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Chapter 274 Humanoid Disaster, Fading Fire and Turning into Spring

Chapter 274 Humanoid Disaster, Fading Fire and Turning into Spring


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 274 Human-shaped natural disaster, fading fire and melting spring.

  On the battlefield between the mountains, flames raged, and there were wailing sounds for a while.

  The soldiers and horses of the Zhou royal family stopped one after another. The guardians who were fighting with the strong men of the Zhenchuan Sect hurriedly looked back, and saw the tragic scene of dozens of people being wiped out by one blow, and they were even more frightened.

  ”Who is this attack?!”

  ”What a terrifying martial thought, what a terrible heat wave!”

  Not to mention the Zhou royal family who were hit directly, the Zhenchuan Sect was also dumbfounded.

  ”This method is probably beyond the heaven and man Xuanwu, which great power did it?”

  The leader of the Zhenchuan Sect had a haggard face, holding a long sword, staring at the direction where the heat wave torrent came from.

  In the billowing black smoke, it was vaguely seen that the stone walls and cliffs were melted and penetrated. It was probably a blow from hundreds of feet away.

  Moreover, the attacked died on the spot and could not even be resurrected. The attacker must be holding a holy weapon and possessing an incredible spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

  Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle.

  The entrance was burned black by the flames, like lava slowly flowing down, with bursts of green smoke.

  Ji Shang’s skirt and hair fluttered wildly, and the fire at the tip of the Burning Heaven Spear gradually dissipated.

  Luo Xian’er was very surprised watching from the side: “Palace Master Ji’s attack was really powerful.”

  ”It was just borrowed from the power of the holy weapon.”

  ”Even without the assistance of the holy weapon, the power of this attack can be called the peak of Xuanwu.”

  Luo Xian’er murmured: “Palace Master Ji has broken through the barrier between heaven and man and stepped into a realm unprecedented in history?”

  Ji Shang shook her head: “There are still many shortcomings.”

  Buzz –

  the evil light next to the sword platform gradually disappeared, and a wisp of white light bloomed again.

  Luo Xian’er and Ji Shang looked back and saw that the holy weapon had been successfully removed.


  Yang Shifei was sweating profusely, and the magic knife on his shoulder was emitting green smoke.

  He forced himself to stabilize the trembling holy weapon in his hand and stood firm with the help of Yue Rui.

  Luo Xian’er hurried forward: “Shifei, how is the progress?”

  ”Almost done.” Yang Shifei pulled the corner of his mouth: “Go out.”


  Ji Shang’s body was burning with demonic fire, and Luo Xian’er also drew out the white sword, with wisps of black air lingering through her body.

  ”I’ll take my brother.” Yue Rui hurriedly summoned a huge cat shadow and carried her and Yang Shifei on her back.

  Immediately, everyone rushed out of the Shifeng attic with great momentum –


  Another burst of fire broke out, causing many people to be shocked and speechless:

  ”What kind of monster is this?!”

  The rocks exploded, and the dazzling fire was like a meteor in the dark night, flying through the mountains and forests.

  At the same time, the entire mountain began to shake violently, and the filthy aura within a radius of 100 miles became disordered!

  Several masters of the Zhou Kingdom’s royal family changed their expressions: “Something is wrong! The spiritual energy of the ground veins is different. Someone has taken away the holy weapons in the Zhenchuan Sect in advance!”

  ”Quickly join forces to encircle and suppress, don’t let this person take the holy weapons away!”

  The royal army turned around, and many disciples and elders of the Zhenchuan Sect were stunned.

  ”Master, what’s the situation now?”

  ”We have to take action too.” The master of the Zhenchuan Sect looked extremely solemn: “I didn’t realize that the sect was invaded at all, and the connection between the holy weapons and the earth has been broken!”


  The flames fell to the ground in an instant, and a circle of flames swept across a hundred feet.

  The royal army hurriedly resisted the heat flow, looking at the figure gradually appearing in the flames, full of doubts.

  ”That is…”

  As the demon fire faded slightly, Ji Shang stood in the air holding the Burning Heaven Spear, her white velvet robe rustling, and only half of her cold face was revealed under the veil. The

  huge nine-tailed beast burning behind her seemed to bloom like the scorching sun, like a magnificent fairy god.

  Luo Xian’er stood beside him, also wearing a veil to cover her face, and the sword tip condensed a chilling light that captured people’s hearts, and the murderous intent locked around.

  The two celestial beings and black tortoises exuded a powerful pressure wave without reservation, and just standing there made many royal soldiers afraid.

  ”This, this is a real demon.”

  But there were also sharp-eyed people who saw the long sword tightly held in Yang Shifei’s hand, and their faces suddenly changed.

  ”We must not let them take the holy weapon away!”

  ”Who are you? Tell me your name!” Several masters of the Zhou royal family rushed over and looked at them angrily.

  ”If you dare to seize the holy weapon, the immortal will wake up soon and come. No matter how strong you are, you will die-”


  Ji Shang smiled coldly, and the light pattern of the Burning Heaven Spear in his hand flashed, and the hot murderous intent seemed to overflow like endless.

