Switch Mode

Chapter 269: Stitching the Behemoth and the Captive Armor

Chapter 269: Stitching the Behemoth and the Captive Armor


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 269: Stitching the Behemoth and the Captured Armor

  The piercing scream pierced through the gray-green fog, and after a muffled thud, a black shadow hit the concrete pile.

  The nearby player immediately aimed his gun at the black shadow.

  However, before he could see clearly what it was, he heard a bang, and the black shadow instantly exploded into pieces, black mucus and charred meat splashed.

  The stench was stuck on the gas mask.

  The player ducked to avoid it, cursing.



  Fortunately, it was far away, so there were no casualties.

  However, at this moment, the shrill cry sounded again, and dozens of black shadows in the thick fog drew parabolas and hit the players’ positions.

  Explosions rang out one after another, gray-green smoke flashed on the position, and black mucus and meat splashed.

  Although the damage was not high, the range was not large, and the accuracy was not good, after a certain number of them were formed, they still caused a lot of trouble to the players.

  One player was killed on the spot, and four others were injured to varying degrees.

  The battlefield atmosphere team was shocked and said subconsciously.

  ”Fuck! Did they throw the martyrs as grenades?!”

  That thing must weigh at least 20 to 30 kilograms? !

  To be able to throw this thing so far, the arm strength must be great!

  The commander of the fountain immediately made a decision and ordered.

  ”A squad, take cover!”

  ”B squad, fire high-explosive bombs!”

  There was a bang from the left position.

  Twelve 20mm high-explosive bombs penetrated the gray-green fog and exploded into an orange-yellow flame.

  Although there was no vision, it was still possible to predict the trajectory of the parabola.

  The attack seemed to work, and the number of martyrs flying in the sky suddenly decreased by half.

  Then came the second and third rounds of volleys. The sound of explosions continued to come from the thick fog, and was even accompanied by the sound of a few martyrs exploding from time to time. There were

  casualties on the alien positions.

  Some were killed by high-explosive bombs, and many were killed by their own people.

  The commander of the fountain standing on the front line was delighted. He could feel with his naked eyes that after these rounds of volleys, the alien offensive had obviously weakened!

  As if realizing that it would be over sooner or later, the aliens in the thick fog no longer hesitated and began to continue to attack the players’ positions.

  With a deafening roar, a group of sturdy monsters rushed out of the thick fog with heavy steps.

  They were two meters and five meters long, with fat bellies swaying from side to side, and their necks seemed to be connected to their chins. From a distance, they looked like piles of walking meat, like trolls in a fantasy world.

  This kind of monster had never been seen in the northern suburbs, and the players squatting behind the concrete stones were shocked.

  ”Fuck, what kind of alien is this?”

  ”I haven’t seen it in the official website’s illustrations.”

  ”An alien version of a mutant?!”

  ”Warhammer Ogre?!”

  ”I think it looks a bit like the tank from Left 4 Dead…”

  ”The muscles are replaced with fat meat.”

  Behind the fat guys running wildly with their bellies and arms swinging, the Gnawers followed like little ghosts.


  Infantry and tank coordination has been figured out?

  The players were surprised, but they didn’t get distracted by it. Now they were fighting in a group, and there was no time for idle chat.

  After entering the shooting range, the heavy machine guns deployed on the houses on both sides opened fire first, venting fierce firepower at the running aliens.

  Then the players in Class A also pulled the trigger and fired at the aliens rushing up.

  Compared with the tyrants covered in keratin armor, these running big bellies have thick blood, but their defense is not high. The 7mm full-power rifle bullet may penetrate the Gnawers, but it is just right for them.

  I saw a series of black blood mists bursting out from the fat pieces of meat. The cavities created by the rolling shrapnel in their bodies directly blew off their limbs.

  The gnawers gathered around them also suffered heavy casualties in the face of machine gun fire. Occasionally, a few high-explosive shells hit them, leaving a lot of broken limbs and arms, and they fell down instantly!

  A few big-bellied gnawers touched the edge of the A-class position, but they soon found that the cruel battle had just begun.

  The players in the front row decisively stopped firing, picked up the spears, hatchets, and even sticks and shovels wrapped with wire on the ground, and greeted these alien heads.

