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Chapter 272: The Son-in-law is a Wonderful Person

Chapter 272: The Son-in-law is a Wonderful Person


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 272: My son-in-law is such a wonderful person.

  After the morale of the troops was stabilized, the work efficiency of the group-buying Wanzhong branch was significantly improved.

  After the heads of various departments came out of Jiang Qin’s office, they immediately began to distribute accounts to their subordinates, so that the employees could familiarize themselves with the characteristics of the forum as soon as possible and formulate a large-scale promotion plan.

  They were already very familiar with group-buying, but now they have to familiarize themselves with a new website again, which is actually a very time-consuming task.

  But who asked the boss to give so much?

  The employees had no complaints and logged into Zhihu quickly, but after taking a look, they even held their breath.

  Human Justice Zhang Zixuan updated the daily photo series.

  ”Fuck, sitting in the office and getting paid to read this… is it really appropriate?”

  ”At this moment, I finally understand that I came to the right company!”

  ”I am really crying to see such high-quality content and get paid!”

  ”If the content of future work is like this, why don’t we return half of the salary to the boss? I think it’s too much to take all.”

  ”Okay, okay, I’ll make a banner for the boss to be a people’s entrepreneur after work.”

  Jiang Qin had already come out of the office at this time. He stood at the door and observed the circle with an expressionless face. He thought it was stable, and the promotion of Zhihu must be stable.

  Because when a website can attract your attention in the shortest time, then this website has been successful, and the remaining problem is just how to let more people know that this website exists.

  Jiang Qin did not stay for long. He took a turn and returned to Linchuan University, then pointed the direction to Uncle Gong all the way, and finally came to the entrepreneurship base.

  His Audi was parked on the side of the road at this time. Because he had rarely driven it recently, it was covered with a layer of dust.

  Jiang Qin got off the Bentley, took out a water pipe from the trunk of the Audi, secretly unplugged the irrigation port of the lawn and connected it. His skillful movements made people feel distressed.

  ”Uncle Gong, you should also pull out the key, I will rinse it for you.”

  ”Okay, young master.”

  The Bentley of the rich woman’s family has not been driven for a long time, and it is more or less dusty.

  Jiang Qin installed a pressurized water gun at the end of the pipe and sprayed it fiercely at the body of the car. The key hanging on his waist made a rustling sound with his footsteps, which looked very arrogant. The

  previous second, he was still in the office, throwing money expressionlessly, as if he had several gold mines, but the next second he went back to school to steal water to wash the car. Uncle Gong has been a driver for the Feng family for decades. He has seen at least 90 young talents, but he has never seen someone as fun as Young Master Jiang.

  ”My son-in-law is really a wonderful person.” Uncle Gong couldn’t help but sigh.


  Jiang Qin could not hear clearly because of the sizzling sound of water. He was stunned for a long time before he could not help but grinning: “Uncle Gong, the show is over. Don’t call me Young Master anymore. These two words give me goose bumps.”

  Uncle Gong smiled slightly: “Okay, Young Master Jiang.”


  This old man is really stubborn. Jiang Qin was stunned for a moment while holding the water pipe. Then he kept his right hand still and took out his mobile phone with one hand and typed.

  One minute, two minutes… ten minutes, fifteen minutes, Uncle Gong’s expression gradually began to be confused. He thought to himself, why is Young Master Jiang like he was frozen in place, motionless?

  He was about to speak, but he found that his eldest daughter was running over from the opposite tree-lined path.

  ”Uncle Gong.”

  ”Miss, why are you here?”

  Feng Nanshu pointed at Jiang Qin: “I’m here to play with Jiang Qin.”

  Jiang Qin switched from right hand to left hand and shook it twice: “Why did you come just now? My hands are so sore. Look, a rainbow.”

  The water pressurized by the water gun sprayed out like a mist, refracting the light while falling, creating a small rainbow with seven colors, as if it was hung on the roof of the car. The scene was extremely idol drama.

  Jiang Qin was very proud: “I told you I can do magic.”

  ”Jiang Qin, I want to play too.” Feng Nanshu’s eyes sparkled, and she was eager to take the water gun.

  ”Then don’t shake it around, it might disappear if the angle is wrong.”

  Jiang Qin handed the water gun to her, then stepped back to the side of the stone pier and squatted down, looking at the little rich woman splashing water in the sun, narrowing his eyes, and even his mood was particularly bright.

  It turns out that the son-in-law was holding the water gun motionlessly just to leave the rainbow that appeared accidentally for the young lady to see…

  Uncle Gong took a look at the “Arrogant Son-in-Law in the City·Final Volume” in his hand, and suddenly felt that the story in it was not interesting.

  ”Master Jiang.”

  ”What’s wrong, Uncle Gong?” Jiang Qin raised his head.

  Uncle Gong came over: “This Bentley has been in service since the young lady was in junior high school. According to the family’s opinion, it is time to replace it. After all, no matter how good the car is, its safety performance will decline over time.”

  Jiang Qin was numb after hearing this: “Only seven years? Isn’t your wealthy family exaggerating?”

