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Chapter 277 Are you moving out all your assets?

Chapter 277 Are you moving out all your assets?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 277: Are you moving out all your assets?

  ”Damn! What do you mean I came back alive? Is it strange that I came back alive?” Is

  this what a human being would say?

  He took off the gas mask on his face, and the debt-like big eyes that came out from behind the edge guy patted Ye Shi’s shoulder with a playful smile.

  ”Hey, it’s not easy, it’s not easy. Several times I thought I was dead, but I survived miraculously.”

  The construction site boy and the brick standing next to him nodded in agreement.

  ”It’s really not easy.”

  Everyone else was playing games, only their team was playing for their lives.

  When they went there, there were ten people, but when they came back, only half of them were left.

  On the other hand, the mole team next to them also had ten people when they went, but when they came back, there were only two less. The casualty rate was so different that it was hard not to complain.

  However, despite the complaints, no one really took it to heart.

  It’s a game.

  It’s normal to die.

  If you are not a hardcore player, there is no need to pursue a life to the end.

  Besides, the death penalty is not as severe as it was at the beginning. It is a bit uncomfortable to be imprisoned for three days, but the closed beta server has been operating for so long and this rule has been in place, and everyone has long been accustomed to it.

  The real loss is actually the experience of one battle, and the money and contribution points of the mission rewards are not less.

  The teammates will also consciously help to recover the dropped equipment, and at most they will lose some ammunition and grenades.

  ”By the way, why are you wearing this?” The battlefield atmosphere group looked at the gray coat on the edge brother with envy.

  The edge brother did not speak, but looked at the big eyes on the side.

  The latter smiled and said.

  ”I suggested it. The previous set of equipment was too ugly and had no recognition at all. It looked more like a predator than a predator, and was always misunderstood by friendly forces. So I had an idea and simply made a set of skins with the same style as Mole and the others. Edge said no at first, but later it really smelled good.”

  Edge said stubbornly: “Get out! I was forced to do it by you.”

  The construction site boy and the brick smiled and interrupted.

  ”You know what, those looters were traumatized by our attack. When they saw our clothes, they instantly became scared. Later, we recommended them to the new reinforcements. Now, all the brothers in Honghe Town are wearing this set of equipment!”

  Even in the most turbulent period, Shelter 404 never stopped “supporting” its neighbors.

  According to the data mentioned by Brother Mole in the battle report, the “garrison” of the shelter in Honghe Town has increased to 50 people.

  Except for 10 long-term NPC guards, all of them are players, and they have been regularly replenishing troops to maintain this number.

  Obviously, this fierce “Death Corps” has completely killed its reputation in the Honghe Town area.

  Those engineer shovels and the bayonets shining under the muzzles have not only become the eternal nightmare of the looters, but also the gods of war in the eyes of mercenaries and slave owners!

  Especially the “gray coat”, which is even more intimidating than the navy blue coats worn by the legion centurions!

  The local slave owners and the Chamber of Commerce wished that they would stay in Honghe Town forever, and even took the initiative to provide the shelter with a 50-acre garrison.

  Although the land over there cannot grow anything, having a garrison means taking root.

  The administrator deployed 40 culture chambers there, and it seems that he intends to transform it into a foreign military base.

  At present, as long as the level reaches LV8 and the gun proficiency reaches level 3, the soldier professional players can apply to experience the new map and new tasks.

  However, the number of people is limited, and you need to queue up after signing up.

  Looking at the envious battlefield guy, the canyon escaped mole said with a beaming face.

  ”What do you think? My design taste is not bad, right?”

  Battlefield atmosphere group: “Damn! Let this guy pretend!”

  He had proposed that everyone get a uniform “team uniform” before, but the old Gou coin in the fountain was too stingy.

  Lao Hei liked his post, but the old Gou coin said something like “skins that can’t increase attack are all scum” and “anyway, you can’t see anything when wearing an armored exoskeleton.”

  That’s not all, and he also complained about his second year.

  Damn it, what does it have to do with being a middle school student?

  It’s obviously just stinginess!

  Unlike the battlefield guy, Ye Shi was not concerned about what the few people were wearing, but was curious about the trucks behind them.

  No need to ask.

  They must be loaded with spoils dragged back from Honghe Town.

  According to a conservative estimate of three times the overload, the various ores piled on those trucks are at least fifty or sixty tons.

  In addition, there were nearly a hundred slaves who came back with them, and the nearby NPC merchants showed envy when they saw it.

  One slave can be exchanged for five assault rifles.

  This is really a fortune!

  Ye Shi said enviously.

  ”Is the battle in Honghe Town over?”

  The canyon escaped mole shook his head.

  ”Finished? It’s too early!”

  ”The slave owners over there are too weak in combat. They recruited a lot of mercenaries, and their individual combat effectiveness is not weak, but they are just a mob in battle and have no coordination at all.”

  ”Relying on imported shells and weapons, the coalition forces of Honghe Town fought quite smoothly at first and won several local battles in a row, but their logistics were too poor, the ammunition was often mismatched, the firepower was always intermittent, and the organization was low, so the occupied hills could not be defended at all. Often, the positions we captured during the day were lost again at night.”

  ”Plus, the Bone Chewing Tribe is large in number, and reinforcements from the central province are constantly coming. Many plunderers have heard rumors that they are planning to establish a plunderer kingdom, and have taken the initiative to come from the neighboring province in the east to join them. Anyway, the two sides use Lutou Mountain as the boundary, repeatedly fighting for a few hilltops, and wasting time on positions with a depth of more than ten kilometers.”

