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Chapter 268: Blocking Battle on Street 65!

Chapter 268: Blocking Battle on Street 65!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 268 Blocking Battle on Street 65!

  ”Awei, have you packed all your stuff? We’re leaving the city soon. Think carefully, is there anything you left behind?”

  At the gate of Boulder City.

  Before queuing up to leave the city, Sisi was checking Wei’s VM and backpack, repeatedly confirming whether anything was left behind.

  His movements and demeanor were very much like an old father.

  ”Oh! I’ve packed everything – wait, where’s Rourou?” Wei’s eyes suddenly looked around alertly, keenly noticing that something was missing in the team.

  Teng Teng, who was queuing in front, looked back at Sisi and Wei in surprise.

  ”Eh? Didn’t you bring Rourou?”

  Sisi subtly moved his eyes away and muttered in a low voice.

  ”…It’s really strange. Why is such a big bear so low in presence?”

  It must be because he was too cowardly.

  Zhimahu, who had also forgotten Rourou, blushed, and the cat ears on his head shook embarrassedly.

  ”I, I’ll go and bring it over.”

  ”Wei’s going too!”

  Sisi, who had predicted Wei’s movements, caught her skillfully.

  ”The reservoir is not far from here, one person can go, Ah Wei, just stand in line, we will be there soon.”


  Rourou has been staying with the two-headed cow these days, and it is said that it scared the other animals in the reservoir.

  We have arrived at the new map, but we can’t explore anywhere. When we left, we were almost forgotten because of our low sense of existence.

  It’s so pitiful.

  Sisi couldn’t help feeling ashamed.

  I’ll treat her to some fish after returning to the outpost.

  It didn’t take long to queue up.

  The guard at the city gate just checked the wanted poster on the wall, confirmed that no one who had committed a crime had left here, and then let the group go.

  Originally, Xu Shun set out with them, but because he received a temporary mission, he separated and acted separately.

  The group agreed to meet outside the city gate.

  Walked out from under the city gate.

  Yaya stretched lazily, looked at the setting sun hanging in the sky, and curled the corners of his mouth with satisfaction.

  ”Finally, I’m going home!”

  She had sold the KV-1 exoskeleton with welded steel plates for 200 chips.

  Although it was a small loss, it was not a big problem.

  Thinking of a mosquito that caused her to be stuck on the wall, Ya Ya’s smiling eyes could not help but bring a hint of charming danger.

  She swore.

  If she didn’t give that profiteer a fist as big as a mushroom when she returned, her name would be written upside down!

  The city gate was very lively. There was

  an endless stream of merchants coming and going, mercenaries looking for work wandered around in the square at the city gate, and there were also some vendors selling strange goods.

  The militia set up a conscription office at the city gate, and the team of recruits lined up from the city gate into the slums.

  The radio at the entrance of the slum repeatedly broadcast the treatment of conscripts – two chips a day, two meals of nutritional paste.

  As long as you enlist, you will be given a gun, and ammunition will be issued when you reach the front line.

  Ya Ya looked around curiously, and at this moment, a whistle came from the side.

  Feeling the gazes falling on her, Yaya subconsciously turned her head.

  She saw three men who looked like mercenaries, looking at her with a smile.

  Seeing Yaya looking at this side, the mercenary leader in the middle whistled lightly.

  ”Hey, beauty.”

  The two people next to her also spoke up.


  ”It’s not easy to work in the wave, why don’t you follow us to the south to make a fortune.”

  The naked gaze made Yaya very unhappy.

  Although she didn’t fully understand what this guy was saying, she knew from his expression that he was trying to flirt with her, and nine out of ten he was not a good person.

  Yaya made a gesture to drive him away and said impatiently.

  ”No, no, go wherever you want.”

  She had encountered a lot of flirtations in the past two days, mostly mercenaries, and occasionally merchants, but none of them were to her taste.

  Not to mention the unkempt appearance, the malicious eyes made her physically uncomfortable, and the six words “very bad person” were almost written on her face.

  What she is really interested in is the type of big brother who is mature, steady, sunny, handsome, polite, smart, reliable and full of justice. And he should not be too silly, after all, she is a little silly sometimes.


  Thinking about it this way, the manager is exactly her ideal type.

  I have to say that the production company of “Wasteland OL” is really good.

  It’s a pity that she is a paper man.

  Looking at the big-breasted beauty who completely ignored them, the three mercenaries flashed obvious annoyance on their faces.

  Although they also couldn’t understand the dialect she was speaking, the meaning of rejection was as obvious as the attitude of not taking them seriously.