  The players in the back row continued to fire in support to reduce the pressure from the front for the players in the front row. The players

  standing in the front were all old players. They had experienced multiple versions. Not only were their panel data much stronger than ordinary people, but they were also rich in combat experience. It was not easy to deal with these aliens.

  Even if they faced three or even four gnawers at the same time, they could easily deal with them without losing the upper hand.

  The fierce battle lasted for an hour.

  Under the crossfire of the buildings on both sides, the second wave of the wave finally began to weaken gradually, and only a few scattered gnawers and “fat men” were still attacking the players’ positions.

  However, it was already the last gasp of a spent force!

  The battlefield atmosphere group swung the engineer shovel in his hand and easily split the skull of a gnawer. He kicked it down and pulled out the shovel.

  Two more gnawers rushed up next to him. He was not panicked at all. He poked and cut, and cleanly cut off the heads of the two gnawers.

  Black blood splattered all over.

  The battlefield atmosphere group raised his arm, rubbed the black blood on the gas mask, turned around and smiled at my darkest.

  ”This thing is so easy to use!”

  My darkest was struggling to pull the bayonet out of the gnawer, panting.

  ”MMP, how many more waves will the enemy attack last?”

  ”I don’t know, maybe it will last all night.”

  ”What the hell?” I was the darkest one, “Will it be dark again in reality?!”

  ”What are you afraid of? You’ve only lived for a few hours anyway.”

  Hanging the engineer shovel on his waist, the old battlefield looked ahead and squinted.

  What’s one night?

  If the “anti-addiction mechanism” is gone, he can fight all day!

  The wave of attacks paused for a while, and only sporadic gunfire remained on the battlefield.

  The players were a little tired, but their morale was still high.

  So far, except for the five deaths and ten injuries of Class A, Class B and Class C are almost in full condition!

  Just then, good news came from the rear.

  More than 20 newbies ran over from the street behind carrying ammunition boxes.

  ”Ammunition! Ammunition is here!”

  The news of the supply delivery made many players feel relieved.

  In the previous two rounds of attacks, there were at least five or six thousand alien species that attacked. Even if everyone was saving bullets, they still consumed a lot.

  When they set out, most players only carried six magazines, and now many of them only have one magazine left.

  This batch of ammunition came at the right time!

  Quanshui didn’t have time to rest, and immediately asked the players in the team to divide 14 boxes of ammunition and send them to Class B and Class C on the two sides.

  That was the fulcrum of firepower.

  The remaining 6 boxes of ammunition were distributed to the brothers in Class A.

  There were about 1,000 to 1,100 bullets in an ammunition box. In addition to the 2,000 bullets sent to the two machine guns, the remaining 35 players could only get about 110 bullets each.

  ”Why is there only so little?” asked the spring with a frown.

  The Silver Hand, who was in charge of delivering the ammunition, said helplessly.

  ”I would like to send more, but the ammunition has to be sent from the rear to the front. This is all the inventory of Street 68, and the manager has asked us to deliver it all.”

  The spring nodded and continued to ask.

  ”How is your fortification construction going?”

  Before the Silver Hand could speak, the Silver Sword next to him interrupted and said, “The construction progress has been completed by one-third! We have piled up concrete blocks to form roadblocks, set up barbed wire on the street, and have wooden stakes to prevent large aliens from advancing.”

  ”The residents of Bate Street and the serfs of Brown Farm have all been mobilized, and other players have joined in continuously. It feels like at least a thousand people have been mobilized!”

  ”It may be done before morning!”

  The northern suburbs have reached a critical moment of life and death, and no one dares to take it lightly.

  Hearing that one-third of the fortifications have been built, Commander Spring breathed a sigh of relief. After a pause, he walked in front of everyone and looked around at the players who were delivering supplies.

  ”Who among you can use a gun?”

  Upon hearing this, everyone’s eyes lit up, and twenty hands were raised at the same time.

  ”Me, me, me!”

  ”I can! I’m really good at FPS games!”

  ”I’ve played at the shooting range!”

  Commander Fountain Water: “…”

  It’s really new.

  However, now is not the time to be picky.

  After selecting five players who looked reliable to stay, Fountain Water gave them the guns of the dead players, taught them how to shoot, and then reminded them.

  ”Remember to shoot only when you see a monster!”

  ”Also, don’t point the muzzle at your own people.”

  Holding the rifle in his hand, Baiyin’s father said excitedly.

  ”Okay, brother!”

