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Chapter 272 Wedding

Chapter 272 Wedding


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 272 Wedding

  ”Ding ding dong dong~”

  The raindrops hit the carved window lattice, the sound was as crisp as pearls falling to the ground.

  Wei Changtian’s mind moved, and he summoned the winged red fish into the air.

  ”Fish sister, what on earth are you?”


  ”Can you understand me?”


  ”Are you a living thing or a dead thing?!”




  The man and the fish stared at each other, Wei Changtian failed to communicate, and had no choice but to take the luck fish back to his dantian.

  If possible, he now needs a “Other World Crossing Instructions”.

  But obviously there is no such thing, so everything can only be guessed.

  It is detected that the host has no connection with the “Heavenly Dao” of this world and cannot enjoy the luck bonus.

  From the literal meaning, this sentence should mean that one’s luck is not controlled by the “Heavenly Dao” of this world.

  To put it bluntly, no matter how much luck one plunders, it will not make his luck better.

  The same is true in reverse, his luck will not be too bad either.

  This is actually quite consistent with Wei Changtian’s experience after crossing.

  Whether it was killing Xiao Feng or plundering some of the Heavenly Dao’s luck from Shen Ran and Ning Yongnian, his luck was always neither good nor bad, and maintained at a very average level.

  As for the reason, it goes without saying that it must be because he came from a time travel.

  Thinking of this, Wei Changtian suddenly remembered the “Heavenly Road” in the Tianluo Sect.

  The Tianluo Sect disciple who guided him at that time once said that the Heavenly Road measured “talent” rather than “gift”.

  Now that I think about it, this “gift” probably refers to “luck value”.

  And because he was not under the control of the Heavenly Dao in this world at all, he was not affected by the Heavenly Road at all, and walked through the three hundred steps easily.


  Feeling that his guess was becoming more and more reliable, Wei Changtian nodded with satisfaction, and then thought of a key question.

  Is it a bad thing or a good thing to be unaffected by the Heavenly Dao?


  Monk Huian of the Folian Temple once cursed him that “good and evil will be rewarded”, and he casually retorted “Everything depends on human effort”.

  At that time, Wei Changtian said this because he was upset with the old bald donkey, and he didn’t know that his fate was actually in his own hands.

  But I don’t want to control it in my own hands!

  Wei Changtian wailed in his heart.

  If it weren’t for this, he would be a top-level lucky child who “can get opportunities even if he pees”!

  Even if he is not as good as Xiao Feng, he must be better than Shen Ran, Ning Yongnian and others!

  But now?

  There is no doubt that it is completely impossible to “win life by lying down”.


  The mood instantly became depressed. Wei Changtian was silent for a while, and then he turned his head to look out the window again.

  The rain was everywhere, and it was white.

  In the distance, there were bursts of green smoke rising into the sky. It should be that the people were burning incense in the land temple, praying for the land god to show up and stop the flooding.

  The next day, the tenth day of April, Xiaoman.

  Xiaoman Xiaoman, the rivers are gradually full.

  The proverb that originally meant “good weather and good harvest” seems to have become a curse for Shuzhou today.

  However, to everyone’s surprise, just as the sky was getting light, the heavy rain that had been falling for seven days stopped without any warning.

  Soon, dawn broke.

  The morning sun instantly enveloped the earth, the blue sky was covered with clouds, and the new red sun spared no effort to emit thousands of brilliance, as if the heavy rain a few days ago was fake.

  ”The rain has stopped!”

  ”The heavens have finally opened their eyes!”

  ”Woo woo woo, my child’s father! Come and see, the sun is out!”

  ”Fuck, I finally took a few days off.”


  The people who noticed that the rain had stopped walked out of their homes, stood on the still wet ground and looked up at the very kind morning sun, and kept thanking the gods.

  At the same time, a mighty wedding procession also set out from Yongquan Lane in the west of the city, playing music and escorting a sedan chair through the streets and alleys to the south of the city.

  If it was “marrying a wife”, the groom Wei Changtian should have personally come to the door to welcome the bride.

  However, there is no such thing as “taking a concubine”. The bride must come to the door herself, and there is no need for such a big fanfare.

  Of course, Wei Changtian didn’t understand these.

  He had only one requirement for this wedding from beginning to end – to make it as grand as possible within the scope of the etiquette!

  So Li Suyue and Yuan’er arranged a sedan chair with eight people, and a singing group, a music group and the like were also available.

  Except that there was no groom to welcome the bride, this scene was almost no different from getting married.

  ”Huh? Whose wedding is this?”

  ”Don’t you know? Today is the day when Master Wei takes a concubine!”

  ”Master Wei? The Master Wei who killed Prime Minister Liu… No, the Master Wei who killed Liu Ze?”

  ”That’s right!”

  ”Hiss, I don’t know whose girl is so unlucky, no, so lucky!”