  With his eyes narrowed into a slit, the bearded man stepped forward with a hint of threat in his tone.

  ”I advise you to think it over before you speak. This is not the Boulder City. Once you go out of that door, it’s the wasteland.”

  ”Anything can happen in the wasteland, what do you think?” What are

  these guys talking about.

  Yaya rolled his eyes and was about to say “Get lost” in human language. At this time, the voices of his teammates came from the direction of the city gate.

  Teng Teng: “Huh? Ya Ya was hit on again? Why do I say again…”

  Wei Ba said sullenly.

  ”Damn it, why didn’t anyone hit on Wei Ba!”

  Teng Teng comforted her.

  ”Don’t worry, me neither…”

  Si Si’s eyes fell on the two ponytails, with a subtle expression.

  ”If you hit on Teng Teng, you’ll probably be caught as a criminal.”

  Teng Teng turned around and glared at her, showing his fangs in anger.

  ”What the hell! Are you looking down on me?”

  Si Si coughed dryly.

  ”No, no, I didn’t express myself properly.”

  The three mercenaries exchanged glances and looked at the people coming from the door with a hint of alertness in their eyes.

  Especially the bearded mercenary leader standing in the middle, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

  He felt a kind of “kind” breath from these people, but it was hard to tell how strong it was, after all, there were differences in strength between awakened ones!

  Walking up to the mercenary leader, Tail folded his hands in front of his chest and looked him up and down.

  ”Hey, young man, you are very brave. You dare to chat up our Crow boss.”

  Looking at her arms folded in front of her chest, the mercenary leader had a blank expression on his face and sneered in his heart.

  There are flaws all over his body!

  He stretched out his hand to the revolver at his waist like lightning, but his hand had just stretched out halfway when his eyes blurred and a gun was already against his head.

  The wind blew past his ears, and a drop of cold sweat fell on the forehead of the mercenary leader.

  So fast!

  ”I advise you not to move. Ah Wei has only learned to use a gun for less than half a year. If it goes off accidentally, I can only say sorry.”

  Sisi, who had come around to their side at some point, put the PU-9 in his hand against the back of a mercenary and spoke calmly in non-standard human language.

  ”By the way, me too.”

  Although it was a cross-server communication, there was unexpectedly no obstacle. Sometimes simple body language makes communication more convenient.

  The mercenary leader coughed dryly, raised his hands awkwardly, and slowly stepped back.

  ”Don’t be nervous, I’ll just wear a belt…”

  Sisi looked at him coldly.

  ”Get out of here.”

  The three mercenaries got out immediately, not daring to stay here for a second longer.

  Sisi put away the submachine gun and hid it under his coat.

  The people around whispered, looking at the group with obvious fear in their eyes.

  Those who were originally ready to move did not dare to come up again, and only dared to watch quietly from a distance.

  Feeling the gazes around him, Yaya was a little nervous.

  ”Let’s go quickly. It feels like a lot of people are watching us.”

  Sisi nodded and looked around.

  ”Let’s retreat.”

  ”I feel like something big is going to happen here.”

  Lister’s caravan has already left the city, and the white bear and the cat are also in the team.

  Xu Shun, who went to do business before, should also be back.

  As they were talking, the VMs on the arms of everyone at the door vibrated at the same time.

  Everyone quickly raised their arms and took a look, only to see a line of pop-up windows appear on the screen.

  [Announcement for all servers: A wave is coming! ]

  Seeing this line of pop-up windows, Sisi was slightly stunned and muttered softly.

  ”My crow’s mouth…”

  It’s only been a few seconds, and something big has really happened…


  Garden Street subway station exit.

  Players carrying weapons and ammunition are walking along the stopped escalator to the surface, crossing the fragmented streets, and marching to the south.

  The sky has turned dim, and it will be dark in an hour at most.

  However, even so, the gray-green clouds can still be seen in the sky not far away.

  ”Didn’t we agree on two weeks? It’s only been a week.”

  ”The wave is ahead of schedule.”

  ”How exciting, we’re going to fight again!”

  The players whispered to each other, and everyone’s face was excited.

  This time the opponent is a different species!

  That is, monsters attacking the city!

  The highlight of MMORPG!

  If you miss such an exciting thing, it would be a big loss. The players who participated in the action simply asked for a whole day off in reality.

  Walking in the team, Izuihei, who was carrying a rifle, suddenly spoke.

  ”I have a bad feeling.”

  The battlefield atmosphere group looked at him.

  ”Did you find anything?”

  Izuihei glanced at the fountain leading the team.

  ”That LYB is not wearing an exoskeleton!”

