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Chapter 273: The Battle between the Two Armies, the Fox of the Sky

Chapter 273: The Battle between the Two Armies, the Fox of the Sky


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 273: The two armies confronted each other, and

  the eerie old house of the Jintian Fox was filled with blood and flesh, and was filled with a gloomy and corrupt atmosphere.

  Yang Shifei carefully pushed open the door, thinking of checking around first.

  ”With me accompanying you, you don’t have to be so restrained.”

  Ji Shang stepped into the house with a calm face, and with a flick of his sleeve, the doors and windows suddenly opened, and the dust in the house was swept out of the window by his powerful skills.

  Luo Xian’er turned her head and saw Yang Shifei’s blank face, and couldn’t help but smile: “Sir, there is no one in this house.”

  ”Well, we have to rely on the two celestial ladies.”

  Yang Shifei laughed twice, and pulled Yue Rui to keep up with the pace: “However, the Taiwu Haoshi is hidden here, could it have been discovered by the local demons long ago?”

  ”According to the internal response of Jintian Palace, in order to avoid being discovered by the Zhou people, they put the Haoshi in a special secret box, which would not leak any breath.”

  Ji Shang followed his memory to the closet and pressed the wall.


  I heard the mechanism turn, and a secret compartment slowly opened.

  ”Although the flesh and blood of these demons can pollute living beings and hollow out houses and rocks, it is obviously difficult to break through the meteorite shell.”

  Listening to Ji Shang’s explanation, Yang Shifei looked at

  the square box in the secret compartment. Although it was entangled with flesh and blood, there was no sign of cracking. It was indeed extremely hard.

  ”As long as the shell is not broken, the local demons will not know that the Taiwu Haoshi is hidden in it.”

  Ji Shang flicked her fingers and the flesh and blood wrapped around the box were all shattered. With a snap of the palm, the black box flew back into her palm.

  Yang Shifei and Luo Xian’er looked at each other and felt relieved.

  As long as the Haoshi was brought back to Liang State and Mrs. Qiu and others started to smelt it, perhaps they could forge another Taiwu Saint Soldier, which would greatly ease the predicament of the three countries of Yan, Shu and Liang.

  ”The Haoshi has been obtained, we should go now”


  A muffled sound suddenly came from a distance.

  Yang Shifei’s eyes changed slightly, and he hurriedly ran out of the house and looked around.

  There was a faint flicker of fire outside Dashan City, as if a fierce battle had taken place.

  ”That direction is the Zhenchuan Sect.”

  Ji Shang came to his side and whispered, “The man you talked to before was right. There is indeed a force that wants to attack them.”

  Yang Shifei frowned and pondered. He didn’t expect the Zhou royal family to act so quickly, and even directly attacked the Nine Sects Mountain Gate.

  Luo Xian’er glanced at him and said, “Young Master, this may be a godsend.”

  ”It is indeed a good opportunity to come to the door.”

  Yang Shifei quickly raised a smile and said, “Let’s go to the Zhenchuan Sect and try it!”

  Not far from Dashan City is the mountain gate of the Zhenchuan Sect, one of the nine sects in the world.

  This mountain has long been covered with dense flesh and blood, and even every tree is covered with gloomy meridians.

  With a roar, hundreds of soldiers forced open the gate at the foot of the mountain, and fires ignited everywhere, with a mighty momentum.

  ”You royal running dogs, you are really bold!”

  Suddenly, dozens of white-clothed swordsmen jumped out of the mountains and forests, and drew their swords to confront each other.

  The middle-aged man in the lead stood straight, with a sharp sword in his eyes. He shouted angrily: “While the Immortal Lord is sleeping, you dare to send troops to fight internally-”

  ”The Immortal Lord needs more than 30 days to sleep, which is enough for us to flatten the True Transmission Sect.”

  A gloomy white-haired old man walked out of the army, with his hands behind his back, and said hoarsely: “My royal family’s 30,000 troops will arrive soon, and none of you can escape.”

  ”Now that the world is in chaos, what’s the point of you eradicating our True Transmission Sect!”


  The white-haired old man sneered, flicked his sleeves, and a large number of scarlet bloodworms floated out: “I can make you slaves of the royal family forever and obey us.”

  ”Poison worms.”

  Many disciples changed their faces: “Quickly form a sword formation, and don’t let these poison worms touch you at all!”

  At the same time, a large number of True Transmission Sect elders appeared from the mountain, each bursting out with a strong momentum and murderous intent.

  At the foot of the mountain, more royal family members led their troops to arrive, and many guardians summoned the demon poison worms that had been cultivated for a long time, and rushed towards the mountain gate like a tide.

  The two forces engaged in a head-on battle, with top masters attacking with all their might, creating a terrifying wave of violence.

  A foul smell swept through, blowing up a large cloud of dust.

