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Chapter 271 The Blood City is Weird, Please Spare Me

Chapter 271 The Blood City is Weird, Please Spare Me


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 271 Blood City is weird, please spare my life

  Zhou Guo, Dashan City.

  The sky has been dark for a long time, and the town is covered with countless flesh and blood, just like a scene in purgatory.

  In the terrifying “blood city”, there are also people coming and going, but they turn a blind eye to the towering flesh and blood tower in the town, which is even more weird.

  ”——Immortal Master Zhou, has he fallen asleep now?”

  Inside the restaurant, a tough-looking middle-aged man put down his teacup, his eyes solemn: “The Immortal Kingdom has just been reborn, and the Immortal Master has become a hands-off boss. If there are other forces secretly coveting…”

  ”What are the thoughts of the immortals, why are we mortals guessing blindly.”

  A decadent man in tattered clothes sat opposite him, drinking lazily: “It’s better for the Immortal Master not to show up, so that there will be fewer wars in the world and fewer deaths.”

  ”Dongtian, you have to put your identity in order and don’t say these things in front of outsiders.”

  The middle-aged man’s tone became heavier: “You are one of the elders of the nine sects, and you have been rewarded by the Immortal Master. Compared with ordinary cultivators, you are worthy of being called a ‘superior immortal’. If you break the rules, it will be a loss of face for the Immortal Master.”

  ”Yu Hua, that’s enough.”

  Lin Dongtian waved his hands drunkenly: “You really think we are immortals, but we are just some weird monsters that can’t die.”

  The man called Yu Hua sighed lightly: “Dongtian, you are drunk.”

  ”It’s good to be drunk.”

  Lin Dongtian looked at the “fairyland on earth” outside the restaurant, his expression slightly dazed: “Maybe, I will be more sober after being drunk.”

  Since the sudden change of heaven and earth a month or two ago, the sudden arrival of the Immortal Lord has turned Zhou into an immortal country on earth, and everyone has become an immortal and has eternal life. All order and common sense have been completely overturned and changed.

  However, he felt a little bit out of place in his heart, as if he had forgotten something and had some strange thoughts.

  He seemed to be no longer himself.

  ”Forget it, let’s not say such discouraging words.”

  Yu Hua took two bites of the side dishes and whispered, “It seems that the people over there in the royal family are making a lot of moves. Are you, the Zhenchuan Sect, ready?”

  ”With my old man in charge, why should we worry about it.” Lin Dongtian frowned slightly, “However, these royal heirs are more vicious and cruel than each other, and the tricks they use are becoming more and more despicable.”

  ”I heard that many people have arrived in Dashan City, you have to be careful.”

  Yu Hua clinked glasses with him lightly, “As a relative of the royal family, I can only say this.”

  ”Thanks.” Lin Dongtian sighed, “Brother is still very considerate.”

  ”With your status and position, why don’t you find a suitable girl?”

  ”Forget it!”

  Lin Dongtian immediately looked disgusted, “If you want to find one, find it yourself, okay?”

  Before he finished speaking, he suddenly looked at the distance in the long street, as if he had discovered something unusual.

  Yu Hua asked in confusion, “What happened?”

  ”I’ll pay for today’s wine.” Lin Dongtian took out a silver ingot and slapped it on the table, grinning, “Let’s get together again when we have time. I’m going to join in the fun first.”

  Immediately, he picked up the wine gourd and jumped out of the window of the restaurant.

  Under the dim sky, the streets of Dashan City were crowded with people, as if they were as lively as before.


  Yang Shifei drove the carriage and looked at the street scenes around him, his eyes were very solemn.

  Since he came to the interior of Zhou, what he saw along the way really shocked him a lot.

  Obviously, there was a weird scene of flesh and blood inside and outside the town, but the people of Zhou were still living a peaceful life, seemingly unaffected by anything.

  ”There is no sign of life.”

  Yue Rui, who was sitting next to him, sniffed and whispered, “These people are all demons.”

  Luo Xian’er lifted the curtain a little and stared at the men and women passing by: “They are not touched by the strange phenomena around them, as if they have always lived in this place.”

  Recalling the horrific scene she saw in Qi State, the eldest lady murmured, “The people have regained their bodies, and their minds and memories are probably ‘polluted’, making them think that everything now is normal.”

  They are no longer surprised by the distortion of their minds by filth.

  However, if they clearly swallowed up all the creatures of Zhou State, why did they release the ‘mortals’ and let them continue to live their previous lives?

  ”These great demons swallowed up the country’s territory, perhaps not just for power.”

  Ji Shang said thoughtfully, “They may really want to establish a ‘fairyland’, and the people will naturally be included in it.”

  Listening to the conversation in the carriage, Yang Shifei couldn’t help but frown. If these demon kingdoms are allowed to develop for a few more years, I really don’t know what they will evolve into.


