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Chapter 271 Black Box Reverse Technology and Surprise (Thanks to “Fan Shang” for the reward)

Chapter 271 Black Box Reverse Technology and Surprise (Thanks to “Fan Shang” for the reward)


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 271 Black Box Reverse Engineering and Surprises (Thanks to “Fan Shang” for the leader reward)

  Official forum.

  Life-Taking: “The Decayed Knight Appears!”

  Soul-Chasing: “The Battlefield Guy’s Scraping Stone Confirmation!”

  Macabazi: “The Mosquito Was Scraped Too!”

  Stop Bullshitting: “But Fortunately! The BOSS was killed by the Manager in two shots!” Quit

  Smoking: “Brother Guan is awesome!!!”

  WC Mosquito: “Fuck! Can you blame me for scraping? Who knew he was so fast? Using a knife to chop a rocket, this is totally unreasonable! (Going Crazy)”

  He still feels aggrieved about the fact that two recoilless guns were chopped off by a knife.

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Damn, the Decayed Knight should be level 60 in theory, right? He killed a level 60 BOSS with two shots, so how level must the manager be?!”

  Fountain Commander: “Maybe 80!”

  Marginalized Water: “Be more confident, they are all faction leaders like ‘Arthas’, is level 100 exaggerated? Not at all!”

  Irena: “I think he can be compared to the Human Emperor Xi Aotian, he doesn’t pretend to be cool and doesn’t take action, and taking action is pretending to be cool. (Funny)” Crow

  : “Woo woo woo, I didn’t get to see the handsome manager pretending to be cool. (T▽T)” Fang

  Chang: “Wake up, that’s a paper man.”

  Crow: “What’s the relationship ! It’s better than you being crazy about Xiaoyu, right? |ω`)”

  Fang Chang: “! That’s Ye Shi, not me.”

  Ye Shi: “Get lost! Do I have any?”

  Teng Teng: “You are all wrong. (squinting)”

  Wei Ba: “Ah! Who dares to bully Xiaoyu, break his legs! ψ(`)ψ”

  Roushan Damomo: “!!! Who wants to bully Xiaoyu! (angry)”

  Ye Shi: “Boil! Fang Chang! You are blackmailing me again! QAQ”

  Canyon Runaway Mole: “(squinting and laughing)”

  The offline players brought the battle report back to the forum. Players who did not plan to log off also found a place to hang up, wandered to the “real world”, and joined the forum.

  Anyway, major game activities will pop up in the official forum, so there is no need to worry about missing them.

  Compared with the previous battles, this battle has reached the “historical high” of Shelter 404 in terms of the investment in heavy firepower weapons!

  Dozens of Maxim heavy machine guns fired crazily, 88mm mortars bombed in turns, quadruple anti-aircraft guns used high-explosive shells to wash the ground, and the alien species that came in waves on the ruins fell down in pieces like frosted rice fields. It

  fully reflects the helplessness of numbers in the face of firepower.

  When the machine guns and shells stopped firing, even the cement blocks on the ground were baked hot!

  Multiple rounds of saturated firepower coverage, followed by the whistle of the charge, the immersive shock made people’s adrenaline soar!

  Players who have experienced it said that it was really cool!

  Isn’t this more real than the water-mixed shells and water guns in “Dump Truck 2042”?

  Looking at the battle reports on the forum, players who were not at the scene said it was a pity.

  Especially the 125 good brothers who died yesterday, they were so envious that the plasmolysis was separated.

  Missing such an exciting scene is really a loss!

  Silver Dad: “Damn it! Why does it take three days to resurrect!”

  Silver Hand: “Why can’t I open an alias!”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “Fuck! You still want to open an alias! Be a human being!”

  Professor Yang, the King of Lightning: “That’s right! We haven’t got the qualification for the closed beta yet!”

  Just when everyone was regretting, a video of one and a half minutes was suddenly updated on the official website.

  The neat cuts of the shots, coupled with the explosive BGM, are like an epic blockbuster!

  It has to be said that Xiaoqi’s video editing skills are getting better and better. The invisible cake of “Wasteland OL” has become more and more fragrant. At least 1/10 of the credit should be attributed to it.

