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Chapter 270: The “Standpoint” Dispute (Part 2)

Chapter 270: The “Standpoint” Dispute (Part 2)


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 270: The Dispute over “Standpoint” (Part 2)


  ”Half an hour ago.”

  Beijing, Liu Mansion.

  At the end of midnight, the courtyard was crowded with people standing or kneeling. Hundreds of torches were burning, and the light reflected on the backs of knives, on red armor, and on faces that were either cold or pale, dispelling the darkness but not the cold.

  When Wang Er hurriedly ran into the main hall from outside and whispered a few words in Wei Xianzhi’s ear, Liu Zhongchun had already guessed the result of his desperate fight.

  ”I know.”

  A huge stone fell from his heart. Wei Xianzhi looked up again after a while, and the emotions in his eyes were somewhat complicated.

  There was surprise, anger, relief, and a hint of compassion.

  He slowly spoke and confirmed Liu Zhongchun’s guess.

  ”Master Liu, all your men are dead.”



  There were ravines at the corners of his eyes, and there were some gray spots between his temples. Even his back became slightly hunched at this moment.

  Liu Zhongchun sighed lightly and nodded in self-mockery.

  ”Master Wei, I guessed it.”


  Wei Xianzhi’s expression remained unchanged, and he slowly raised his right hand.

  ”Master Liu, then you should have guessed the end of the Liu family.”

  ”The end of the Liu family”

  Liu Zhongchun smiled bitterly, watching Wei Xianzhi’s palm rising higher and higher, and then.


  Like an old beggar begging on the street, or like a mountain collapsing.

  Liu Zhongchun’s knees bent little by little, and he slowly knelt down at Wei Xianzhi’s feet in countless astonished eyes.

  As the head of the Liu family, the Minister of Personnel wearing purple clothes.

  Liu Zhongchun had only knelt before his parents, the ancestors of the Liu family, and Ning Yongnian in his life.

  But now he actually knelt before his former mortal enemy.

  This kneeling undoubtedly disgraced the Liu family and his own dignity.

  ”Master! How could you do this!!”

  ”We’ll die! We’re not afraid of death!”

  ”The Liu family can’t afford to lose this man!”


  ”You’re so stupid!!!”


  Wailing and shouting poured in from outside the door, but Liu Zhongchun was not moved at all. He just trembled and put his forehead to the ground. After crawling for a few breaths, he slowly propped himself up.

  ”Master Wei, I know I will die, and I also know that people from the Liu family cannot survive according to the law.”

  ”However, if these people really die, the Liu family will really be extinct.”

  ”I don’t ask you to bypass them, I just ask the Liu family to leave a trace of incense.”

  Liu Zhongchun trembled and pointed to a swaddling cloth in a woman’s arms. The baby in the swaddling cloth was crying loudly.

  ”Master Wei, this child was born less than two months ago.”

  ”He will never remember what happened today, and he can no longer be surnamed Liu in the future.”

  ”Just, let him live.”


  Hundreds of people from the Liu family only asked for a way to live for a baby.

  This was perhaps the only situation that Liu Zhongchun could think of that Wei Xianzhi might agree to.


  his right hand, which was suspended in the air, suddenly fell down, and hundreds of long swords behind him tore through the air.


  The uniform movements turned into uniform sounds.

  In the long sound of golden swords full of desolation, the specially made goose feather swords of the imperial guards cut through the skin, flesh, and bones, and instantly cut off the heads of hundreds of men, women, and children.



  The lonely cry of the baby resounded through the night sky, which was a heart-wrenching fear.

  The swaddling clothes embroidered with the words “peace” fell from the woman’s arms into a pool of blood. A guard raised his sword and hovered over it, looking up at Wei Xianzhi at the same time.

  People’s hearts are always made of flesh.

  Perhaps this guard has killed countless people, but when he faced such a weak and innocent life, he still felt sorry.

  ”Sir, this…”

  ”Kill him.”

  Wei Xianzhi answered without emotion, and at the same time drew his sword and looked at Liu Zhongchun, who was crying at his feet.

  ”Lord Liu, cut off the roots.”

  ”I’m sorry.”


  A cold light flashed across Liu Zhongchun’s neck, and the guard behind him gritted his teeth and stabbed the goose feather knife fiercely.




  The loud crying stopped abruptly, and there was no movement in the huge Liu Mansion from then on, only the fierce sound of burning torches floating in the ears.