  ”For the family, the safety of the young lady is the most important, and this car will not be wasted, but used for other purposes, so I would like to ask for your opinion?”

  Jiang Qin was stunned: “What opinion?”

  ”What kind of car does Young Master Jiang like?” Uncle Gong asked with a smile.


  Jiang Qin panicked, thinking that it was over. Uncle Gong really regarded himself as a son-in-law. Otherwise, who would ask her good friend for her opinion when changing a car for Feng Nanshu!

  He couldn’t help but take a look at the book “The Arrogant Son-in-law in the City” in Uncle Gong’s hand, thinking that the dog-like online novels were really harmful. Although his character was a bit dog-like, he still had a very good sense of boundaries in his life and work!

  ”Uncle Gong, is our family not short of money? Then buy a Rolex, I will use it in the future.”

  The work came to an end for the time being, and the more serious problem was imminent, that is, the final exam of the second semester.

  As the first learning star of Linchuan, and the recognized one, it would be too embarrassing if he could only barely pass the passing line in every final exam, and there was no telling how many of these scores were falsely marked by the teacher for the sake of Principal Zhang.

  It is true that the success is due to the learning star, and the failure is also due to the learning star.

  Jiang Qin sighed and reviewed frantically, but unfortunately, he really couldn’t learn.

  Because when you force yourself to get out of one event and want to put 100% of your energy into another, it is difficult to do it without an opportunity.

  So the next day, he turned Feng Nanshu into 207, locked the door, took off her shoes, and put her soft and fragrant feet on the table in front of him as a reward for studying hard. The efficiency was indeed much faster.

  ”Today is another day to love learning.” Jiang Qin was very satisfied and felt that his stomach was full of ink.

  Feng Nanshu rubbed her feet and looked at him coldly: “Jiang Qin, you are a bad bear.”

  ”No, you are wrong, actually I am a pervert.” Jiang Qin patted the textbook and had already planned how to study tomorrow.

  Studying, it’s really fun.

  If there were such auxiliary learning tools in high school, he estimated that Tsinghua University and Peking University would not be a big deal.

  This truth tells us that making a good friend is really helpful for learning.

  The next morning, it was drizzling. After Gao Wenhui got up and washed up, she planned to go to Xitian to look after the store, but she found that she had been busy reviewing these days and forgot to wash all the socks she had taken off.

  ”Nanshu, I don’t have any clean socks. Can you lend me a pair?”

  ”Wenhui, I don’t have any socks to lend you.” Feng Nanshu raised his head and responded blankly.

  Gao Wenhui was slightly stunned: “Hey, don’t you have a lot of socks?”

  ”All torn.”

  Feng Nanshu replied with a stern face, and then flipped through the social etiquette borrowed from the library, carefully studying what else good friends can do.

  Gao Wenhui was stunned for a moment, thinking, there are no rats in Linda?

  Forget it, it’s still raining outside anyway, just wear slippers. Xitian’s counter is quite high, and no one can see it even if you wear slippers.

  Gao Wenhui went out with an umbrella, came to Xitian, replaced the part-time college student who had been busy all afternoon, and then began to lie on the counter in a daze.

  After all, it was a rainy day, so few people came to drink milk tea. Even the college students who came to class in the rain wanted to get into the classroom quickly, and almost no one chose to buy a cup of milk tea first.

  She felt more and more bored as she sat there, so she began to conceive the novel she was going to write, which was to be a masterpiece with Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu as the protagonists, supplemented by her own imagination.

  ”Love You in the Name of Friends”

  Gao Wenhui took a pen and wrote eight words on the receipt paper at the cash register.

  As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. For someone who has never written a novel, it takes three to five days to conceive a wonderful beginning. This is different from crazy knocking. You have to have a clever entry point.

  Xiao Gao was conceiving while making milk tea, humming a song, and was extremely happy.

  It was like this until noon, when Jiang Qin suddenly brought Xu Yu to the front square to check and inspect the accounts of Xitian Milk Tea Shop.

  After all, it was the end of the semester. Although Xitian was an industry that was created by hand, it was still necessary to know how much profit it had made.

  ”Xiao Gao, bring this to Feng Nanshu for me when you go back to the dormitory.”

  ”What is this? Snacks?”


  Jiang Qin was stunned for a moment, thinking that Xiao Gao was quite capable, and his guess was so reliable.

  At the same time, Gao Wenhui had secretly opened the black bag, but she was stunned after taking a look.

  There were all kinds of socks in it, thin lace socks, white mid-tube stockings, black tights, cotton socks with cute patterns, black fishnet socks…

  big and small, a total of more than 30 pairs, which made Gao Wenhui’s mind full of confusion.

  ”You even buy socks for Feng Nanshu, can you still call her a friend? Tell me the truth, did you also buy those little tigers for her?”

  ”You know shit.”

  Jiang Qin spit at her, thinking that the law stipulates that if you damage other people’s things, you must pay for it. Even if it is a good friend’s things, you can’t cheat. This is what a gentleman should be called. It’s

   the twelfth place in the monthly ticket. Can I make it into the top ten this month? Can my wish at the beginning of the month come true? Please…


  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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