  As he was talking, the gray-green fog suddenly shrank, and then quickly expanded.

  Just like breathing!

  The players standing on the battlefield finished their rest and looked at the gray-green fog with full vigilance.

  At this time, muffled sounds hit the ground, the cracked concrete road surface trembled faintly, and stones kept falling from the buildings.

  Everyone was on edge.

  At this moment, a long, dull whistle, like the sound of a train whistle, echoed in the shattered ruins.

  A huge foot as thick as a bridge pier stepped heavily on the concrete ground, followed by a huge head, emerging from the thick fog.

  ”Fuck… What the hell is that?!”

  My darkest eyes widened, and my bulging eyeballs almost popped out of my eye sockets, staring at the front.

  He felt that he had eaten more today than in the past week.

  Not only him, but the other players next to him were the same, with surprise and disbelief written on their faces.

  Countless pieces of meat piled up into a five-story high mountain, and rotten skin crawled from the soles of the feet to the top of the head. The ugly face was covered with mud-like hyphae and mucus.

  There were no facial features on its head, only a rotten mouth, and there was a bigger mouth on its belly that kept opening and closing, emitting an ominous gray-green color.

  From time to time, aliens such as gnawers would fall out of the bloody mouth, and then stagger to their feet.

  The commander of the fountain narrowed his eyes instantly, and he put his hand on the microphone beside his ear and shouted.

  ”Attention, all teams, the boss has appeared!”

  ”Class B and Class C, open fire! Armor-piercing incendiary bombs! Three rounds of volleys!”

  ”Suppress it!”

  The stitched monster blocked the firepower network like a wall, and behind it were a large number of aliens. If this guy gets close to the position, the consequences will be disastrous! A

  uniform response came from the communication channel.


  Guns and cannons rang out, and 24 anti-tank rifles sprayed thick and long tongues of fire!

  Armor-piercing incendiary bombs streaked orange-yellow trajectories in the air, heading straight for the giant beast made of flesh and blood!

  Facing the concentrated fire of the players, the stitched monster opened two mouths, one large and one small, and let out a dull roar from its throat buried in fat.

  The aliens gathered around him began to speed up and run forward.

  The third round of the offensive officially kicked off!

  ”MMP! This boss’s blood is too thick!”

  His shoulder was hurt by the shock.

  Kakarot, who placed the 37mm heavy cavalry rifle on the ground, cursed and stuffed another armor-piercing incendiary bullet into the barrel, then pulled the bolt heavily.


  The huge recoil even shook the dust on the ground.

  However, the shell hit the meat mountain, and it was still like a needle poking cotton, without any reaction.

  Completely ignoring the firepower focused on itself, the giant made of flesh and blood still walked forward steadily.

  Crouching at the forefront of the battle line, the battlefield atmosphere team shouted anxiously behind them.

  ”Fuck, Quanshui, think of a way!”

  ”Shut up, I’m thinking!”

  Quanshui’s head turned quickly, staring at the 5-story meat mountain.

  He saw with his own eyes that guy’s head was hit by at least six armor-piercing bullets. Logically, his brain should have been scorched.


  the head is not its weakness at all? !

  There was no time to hesitate, and he immediately ordered.

  ”Machine gunners and anti-tank riflemen, pay attention! Don’t waste bullets on that pile of meat!”

  ”Get rid of those crawlers!”

  ”All 37mm heavy cavalry rifles! Focus on its left leg with armor-piercing bullets! Shoot at the joint!”

  It doesn’t matter if we can’t kill it.

  At least we have to make it stop!

  The attack seemed to work.

  The heavy firepower weapons deployed on the high-rise buildings on both sides were outputing crazily. The giant, whose left knee was hit by several armor-piercing bullets, tilted his body, lost his balance, and fell heavily to the ground.

  The rolling dust was lifted up, and the air wave at the bottom even rolled away the surrounding spore clouds. Countless gnawers and even crawlers were crushed by the huge body.

  Machine gun bullets passed over its body and madly harvested the alien species behind it.

  Anti-tank rifles continued to fire, aiming at the crawlers and tyrants, preventing high-threat targets from approaching the position.

  The battle situation became tense for a while.

  At this moment, the commander of the spring suddenly heard a voice like the sound of nature from the communication channel.

  ”Support firepower is in place!”

  ”Hold on!”

  At the same time as the voice fell, a series of bangs came from the distance.

