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Chapter 27 The atmosphere is tense

Chapter 27 The atmosphere is tense


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 27 The atmosphere is tense

  ”Sister Luo, who was that man just now?”

  Seeing Yang Shifei and Tan Xiang leaving the Luo Mansion, the little princess leaned on the table with her chin in her hand, looking surprised: “I heard that you seem to have a fiancé, could that be him just now?”

  ”Yes.” Luo Xian’er nodded slightly: “His name is Yang Shifei, don’t bully him.”

  The little princess laughed twice: “Since he is Sister Luo’s fiancé, I won’t tease him. But-”

  She deliberately lengthened her voice, and asked curiously: “I think the young man just now is indeed handsome, but Sister Luo has never cared about other people’s appearance, how did she fall in love with this man?”

  ”Is it because of his extraordinary martial arts, or his mastery of poetry and songs?”

  The little princess counted on her fingers and gave examples one by one: “Or does this person have some unfathomable background or incredible talent?”

  Luo Xian’er’s cherry lips moved slightly: “Clean.”

  The little princess was stunned when she heard it: “Cleanness is also an advantage?”

  She rubbed her eyebrows and muttered: “The young man’s face is quite clean, but just like that, he can capture Sister Luo’s heart?”

  ”It’s not the face, but the heart.”

  Luo Xian’er’s eyes drifted outside the courtyard, and her voice was even more ethereal and distant: “I can ‘see’ that he has a clear mind in a troubled time, without any dust or pollution, and still has the heart and innocence of a teenager, which is extremely rare.”

  ”And in the face of all the things that followed, he also had the determination and persistence to persevere and move forward.”

  Luo Xian’er pursed her cherry lips slightly, and whispered slowly: “In my opinion, he is like a ray of morning sun, full of vitality.”


  The little princess was extremely surprised.

  In the two years since they met, this was the first time she heard Luo Xian’er praise someone without sparing words. She

  originally thought that the man was just brought in by Sister Luo to deal with the Luo family’s urging for marriage, but now it seems that

  she really has a trace of true love?

  ”Luo, Sister Luo.” The little princess couldn’t help but whispered: “Isn’t this too fast?”

  Luo Xian’er was at a loss for a moment.

  But after guessing the implication, she felt her heart tremble slightly, and had to ask herself if she really had a good impression of Yang Shifei.


  The little princess was secretly surprised watching from the side.

  Looking at this reaction, Sister Luo was really moved, but she didn’t even react?

  She rolled her eyes. Since Sister Luo praised this man so much, why don’t she go and find out what he is saying, and then help to match the two of them?

  ”Oh, right.”

  The little princess clapped her hands again: “I remember Sister Luo, you mentioned the matter of opening a sect before. Now that the Taiwu Haoshi is coming, so many people from the martial arts world have come to East City. Why not try to recruit disciples?”

  Luo Xian’er blinked her beautiful eyes and quickly shook her head: “This matter is not urgent. I will discuss it with Master Yang later.”

  The little princess looked surprised: “You guys have to discuss this matter together?”

  ”Well, after all, he is now nominally my disciple.”


  The little princess was stunned.

  Sister Luo, who used to be so cold and elegant, turned out to be so playful in private?

  The sudden change of the Jiuchongmen did not cause much impact on East City.

  On the contrary, as various sects and schools in the martial arts world arrived one by one, the streets and alleys became more and more lively. Just a casual glance, martial artists dressed in various styles can come into view.

  But the long street along the river in front of the South City Gate is still quite quiet.

  Yang Shifei tugged at his collar, his eyes wandering, occasionally glancing at the cold maid beside him.

  Tan Xiang’s face was even colder at this moment, and the temperature around her seemed to have dropped several degrees, and the coldness followed her all the way.

  Yang Shifei’s eyes trembled slightly, and he almost thought that the filthy breath was emanating from her body, which was really scary.

  However, he thought of the scene just now in Luo’s mansion.

  Miss Luo deliberately said those words, obviously deliberately leaving him and Tan Xiang alone outside.

  Did she know what happened last night and wanted to take the opportunity to ease the relationship between the two sides, or…

  Yang Shifei’s face became a little strange.

  It can’t be that she tacitly allowed him to pursue Tan Xiang, right?

  He put aside this unrealistic speculation for the time being and turned his mind back to his side.

