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Chapter 273 The pillow delivery person is here

Chapter 273 The pillow delivery person is here


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 273 The pillow delivery man is here


  ”This thing is so useful.” At

  the edge of the North Fourth Ring Road.

  In a half-collapsed building.

  Ye Shi, squatting next to the window, was excitedly fiddling with the tablet in his hand.

  Not far in front of him, a four-rotor drone with a camera hanging on it was hovering outside the window.

  This is the latest equipment launched by the scientific expedition team after the four-legged robot – the “Y-1 Firefly” four-rotor drone.

  The drone uses A3 aerospace aluminum produced by the Bachi Aluminum Factory, the battery uses solid-state hydrogen batteries produced by the Lister Factory, the neural access element is produced by the black box of Shelter No. 117, and the carbon nanocircuit and operating equipment are modified from the universal wrist computer “VM”.

  The price is not expensive, only 1,000 silver coins, which is about half of the miner type I exoskeleton.

  Since this equipment is independently developed by Shelter No. 404 and does not need to rely on imports, the purchase threshold is very low, as long as the contribution points reach “citizen”.

  Due to the use of lightweight materials, the weight of this drone is only 73% of the same size drone in reality, while its protection is increased by 50~70%. Not only that, the long battery life of the solid hydrogen battery allows it to hover in the air for up to 12 hours.

  If you are paranoid about the amount of power, the user can also choose to connect another set of batteries on the basis of the original battery pack.

  The positioning of this equipment is a close-range tactical reconnaissance drone. Since it is equipped with a neural access device, it is recommended for use by the intelligence system.

  The camera component is made of recycled materials from pre-war monitoring equipment. The resolution is very high and the stones on the ground can still be seen clearly at a distance of hundreds of meters.

  To sum up in one sentence.

  This is amazing!

  ”Isn’t it amazing?” The [Convincing] standing aside said with a smug smile on his face.

  Ye Shi kept praising.


  La is really awesome!

  Convincing said proudly.

  ”Not only that, if you are an intelligence major, you can also directly connect your brain to the computer to control the flight of the drone, which is much more flexible than manual operation and automatic cruise!”

  ”What the hell?! Can it be connected to the nerves?” Ye Shiyi looked at him in surprise, “Dude, what do you do in real life?”

  said Kuangfeng, who was standing aside with headphones.

  ”I remember it was auto repair?”

  He heard from Mosquito in the group that recently Goblin Technology has recruited a few brothers majoring in auto repair to study engines and so on.

  ”Auto repair is ‘death’, I majored in electromechanical.” Quanjia said with a shy smile. Ye

  Shi sighed.

  ”I think no matter what major you are in, it’s already awesome to be able to make this thing.”

  Quanjia said with a grin.

  ”Actually, it’s okay. This thing is not as exaggerated as you think, not to mention that I do this in real life.”

  Kuangfeng asked, “Did you write this control program?”

  Quanjia shook his head and said.

  ”How is that possible? I can’t write code, and the code in the game is just a bunch of garbled code. I suspect the production team didn’t take it seriously at all.”

  ”Then how did you…”

  ”The control program and carbon nanocircuit were provided by Yin Fang, the head of the scientific expedition team!”

  Ye Shi asked curiously.

  ”What about the battery?”

  ”The battery uses solid hydrogen batteries from the Lister factory! The shell and main structure are made of A3 aerospace aluminum!”

  He answered all of Ye Shi’s curious questions at once, and as he spoke, he couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”It’s much easier to build an airplane in the game world, with a 24-hour ultra-long battery life and direct control through brain-computer connection… I dare not think about it in reality.”

  Most of the rotor drones in reality are based on lithium batteries, and the flight time is mostly around 30 minutes. Although they can also stay in the air for 2 to 5 hours, that will make the battery very bloated.

  Or like Perimeter 8, it can be “hybridized” with eight propellers and two fuel tanks, and it can last for 13 hours.

  Generally speaking, if there is a need to stay in the air for more than 2 hours, it is directly replaced with a fuel engine and a fixed wing, which is basically out of the scope of small drones.

  The ability to make a small quadcopter drone stay in the air for 24 hours is probably only possible in games.

  Hearing the sigh of the newcomer in front of them, Kuangfeng and Ye Shi looked at each other.


  No wonder this equipment is placed in the NPC store without a Goblin Technology sign.

  It turns out that Goblin Technology is only responsible for designing the appearance?

  Kuangfeng: “…So what is your role?”

  Quanjia smiled slightly, looking quite proud.

  ”I copied our company’s drone and modified it!”

  Ye Shi was stunned.

  ”Ah, this… is it really not an infringement?”

  Quanjia laughed and said, “It’s okay! Don’t quadcopters look like this? It’s okay without a LOGO. Maybe it can be used as an advertisement for our company after the public beta.”

  I am not afraid of losing my job, and Ye Shi and Kuangfeng don’t know what to say.

  Ye Shi returned the control of the drone and the tablet to Kuangfeng, who had already put the neural access device on his head.

  The biggest use of this thing is reconnaissance.

  For example, the perception system reports the approximate position, and the intelligence system operates the drone to lock the specific coordinates.

  The two tried several times and cooperated well. The active reconnaissance range was at least doubled compared to before.

  Seeing that the drone he designed was so easy to use, Quanjia was also full of joy on his face, and he was already thinking about designing an improved version.

  ”How about adding a bomb launcher underneath? Remote control bombing!”

  Ye Shi’s eyes lit up.

  ”Sure! I’ll see!”

  Kuangfeng, who was wearing headphones, also nodded.

  ”Indeed, you can also dive and drop bombs… But won’t adding a bomb launcher affect the maneuverability of the drone?”

  Quanjia smiled and waved his hand: “It’s just adding one or two kilograms of load, what’s the problem! Don’t worry, leave it to me!”

  Ye Shi happily gave a thumbs up.

  ”Brother, it’s stable!”

  ”Hehe, it’s very stable!”

  The three were excitedly discussing how to make this drone more stable, and Lao Bai, carrying an ammunition box, came over from the stairs.

  Putting the ammunition box on the ground, he looked at Ye Shi and Kuang Feng.

  ”The mission is here, get ready, we will set off in three minutes.”

  Upon hearing the mission, Ye Shi stood up excitedly.


  Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”The caravan we sent to Boulder City is back. In addition to six players, there are five office employees and a guard in the team. Our mission is to cover VIPs through the alien active area from the West Fourth Ring Road to the North Fifth Ring Road, where there are suspected to be a large number of alien activities.” “Cover

  the caravan on the return journey?”

  Ye Shi, who was originally still excited, suddenly shuddered and said awkwardly.

  ”Uh, can I apply to leave the team temporarily?”

  Fang Chang looked at him and teased.

  ”Are you scared?”

  Ye Shi said with a red face.

  ”What does this have to do with fear?”

  ”Don’t worry, according to my observation, Teng Teng is not that petty. I saw that she liked Fang Chang’s strategy yesterday,” Lao Bai patted Ye Shi’s shoulder and smiled and squeezed his eyebrows, “Isn’t this giving you a chance to show off?”

  ”Go away.”

  Quitting looked around in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

  The man standing aside to mediate the fight looked at Kuangfeng.

  ”You are going to go on a mission, so I will withdraw first.”

  Kuangfeng took back the drone and took off the headphones on his head.

  ”Do you need me to take you?”

  ”No, it’s just a few steps away. Anyway, all the monsters on the road have been cleared by you, I can walk back by myself!” The man who mediates the fight continued with a smile, “You, be careful on the road.”

  Kuangfeng nodded.

  ”Yeah, you too.”


  Three days have passed since the outbreak of the wave.

  In the past three days, large and small battles have continued. Players and aliens have used the ruins between Street 65 and Street 68 as battlefields, fighting for every street and every building.

  Perhaps because of the death of the “Decay Knight”, the “Queen” hiding in the ruins was afraid to act rashly. Although the wave of attacks in the past three days has never stopped, the intensity and number are much worse than the first day.

  The front battlefield is in a stalemate.

  Chu Guang can feel that the wave is trying to consume his manpower and ammunition through a round-robin battle.