  Several white phosphorus bombs rose into the sky, and the dazzling white light lit up the night.

  Under the irradiation of the strong light, the movements of the gnawers were obviously stiff, and the speed of advancement also slowed down by half a beat.

  The stitched behemoth lying on the ground struggled to get up, but at this moment, four arcs of light like lightning flashed across the sky.

  Many players saw the abnormality in the sky, raised their heads, and showed surprised expressions on their faces.

  ”Look at the sky!”


  Two long shuttle-shaped planes, one in front and one behind, with plasma engines on both sides of the wings spraying arcs of fire, whizzed through the sky above Qingquan City like meteors.

  12 black warheads were dropped from the bellies of two planes, starting from the giant beast that was crouching on the ground, and swept to the rear.


  In an instant, flames shot up into the sky.

  The shock wave of the explosion filled the entire street, and the boiling flames instantly engulfed all the alien species on the street.

  The boiling heat wave even blew to the players’ positions, scorching the corpses of the gnawers on the ground.


  Staring blankly at the sea of ​​fire in front of him, the commander of the fountain swallowed his saliva.

  ”The plane from Boulder City?”

  So powerful!

  If only the shelter had such strong firepower!

  The flames of the incendiary bombs burned out a vacuum zone, and the giant beast with flames all over its body struggled for a while, and soon lay on the ground without moving.

  The spore cloud was replaced by thick smoke, and the whole street was filled with the smell of burning, which could be smelled from the artillery positions far away.

  Cheers of victory rang out around, and the players shouted “Awesome” and “666”.

  ”Thanks to the planner dad for sending the rocket!”

  ”Oh my god… this is too powerful!”

  ”How many people were killed in this wave?”

  ”At least two or three thousand… four or five thousand is not impossible.”

  Because of their blocking, the wave pressed very densely in front of the position. This wave of air strikes even washed away the spore clouds released by those fruiting bodies.

  But Quanshui was still a little confused.

  Where did this air strike come from?


  In the temporary command post several kilometers away, staring at the picture on the screen, Chu Guang, wearing a power armor, slowly breathed a sigh of relief,

  ”Finally caught up.”

  He had previously instructed Xu Shun to buy support from the militia group in Boulder City.

  12 incendiary bombs are worth a total of 60,000 chips. If you buy more than 6, there is no delivery fee within Qingquan City.

  Good quality and low price.

  In fact, Chu Guang originally planned to hire mercenaries to help fight, but the distance from Boulder City to Street 65 is too far, and the cost-effectiveness is not high.

  So he simply changed his mindset, using the contact information collected from the radio to directly rent the militia’s plane and purchase a wave of air strikes.

  Now it seems.

  The money was worth spending.

  As for where the chips came from?

  Of course he couldn’t take out so much, but he could borrow from Lister.

  Lister’s battery factory and exoskeleton factory had just opened, and he was now tied to the chariot of Shelter No. 404.

  Besides, Chu Guang’s reputation was still good, and there were a large number of spiritual leaves in the warehouse. Lister was not worried at all that he could not pay back the money, but he was eager for him to borrow more.

  ”The troops on the front line should be able to take a breath.”

  Sporadic flames burned on the front-line positions.

  The backlog of corpses piled up into small hills.

  From time to time, the sound of mortars came from the distance, and 88mm high-explosive shells fell in the gray-green fog in the distance, leaving a track covered by artillery fire with the slow barrage.

  The boss had been licked by the air strike.

  Only a few fish that escaped the net were left, still struggling on the ground full of corpses.

  ”…Is it over?”

  Quanshui slowly relaxed in his heart. Perhaps he had thought too much about the problem. This blocking battle might not be as difficult as he imagined.

  There were still five or six hours before dawn, and they had already caused one-tenth of casualties to the aliens.

  However, at this moment, dense gunfire suddenly came from the position on the right. Quanshui looked at the building not far away, but only saw a few flickering flames in the darkness.

  A hurried voice came from the communication channel.

  ”The left position encountered a large number of crawlers!”

  ”Our side too! The right position was attacked-fuck!”

  ”Damn! Where did these dogs come from?!”

  The communication channel was filled with the sound of rifle fire and the shrill cries of the crawlers. The players stationed there engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the aliens that broke into the building.

  Judging from the sound, there was obviously more than one!

