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Chapter 272: Reborn, treasures can be obtained

Chapter 272: Reborn, treasures can be obtained


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 272 Reborn, treasures must be obtained.

  Sneak into Zhou State, but unexpectedly, I happened to meet an “old acquaintance”.

  Yang Shifei smiled with interest: “Senior Lin, it’s been a long time since we last met, you still look energetic.”

  ”Ha, brother Yang.”

  Lin Dongtian jumped off the roof and held his head with both hands to show that he was harmless.

  The two celestial beings and black tortoises suppressed him with martial thoughts. He believed that he could not escape even half a step, so he might as well surrender.

  He had an awkward smile on his face, and said angrily: “The Zhenchuan Sect is located in Dashan City. As an elder of the sect, I will occasionally go around.”

  ”Hearing what Senior Lin said just now, you seemed to recognize them?”

  Yang Shifei pointed to the corpses on the ground outside the alley: “Why did you come here to cause trouble for no reason?”

  ”How would I know.” Lin Dongtian wanted to cry but had no tears: “These royal people have always been domineering. My Zhenchuan Sect is not the same as them.”

  ”Don’t be nervous, Senior Lin.”

  Yang Shifei smiled helplessly, and soon continued to chat with him, trying to get more information.

  Ji Shang stopped and came to Luo Xian’er, whispering, “Do you know this person?”

  ”We dealt with each other at Qianren Bingtan.”

  Luo Xian’er frowned slightly, “Since he is here, he must have become a demon. But judging from his words and deeds, he doesn’t seem to be…”

  ”This secret treasure is still working.” Ji Shang shook the black jade in his hand, “He may not have noticed the difference between us, but regarded us as the same kind.”

  ”However, this person knows that the young master and I are from different backgrounds, and we are not from Zhou.”

  Luo Xian’er whispered, “We must be more careful to prevent him from spreading the news.”

  ”We must also pay attention to the outside.”

  Yue Rui suddenly interrupted, “Those people are not dead yet.”

  Ji Shang turned his head and glanced outside the alley. The corpses on the ground were slightly squirming, and seemed to be recovering.

  At the same time, Yang Shifei’s topic made some progress.

  ”——So, you just came to Zhou Kingdom not long ago, and you want to see the current situation here?”

  Lin Dongtian showed a little strange color on his face: “Brother Yang, do you know what happened in this world?” ”

  Of course I know it clearly.” Yang Shifei said meaningfully: “That’s why I want to explore the details of Zhou Kingdom.”

  Lin Dongtian immediately broke out in a cold sweat: “Brother Yang, you are not trying to silence me by saying this, right?”

  He secretly glanced at Ji Shang and Luo Xian’er not far away, and his heart was beating.

  Even if he has been reborn now, if he has to face the joint siege of two celestial beings, his fate will be even worse than that of the second prince and others.

  ”Senior Lin helped me once in Bingtan, so I didn’t turn against him and attack him.”

  Yang Shifei chuckled twice: “It’s just that this opportunity is rare, I want to ask Senior Lin how he feels now.”

  ”Feelings are…”

  ”After accepting the so-called immortal energy and becoming this appearance, how are

  you different from the past.” Yang Shifei’s smile gradually disappeared, and his tone became calm: “Do you still remember everything in the past, and do you still know who you are?”


  It was a very ordinary question, but it made Lin Dongtian stunned for a moment, and he fell into silence.

  After a while, he lowered his head and sighed: “Brother Yang, this question is really sharp. I don’t know how to answer it for a moment.”

  He said in a complicated tone: “However, I do remember everything. It’s just that there is an immortal who cannot be disobeyed in my heart, and there are many things about the fairyland.”

  Everything I think about is just for the Zhou Kingdom. Sometimes I even feel that I have died long ago, and only an empty shell is left.”

  Yang Shifei listened and pondered secretly.

  After being eroded and transformed by filth, even if the appearance looks unchanged, the brain thinking has indeed undergone “distortion and tampering”.

  ”Brother Yang, since you ask me these questions.”

  Lin Dongtian’s face became more complicated, and he said: “Have you thought of these weird things like me?”

  ”Probably.” Yang Shifei did not comment: “I am also vague about these things, so I can only find someone to ask slowly. ”

  ”Brother Yang is really extraordinary, I don’t think I can do it. ”

  Lin Dongtian patted the wine gourd on his waist and sighed: “No matter how much I think about today, I will forget everything when I wake up the next day. I can only get drunk all day to escape.”

  Yang Shifei stroked his chin: “I remember that when we were in Bingtan, Senior Lin was also drunk, and there seemed to be no difference.”

  Lin Dongtian: “.”

  ”Well, I was just joking with Senior Lin.”

  Yang Shifei laughed and felt relieved.

  Even if he and the other party knew each other, as long as the “person’s” breath was not exposed, the other party would not turn against him.

  Ji Shang’s secret treasure is really effective.

  Yang Shifei pondered for a moment and did not continue to ask about the topic of demons. He changed the topic and said, “I wonder where the Immortal Lord of Zhou is now?”

  ”The Immortal Lord is sleeping in a high tower and no one is allowed to disturb him.”

  Lin Dongtian spread his hands helplessly, “That’s why these royal family members came out to stir up trouble and unfortunately bumped into Brother Yang and his party.”

  Yang Shifei glanced outside the alley, “You said that Dashan City is the territory of your Zhenchuan Sect, why did they come here to make trouble?”

  ”My Zhenchuan Sect has the Taiwu Saint Soldiers taking root. The Immortal Lord is not here, so they naturally want to seize the troops and power and become the only one under the Immortal Lord.”

  ”A lot of people came?”

  ”Yes, most of the masters of the royal family have been sent here. Maybe there will be a civil war soon.”

  Lin Dongtian sighed, “The world is in chaos. They are really narrow-minded to act like this.”

  The two chatted for a while, until they were almost done, he couldn’t help but whispered,

  ”Brother Yang, there are only twenty celestial beings and black tortoises in the world. When did you hook up with this celestial being?”

  ”It’s just luck.”

  ”Ah?” Lin Dongtian looked unconvinced.

  There are only a few celestial women in the world. Counting the master of Bingtan, at least four celestial women have a close relationship with them.

  This brother Yang is really the best man in the world. People have to admire him.

  ”Since we have provoked the royal family of Zhou, we can’t stay too long. It’s better to say goodbye.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and arched his hands: “Senior Lin, I will see you again in the future.”

  ”Brother Yang, take care.” Lin Dongtian secretly breathed a sigh of relief: “Remember not to stay in Zhou any longer, leave this dangerous place as soon as possible.”

  ”Thank you for reminding me.”

  ”Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about your affairs.”

  ”Thank you.” Yang Shifei greeted Xian’er and the others to return to the carriage.

  Lin Dongtian was about to watch them leave, and hurriedly said: “Wait, those people outside will be able to revive soon–”


  I saw a flash of cold light, and the corpses on the ground outside the alley were plowed again, and they really became a muddy ground.


  Lin Dongtian watched the carriage go farther and farther, and the corners of his mouth trembled slightly.

  Brother Yang is truly horrible to be able to control such a terrifying celestial woman.

  Inside the carriage, Luo Xian’er gently lifted the curtain, a hint of curiosity on her face;

  ”Sir, aren’t you going to ask him more questions?”

  ”Asking too much will easily expose our own identities, so it’s better to stop at the right time.”

  Yang Shifei said with interest: “From what he said, the royal family of Zhou is short of troops now, maybe we can go there and try our luck?”

  ”We can give it a try.”

  Ji Shang pointed in another direction: “But let’s get the Taiwu Haoshi first.”

  ”The Haoshi is not inside the Zhenchuan Sect, but hidden in the town?”

  ”That’s right.” Ji Shang smiled: “This Taiwu Haoshi was actually mined by my people, but they didn’t have time to transport it away a few months ago, so they are temporarily hidden in the dark.”

  Hearing this, Yang Shifei couldn’t help but smack his lips.

  I’m afraid that the Zhou Kingdom has been infiltrated by the Jintian Palace and has become a sieve. How can it not even protect such a treasure.

   Today’s second update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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