  Although there are still some arrogant people who stubbornly adhere to the view that “I haven’t seen it, which means it doesn’t exist” and “My logical deduction is equal to the truth of the world”, this does not prevent the vast majority of people from typing 666 under the video.

  ”Awesome! Is this a next-generation game?”

  ”Can the model be so detailed???”

  ”It feels like a movie without the filter!”

  ”Be more confident, maybe it’s just a movie with a filter.”

  ”Hey, regardless of whether it’s true or not, it’s worth it to make the promotional PV like this even if it’s fake!”

  ”Mobile game giants are ecstatic, we have advertising materials again! (funny)”


  Just when the official website was bustling, players and NPCs were cleaning up the battlefield on the battlefield in front of Street 68.

  In fact, there was nothing to clean up.

  There were only corpses here, black blood seeping into the soil, and rotting flesh and blood exuding a stench that could be smelled even with a gas mask.

  Slime mold species are different from death claws and monsters. The parts on the latter are more or less useful, and the meat can even be roasted and eaten. The former is something that even Old Na can’t stand.

  Looking at the rats and cockroaches running around the corner, the two newbies wearing gas masks were amazed at the immersive atmosphere of “Wasteland OL” and walked towards the depths of the battlefield.

  ”By the way, will the fruiting bodies of slime molds also rot?”

  ”Nonsense, won’t your mushrooms go bad?”

  ”Hey, I’ve never seen it.”

  The two of them whispered to each other and walked to the side of the power armor filled with slime molds.

  The fungal blanket on the steel surface has been necrotic, and black blood is oozing out from the gaps in the armor. Its entire head has been blown to pieces, and there is a hole half the size of a fist on its chest.

  The two newbies looked at the big hole in amazement.

  The armor that even the 37mm heavy cavalry rifle couldn’t penetrate was actually penetrated by a Gauss rifle.

  This power is too strong!

  The two didn’t waste time, tied this big guy with a rope, got it on the traction board, and dragged it back to the battlefield with a grunt.

  [Mission: Recover the corpse of the “Decadent Knight” (completed)]

  [Reward: 15 silver coins 10 contributions]

  Rewards are in hand!

  One step closer to obtaining VM!

  Looking at the fifteen silver coins lying in their palms, the two newbies’ faces were filled with joyful smiles.

  Keep going at this pace.

  It won’t be long before we reach T1!


  The body of the Decayed Knight was dragged to the Garden Street subway station and temporarily stored outside the buffer room of Shelter No. 117.

  Yin Fang used the cutting machine to toss for a long time, and finally removed the power armor from this guy.

  Heya extracted slice samples from various parts of the big guy’s body and took them back to the medical laboratory for analysis.

  Yin Fang handed the armor fragments removed from the power armor to Bachi for research.

  As for himself, he studied the black box removed from the inside of the power armor to see if he could repair some useful data from it.

  The alien species launched two rounds of attacks that day, in the afternoon and evening respectively, but both the quantity and quality were far inferior to the one in the morning.

  Vanus’s point of view is that these gnawers probably want to consume their ammunition.

  Perhaps it is the experience gained from the previous battles with the Boulder City that the slime molds seem to know that their enemies have ammunition restrictions.

  However, today’s Shelter No. 404 is no longer what it used to be. After many baptisms of war, the military production capacity of the new industrial zone is almost full.

  It may take some time to build a tractor, but his little players know how to build guns and cannons!

  In addition to the charge on the front battlefield, the attack and defense on the side battlefield also never stopped.

  Many crawlers crossed obstacles and bunkers and crawled to the flanks of the position, trying to copy their previous staged victory on Street 65.

  Unfortunately, this time their opponents were not the death squads of new and old players, but the hunter squad led by the cattle and horse squad.

  In the confrontation between scattered soldiers, the players still had the upper hand.

  Although there was no heavy firepower support, the individual combat effectiveness was fully exerted.

  A LV6 strength player or a LV7 agility or physique player can basically fight against the crawler.

  And if it is a LV10 awakener, as long as it is not an intelligence or perception system, it can basically easily solve the crawler in a one-on-one situation.

  There is no need to even shoot!

  The front battlefield and the side battlefield won two small victories.

  The first day of the battle ended in a stalemate.

  However, although Shelter 404 has achieved a temporary victory, neither the players nor the guards are taking it lightly.

  The waves coming from the south are endless and show no signs of stopping.