  At the same time, a large number of creepers are crossing the ruins and infiltrating the flanks of his position.

  Chu Guang certainly won’t watch them go around behind him, and decisively sent out the hunter team to eliminate those creepers who tried to cross the defense line.

  In this battle, the performance of the Hunter Union can be said to be quite fruitful. In just three days, more than 200 creepers and nearly 20 tyrants were killed!

  Among them, the Niu Ma team alone killed 27 creepers and 4 tyrants.

  The player with the strongest individual combat power is undoubtedly Junji. In this uneven, rugged and complex street fighting environment, guns are not necessarily better than claws.

  Especially against the jumping crawlers.

  According to the data collected by VM, Garbage Jun, who acted alone, killed 9 crawlers by himself and won the MVP of the game!

  In addition to him, other players who returned from Yuanxi Town to support also achieved good results in the hunting operation.

  According to Xiaoqi’s statistics, the average level of players above LV10 increased by 0.7 in these three days, and the level of middle-level players between LV5 and LV10 increased by 1.5.

  Even Chu Guang, who was sitting in the back, followed suit and improved by one level.



  Chu Guang Gene Sequence: Manager (Second Phase)

  Level: LV.18→LV.19

  ——Basic Attributes——

  Strength: 17→18

  Agility: 13

  Constitution: 16

  Perception: 14

  Intelligence: 15


  ”What will happen if the development progress of the gene sequence reaches 20%?”

  Putting down the tablet in his hand, Chu Guang looked up at Heya who was sitting opposite the scanning bed.

  However, Heya’s answer disappointed him.

  ”I don’t know.”

  Chu Guang frowned and said, “Is there no way to predict it?”

  Heya made a helpless expression.

  ”The selective expression of DNA involves the most mysterious field of life science. Even in the prosperous era, this is a frontier research.”

  ”So we can only take it one step at a time?”

  Heya nodded.

  ”That’s all we can do for now.”

  Although it was a regretful tone, Chu Guang always felt that there was a hint of excitement in this guy’s eyes. This feeling was as if he was no longer surprised by the strange things that happened one after another. No matter what happened, he would not be surprised. He even wanted to step on the accelerator and speed up to see what would happen in the end. Did

  this guy treat himself as a guinea pig?

  But the power that filled his body was not bad.

  After moving his shoulders, Chu Guang put on his shoes, got up from the scanning bed, and handed the tablet in his hand back to Heya.

  ”If there is any new discovery, tell me in time.”

  Chu Guang used to worry that the players would upgrade faster than him, but now he hopes that he can upgrade a little slower.

  At least let one or two top players go ahead to explore the way, so that he can cross the river by feeling the stones.

  As a result, now, he has become a stone in the river, speeding along a road he had never imagined.

  He just wants to upgrade slowly but he can’t control it.

  Chu Guang has gradually discovered recently that the experience he shares with players is not affected by distance. As long as the overall strength of the players improves, he will grow with them.

  Even if he stays in the shelter, it is the same.

  Heya didn’t know what Chu Guang was thinking, and she didn’t care at all.

  She took the tablet from Chu Guang and smiled slightly.

  ”No problem!”

  ”Leave it to me!”

  Although he couldn’t rest assured at all, Chu Guang could only trust her professional level.


  The sun rose in the early morning.

  Stepping on the morning dew on the ground, the caravan returning from Boulder City finally arrived at the outpost.

  The players were calm, and Xu Shun’s expression was OK, but the new employees who came back with them were not so calm, and their faces showed the expression of surviving a disaster. It

  was really just a little bit.

  They almost couldn’t come back…

  The world outside the giant wall was too scary.

  Looking at the paradise in front of them, several people couldn’t figure out how these country bumpkins survived in the suburbs.

  It was outrageous!

  Seeing Ya Ya appearing at the south gate, many players showed joy on their faces.

  ”Boss Ya is back!”

  ”Great! There’s mushroom soup again!”

  ”Woo woo woo, ramen has risen to 6 silver coins!”

  ”Barbecue too! Two silver coins for three skewers has become three silver coins for two skewers!”

  ”I can’t afford it.”

  Ramen and barbecue have increased in price?