  She pointed her spear at the demons in front of her: “Attack together, I will kill you all.”

  Gao Ao’s cold voice fell, and the flames under her feet flashed through the air, and her figure flew into the battlefield like a dragon.

  ”Don’t be so arrogant!” A third-grade guardian was furious and condensed surging filth in his palm, and his momentum was close to the realm of heaven and man.

  But with the flash of the spear, his arm was almost pierced and torn apart in an instant. Before he could react, the hot torrent burned him into slag. In

  an instant, many royal masters were shocked and hurriedly retreated.

  Ji Shang rushed all the way, with a spear like a dragon, and several masters were pierced and smashed.

  The next moment, a tsunami-like insect tide emerged from all directions.

  Ji Shang glanced coldly, and the vast spear shadow was swung out in an instant, and hundreds of streams of fire exploded at once, and the flames rushed into the sky!

  Everything along the way was burned to ashes. All the demon poisonous insects melted and died as soon as they approached. The terrifying sea of ​​fire quickly spread to a hundred feet away, and the densely packed poisonous insect corpses fell like raindrops.

  For a time, the royal army was defeated and fled in a panic, with screams and wails one after another.

  ”This man is extremely terrifying, and we can’t be his enemy!”

  ”Let’s go and encircle and suppress the remaining three people and take back the holy soldiers-ah!”

  Before the shouts fell, the shrill sword light swept through in an instant, and pieces of broken limbs flew all over the sky.

  Luo Xian’er moved lightly in the sea of ​​fire and forests, and countless sword lights swept everywhere like a hurricane. No demon could resist a single move.


  Yang Shifei hugged Yue Rui tightly in his arms and flew through the forest on the big cat under his crotch.

  Even if there were demon soldiers who wanted to stop them, they were beaten into meat paste by the cat’s claws in the blink of an eye, and the fierce momentum was still unstoppable.

  The True Transmission Sect arrived late, and was stunned by the tragic battle.

  Lin Dongtian stood in the crowd with a dusty face. He saw Yang Shifei and others passing by not far away, and he couldn’t help but pause.

  ——The people who took away the holy weapon were actually Brother Yang? !

  His mind raced, and seeing that his own sect leader wanted to join the battle, he quickly grabbed him and said, “Don’t do it!”

  ”Dongtian? Why are you stopping me?!”

  ”Let those strong men kill to their heart’s content, why should we, the True Transmission Sect, intervene.”

  Lin Dongtian’s face darkened: “Even if the holy weapon was really lost, it was the royal family’s fault first. As long as we tell the Immortal Venerable the truth, he will be able to see clearly.”


  The True Transmission Sect leader was silent for a while, and all the disciples and elders under his command stopped.

  They watched Yang Shifei and his group break out of the encirclement with a terrifying momentum, almost crushing the royal army, and corpses were everywhere.

  The royal soldiers were killed and their armor was removed, and they could not stop them for a moment.

  Ji Shang was like a god on earth, swinging his spear, piercing and burning all the demons blocking the way.

  After killing several miles, the earth trembled more and more violently, as if a great demon was about to descend!

  But at this time, the gray fog quietly filled the air——


  ”Where did those monsters go?”

  The royal family members who were still fleeing in panic stopped in confusion, looking at the terrible sea of ​​fire around them, and remained silent for a long time.

  The surviving demon soldiers looked at each other, and they did not feel the slightest joy of surviving, but only fear and lingering fear.

  This battle was no different from a natural disaster.

  From the direction of Dashan City, a suffocating pressure was faintly heard, and it was obviously the great demon of Zhou Kingdom.

  However, this was no longer important to Yang Shifei and his party.

  While all parties were in chaos, they had successfully left for more than ten miles. And they perfectly concealed all the breath, leaving no trace, and even the great demon could not trace any clues.

  Luo Xian’er and Yue Rui were driving the carriage together, galloping along the way.


  In the carriage, Yang Shifei put down the holy weapon in his hand that had been purified for the most part, and breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s really going well.”

  But before he had time to rest, he sensed a strange chill.

  Ji Shang sat cross-legged opposite, with the Burning Heaven Spear flat on her knees, and the demonic fire on her body had completely faded.

  The Jintian Demon Fox, who was still radiant with divine power not long ago, now has a messy aura, and the cold face has also faded from the arrogance and majesty, turning into a weak and tender face that I can pity.

  ”What’s wrong?” Yang Shifei hurriedly got up and approached: “Are you injured?”

  ”I’m fine, but…”

  Ji Shang’s charming face flushed, and she panted slightly: “I have used too much power of my true self, and my body is a little uncomfortable.”

  As soon as the voice fell, she suddenly raised her fox eyes, which were actually stained with a trace of water waves, as if lust was gradually rising.
Yang Shifei was startled when

saw this, and before he could say anything, fox tails immediately wrapped around his body,


  a cold and plump body hugged him tightly.



Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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