  ”Hey, you little smart guy.” The battlefield atmosphere group laughed and put his arm on his shoulder, “Don’t worry, if you are scared, follow me later, I will protect you!”

  Izuihei rolled his eyes without appreciation and slapped his hand away.

  ”Get lost, you always rush the fastest!”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team said indifferently: “The most dangerous place is the safest place! Although I rush fast, you see when I have ever died?”

  Walking in the middle of the team, the commander of the Spring Water, who was looking at the map, had a Sima face.

  ”Don’t talk nonsense, you will listen to my command later, I will try to bring you back.”

  He didn’t want to accept this task, but others volunteered to sign up, and he was ordered in a critical situation.

  Although it is not impossible to refuse, but normal people will not refuse this exclusive task issued by the NPC at the level of the leader of the camp, right?

  With the AI ​​simulation level of this game, refusing to perform the task may lose favorability.

  That’s a big loss!

  Not understanding the uneasiness in the heart of the Spring Water brother, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team laughed and gave him a thumbs up.


  Spring Water: “…”

  To be honest, he is not stable at all now, but a group of panic.

  The company composed of 120 players is a death squad to put it nicely, and cannon fodder to put it bluntly.

  They had only one mission, which was to go to the intersection of No. 65 Street and Changling Elevated Road, block the wave advancing northward along the piers of the elevated road, and delay the wave until dawn at all costs to buy time for the rear troops to set up defense lines.

  Quanshui had studied the map. No. 65 Street was located north of the Fifth Ring Road. The street ran east-west, with tall buildings on both sides. The iconic building was a clock tower.

  Due to the disrepair of the surrounding buildings, the fallen concrete blocks filled the gaps in the buildings, making it difficult to pass through, like a natural barrier.

  The 12-lane Changling Elevated Road was perpendicular to No. 65 Street. The intersection was a relatively open area and the only passage that allowed a large number of people to pass through.

  As long as firepower points were deployed on the tall buildings on both sides of the elevated road and the gnawers behind the rugged obstacles were fired, the pressure on the front battlefield could be reduced.

  However, this was only in theory.

  Quanshui had never commanded so many people, especially since half of the 120 players were newcomers.

  Fortunately, the other half of the players are veterans who have participated in more than two battles, most of whom are awakened.

  On the way to the battlefield, Quanshui tentatively divided the players into three infantry platoons, each with four teams of ten people, and the available communication equipment was distributed to the platoon-level combat units.

  In addition to the 120 people heading to the front line, there is also a 20-man artillery team behind them, carrying 6 88mm mortars and 12 boxes of 144 shells, heading to an open area 1.2 kilometers away from them to establish an artillery position.

  Since there are high-rise buildings everywhere, and the height is hundreds or thousands of meters, the artillery positions can only be built on the roof.

  Considering that firing artillery is a technical job, Quanshui thinks it is better not to rely too much on the support efficiency of mortars.

  Maybe it takes more than a dozen shells to correct the trajectory, and all kinds of situations may happen on the battlefield.

  At the same time, when the company led by Quanshui rushed to No. 65 Street to block the huge wave, a logistics force consisting of 200 strength players, 20 two-headed bulls and 300 NPCs was traveling back and forth between Beth Street and No. 68 Street, seizing the time to build the first line of defense against the wave.

  This logistics force was led by “Knife Spare People”, the chief architect of Shelter No. 404.

  The road conditions in the city are complicated. From the northern suburbs to the edge of the Fifth Ring Road, you can barely use two-wheeled motorcycles, but from the Fifth Ring Road to No. 68 Street, you can only use two-headed bulls and bicycles.

  Fortunately, Chu Guang had foresightedly transported the construction materials to Beth Street and stored them in the warehouse of the castle, so the supply line of this battle would not be too long.

  The reserve of millions of rounds of ammunition is enough to cope with a regimental-level battle.

  The production capacity of the new industrial zone has been running to its limit. The average daily production capacity of 30,000 rounds of ammunition can theoretically be further squeezed to 50,000 rounds.

  The old players in Yuanxi Town are on their way back. Boulder City has also been caught in the wave and is sending troops deep into the Third Ring Road to suppress the wave.

  The longer this war drags on, the better it will be for Shelter 404!

  Whether the wave can be contained at Street 65 will be the key to winning this battle!

  The sky is getting darker.

  The night shrouds the streets.

  As the sun fades, more and more gnawers emerge from the shops and alleys along the street, crawling through the streets full of concrete blocks with their hands and feet, and rushing towards the players heading towards Street 65.

  However, beasts are beasts after all. They obviously overestimated their strength and were soon shot into sieves by the bullets, rolling into the ditches and mud pits on the roadside.