  While thinking, he suddenly felt a chill and looked aside subconsciously.

  He looked closely and saw two extremely tiny flying insects approaching silently –


  Two wooden boards suddenly stretched out and slapped the flying insects directly.

  ”This insect is filthy.”

  Yue Rui threw the pedal under the throne aside and whispered, “Still want to sneak attack us.”

  Yang Shifei glanced at the opposite side thoughtfully.

  At that moment just now, he seemed to be spied on. Obviously, someone controlled the insects to attack secretly.

  ”Xian’er, we seem to be being watched.”

  Luo Xian’er exclaimed softly, and then looked at the black jade in Ji Shang’s hand.

  The secret treasure was still surrounded by black mist, and it obviously did not reveal the aura of the crowd.

  ”It seems that this big mountain city is not as stable as it seems.”

  A few dozen feet away, in a private room of a teahouse.

  There were more than a dozen people of all kinds standing in this room, including maids and guards.

  There were also two gray-haired old men in brocade robes, with deep and unpredictable auras and cold and solemn faces.

  ”Second Prince, those two are so outstanding, are they worthy of using the ‘Jade Heart-stealing Gu’?”

  One of the old men put down the file in his hand and said in a deep voice: “There are only thirteen of these Gu now. His Majesty has repeatedly warned us not to use them for fun–”

  ”I know it.”

  The handsome young man took a sip of tea and said casually: “I have observed carefully just now. These two people have no breath at all. They are obviously masters who can freely control the immortal energy in their bodies.

  Especially the man driving the carriage. He has a perfect body and a charm of lifting heavy objects with ease when he raises his hands. His martial arts attainments must be beyond ordinary people. It’s not a big loss to be able to get him.”

  As he said, he smiled again: “This Heart-stealing Gu has not been used once. It’s a good time to try it first to see if these two people can be refined into…”


  The other old man sitting opposite suddenly opened his eyes, his face suddenly sank: “The two Heart-stealing Gu were beaten to death.”

  The second prince: “.”

  He crushed the teacup on the spot and looked at him angrily: “Chang Protector! It was you who controlled the two Gu insects, why were you–”

  ”Your Highness, please forgive me.”

  The guardian Chang looked grim: “Not only did the two find the trace of the Heart-stealing Gu, but they also acted so quickly that I didn’t have time to control the Gu to escape.”

  The second prince slammed the table and said hatefully: “They ruined my treasures, they are really courting death!”

  ”They seem to be deliberately walking to a remote place now”

  ”Your Highness, calm down.” The guardian Chang said hurriedly: “Maybe they are deliberately luring us into the trap.”

  ”As a prince, would I be afraid of these scoundrels in the world!”

  The second prince was no longer indifferent, his face was full of viciousness: “Take all the guards and masters, I will lead the team to meet them personally. If they are really from the sect, it’s a good opportunity to suppress them!”

  More than a dozen guards walked quickly and quickly rushed to the deep alley a hundred feet away.

  The second prince came with Qinggong, followed by three royal guardians, each of whom had a strong cultivation and was full of murderous aura.

  Yang Shifei stopped the carriage and looked at the vicious men blocking the way. He couldn’t help but grin:

  ”I didn’t expect there were so many people.”

  ”Brother, you really did it on purpose. There’s no need to waste your breath.”

  The second prince closed his folding fan and smiled deeply: “If you don’t want to die, tell me your name quickly.”

  ”It’s a small sect, not worth mentioning.”

  ”Hehe, then I’ll just kill you–”


  At this moment, Lin Dongtian flew onto the eaves, lowered his head and shouted: “Don’t do it in my Zhenchuan Sect’s territory.”

  Before he finished speaking, seeing the second prince and others forcibly attacking as if they were deaf ears, his face sank and he was about to draw his sword to help.


  The curtain of the carriage suddenly rose, and it seemed that a residual shadow swept out and instantly passed through the bodies of the people outside the alley.

  But in the blink of an eye, Ji Shang returned to the carriage silently and waved his sleeves with an indifferent look.

  Lin Dongtian’s figure suddenly stopped, and his eyes widened like a sluggish man.

  The second prince and others were smashed into pieces on the spot, deader than dead. Even the strong men of the third rank ended up with no body left.

  ”Fuck, this.”

  Lin Dongtian felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, with cold sweat on his back: “Tianren Xuanwu?”

  When did the celestial beings from other countries sneak into this place. And why were they not discovered?

  The thought just flashed through his mind, and he saw another beautiful figure walking out of the carriage, lifting the veil and looking at him coldly.

  Lin Dongtian was dumbfounded: “Luo, Luoshui Sword Immortal?!”

  He looked at the man on the throne again, his face was full of woodenness:

  ”You are… Yang Shifei?!”

  After a moment of silence, Lin Dongtian silently threw away the sword and knelt on the spot.

  ”Hero, spare my life.”

   First update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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