  A drop of cold sweat ran across Quanshui’s forehead.

  Just as he was about to send people to support the positions on both sides, a black shadow suddenly emerged from the thick fog amidst the heavy flames.

  Seeing the figure clearly, I subconsciously let out a cry of surprise.

  ”Power armor?!”

  To be precise, it was a power armor engulfed by slime mold. The gaps between the rusted armor were filled with dark red pieces of meat, and a layer of dark red fungus blankets also crawled on the steel surface from the chest armor to the leg armor.

  Steel and flesh were organically combined together to form a stitched monster that looked like nothing in the world. However, what was surprising was that the running posture was no different from that of a real person!

  The positions on both sides that were attacked by the crawlers barely opened fire, and two 37mm armor-piercing shells hit the heavy chest armor, rubbing a steep upward trajectory.

  Failed to penetrate!

  The eyes of the battlefield atmosphere group widened.

  T-10 power armor!

  He had seen it on the forum!

  That was the photo taken by Brother Fang when he first went to Boulder City. The militia in Boulder City used this set of armor!

  Was it captured by the slime mold?

  There was no time to think about the reason. The players around him held the trigger tightly and fired at the power armor, trying to stop it from moving forward.

  However, the 7mm rounds hit it as if it was a joke, and it didn’t even stop it.

  The distance of hundreds of meters was gone in an instant.

  The power armor rushed to the player’s position, waving its right arm with a chainsaw, and took two lives in an instant.

  I wanted to make a detour, but just as I turned and stepped back, I was split in half by the whistling chainsaw.

  This unlucky brother had just been resurrected for a few hours, and this time he didn’t even say “焯” and was offline again.

  Seeing that the power armor was staring at him, the battlefield atmosphere group knew that he couldn’t escape, threw away the rifle with an empty magazine, pulled out the engineer shovel and rushed forward.

  A chain saw came towards him, and the speed shocked him. Even if he turned on the talent to dodge, the whistling chain saw still cut off his right arm.

  Blood was pouring out of his arm!

  He was dazed for a moment.

  The Warlord barely managed to stay awake, pulled out his combat dagger with his left hand, and stabbed it fiercely at the gap on the side of the power armor that was filled with dark red slime.

  ”Die for me!”

  However, the power armor was one step faster than him, stretched out its left arm and grabbed his neck, lifting him up from the ground.

  The dagger swung into nothingness.

  The huge pressure from his neck made the Warlord feel difficult to breathe, his whole face swelled red, and he felt as if his head was about to explode.

  He threw the dagger in his hand at the iron lump covered with slime, but it only made a crisp sound, and it was useless.

  This damn thing probably inherited the defense of the power armor. The 37mm armor-piercing bullet only left a scratch on it, not to mention the dagger! The

  Silver Sword next to him held the bayonet in his hand and rushed up to help, shouting, but before he ran halfway, he was knocked to the ground by a crawler and his neck was bitten off.

  ”Oh my god! Old Sword! Ahhh, I’m going to fight you!”

  Seeing the aliens rushing to his face, the Silver Father whose rifle was jammed drew out his short axe and bravely rushed forward, but was soon overwhelmed by the Gnawers.

  The battlefield was in chaos, with gunshots everywhere.

  The players and the aliens were in a melee.

  Both sides were fearless and ruthless characters, and courage and morale had lost their meaning at this moment.

  The entire street instantly turned into a bloody meat grinder, sucking both sides into it, and the lives of both sides were disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.


  He pretended too much, I’m afraid he’s going to die this time!

  Seeing this scene out of the corner of his eye, the battlefield guy cursed in his heart.

  While his consciousness was still not far away, he used up his last strength, touched his waist with his left hand, and pulled out the fuse hidden there.

  This was a mechanism he made himself.

  But he never had the chance to use it.

  Six grenades emitted green smoke at the same time.

  Staring at the scarlet eyes under the tin can, he spat a mouthful of blood foam on its face.

  ”…Go to hell!”

  The spit made the tin can slightly stunned, as if it didn’t understand what he wanted to do.

  At this moment, the fire exploded!

  The battlefield guy was blown to pieces without any suspense.

  The fire of the explosion caught the power armor off guard, and a large area of ​​fungal blanket was blown away, but it did not cause him any substantial damage.

  Class A’s defense line has been penetrated.