  And those gnawers who are lucky enough to rush to the front will also not get any benefits when facing the players holding weapons and waiting seriously.

  A strength player above LV5 can easily split the skull of a gnawer with an axe with 10 points of strength.

  Not to mention those awakened ones!

  The gnawers that rushed into the crowd were like sheep rushing into a pack of wolves. They were quickly chopped into pieces by shovels and hatchets, or simply had their skulls smashed by rifle butts.

  In the shadows, a two-meter-long, sturdy crawler used all four limbs to crawl out of the window of a tall building nearby and attached itself to the wall like an ape.

  Its red eyes stared at the street, its teeth bared, and it let out a dangerous growl.

  It seemed to have found an opportunity, and its feet exerted force violently. Its huge body was like an eagle spreading its wings and swooping down, smashing into the players’ team fiercely.

  The long arm that was stretched out was about to tear the people in front of it to pieces.

  However, at this moment, a whistling sound of breaking through the air blew directly into its face.

  The javelin thrown out was like a cannonball, directly shooting its head.

  The headless crawler was like a kite with a broken string. It fell heavily to the ground with a muffled sound, splashing up rolling cement debris and dust.

  ”Fuck, awesome!”

  ”Why are there still people carrying javelins?!”

  Seeing everyone looking at him in surprise, Kakarot smiled and weighed the javelin in his hand.

  ”Everyone save some ammunition. There are fewer gnawers now. Don’t use guns if you can solve them with fists.”

  The fountain commander beside him also nodded.

  ”That’s right, everyone try not to waste bullets. There is still a tough battle to fight later!”

  Passing through three blocks in a row.

  There were countless battles of all sizes along the way. Although some ammunition was wasted, fortunately there were no casualties.

  The iconic clock tower came into view, and in front of him was Street 65!

  Looking at the silent street ahead, the fountain commander breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense mood relaxed a little.

  The wave hasn’t arrived yet!

  They came at the right time!

  Without a moment’s delay, the fountain commander immediately walked to the front of the team and shouted loudly to all the players.

  ”Class A, go ahead and lay the barbed wire, use the engineer shovel to clear as many bunkers as possible on the road! Move out as much concrete blocks as possible that have fallen into the pit, dig as deep as possible where you can dig, and don’t waste time on places that are obviously impossible to dig!”

  ”Class B is responsible for the housing area on the left, and Class C is responsible for the right. I need you to deploy firepower points along the street to cover every inch of the battlefield!”

  ”We only have three hours left… If we hurry, we will encounter the first wave of gnawers before 10 o’clock!”

  ”Everyone, move!”

  In response to him, there were roars of high morale. Although this attracted many gnawers, it was not a bad thing.

  It is better to solve the problem before the battle starts than to have to devote energy to dealing with these “stragglers” wandering around the battlefield after the battle starts.

  Leading the players of Class B to move to the left side of the battlefield, Kakarot assigned tasks to each team, clearing out the gnawers in several key buildings, and personally brought several machine gunners upstairs.

  The support weapons assigned to Class B include two water-cooled Maxim heavy machine guns, which were copied from the No. 81 Steel Plant. They weigh 25 kilograms and fire 7mm full-power rifle bullets. Each machine gun is equipped with 6 ammunition boxes, totaling 1,500 rounds of ammunition.

  In addition, there are 12 20mm “cavalry lance” anti-tank rifles and 2 37mm “heavy cavalry lances” newly developed and put into production by the No. 81 Steel Plant.

  If the former can barely be considered a gun, the latter has obviously reached the category of a cannon.

  If the fixed bracket is not installed, I am afraid that only the awakened of the power system can control it.

  The two water-cooled Maxims were deployed at the best view position on the third floor. Carrying the 37mm heavy cavalry lance, Kakarot took out a telescope and looked to the south. The

  fragmented Changling elevated road collapsed into several sections. The long sections of the road were hundreds of meters long, and the short ones were only left with bridge piers. Looking around, it looked like isolated islands standing in the city.

  The places farther away were completely blocked by thick fog. Kakarot put away the telescope and signaled the team members to put on their gas masks.

  Not far away, the brothers of Class A had already put up a circle of barbed wire, blocking several branches on both sides of the viaduct.

  Although those few wires may not be able to help the Gnawers move forward, it should be possible to restrict their movement direction.

  The physical player with the ID [Broken Leg Kevin] holding the machine gun with both hands couldn’t help but ask.

  ”How many monsters are there ahead…”

  Ten Punch Man: “I don’t know… The intelligence says 100,000, maybe more, or less. With such a thick fog, we can only estimate how many there are. Who knows exactly.”

  Grave Ghost Catcher: “Do we have 100,000 bullets?”

  Kakarot was silent for a while and answered in an uncertain tone.

  ”Maybe… The logistics department promised to do their best to deliver ammunition to us, but if not…”

  As he said that, he patted the hatchet on his waist.

  ”Use this.”

  According to the plan made in advance.

  If Class A fails, Class B will fill in from the left wing of the position to the front of the battlefield.

  If Class B also fails, then Class C will take over.

  The specific number of the upcoming Gnawers is impossible to calculate.

  When a large group of fruiting bodies gathered together, the gray-green spore cloud was like a cloud of entities, and the contents could not be seen at all. The

  simple fortifications were deployed.

  Class A retreated to the position.

  The gray-green fog was approaching, and it was obvious that the humans blocking the way were discovered. The pace of the gnawers was obviously accelerated, so the front ones even started running.

  The low roar of decay and the creaking sound of feet stepping on the gravel were coming from the thick fog!

  The fountain commander, who was rarely standing on the front line of the battlefield and only wearing cheap equipment, held a sickle assault rifle in his hand and shouted loudly to the players on the position.

  ”Brothers!” ”

  The wave is approaching!”

  ”We need to hold on for at least twelve hours and do everything we can to stop the wave from continuing to move north! Buy time for the brothers who are building positions in the rear!”



  may not be able to bring back experience, but glory will be with us!”


  Tut-tut …

  The bullets were like raindrops, crossing the obstacles under the viaduct, weaving a net on the fragmented position, tearing the night apart completely!

  Faced with the sudden outbreak of steel fire rain, the gnawers who rushed to the front fell down in an instant like wheat being cut.

  Flesh and blood collided with gunpowder!

  The gnawers moved forward without fear of death. The aliens in front fell down, and the aliens behind stepped on the corpses in front and continued to move forward.

  In just a few minutes, the ground was full of broken branches and arms, and there was no complete corpse to be found, like meat paste rolling out of a meat grinder.

  The dense charge was quickly disintegrated.

  The few fish that escaped the net were shot and killed by the players of Class A, and there was no need to waste ammunition with machine guns.

  The barrel of the machine gun was smoking, and Kevin, who was lying on the window of the third floor, loosened his index finger that was tightly holding the trigger and breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”It’s easier than I thought!”

  The predators at least knew to hide, or crawl forward on the ground, throwing smoke bombs for cover.

  However, these gnawers seemed to have no concept of death at all, and they were braver than clones.

  However, in the face of the firepower of heavy machine guns, this bravery was no different from suicide!

  On the position of Class A.

  The battlefield atmosphere team that shot the last gnawer lowered the muzzle of the gun.

  ”The wave seems to have stopped.”

  The gunshots stopped, and the whole street was terribly silent.

  Looking ahead with a solemn expression, the commander of the fountain slowly nodded.

  ”The bad news is that the fortifications we spent two hours preparing before are basically ruined.”

  I swallowed my saliva: “That’s your illusion… They are still moving forward. I can sense their existence, and there is something terrible.” The

  battlefield atmosphere team patted him on the shoulder and smiled without any fear.

  ”Don’t scare yourself, just do it!”

  At this time, a newcomer next to him suddenly asked.

  ”Speaking of which, why don’t those gnawers come together? Instead, they come in waves?”

  Another player also frowned.

  ”Yeah…it’s only been charging for 10 minutes and it’s stopped.”

  Not as durable as him.

  The commander of the spring standing in the position said calmly.

  ”With tens of thousands of units crowded together, the speed of advancement will be slowed down. It is especially taboo to step on the back foot. If one person falls, the back will immediately be in chaos. When the width of the battlefield is limited, advancing in stages is the most efficient choice.”

  ”Although these gnawers are a little dull, they are not stupid…there must be something directing them!”

  Looking at the barbed wire covered with flesh and blood, and the increasingly thick fog in front, the spring couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy.

  The previous wave of alien species not only didn’t see the tyrant, but also the crawler.

  Use cannon fodder to explore the way, and the large army will follow…

  are these alien species really just the fruiting bodies of slime mold?

  The silence lasted for ten minutes.

  At this moment, a sharp scream suddenly came from the gray-green fog.

  Everyone’s heart tightened, and the index finger was on the trigger at the same time.

  My darkest heart was in my throat, and a strong sense of crisis surged in my heart.

  Here it comes!

  (I finally feel better today… a bowl of beef noodles made me eat porridge for two days. TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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