  Everyone can feel that a storm is brewing!

  One day later.

  Shelter 117.

  Chu Guang summoned his experts and held a brief meeting, asking them to report on the latest research progress on the “Decay Knight”.

  The first to speak was Heya.

  She conducted a systematic analysis of the slice samples of the “Decay Knight” and has made initial progress.

  ”Let me explain it briefly.”

  ”First, through the analysis of the organizational structure of the fruiting body, I found neuronal cells in the sample that are completely different from the fruiting body structure. After comparing the DNA, it should be an adult male, and the survival time of the cell may have exceeded a century… This situation is very similar to the symbiotic phenomenon we have witnessed before, but the slime mold in Qingquan City seems to erode the nervous system more thoroughly, completely depriving the host of its autonomous consciousness.”

  ”You can understand it as replacing the hard drive and memory, leaving only the CPU and half of the graphics card.”

  Knowing that Chu Guang could not understand the difficult theory, He Ya simply used a statement that she thought was more popular.

  However, when she said this, she did not look at Chu Guang, but at Bachi who was standing beside her and trembling.

  After a pause, He Ya moved her eyes away from the tin can, looked at Chu Guang who was lost in thought, and continued.

  ”In addition, its sac-like organs are more exaggerated than other fruiting bodies, and the amount of spores secreted can even reach hundreds or even thousands of times that of crawlers. In order to release spores more efficiently, it has even evolved special organs that can transport spores to the fungal carpet on the surface of the fruiting body and release them through the ends of the cilia on the fungal carpet.”

  ”… Various signs indicate that your speculation is most likely correct. This ‘evolved body’ that is obviously abnormal from its kind plays a role of command. They can coordinate different consciousness bodies, just like nodes in a logistics network. Even within them, there is a strong class, with large nodes dominating small nodes, and so on.” Chu Guang

  touched his chin and thought.

  ”So as long as these node creatures are destroyed, the wave will stop?”

  Heya nodded.

  ”It should be so… At least it can make them return to normal.”

  Whether running back to the city center or disbanding on the spot, the threat is much smaller than if they gather together.

  It’s like a hundred gnawers, scattered in an underground garage of thousands of square meters. Even a newbie can clean them up with a little more time.

  But if these 100 gnawers form a team and rush forward in an organized manner. Without the support of heavy firepower, even the awakened ones would have a headache.

  Bachi raised his right hand tremblingly: “… I have a question, if my brain is completely corroded, will it become like this?”

  Heya: “We can’t rule out this possibility.”

  The tin can shook for a while, and Bachi shivered. I don’t know if he was glad that he slipped away quickly at that time, or if he had a conditioned reflex of fear at Heya’s interested eyes.

  Chu Guang suddenly had an idea and spoke.

  ”If Bachi sneaks into the alien’s nest and puts a 100mm shell directly next to the queen…”

  Bachi looked at Chu Guang with horror: “Do you want me to die?”

  Heya shook her head.

  ”There is no point in doing this except to kill him. I should have said before that they rely on RNA-transformed proteins to identify their own kind. Only the same kind can have a unified consciousness coordination. The identification codes of slime molds in different regions are different. You can imagine what would happen if you threw an ant into an ant nest of another group.”

  Two ants from different groups may not fight when they meet on the road, but if one of them follows the other into the other’s nest, it can only be said that tens of thousands of ants are “blind” at the same time.

  The same is true for slime mold aliens in the same hive society.

  Bachi will not be attacked by fruiting bodies wandering on the street, but it does not mean that it can enter and exit the “core areas” such as the hatchery and the mother nest at will.

  Especially when encountering an “evolved individual” with autonomous consciousness, being killed on the spot is probably the most likely thing to happen.

  Knowing how to make a detour from the side and feint to consume, these slime molds obviously have the ability to deal with problems flexibly.

  It is meaningless to be clever at this time.

  What a pity.

  Chu Guang even thought that even if he couldn’t deliver the bomb to someone, it would be good to see the Queen’s location. At worst, he could borrow tens of thousands of chips, buy an airstrike, and lick it with incendiary bombs.

  Feeling regretful, Chu Guang then looked at Yin Fang.

  This “Chief Leader of the Scientific Expedition Team of Shelter No. 404 and Dean of the No. 404 Branch of the Academy” had been frowning and silent since the beginning of the meeting. I don’t know what he was thinking.

  Chu Guang’s intuition told him that he should have discovered something.

  ”What about you? Did you find anything?”

  Yin Fang nodded slowly.

  ”I found the action recorder of the T-10 power armor.”

  ”Action recorder?” Bachi showed a surprised expression on his face, looked at him and asked, “Can that thing still be used?”

  ”Of course, the T-10 power armor is the land combat power armor of the People’s Alliance Army, and the ‘black box’ is located near the waist.”

  As he said, Yin Fang gently placed a thumb-sized orange box shaped like a nail clipper on the table.

  ”Although the data is severely damaged… I still restored a little bit of the fragments.”

  Chu Guang: “What did you find?” Yin Fang

  : “The number of this armor is T-10: A71C98U. When I was investigating the ruins in Luoxia Province, I accidentally saw this series in an abandoned research institute. As expected, it was originally affiliated with the 71st Armored Brigade of the Human Alliance, and after the Wasteland Era, it belonged to the ‘Post-War Reconstruction Committee’.”

  Post-War Reconstruction Committee.

  He first heard this name, it seemed to be in the holographic image left by Dr. Principle. All signs indicate that this organization had a considerable influence in the early days of the Wasteland Era, that is, two hundred years ago.

  According to the clues provided by the players, the Giant Stone City seems to be one of the survivors’ settlements planned by the Post-War Reconstruction Committee.

  Even the towering giant wall was built by the Post-War Reconstruction Committee.

  Chu Guang frowned faintly.

  The clues seemed to be connected together, but a few key puzzle pieces were missing.

  He wanted to know.

  What role did Shelter No. 404 play in this?

  Yin Fang paused for a moment and continued.

  ”Two centuries ago, the unit to which this power armor belonged launched a military operation against the city center, with the goal of clearing the mother nest in the nuclear bomb crater in the city center. The black box did not record the final result of the operation, but it should have failed. The remaining data recorded the reason why this power armor was scrapped.”

  Chu Guang: “Why?”


  Chu Guang was stunned.

  But Heya was more surprised than him.

  ”EMP?! Are you saying that those slime molds can use electromagnetic pulses?”

  Yin Fang shrugged.

  ”I don’t know. Who knows what happened two hundred years ago? Maybe the mutant slime mold has mastered a way to trigger electromagnetic pulses, or maybe it was a friendly fire… In any case, according to the data recorded in the black box, the powerful electromagnetic pulse destroyed more than 30% of the electronic components of the power armor at 2 hours, 31 minutes and 17 seconds after the start of the battle, causing the arc engine to be forced to shut down.”

  ”The power armor with limited mobility was quickly surrounded and completely submerged by the slime mold after the ammunition was exhausted. The first to be eroded was the gas exchange system, then the life support system, and the energy system… The whole process lasted for twenty years and continued until the black box stopped functioning.”

  Bachi held his breath.

  After a long time, he spoke with difficulty.

  ”This is too miserable.”

  Watching the bacterial plaques crawling all over the eyepiece little by little, the spores were continuously injected into the body along the life support system, and finally the immune function was paralyzed, and it was completely reduced to a puppet of the mother nest.

  The remaining nerve cells were kept alive in a special way until the flesh was completely destroyed, and then they could finally be freed.

  This is even more cruel than slow slicing.

  Yin Fang nodded silently.

  ”What concerns me is these slime molds… They seem to know a lot about us.”

  Chu Guang looked at Yin Fang and asked.

  ”Didn’t the academy record the source of those slime molds?”

  Yin Fang shook his head.

  ”I don’t know. Even if there is, it’s not the information that a D-level explorer like me can access.”

  Mutated slime molds, radiation, alien species, mutants, and predators everywhere…

  I don’t know what the lunatics did two hundred years ago to blow up the mother planet into what it is now.

  No wonder the companies on the East Coast pinned their hopes on the legend of Shelter No. 0, and the academy simply gave up and hid in the Wandering Swamp.

  Chu Guang now even has a feeling that the first generation manager No. 404 didn’t tell him anything, maybe it was also a kind of “protection”.

  After all, the more you know about this world, the more desperate you feel.

  I’m afraid the only people in this world who can face these difficulties optimistically are those happy little players.

