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Chapter 277 After the Beautiful Scene, a Trip to the Imperial Capital

Chapter 277 After the Beautiful Scene, a Trip to the Imperial Capital


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 277 After the beautiful scene, the journey to the imperial capital

  was bumpy, causing the carriage to vibrate slightly.

  Yang Shifei woke up in a trance, vaguely feeling a pair of tender hands kneading back and forth on his body, which was extremely comfortable.

  ”Young Master, are you awake?”

  A soft voice sounded in his ears. He turned his head half asleep and half awake, and the familiar delicate face soon came into his sight.


  Yang Shifei pinched his eyebrows: “How long have I slept?”

  ”About four or five hours.”

  Luo Xian’er helped rub his temples and smiled: “We are still one or two days away from the imperial city. If you are still sleepy, it’s okay to close your eyes and sleep for a while.”

  Yang Shifei was slightly more awake and gently held his right hand.

  Luo Xian’er couldn’t help but blink, and saw him sit up lazily: “With Xian’er taking care of me, I can’t sleep.”

  ”Young Master.”

  The eldest lady smiled again soon: “I just made love with Palace Master Ji, and now you’re telling me these things?”

  Yang Shifei: “.”

  At that time, I was too engrossed in helping Ji Shang to regulate her body, and I really didn’t consider the mood of Xian’er and the girl.

  Seeing his embarrassed face, Luo Xian’er glared at him lightly: “Next time, don’t be so silly and make yourself so tired.”

  ”I’ll keep Xian’er’s teachings in mind.”

  Yang Shifei laughed dryly twice, and his eyes drifted to the soft couch opposite: “Ji Shang…”

  ”She woke up earlier than Young Master, and is sitting outside with Xiao Rui.” Luo Xian’er said faintly: “She looks really good, and her face is rosy.”


  Ji Shang’s cough was faintly heard from outside the curtain, and she seemed a little embarrassed.

  Yang Shifei laughed helplessly, and simply took the young lady into his arms: “Do you want to compensate Xian’er?”

  Luo Xian’er’s delicate face suddenly blushed, and she hurriedly broke away from his arms: “It’s not easy to do this now.”

  Recalling the fierce scene she saw before, the girl’s heartbeat accelerated, fearing that she would be pounded all over like Ji Shang. ”

  The magic knife beside the young master is very considerate.”

  She hurriedly changed the subject: “When I came in, I saw her still massaging your body.”

  Yang Shifei looked at the magic knife sleeping on the soft couch, and couldn’t help but smile with emotion: “She is indeed very considerate.”

  He reached out and pressed the handle of the knife, slowly sucking away the excess filth.


  The magic knife trembled slightly, and the red light flashed in the gap, as if it was sleeping more and more peacefully.

  Luo Xian’er’s eyes were soft, and she whispered: “The spirituality of this knife is really becoming more and more full, just like a real woman-”


  The gap in the blade gradually overflowed with sticky liquid, and small water splashed out from the tip of the knife.

  Luo Xian’er: “.”

  The young lady hesitated to speak, watching Yang Shifei hurriedly wrap the magic knife with silk cloth, and her delicate face gradually turned red.

  After a moment of whispering, she pretended to be calm and said: “This knife girl seems to be a little… obscene.”

  Yang Shifei was also at a loss: “It is indeed easy to arouse people’s imagination.”

  He quickly wiped the magic knife clean, put on clean clothes, and lifted the curtain and stuck his head out.

  ”Girl, do you want to come in and rest, let me drive?”

  ”Brother, are you not tired?”

  Yue Rui reached out and touched back and forth as if she was worried: “Is there any place that hurts?”

  Yang Shifei smiled and rubbed her little head: “Silly girl, what can happen to me.”

  Yue Rui felt relieved, and pouted her little mouth again: “The vixen used her big butt to hit my brother so hard that it made a loud noise. I was worried that my brother would be hurt.”