  Ya Ya’s eyes lit up when he heard it.


  Then wouldn’t her mushroom soup also increase in price?

  Listening to the crowd’s booing, Tail with a bandage on his head suddenly touched his stomach.

  ”Well, I’m suddenly hungry again.”

  Sisi, with a bandage on his right hand, looked at Weiba helplessly.

  ”The Wei in the game and the Wei in reality are completely two different people.”

  Weiba raised his mouth proudly and said nonchalantly.

  ”What does it matter! The food eaten in the game will not be put into the stomach in reality, and I heard that eating more can speed up the healing of wounds.”

  Sisi: “I only heard that blood sugar will hinder the healing of wounds.”

  Zhimahu looked at the two people who were still chatting worriedly.

  ”You should go to the infirmary as soon as possible.”

  Teng Teng also nodded and said worriedly.

  ”You lost so much blood last night… It’s better for you not to be too stubborn.”

  ”It’s okay, it’s just a minor injury,” Sisi gave them a handsome and reliable look and gave a thumbs up, “It will be fine tomorrow!”

  Midnight Killing Chicken happened to walk out of the south gate, glanced at everyone, and asked curiously.

  ”Where’s Xiong?”

  ”You mean Rourou.”

  Fang Chang moved his eyes away and said meaningfully.

  ”As for it… it’s finally brave this time.”

  The group encountered a little trouble when they came back. The number of aliens on the edge of the Fifth Ring Line exceeded expectations. And it’s not just crawlers, there are also tyrants and butchers.

  When dealing with the tyrants, Tail and Sisi were slightly injured, but it’s not a big problem. They can be cured after a day of rest in the incubator.

  However, this operation also exposed a very serious problem.

  The individual anti-armor capability of the shelter is still lacking.

  The portable rocket launchers currently used by players are mainly “Iron Fist” seized and imitated from the Legion.

  This kind of rocket launcher is still quite powerful when dealing with light targets, and can also pose a certain threat to some light power armor.

  However, when facing a tyrant with “high armor and high blood volume”, it still seems a bit difficult, and usually it takes two or three shots to kill one.

  Not to mention dealing with monsters like the Decayed Knight.

  This reminds the life professional players that “the shelter needs a portable rocket launcher with higher penetration.”

  For example, RPG.

  Mosquito, who has already made the recoilless gun and armor-piercing shells, said that it was not a big problem. He had obtained the “critical” drawings and formulas. Goblin Technology will soon make a more reliable individual anti-armor weapon than the 37mm heavy cavalry rifle!

  Brother Mosquito, who regards the No. 81 Steel Plant as a competitor, has set a FLAG on the forum, vowing to let Toilet Man and Foot Brother see the true strength of Goblin Technology.

  In addition, the experience of Teng Teng and his group last night also reminded the players.

  The aliens in the wave will leave the main force over time and gradually spread to areas outside the battlefield. Heya calls it the “discrete effect.”

  Thanks to Rourou’s sacrifice, the xenobiology research of Shelter No. 404 +1. After

  briefly understanding what happened last night from Xu Shun, Chu Guang ordered him to take the new employees to Changjiu Farm and hand them over to Luca for settlement, and then went to the front line.

  Since last night, the fierce battle between the front line and the wave has entered a white-hot stage. The 125 players who died on the first night have just been resurrected, and another 66 players have been sent back to the forum.

  Some of them had only been resurrected for a few hours. It was so miserable!

  The sound of artillery fire lasted all night, and the sound of gunfire never stopped from dusk to dawn.

  Chu Guang knew very well that the real key to winning this war was not on the front line, but in logistics.

  In order to meet the supply of ammunition, he even shut down the fertilizer production line.

  The sudden wave completely disrupted his plan.

  Chu Guang originally planned to gradually shift part of the industrial zone’s production capacity to civilian use before the end of spring, but who would have thought that the wave suddenly broke out before the spring plowing was halfway through. It would be

  fine if the opponent was a looter.

  Fighting with looters can not only replenish a wave of prisoners of war, but also seize a batch of spoils.

  The simultaneous growth of social labor and social wealth is a win-win situation.

  However, the opponent is a wave.

  A volley of bullets was fired, leaving only a pile of corpses, no prisoners, and no spoils. It was a completely losing business.

  It really gave Chu Guang a headache.

  The problem of fiscal deficit is not solved.

  Even if he wins this battle, he will be poor…


  The war is still going on.

  On the sixth day of the wave, the battlefield was already smelly, and mutant flies, rats and cockroaches became new troubles.

  The players’ physical fitness was good, and there was basically no impact except for the intelligence and perception systems, but the NPCs were uncomfortable.

  Some guards with weaker immunity even contracted the plague.

  Yin Fang had to temporarily put aside the work of the scientific expedition team and set up a mobile medical station at Brown Farm, which was closer to the front line, to accommodate the patients coming from the front line.

  Chu Guang exchanged all the points he had saved for intermediate blind boxes. Fortunately, he drew some antibiotics and antiviral drugs, which controlled the epidemic.

  But this is ultimately a temporary solution and not a permanent cure.

  In order to prevent the corpses from continuing to rot and forming a larger-scale plague, Chu Guang could only assign fifty new students from the physical and strength departments, wear protective clothing and gas masks, and use tricycles to move the corpses from the North Fourth Ring Road to the outside of the Fifth Ring Road to load them onto trucks and transport them to farther places.

  Frontline Command Post.

  Chu Guang summoned Brown, the owner of Brown Farm.

  Although old Brown did not want to come out of the farm or see Chu Guang’s face, he knew very well that he had no right to refuse.

  Without wasting time on small talk, Chu Guang looked at old Brown and got straight to the point.

  ”I heard that Boulder City has a way to make gnawers into nutritional paste.”

  ”You have been doing business with Boulder City for so long, have you never thought of using the corpses of gnawers?”

  Hearing Chu Guang’s words, Brown’s trembling face could not help but show a bitter smile.

  Use it?

  It’s not that simple.

  With his head lowered, Brown said timidly.

  ”Sir, using the corpses of the Gnawers is not just about making a device, it also consumes a lot of electricity.”

  ”What’s more… we haven’t encountered such a huge wave before.”

  Even though the Gnawers are the most frivolous alien species, it is still dangerous when they form a large scale. Few survivors will have nothing to do to provoke them.

  Most of them will only shoot at them when they have no choice.

  If you want to use the Gnawers as industrial raw materials, put aside the technical issues, you must first have enough cheap bullets and electricity.

  The former means sufficient labor and a stable supply chain, and the latter means relatively complete industrial supporting facilities.

  If these two problems can be solved, Brown Farm would have been industrialized long ago, so why would it have to suffer this grievance now?

  Otherwise, it would be better to buy something from Boulder City at the cost of N chips to produce one chip. It’s

  not worth subsidizing a mere nutrient paste.

  Brown Farm has neither a large enough market nor the ability to export what it produces to more distant places.

  To put it bluntly, it is just a small survivor settlement with a population of about a hundred people.

  Even now, with a population of two to three thousand gathered in the northern suburbs, with the support of huge basic technology and “unlimited QE”, it has only forcibly ignited the flame of industrialization.

  Chu Guang touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

  ”That’s a problem.”

  Maybe he should talk to Lister.

  But this guy is now focused on imitating the KV-1 exoskeleton and opening up sales.

  In order to invest in factories and support his war, he has already owed a lot of debt to the Boulder City Bank.

  Chu Guang was embarrassed to continue to squeeze him.

  You can’t always focus on one side of the leek, and you can’t always focus on one side of the wool.

  Win-win is win-win, but if you want to keep winning, you still have to keep it.

  Just when Chu Guang was lost in thought and Old Brown was trembling, the captain of the guard, Wrench, walked in from outside.


  Chu Guang looked at him.

  ”What’s going on?”

  Wrench stood at attention and saluted, reporting faithfully, “A group of merchants from Boulder City are outside. They claim to be your guests and want to see you.”

  Thinking of Shuyu’s previous call to him, Chu Guang’s eyes suddenly lit up and he immediately said,

  ”Please invite them in!”

  Wrench: “Yes!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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