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Chapter 269: The “Standpoint” Dispute (Part 2)

Chapter 269: The “Standpoint” Dispute (Part 2)


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 269: The Battle of “Standpoint” (Part 2)

  Six or seven fierce men rushed into the door, and their eyes lit up the moment they saw Qiu Yun.

  The Liu family warriors knew that it was impossible to wipe out the Wei family, so the purpose of rushing into the Wei Mansion tonight was very clear, that is, to capture as many “hostages” as possible alive as possible to use as bargaining chips for Liu Zhongchun and Wei Xianzhi to negotiate.

  Qin Caizhen is a master of the third rank late stage, and it is undoubtedly difficult to capture her alive.

  So their main targets are Wei Qiaoling and Lu Jingyao.

  As long as these two people can be captured, even if Wei Zhaohai shows up or the reinforcements from the Xuanjing Division arrive, they dare not easily do anything to them.

  Unless the Wei family does not care about the lives of these two people.

  ”This is the maid!”

  ”Hurry up! Catch her alive!”

  The leading warrior shouted, and someone rushed over and sealed Qiu Yun’s acupuncture points with a few hits.

  This was not because they were afraid that she would resist, but because they were afraid that she would commit suicide.

  After all, hostages are meaningful only when they are alive.



  The body trembled suddenly, and then collapsed to the ground powerlessly.

  Qiuyun bit her lips tightly, and never looked at where Lu Jingyao was hiding, thinking that she could hide from the bandits.

  But she was not a cultivator after all, and she didn’t know that it was as difficult as climbing to the sky for ordinary people to hide their bodies in front of martial artists.

  What’s more, the leader on the opposite side was a master of the third level.


  With a cold snort, the man with a scar on his face narrowed his eyes slightly, and at the same time, he swung his sword without hesitation.


  The huge embroidered bed instantly broke into pieces and exploded into countless pieces of wood, and Lu Jingyao hiding under it was exposed to everyone without any accident.

  Without waiting for the scarred face to speak, a subordinate immediately stepped forward and sealed Lu Jingyao’s acupuncture points, not even giving the latter a chance to say even a word.

  ”Brother! Let’s retreat quickly!”

  Someone had already carried Qiuyun and Lu Jingyao on his shoulders, and shouted anxiously: “Once the ancestor of the Wei family comes out of retreat, it will be too late!”

  The Liu family knew that Wei Zhaohai had been retreating on the third floor of the Wei family martial arts pavilion for a long time.

  Since it is “seclusion”, it means that he is basically isolated from the outside world. Even if something big happens and he needs to come out to solve it, there will be a period of time in between. It is

  for this reason that the Liu family warriors dared to suddenly attack and kill Wei Mansion, just to take advantage of the gap before Wei Zhaohai came out to quickly end the battle.

  Now that Lu Jingyao has been caught, although they don’t know what the situation is with Wei Qiaoling, they should evacuate as planned.



  The scarred man suddenly took a half step to the side without making a sound, and ordered in a low voice:

  ”Put the people down first.”

  Jiuding Mountain.

  When Wei Changtian ran to the gate of Tianluo Sect in the rain that had not been seen for a thousand years, the scene he saw in front of him could be said to be extremely shocking.

  The huge Jiuding Mountain was full of black shadows running around, and the rainstorm washed the ruins. The purple electric light passed through the night and the dark clouds to illuminate the rocks and broken wood. The charred beams and rubble were constantly billowing with thick smoke.

  Including the Black Tower, only one in ten buildings of the Tianluo Sect survived, and almost all of them were destroyed in this endless thunder waterfall.

  I’m afraid that the famous and upright sects in Daning would never have thought that the Tianluo Sect, which they had besieged dozens of times in vain, would be annihilated by a thunderbolt.

  If this news spread, the entire Green Forest would probably applaud and celebrate.

  For the “victim” Tianluo Sect, encountering such a natural disaster is undoubtedly extremely unlucky, but the good news is that these lightning bolts are not blind, so the casualties are not large.


  After finding Qin Zhengqiu on a boulder, Wei Changtian jumped to the latter and shouted, “What’s going on?!”


  Qin Zhengqiu suddenly turned around and was about to speak, but at this moment, a purple dragon mixed with thunder and lightning struck fiercely not far away, hitting the ancient mountain gate engraved with the words “Tianluo”.


  With a loud noise, the mountain gate more than ten feet high exploded, and the two characters “Tianluo” were shattered with the flying debris.


  Seeing this scene, Qin Zhengqiu’s figure shook suddenly, and Wei Changtian was silent for a long time.

  ”Grandpa, you…”

  ”I’m fine.”

  Qin Zhengqiu shook his head with a complicated expression, trying his best to make his voice calmer.

  ”Changtian, why are you here?”

  ”This rain is too unusual, and I saw lightning and thunder on Jiuding Mountain. I was worried and came to see!”

  Wei Changtian answered loudly: “Grandpa, take people to Shuzhou City to take shelter first!”

  ”Take shelter”

  waterfalls fell from the sky, competing with the Milky Way.

  Qin Zhengqiu looked up at the night sky with thunder and lightning, as if there were gods hiding in it, and murmured:


  ”Since the establishment of the Tianluo Sect, those so-called famous and upright sects have besieged Jiuding Mountain 22 times, big and small, and the Tianluo Sect has never avoided it.”

  ”But I didn’t expect that it would be forced to this point by a thunderbolt now.”

  ”Do you think this is fate?”


  Wei Changtian was stunned for a moment.

  He had never been a leader, and he had not been a “class leader” or “manager” before he traveled through time, so he could not fully understand Qin Zhengqiu’s feelings at this moment.

  However, he had seen a documentary about the “burning of the Old Summer Palace” in his previous life, and he thought that this feeling of powerlessness and sadness should be similar.

  ”Grandpa, I don’t know if it is fate.”

  After a pause, Wei Changtian’s expression became serious.

  ”I only know that as long as the

  green mountains remain, there is no need to worry about running out of firewood. As long as people are still alive, there is still a chance to make a comeback!” “The Tianluo Sect is not these buildings and stones!”

  ”It’s these living people!”

  Turning his head suddenly, Wei Changtian stood up in the rain, pointed his finger at the Tianluo Sect members who were running behind him to put out the fire and rescue people, and shouted loudly at Qin Zhengqiu:


  ”They are the Tianluo Sect!!”



  It seemed like another thunder exploded in his ears. Qin Zhengqiu’s eyes widened suddenly, and his mind suddenly became clear.


  People are the foundation of a religion.

  Such a simple truth, why didn’t he figure it out before.

  ”All disciples listen to my orders!”

  Suddenly, a voice mixed with the momentum of the second grade reached the ears of every person in the Tianluo Sect.

  This sentence was short, but extremely powerful, even covering the roaring thunder.

  ”Follow me down the mountain!!”

  Wei Mansion.

  ”Big, big brother.”

  ”You, you are actually a spy of the Wei family”

  ”How is this possible, how can it be.”


  The shadow of the knife flashed, and the last head fell to the ground in the splattered blood, “gurgling” rolling to Lu Jingyao’s feet.

  The latter widened her eyes in disbelief, and was shocked by this sudden change and almost forgot to breathe.

  A few breaths ago, she thought she was doomed this time.

  However, the next moment, she watched helplessly as the leader of the gang suddenly attacked and chopped off the heads of all his accomplices in a flash.

  ”Mrs. Lu! Are you okay?”

  After untying the acupuncture points of Lu Jingyao and Qiuyun, Scarface turned his head to observe the situation outside the house, and then hurriedly whispered: “I am the young master’s man!”

  ”Young master.”

  Lu Jingyao stared at the man in a daze, and then cried with joy.

  ”Changtian! Is it Changtian?!”

  ”It is Mr. Wei.”

  Scarface nodded, bowed his head and said:

  ”Madam Lu, Miss Qiuyun.”

  ”Just now, I did not take action immediately to ensure that everything was safe. Please forgive me!”

  ”Please move to the inner room, I need to deal with the body here, I am afraid that you will feel uncomfortable if you see it.”


  From despair to astonishment, and then to sudden realization.

  Lu Jingyao and Qiuyun looked at each other and went to hide in the inner room.

  Scarface also began to deal with the “scene” in case someone from the Liu family came and found something unusual.

  Scarface did not lie, he was indeed Wei Changtian’s man.

  To be more precise, he was a “high-level” of the Liu family who was instigated by Tongzhouhui.

  As a third-grade warrior and the top combat force of the Liu family, he naturally received the order to attack the Wei Mansion at the first time.

  It’s a pity that there are hundreds of people in this operation, and they are all gathered in one place. It is undoubtedly difficult to run to report the news in advance.

  And even if the news is reported in advance, the Wei family may not have enough time to react.

  So he could only hold back until just now when his “accomplice” was off guard and suddenly attacked, saving Lu Jingyao and Qiuyun in one fell swoop.


  He quickly dealt with the bodies and hid in a corner of the house. Scarface

  was afraid that Lu Jingyao and Qiuyun would get into trouble again once he left, so he decided to stay here until tonight’s incident had a result.

  In his opinion, although the people sent by the Liu family were not weak, if they really waited for the reinforcements from the Wei family to arrive, they would only end up being annihilated.

  Unless Wei Qiaoling and Lu Jingyao could be captured alive before that.

  But now Lu Jingyao is fine, and judging from the fighting sounds coming from not far away, the Liu family should not have succeeded in getting Wei Qiaoling.

  It makes sense.

  After all, Wei Qiaoling is the daughter of the Wei family, and Lu Jingyao is just Wei Changtian’s concubine. The guards around the former must be stronger.

  ”Huh” he breathed

  a sigh of relief, but his eyes were still fixed on the courtyard where the bodies were lying, guarding against any possible accidents.

  One of the three big hens in the yard had died, and the remaining two were scared away and ran away, leaving only chicken feathers soaked in blood. The scene was a bit funny.

  ”Why are they still raising chickens?”

  Scarface muttered in a low voice, obviously wondering why a wealthy family like the Wei family would raise chickens in their house.

  However, before he could think about it, a sudden and overwhelming momentum made him instantly cast his eyes to a three-story stone tower in the distance.

  As a member of the upper third grade, Scarface knew the origin of this momentum.

  Second grade realm!

  It was Wei Zhaohai!

  As the ancestor of the Wei family came out of retreat again, he knew in his heart that

  the Liu family’s last desperate struggle had failed.

  ”Grandpa, this way!”

  Jiuding Mountain, Tongtian Road.

  Although Qin Zhengqiu shouted “Follow me down the mountain”, he did not lead the Tianluo Sect down the mountain at this moment. Instead, he and Wei Changtian plunged into the dense forest beside the mountain road.

  Raindrops poured down, smashing the dense leaves on his head and falling on the compass in his hand.

  As the white light from the compass became stronger, Wei Changtian’s steps became more and more hurried.

  The demon-detecting compass suddenly lit up when he and Qin Zhengqiu went down the mountain together a quarter of an hour ago.

  The compass lit up, indicating that there was a demon nearby.

  Although there was no evidence that the demon was Yunlian, Wei Changtian felt that it was almost certain.

  Even if it was not, he had to find out now.

  And because he didn’t know Yunlian’s specific cultivation level, in order to be safe, he called Qin Zhengqiu again.

  Now the two have been searching in the direction indicated by the demon-detecting compass for a quarter of an hour. Judging from the degree of brightness, they should be very close to the target.


  Suddenly, Qin Zhengqiu stopped abruptly, narrowed his eyes, and stared at a boulder not far away.


  Wei Changtian, who was running in front, also stopped and looked in the direction of the former, and then he noticed the strangeness of the boulder.

  ”This is…”

  The strange blood-red lines were waving their claws and teeth, and they were repeatedly washed by the heavy rain but still did not fade, and even became brighter red.

  ”Grandpa, what is this?”

  Wei Changtian turned his head and asked, “Have you seen it before?”


  Qin Zhengqiu frowned and shook his head, then stretched out his hand and pointed deeper into the dense forest.



  A flash of lightning illuminated the forest, and also illuminated Wei Changtian’s shocked expression.

  ”This is fucking”

  he blurted out a swear word subconsciously. The shocking degree of the scene in front of him was no less than that of the ruins of the Tianluo Sect just now.

  A piece of open space with a radius of hundreds of feet was full of strange rocks, and it was densely painted with countless blood-red patterns that were exactly the same as those on the huge rocks!

  This scene was just like the scene of a sacrificial ceremony of some evil cult.

  No, it should be more creepy than that.


  Looking at each other, slowing down their pace, Wei Changtian and Qin Zhengqiu walked towards the open space step by step very cautiously.

  As they got closer and closer, they felt more and more cold, as if they were falling into an ice cave.

  ”Changtian, walk behind me.”

  Qin Zhengqiu suddenly took two quick steps, and his robe fluttered without wind. He must have been ready to attack at any time.

  Wei Changtian didn’t bother to be polite at this time. He followed Qin Zhengqiu diagonally and kept looking at the compass in his hand.

  He had tested it with Yang Liushi before. When the light reached this level, it should be less than ten feet away from the monster.

  So what would he see next?

  A fish?

  A young woman?

  Or was it just a misunderstanding and it was just an ordinary monster?



  The mud and water under his feet exploded, splashing like flying ink.

  Wei Changtian and Qin Zhengqiu both stopped walking suddenly, holding their breath and staring at a woman who was slowly walking out from behind a huge rock in front of them.

  Or maybe it would be more appropriate to say that she was a ghost. The

  inferior linen skirt was full of holes, and the exposed arms and legs were full of sunken bloody wounds, each several inches long, as if they had been bitten by something.

  ”Who are you?”

  Amid the rain, a murmur of doubt reached the ears of the two.


  Wei Changtian did not answer, but just called up the system interface in his mind and asked back with narrowed eyes.

  ”This girl, is your name Yunlian?”


  The woman looked up blankly, her little face full of blood and mud stains was very puzzled.

  ”How do you know my name?”



  Before the words fell, Wei Changtian and Qin Zhengqiu suddenly raised their hands at the same time, and each swung a shocking palm towards Yunlian, who was still at a loss.

  Like thunder falling into a dense forest, two strong lights, one gold and one white, exploded instantly.

  A full-strength move by a late-stage second-grade master.

  A divine strike worth 500 system points.

  Neither of them held back, and they had nothing to say to this fish demon they had never met before. They immediately launched their strongest attacks.

  All this happened too quickly. Even with the effort of the palm strike, Yunlian only had less than a breath of time.

  Wei Changtian didn’t think Yunlian could do anything in this breath of time.

  The facts seemed to be true.

  (ps: two chapters in one)

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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