  With the collapse of the front line, the two wings, which were already in a difficult battle, were soon surrounded by aliens.

  The battle is still going on.

  Everyone is resisting bravely.

  Even though everyone knows that their death is doomed.

  ”…Sure enough, they were killed by the plot.”

  A bitter smile appeared on the face of the commander of the fountain.

  The intensity of the fourth wave of attacks has obviously exceeded their ability to bear.

  In fact, if it weren’t for the previous air strike, they might not even be able to survive the third wave of offensive.

  He has done his best.

  The rest will be left to the brothers behind…

  Throwing away the rifle with an empty magazine, Quanshui pulled out his pistol and shot at the surging gnawers, intending to fight with his teammates until the last moment.

  Anyway, he can’t run away.

  Where can he, an intelligence system, run to?

  There is no need to think about hiding.

  According to the updated information on the official website, when the spores in the air reach a certain concentration, the slime mold alien will gain all-round perception in the area.

  Each cloud of spores is their eyes!

  After a magazine was emptied, Commander Quanshui silently changed the bullet.

  To his surprise, the gnawers did not attack him, and did not even look at him, but rushed towards the position behind him, or rushed into the buildings on both sides of the street.

  The fog spread around him.

  It had completely swallowed him up, and the visibility around him was less than five meters!

  At this time, a vague outline suddenly appeared in front of him.

  It was a three-meter-tall giant, with dark red flesh dragging on the ground like a long skirt. Its featureless face stared straight at him, and flesh-red tentacles were flying behind it, like Medusa’s hair.

  Although he was not a perception type, Izumi had a strong feeling.

  This guy in front of him might be more dangerous than the five-story-high monster before!

  His index finger touched the headset, he took a deep breath, and said calmly.

  ”Artillery team… fire at my position.”

  VM had already marked his position.

  It would take about half a minute to correct the coordinates.

  After that, Izumi raised the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger at the monster in front of him.


  Flames spurted out of the muzzle.

  The bullet hit the monster without even a trace of blood, but he did not stop and continued to pull the trigger.

  It seemed that he had successfully attracted the monster’s attention.

  Or maybe the monster was originally heading for him.

  A crack suddenly opened on the face without facial features, and a tentacle pierced through his mask and pierced into his right eye.

  There was no time to react. Izumi saw a black shadow flash, and before he could see what happened, he was disconnected from his game character.

  The headset fell to the ground.

  The picture was still transmitting.

  The monster uttered a hoarse whisper.

  ”… Embrace evolution.”

  The fountain, which had lost the control of its conscious body, stood there motionless.

  The monster stared at him, seemingly confused about something.

  After a while, a hint of disappointment appeared in its scarlet pupils, and it slowly withdrew its tentacles.

  The corpse-eaters around rushed forward and soon submerged the fountain standing on the ruins. The fountain standing there allowed them to gnaw, motionless.

  It was quiet and silent, with only the sound of chewing.

  The picture was full of weird colors.

  At this moment, there were suddenly sounds of breaking air in the air, and dozens of mortar shells covered the area around the fountain, and the flames of the explosion were connected.

  A shell landed next to it, and the gnawers surrounding the fountain fell down instantly.

  Hit directly by the shrapnel and shock wave of the explosion, the monster shaped like Medusa let out a shrill scream, and the piece of meat under the skirt rolled, quickly passing through the hot smoke.

  The explosions continued one after another, and the streets were in a mess. The gunfire in the building had stopped, leaving only two explosions from time to time.

  In the temporary command post several kilometers away, there was a dead silence.

  The camera was cut off by the explosion, and the air around was terrifyingly quiet.

  Vanus couldn’t help but glance at Chu Guang.

  Although he couldn’t see the expression on his face through the mask, it must not be too good.

  All 125 people were killed.

  Among them were dozens of awakened people.

  Even if their achievements were remarkable, such a tragic loss would surely cast a shadow on the entire shelter.

  ”…They are real warriors.”

  Chu Guang nodded slowly.


  The construction progress of the first line of defense has reached 60%, and it is expected to be completely completed before dawn.

  Although there are still a few hours before dawn, the advancing wave has obviously stopped.

  The warriors on Street 65 bought them enough time.

  The culture chamber that lost its connection with the clone began to synthesize a new container.

  At the same time, as 125 players went offline, the official website of Wasteland OL was bustling with activity…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode