage of job opportunities there.

  Guo Niu nodded seriously.

  ”Okay, sir!”

  Chu Guang settled the players’ task rewards at a price of 50 silver coins and 50 contributions for a prisoner and 80 silver coins and 80 contributions for a looter.

  Looking at the players who were happily rushing to the north gate, Yu Hu lowered his head with a face full of shame and said in a muffled voice.

  ”I’m sorry, I didn’t do this little thing well.”

  Chu Guang said in an encouraging tone.

  ”Don’t say that, you’ve done a good job. As for similar things, you’ll have experience after dealing with them a few more times. If you really can’t make up your mind, you can contact me or Xiao Qi.”

  In fact, let alone Yu Hu, Chu Guang himself was quite surprised.

  Originally, his original intention of establishing the Hunter’s Guild was to cope with the upcoming wave and enrich the gameplay of hunter players. Unexpectedly, the hunter players did not find a few hatching rooms, but destroyed a lot of predators’ nests.

  The large piece of land in the northern suburbs was worried that it could not be cultivated.

  It was a pleasant surprise to be able to pick up so many captives.

  Clearing his throat, Chu Guang looked at Yu Hu and continued.

  ”Let’s talk about business first. How is the matter I asked you to investigate going?”

  Yu Hu nodded quickly and said immediately.

  ”There are results! I was planning to report to you!”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”According to the clues collected by the hunter team we sent to the edge of the Fifth Ring Road to the Fourth Ring Road, a large number of gnawers are moving along multiple highways out of the city, from the city center to the suburbs.”

  ”They are not fast, but their steps are firm. Especially at night, their marching speed is almost twice that of the day… If they maintain the current speed, the first wave of gnawers will probably reach the northern suburbs within two days, and the scale may be no less than 100,000!”


  Chu Guang’s face was slightly solemn.

  ”Has something similar happened in the northern suburbs before?”

  If the scale of the wave is really that large, the power of the northern suburbs is simply not enough to resist it.

  Not to mention the bolt-action rifles in the old leech warehouse, even if Brown Farm and the Blood Hand Clan are added together, it is impossible.

  Yu Hu frowned and pondered for a while, then shook his head and said.

  ”I haven’t heard that the wave went north before, but there have been a few fogs… but not every year.”

  The difficulty of the wave has increased significantly this year.

  Is it because of the population?

  Chu Guang looked serious and said immediately.

  ”I need to know the specific route of the wave. Do you have a map here?”

  Yu Hu nodded immediately.

  ”Yes! I was just about to bring it to you!”

  As he said that, he returned to the wooden house of the Hunter’s Guild, quickly took out a map, and walked out of the wooden house again.

  Returning to Chu Guang’s side, Yu Hu unfolded the map in front of him and pointed to the mark he drew on the map.

  ”It’s here!”

  On the paper map, a red line and four yellow lines were drawn with a marker.

  The two colors of lines represent the main direction of the “wave” and the branch lines that run through the streets of the city.

  The Garden Street subway station between Bate Street and Brown Farm is right on the red line!

  Without a moment’s delay, Chu Guang took the map and went directly to the guard’s station, recalling the guard captain Wrench who was far away at Changjiu Farm, as well as a group of capable men under his command.

  The combat meeting began.

  Chu Guang spread the map on the table.

  ”…If the wave continues to advance, not only will our neighbors suffer, but Shelter No. 117, the outpost base, and the new industrial zone will also be in trouble.”

  ”There is a relatively open area at the entrance and exit of the ring road south of the Garden Street subway station. I plan to build a defense line around this area and deploy more than 500 troops and heavy firepower weapons.”

  ”If you have any good ideas, you can put them forward now!”

  Vanus stared at the map and thought for a moment, then suddenly spoke.

  ”I want to know if our opponents are only gnawers, or also crawlers and tyrants?”

  Chu Guang: “Maybe all!”

  Everyone in the conference room held their breath at the same time.

  If it was just gnawers, it would be fine. Those alien species that can only run and bite can only give their heads in front of guns and cannons. A few heavy machine guns are enough to press them to the ground.

  However, if there are even “all-terrain mobile” monsters like crawlers and “unfathomable health bars” tyrants, the situation may not be optimistic.

  Add to that the “sacrifice bomber” monster that does not play by the rules at all, and this battle may be a disaster.

  Vanus only took half a minute to think and immediately made a judgment.

  ”One line of defense may not be enough! On the basis of this line of defense, we need at least three kilometers of strategic depth to stop them from advancing through multiple lines of defense!”

  Wrench frowned.

  ”Three kilometers may not be enough. It will be difficult to build this line of defense before they arrive!”

  Vanus did not speak, but looked at Chu Guang.

  The same was true for others.

  As if he was the only hope.

  Under the gaze of everyone, Chu Guang slowly nodded and said only three words.

  ”It’s in time!”

  It’s in time at any time.

  It just requires a little sacrifice…

  At the same time, on the viaduct more than ten kilometers away.

  In the queue that was moving forward like a tide, a pair of scarlet pupils were staring at the northern sky intently.

  In that sight, there was a pressure that even the claws of death could not look at it.

  It opened its mouth.

  The hoarse voice was like the cry of a ghost.




  Those scarlet eyes were filled with a desire for killing and blood!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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