  In the fifteenth year of Tianji, on the third day of April, in early summer, a branch of the direct line of the Daning Liu family was wiped out in the capital.

  Looking into the azure sky, the stars fell from the sky.

  If they had known this would happen, neither Liu Yuanshan nor Liu Zhongchun would have provoked the Wei family.

  It’s a pity that there is no such thing as “if I had known it earlier” in this world.

  It’s just like Yunlian at this moment.

  The rainstorm was like a curtain, and countless long lines of water color dragged from the sky to the earth.



  When two palm prints, one gold and one white, mixed with infinite power, shot towards her, Yunlian knew that she could not survive.

  In this short moment, she had no time to resist or say anything.

  She didn’t even know why the two people opposite her, who had never met before, wanted to kill her. She also

  didn’t know whether the thunder that she had triggered at the cost of her life had killed the murderer who killed her husband.


  Even if Wei Changtian and Qin Zhengqiu didn’t take action, Yunlian would die when the heavy rain stopped.

  If he knew about this, Wei Changtian might regret wasting 500 system points.

  But now he probably won’t have the chance to “regret” anymore.



  With two loud noises, two palm prints pierced through Yunlian’s chest fiercely, and the blood splashed like surging waves, and disappeared in the pouring rain in an instant.


  [It is detected that the host killed the son of the Heavenly Dao “Yunlian”]

  [The host has plundered all of his luck, and rewarded 1500 system points]

  [It is detected that the host has no connection with the “Heavenly Dao” of this world, and cannot enjoy the luck bonus. Now the luck of “Yingyu” is distributed in the form of special magical power]

  [Congratulations to the host, mastering the special magical power “Helix and Separation”]

  [Helix and Separation: Special magical power, can cause rain, snow, thunder, and wind, and its effect depends on the user’s realm. It cannot be purchased and can only be obtained through specified methods]


  A series of system prompt sounds sounded in the mind, indicating that Yunlian was indeed dead.

  The winged red fish appeared in the night sky, swaying its long tail and swimming into Wei Changtian’s Dantian, occupying a piece of territory with Yunyan and Huanglong, who were obviously smaller than it.

  At this moment, Wei Changtian finally knew the direction of Yunlian’s heavenly luck blessing.

  The way of disaster is similar to his previous guess.

  After standing there for a long time, he shook his head and walked to Yunlian, who had turned back to her original form.

  A blue-red fish.

  Seeing such a big fish in the dense forest of Jiuding Mountain is actually a bit funny.

  However, Wei Changtian and Qin Zhengqiu did not laugh, but just looked in the direction of the fish’s eyes.

  Under the protruding boulder was a half-rotten skeleton. Although it was raining heavily around, it was hardly wet by the rain.

  There is no doubt that this must be Wu Tianqing.


  Looking up at the night sky, Wei Changtian suddenly said:

  ”Why don’t we bury them together?”


  Qin Zhengqiu nodded and sighed softly: “Alas, no wonder Wu Tianqing said that back then.”


  Wei Changtian turned his head and asked in confusion: “What did you say?”


  Qin Zhengqiu seemed to be lost in memories, and after a long while he silently explained:

  ”Changtian, Wu Tianqing in white was also a well-known character back then, but he suddenly disappeared from the world fifty years ago.”

  ”Everyone doesn’t know why, they only know that he left a letter to his friend, and there is a sentence in the letter that should be explaining the reason.”

  Qin Zhengqiu said with emotion.

  And Wei Changtian actually heard this from Yang Liushi.

  ”Wu Tianqing said. Someone wants to know the taste of love, hatred, and hatred in this world, so he wants to fulfill that person.”

  ”Now that I think about it, that person should be Yunlian.”


  Fish cannot survive without water.

  Wei Changtian originally thought that Wu Tianqing and Yunlian had a “mutual support” relationship, but he didn’t expect that it was actually “water and fish”.

  But it doesn’t matter anymore.

  Yunlian now really knows what love, hate, and vengeance feel like.


  Another purple thunderbolt struck the distant mountaintop, and the lightning flashed in an instant.

  There are thousands of hatreds in the past and present, but only separation and reunion are sorrow and joy?


  The love stories of the mortal world are always long and short.

  So long that the world has changed, and the yin and yang and the afterlife cannot be fully described.

  So short that it seems that it can be told in just the time of this thunderbolt.

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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