  Ji Shang: “.”

  The palace master who pretended to be indifferent on the side almost choked and coughed, and covered his buttocks with a red face.

  This, this girl, when did she peek so carefully? No, when did I use so much force? It sounded like she was unsatisfied.

  ”Well, I have thick skin, it’s really okay.”

  Yang Shifei’s smile became even more stiff: “Xian’er and I just cleaned up the carriage, you can have a good sleep.”

  Yue Rui responded obediently, and then twisted her hips into the carriage.


  Yang Shifei sat next to Ji Shang, and the two were silent for a while.

  After a while, the two of them stole a glance at each other almost at the same time, and their eyes met.

  Yang Shifei burst out laughing: “Why don’t you say a few words?”

  Ji Shang blushed and stroked her hair: “You’d better forget the ugly look I had before.”

  ”Uh, which look are you talking about?”

  Ji Shang: “…”

  Seeing the Palace Master glancing at him, Yang Shifei smiled awkwardly and waved his hands: “Shang Niang, spare me, I won’t tease you anymore.”

  Ji Shang turned her eyes away, a little embarrassed: “Anyway, it’s my demonic physique that’s at work, so I’m so shameless.”

  ”I don’t mind it.”

  Yang Shifei quietly raised his right hand: “As long as it’s Shang Niang, she will look good in any look.”

  Ji Shang’s expression eased a little after hearing this, and she glanced at him with a reproachful look: “You are so smooth-talking and deliberately trying to please people.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows: “If I were disgusted, how could I help my good aunt to hold the fountain with my own hands!”

  Before he finished speaking, Ji Shang hurriedly covered his mouth, and whispered in shame and anger: “Little rascal, you still want to tease me!”

  Yang Shifei smiled and put his arms around the beautiful woman’s waist.

  The skin on the side of her waist was touched by a big hand, and Ji Shang’s whole body suddenly softened and her face turned red.


  She seemed to be deflated and softened: “Don’t mess around now.”

  Yang Shifei laughed and said, “How could I be so impatient?”

  Ji Shang gave him a helpless look, and then leaned sideways on his shoulder.

  ”Shifei, what did you call me just now?”

  ”Shang Niang?”

  ”.Call me like this from now on.”

  Ji Shang lowered her head, her bangs covering her blushing face: “I like it very much.”

  As soon as she finished speaking, she seemed to feel the atmosphere was awkward, and hurriedly coughed twice: “I got some extra gains when I broke through the siege before.”

  Yang Shifei asked with interest: “What did you find?”

  ”I have noticed that these creatures corrupted by the big demon are indeed not truly immortal.”

  Ji Shang touched the Burning Heaven Spear placed horizontally behind him, and whispered: “The demons killed by the holy soldiers will be reduced to ashes on the spot. Princess Luo and I can also break the immortal body by exerting the power of our true form, but it takes a little effort.”


  Yang Shifei stroked his chin, a little surprised: “If you want to compete with the demon kingdom in the future, the Taiwu Holy Soldiers will be the top priority?”

  Ji Shang nodded slightly: “That’s right.”

  ”It seems that the more treasures there are, the better.”

  Yang Shifei smacked his lips helplessly: “It’s a pity that we can’t use the holy weapons we just seized now.”

  After all, they are in the territory of the Zhou Kingdom’s great demon, and they can’t be too ostentatious.

  So he didn’t rashly purify the holy weapons, but maintained the balance of filth. While ensuring that the holy weapons are safe, they are also prevented from emitting fluctuations to avoid exposing everyone’s whereabouts.

  ”There will be a chance later.”

  Ji Shang smiled and said, “Wait until we enter the imperial capital of the Zhou Kingdom, then we can let go and make a big fuss.”

  ”Imperial capital.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and looked at her: “Shang Niang knows everything about the Zhou Kingdom, and the tricks in the imperial capital are not beyond your expectations?”

  ”Don’t worry.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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