  In the back of the mountain, Yang Shifei vaguely heard shouts of killing, and couldn’t help but smack his lips: “The battle is really fierce.”

  ”Both sides are out in full force, it can be said to be a fight to the death.”

  Ji Shang took out the Burning Heaven Spear from the carriage and tied it behind her back. The silk ribbon made her loose robe close to her body.

  This Taiwu Saint Weapon had been with her for decades and she had already used it skillfully. Bringing it to Zhou Kingdom on this trip could also suppress its aura without being detected by the demons.

  At the same time, Luo Xian’er looked over and said,

  ”Such a surging aura must be from the leader of the Zhenchuan Sect.”

  ”The eight masters of the Zhou royal family are fighting against it, which saves us a lot of effort.”

  Yang Shifei held Yue Rui firmly behind him and patted her hips, “Girl, it’s your turn to take action.”


  Yue Rui’s beautiful eyes flashed slightly, and the gray mist instantly enveloped the four of them, isolating all the sounds.

  Since the true form has been broken through, even the Heavenly Man and Black Tortoise can be concealed for a while, and now is a good time to try it.

  Immediately, Luo Xian’er and Ji Shang grabbed Yang Shifei, turned into afterimages and rushed into the mountains, straight to the depths of the mountain gate.

  Since the Zhenchuan Sect is listed as one of the nine sects in the world, its foundation is naturally beyond imagination.

  The mountain sect has jagged rocky peaks, and strange-shaped buildings stand on the peaks. Iron chains are linked together to form a formation, as if there is a sword intent soaring into the sky.

  If there were more clouds and mist between the peaks, it would be enough to be called a holy place for immortals. But now there is only black air lingering, which is as gloomy as a demonic realm.

  Yang Shifei just glanced at it, and everyone landed in front of a dark stone tower.

  ”The holy soldiers are at the bottom of this ‘Qibao Pavilion’.”

  Ji Shang stepped forward and gently tapped the ancient stone door, and the door opened with a bang.

  Yang Shifei swept away the dust and smacked his lips, “You even know the details of the Zhenchuan Sect?”

  ”If there was no calamity of filth, Zhou Kingdom would fall into my hands in a few years, and the Zhenchuan Sect would not be an exception.”

  Everyone walked in the dark tunnel for a long time, and the pavilion doors they met along the way were forcibly pierced, almost unobstructed.

  After going down the stone stairs for dozens of feet, the surrounding space suddenly became much more spacious, as if stepping into a dark secret realm.

  ”This is.”

  Yang Shifei narrowed his eyes, and saw a large number of weapons inserted around him, and several giant swords ten feet high were placed everywhere, as if they were in an underground “sword tomb”.

  In the center of the sword tomb, a long sword was placed flat on the blood and flesh sword platform, entangled by dense meridians, beating and flickering as if it had life.

  Everyone hurried to the sword platform –

  Yang Shifei folded up his sleeves, and the magic knife behind him climbed up his arm as if he understood.

  ”Are you all ready?”

  ”Just be at ease.”

  Ji Shang nodded slightly, and a terrifying aura gradually rose around her.

  She now holds the Burning Heaven Spear, and with the help of Xian’er and Yue Rui beside her, she is enough to take advantage of the chaos to kill a bloody path.


  Yang Shifei suddenly reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword, absorbing the filth in the sword.

  The strong cold air immediately rushed into his arm, making his face sink.

  The evil light of the holy weapon flickered, and the meridians and flesh were forcibly torn off one by one, and the whole cave was faintly trembling.

  But at the same time, a faint shout came from the entrance:

  ”Hurry up and go in and seize the holy weapon!” “Two venerables, it’s right here!”

  Hearing the noise, Ji Shang and Luo Xian’er looked at each other and turned back to look at the entrance.

  ”You’ve come just in time.”

  Immediately, the Lord Palace Master seemed to have a demonic fire burning all over his body, the nine tails danced enchantingly, and the power of the Burning Heaven Spear was fully displayed.

  ”Extreme Martial Mystical Method–”

  The Heavenly Demon Ash Divine Art was running to the extreme of the tenth level, revealing the power of the great demon.

  Ji Shang narrowed his golden fox eyes, and the terrifying momentum almost broke through the stone peak, and the flames surged!

  Several figures just appeared, and they immediately felt the shocking pressure of destroying the world, and they couldn’t help but look horrified: “Don’t come in! Retreat! Retreat!”

  Ji Shang crushed the ground, and the shadow of the gun in his hand flashed.

  ”Burn the bones and burn the soul. Burn the ten thousand karmas.”

  A gun stabbed out brazenly, and the flames bloomed like the sun, instantly burning the demons in front and blasting through the layers of mountain walls.

  The mountain peaks shook violently, and a dazzling light tore through the black fog and instantly penetrated into the battlefield between the two armies, exploding into a raging wave of fire!

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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