  ”I heard that it seems to be a female servant of the Xuanjing Division. She is beautiful and

  has superb kung fu!” “Kung fu? What kung fu do you mean?”

  ”Hmm? Brother, I felt something was wrong with you just now!”


  There were nearly a hundred people in the long wedding procession, and wherever they went, they were surrounded by people watching the excitement.

  The men would whisper about Wei Changtian, while the women would stare at the bridal sedan with envy.

  Many children followed the procession and scrambled for the wedding money, and occasionally adults would join in.

  After all, unlike the ordinary wedding money of others, Wei Changtian’s wedding money was real copper coins, and Zhang San threw out at least a hundred coins every time he waved his hand. The sound

  of suona, congratulations, and noise were all pleasing to the ears.

  Wearing red and colorful clothes, playing music, and enjoying the scenery along the way.

  Until Zhang San, who was standing on the carriage, threw out all the copper coins in a sack, the wedding procession finally arrived at the destination in a lively manner. Under the happy gaze of Wei Changtian who had been waiting at the door, they entered the courtyard from the main gate.

  The curtain of the sedan chair was opened, and everyone’s attention was focused on Comrade Xiao
Xu’s brilliant appearance.

  The dark black hair was combed to the top of her head, and it was tied into a bun like a pile of snow. A long hairpin that was worth a lot of money was inserted horizontally on it. The golden tassels would sway slightly with Xu Qingwan’s steps, but would not touch the latter’s red cheeks.


  ”Concubine” can’t cover the red veil, so Xu Qingwan’s appearance now, which is like a fairy descending from heaven, was seen by the guests in the courtyard.

  The people who came to congratulate today were all people like Chu Xianping and Chen Bo who had known Wei Changtian for a long time. Naturally, they had seen Comrade Xiao Xu before, and some were even very familiar with him.

  It’s just that Xu Qingwan had been working in the Xuanjing Division before, and she always gave outsiders the impression of being full of heroism. Where had everyone seen her dressed so softly?

  But today, once I saw it, I could only

  say one word: absolutely amazing!


  Wei Changtian swallowed his saliva calmly, and walked towards Xu Qingwan, while shouting in his heart that the marketing methods of capitalists in his previous life were not all deceptive!

  At the very least, a woman should look the most beautiful in her life when she wears a wedding dress.

  Of course, it is another matter if she has worn a wedding dress several times.


  Standing opposite Xu Qingwan, Wei Changtian praised sincerely: “You look too good today.”


  Comrade Xiao Xu’s cheeks suddenly became redder, and he didn’t know what to say, so he just nodded naively.

  ”Hahaha, let’s go, let’s go to the wedding hall.”

  Wei Changtian laughed dumbly, and stretched out his hand to pull Xu Qingwan’s hand.

  However, as the latter’s little hand shrank back as if it had been electrocuted, he realized that he was too excited for a moment and forgot what Yuan’er told him yesterday – Young

  Master, until tomorrow before entering the bridal chamber, you must remember not to touch Miss Xu! Otherwise, others will laugh at you!

  Even if the bridal chamber ceremony is not over, Xu Qingwan is not his wife yet, so he must abide by the rule of “no physical contact between men and women”.

  Although Wei Changtian and Comrade Xiao Xu have even kissed each other in private, no one saw it after all, and no one would know if they didn’t say it.

  But now it is a “public place”, and so many eyes are watching their every move, it is not appropriate to do so again.

  Even if Wei Changtian didn’t care and others didn’t dare to say anything, Xu Qingwan was a girl from a respectable family after all, and if it got out, people might gossip about her.

  ”Ahem, there’s a weed on your sleeve.”

  With a dry cough, Wei Changtian patted Xu Qingwan’s long sleeve somewhat awkwardly, and after brushing off the non-existent weed, he wanted to take his hand back.

  However, at this moment.


  A warm, moist, and trembling little hand suddenly broke into his palm, and then tightly grasped Wei Changtian’s fingertips.

  Warmth is due to the rise in body temperature caused by shyness.

  Wetness is due to sweating in the palm caused by nervousness.

  Trembling is due to muscle spasms caused by uneasiness.

  But no matter how shy, nervous, and uneasiness he was, between his own face and Wei Changtian’s face, Comrade Xiao Xu still chose the latter without hesitation.


  After a pause, Wei Changtian suddenly held Xu Qingwan’s little hand back, and then strode towards the main hall decorated with lights in the “desperate” eyes of Yuan’er and Li Suyue.

  ”Let’s go!”

  ”Let’s go to the wedding ceremony!”

  Similar to the previous life, the wedding ceremony in this world also requires three bows.

  First bow, heaven and earth.

  Although the “heaven and earth” in this world not only did not help Wei Changtian in any way, but even sent some sons of heaven to trouble him all day long.