  ”.Are you in good health now?”

  ”Same as usual.” Tan Xiang looked straight ahead and said coldly: “Don’t worry too much, young master.”

  Yang Shifei pondered for a moment and thought of Yue Rui’s situation.

  ”If the foul smell recurs, remember to come to me again, I will try my best to help you solve it.”

  ”. Yeah.”

  Tan Xiang’s tone was still cold and piercing, but the chill between her eyebrows was somewhat relieved.

  She turned her head to look at Yang Shifei, and was about to speak, but as soon as their eyes met, the beautiful scene of last night flashed through her mind.


  Tan Xiang silently retracted her gaze and snorted coldly.

  Yang Shifei smiled: “Do you want me to help carry the basket in your hand?”

  ”. No need.” “Okay.”

  The two said no more, but both sides slowed down their pace a little and walked side by side.

  Not long after, they arrived at the inn where Shoujianzong was staying temporarily, and asked the waiter to help pass on a message first.

  ”It’s quite lively outside?”

  Yang Shifei stepped onto the second floor of the inn and looked out the window. It seemed that there was a crowd of people gathered not far outside the building.

  ”Young people who practice martial arts are full of energy and always want to compete with each other.”

  Upon hearing the news, Old Yan came to greet them and said with a smile, “Thank you for bringing the cakes.”

  ”You are a guest from afar, and it is also the lady’s order.”

  Tan Xiang looked calm and handed the bamboo basket full of hot cakes to the other party: “You have been traveling for many days, so please have a good rest. We will not disturb you too much.”

  Yang Shifei also smiled and clasped his fists at the right time: “If Old Yan wants to try the local food, you might as well go to Qingyue Tower in the city tonight.”

  ”Haha, of course.”

  On the third floor of the inn.

  A handsome young man in a black robe was leaning against the window, watching the noisy “ring battle” outside the window with interest.

  He waved an ink fan in his hand, and his curious eyes swept back and forth on the faces of several warriors downstairs.

  ”So this is the famous ‘Water Walker’ Sun Qidong, who is younger than the rumors say. Why does he have a tuft of mustache and looks sleazy.”

  ”Could this man be ‘One-Armed Iron Palm’ Duan Bu Xing? Well, he doesn’t look very good.”

  ”Is this ‘Feng Liu Jian’ Yi Jinhuan? He was supposed to be accompanied by a handsome and beautiful woman, but why is he bald?”

  ”Yeah! This man has a big nose!”

  ”Young Master.” A gray-haired old man came from not far away and interrupted the young man’s muttering:

  ”What do you think of seeing these martial artists in the martial arts world with your own eyes?”

  ”It’s quite interesting.” The handsome young man rubbed his ears: “It’s just really noisy, just like the busy vegetable market we passed when we came here, it makes my ears buzz. Also, look at these guys below, they were scratching their butts and picking their noses just now, so disgusting!”

  The gray-haired old man smiled and said: “That’s natural. After all, they are just some grassroots warriors. Except for those well-known disciples of the sects, most of them are idle people, so they naturally appear rude and impolite. If you want to meet a warrior who meets the young master’s ideas, you may have to wait for the palace gathering in a few days.”

  ”Can we play in the city for a few more days?” The handsome young man raised his eyebrows and showed some joy on his face: “Although this East City is a bit remote, the scenery is good, and it has its own charm compared to the capital.”

  As he spoke, he closed his folding fan and curled his lips: “It’s a pity that I haven’t met an interesting person yet. Why don’t we go to the Hong family again? I heard that a group of spies from the enemy country have just been imprisoned there, maybe?” The

  handsome young man soon discovered that the old man next to him was staring at the downstairs with a strange look in his eyes.

  ”Is it an old friend?”

  ”Old Yan from the Shoujian Sect, I didn’t expect that he is still so energetic at this age.”

  ”It’s the famous ‘Tashan Yanzun’?!”

  The handsome young man was immediately delighted and hurried downstairs to pay a visit.

  But he soon stopped and looked to the other side in doubt. Several men with murderous looks suddenly pushed the door open and walked out.

  As soon as he saw the other person’s clothes, the handsome young man covered his mouth and lost his voice:

  ”Is that… a person from the Demon Sect?!”

   I hope everyone will follow and vote, thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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