  Chu Guang took a deep breath.

  ”Anything else to report?”

  ”I,” Bachi raised his hand, and seeing everyone looking at him, he continued nervously, “Regarding the material of that power armor… I have carefully studied its structure.”

  Chu Guang said immediately.

  ”Can it be imitated?”

  Bachi was stunned and smiled bitterly.

  ”The porous aluminum-magnesium-manganese alloy is used as the structure, and boron carbide and silicon carbide are alternately filled. This is just the first layer.”

  Seeing that Chu Guang still had an expectant expression on his face, Yin Fang sighed and looked at the tin can sitting in the corner and said.

  ”He won’t understand what you said, so you’d better not beat around the bush and speak directly.”

  Chu Guang looked at Yin Fang dissatisfiedly.

  ”What do you mean by that?”

  Why can’t I understand!

  Xiao Qi, who had been quietly peeking at the screen next to him, also suddenly interrupted.

  ”That’s right! Are you looking down on the wise and powerful administrator? Master, do you need me to clean him up?”

  Chu Guang coughed dryly.

  ”That’s not necessary.”

  And what the hell is that “wise and powerful administrator”, he doesn’t remember teaching Xiao Qi to call himself that.

  Yin Fang rolled his eyes at the camera on the ceiling.

  He had wanted to dismantle the “wastebasket” to study it, but Chu Guang disagreed and strictly forbade him to do so, so he gave up the idea.

  Curious, but he was not stupid.

  However, this matter seems to have been remembered by the petty AI.

  Bachi hurriedly tried to smooth things over and continued.

  ”The T-10 power armor is pre-war equipment. The armor shell is likely based on 3D printing technology and is constructed directly at the atomic level. Our technology generation gap is too big. Not to mention here, even the enterprise cannot produce this thing.”

  The composite armor with a thickness of only 40mm can have an equivalent thickness of 400mm homogeneous steel on the vertical plane. With a slight inclination angle, it must be thousands?

  This protection is almost at the same level as modern main battle tanks!

  In my impression, the Iron Fist rocket launcher of the Legion seems to be able to cause damage to the power armor of the enterprise. Obviously, even the enterprise does not have the conditions to imitate this armor piece.

  Seeing the disappointment on Chu Guang’s face, Bachi continued.

  ”But it’s not without gain.”

  ”We previously analyzed a material called ‘A3 alloy’ from the database of Zhongzhou Aerospace, but due to missing data and no samples, its specific composition has not been determined.”

  Yin Fang looked at him in surprise.

  ”Could it be…”

  ”Yes,” Bachi nodded and said excitedly, “The missing part should be aluminum-magnesium-manganese alloy,”

  Chu Guang asked immediately.

  ”Is the performance of this alloy very strong?”

  Yin Fang: “It can’t be said to be very strong, it should be said to be very strong, and it has a wide range of uses and is relatively cheap. It can be used from exoskeleton brackets to connecting parts of large machinery.” “To put

  it more intuitively, if the bracket of the KV-1 exoskeleton is replaced with A3 aerospace aluminum alloy, the protection, maximum load and durability can be doubled while the weight remains unchanged and the cost increases slightly.”

  ”At least it is a C-level technology!”

  Not only exoskeletons, but also vehicles running on the ground and drones flying in the sky can benefit from this achievement.

  If it were in the academy, this credit alone would be enough for him to be promoted from a D-level explorer to a C-level researcher.

  The only drawback is that there is a risk of fire in an oxidizing environment.

  But as long as it is not used on a large scale or mixed with other materials, it is not a big problem!

  Chu Guang’s eyes lit up immediately.

  ”Can it be made?”

  He only cares about this one thing!

  Bachi nodded, and his tone was much more relaxed than before.

  ”Compared to the composite armor of the T-10, the mass production of A3 aerospace aluminum alloy will not be very difficult. I should be able to handle it.”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang showed a happy expression on his face.

  I didn’t expect to be able to recover such a good thing from that iron lump!

  It’s a pleasant surprise!

  After the meeting, Chu Guang updated some of Heya’s research results on the official website and shared them with players as official guides. At

  the same time, on the West Third Ring Road of Qingquan City.

  On the dark and silent ruins, there was a flame rising to the sky…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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