  But Wei Changtian did not do anything fancy like “What the hell is heaven, I won’t bow!” and honestly bowed to the east.

  Second bow, parents.

  Compared with “worshiping heaven and earth”, Wei Changtian was willing to “worship parents”.

  However, because Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caizhen were still in the capital to deal with the “remnants” of the Liu family, Qin Zhengqiu had to sit in the upper seat and accept the bow from Wei Changtian and Xu Qingwan.

  Third bow, husband and wife.

  Wei Changtian had also gone through this step when he married Lu Jingyao before, but at that time, the two were very perfunctory. Those who knew it were husband and wife bowing to each other, and those who didn’t know thought that the two were nodding and saying hello.

  But for Xu Qingwan, Wei Changtian must not be so perfunctory.

  With his hands raised to his chest, he bowed to each other earnestly. As a result, when he looked up, they accidentally bumped their foreheads.


  Looking at the shy Comrade Xu, Wei Changtian felt that this was not perfect, so he whispered: “How about… bowing again?”


  Xu Qingwan was stunned, and nodded weakly: “Yeah, yeah”

  Without waiting for Chu Xianping, the host, to speak, the two bowed to each other again, which stunned everyone around.

  Only Qin Zhengqiu, who was sitting in the main seat, nodded slightly and praised:

  ”Changtian is so meticulous!”


  After the ceremony, the next program was to eat.

  Although the newlyweds had to toast each table in the previous life, according to the real etiquette, the bride could not show up during the meal, but had to go to the “bridal chamber” to wait for her husband.

  Xu Qingwan soon went to the newly decorated new house accompanied by Yuan’er.

  Then the dozens of tables of banquets in the courtyard officially opened.

  As the “King of Shuzhou” who is now in name only, Wei Changtian only set up dozens of banquets for his concubines. This scene seems a bit shabby.

  But in fact, all those who can come to drink a sip of wine today are famous figures in Shuzhou.

  And these people naturally cannot come empty-handed.

  A long list of gifts was sent to Chu Xianping, who then selected dozens of “lucky people” based on the value of the gifts to get the “honor” of drinking a cup with Wei Changtian.

  Of course, Wei Changtian is a cultivator, and if he really drinks, it is not a problem to toast everyone present ten times.

  But he still has to put on the airs.

  According to Chu Xianping’s words, this is called “the way to control subordinates”. Wei Changtian was too lazy to think about it. He drank with dozens of people according to the list provided by the former, and then returned to the main table to drink with Qin Zhengqiu and others.

  The sun gradually sank to the west, and then fell completely into the sky.

  Dozens of big red lanterns were hung high, and a banquet started at Shenshi and ended at the end of Xushi.

  There were no remnants of the Liu family who suddenly attacked, no sons of heaven who came to rob the bride, and even no drunken guests. The banquet ended in a festive and harmonious atmosphere.

  The only thing worth mentioning was that Yang Liushi asked Wei Changtian to write a poem. The latter waved his hand and recited four lines casually –

  last night’s stars, last night’s wind, west of the painted building, east of the osmanthus hall.

  Without the wings of a colorful phoenix, our hearts are connected.

  The most famous love poem of Li Shangyin, a professional in “love poems”, is naturally of a very high standard.

  As for the reaction of the crowd,

  there is no doubt that it shocked everyone.

  At the beginning of the twelfth hour, the moon was on the starry sky.

  When Wei Changtian walked into the bridal chamber with a smell of alcohol, Xu Qingwan was wearing a wedding gown and leaning over the table to write a letter seriously. She put down her pen when she heard the noise.

  ”Have you finished drinking?”


  Wei Changtian walked over and asked casually with a smile: “Who are you writing to? Your parents?”


  Xu Qingwan answered honestly: “Zhou Cheng.”

  ”What? Zhou Cheng???”

  No, what’s the point of writing a letter to another man on the wedding night?

  Wei Changtian was stunned for a moment, but then he thought of something and asked tentatively in disbelief:

  ”You wrote to Zhou Cheng, weren’t you just writing for the twenty taels?”


  Comrade Xiao Xu nodded embarrassedly, and the tassels of the golden hairpin on her head swayed twice.

  ”If, now that you have married me, then the twenty taels of silver I bet on will win.”

  ”I, I want Zhou Cheng to send it to me as soon as possible.”


  Sure enough! I knew it!

  Wei Changtian was speechless for a long time, and asked suspiciously: “The reason why you married me was not just for the twenty taels of silver!”

  This was actually a joke, but Comrade Xiao Xu became anxious after hearing it.

  ”No, no!”

  She waved her hands hurriedly, and at the same time fumbled out a stack of still warm banknotes from her chest, and held it in front of Wei Changtian in a panic.

  ”This, this is all the silver I saved!”

  ”All, all for you!”

  ps: Two chapters combined into one, and the third volume will be completed within two days

  (this chapter is over)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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