  Support weapons such as mortars and anti-tank rifles are not exclusive to Shelter No. 404. Some large and medium-sized survivor settlements with industrial production capabilities are also capable of producing them, but there are differences in cost and performance.

  Honghe Town does not only import ammunition from Shelter No. 404. Not to mention the various weapons brought by the mercenaries, just talking about themselves, there are three calibers of medium-sized mortars, 80mm, 85mm, and 88mm, in addition to two 105mm cast iron mortars.

  The logistics are not unified, the command is not coordinated, and it is difficult for those local rich people to fight the plunderers for so long.

  Ye Shi asked curiously.

  ”Then why did you come back?”

  Canyon Escaping Mole rolled his eyes.

  ”Come back to participate in the event. I feel like we are not playing the same game when I see you guys discussing Tide on the forum all day long!”

  When the new map was first opened, he was quite excited because he was lucky enough to get the “experience qualification”. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to be the first to try it out. Although

  Red River Town is a bit farther away than Boulder City, as long as he can provide players with first-hand information, it’s not a big problem! However,

  now, a month has passed, and the new map is no longer so new. Players are even more tired of his battle reports, and even the cloud players have gone to discuss Tide.

  The number of likes for the strategy with tens of thousands of words is only in the three digits, which instantly makes him feel like a “version abandoned child”.

  I heard that this “Decisive Battle Plan” is the last event before the end of the A round of testing. This time, he said he couldn’t miss it!

  Irena also interrupted.

  ”We have been in the new map for a long time, and it’s time for someone else to go in and brush it.”

  The Elf King Fugui said with a hippie smile.

  ”Laona has a deep hatred for the aliens there. There is no arthropod that is not poisonous.”

  Irena protested immediately.

  ”Get lost! Am I that kind of person?”

  Brother Mole ignored the two people, but looked at Ye Shi and asked, “Why didn’t you go with Lao Bai and Fang Chang today?”

  Ye Shi said with a smile.

  ”Isn’t there a big job tomorrow morning? We will act separately in the afternoon. Lao Bai and his friends went to the Goblin Technology to purchase, saying that there are new equipment. I was planning to go there, but I heard that the trade station had orange equipment, so I ran over to pick it up… It’s a pity that I didn’t pick it up!”

  The orange equipment refers to the “Miner Type I” exoskeleton.

  This thing is an imported product shipped from Ideal City. The battery uses “metallic hydrogen” which is one level higher than “solid hydrogen”.

  Since it was sold out in seconds last time, the official store of the shelter has not restocked it. Only the caravans from the east occasionally bring it. It is hard to see it in the neighboring Boulder City.

  Yesterday, a group of wild merchants appeared at the trade station and they happened to be carrying a set. A small player of the strength system saw it and bought it without hesitation. That night, he went to the forum to show off, which led to a large number of players coming here early this morning.

  Although the exoskeleton sold by the “wild NPC” is a bit expensive, there is no contribution point and level limit, and there is no restriction on secondary trading, which is still very attractive.

  In a word, you will make a profit if you buy it!

  However, what Mole is most interested in is not the exoskeleton, but the first half of Night Ten’s sentence.

  ”Mosquito has new equipment?”

  ”Yes, Brother Mosquito boasted in the group yesterday,” Night Ten laughed, “To be honest, Mosquito is really getting more and more crazy. Before, it was a recoilless gun, and now he has even made an RPG!”

  The moment he heard this, not only Mole and the people on the edge, but even the battlefield atmosphere group standing next to him looked at him in surprise.




  This is really getting more and more crazy!


  In fact, it was not only Lao Bai and his group who were purchasing from Goblin Technology at this moment. The most stingy person in the eyes of the battlefield guy, Quanshui, was also here.

  In the previous 65th Street blocking battle, Quanshui deeply reflected on the reasons for his failure.

  Putting aside the factors of plot killing, when the fourth wave of the wave’s offensive came, the creepers went around their flanks, but more importantly, they failed because of their insufficient anti-armor ability.

  Before the blocking battle, although he had considered that the planner might design some “excessive armor” units as BOSS, he asked the players carrying “cavalry lances” and “heavy cavalry lances” not to bring high explosives, but also to bring two magazines of armor-piercing.

  However, he never thought that the planner would be so stupid.

  37mm armor-piercing bullets can’t even penetrate the armor of the “Decay Knight”!

  If it weren’t for the high-armor tank unit like the “Decay Knight” that broke through the front, Class B and Class C could have held on for a while.

  Since the power armor can be turned into “our own people” by the slime mold, he has reason to believe that he will encounter more outrageous things in the future.

  What he didn’t expect was that he originally came to buy a recoilless gun, but he didn’t expect that Mosquito would even make a street fighting weapon like RPG-7! The shooting

  range outside the industrial zone.

  Looking at the 400mm steel plate pierced by the armor-piercing shell in front of him, Commander Quanshui’s eyes widened, and it took a while for him to squeeze out a sentence from his throat.

  ”…Are you really selling furniture in real life?”

  Mosquito, who was standing next to him, heard it and said with a chuckle.

  ”Ancestral craftsmanship, pure handmade, what, the boss is planning to buy a set? Send me a private message on the forum.”

  Commander Quanshui: “…Forget it.”

  I always feel that exposing the address to this guy is a very dangerous thing.

  Don’t let him place an order with the mouse and send a pair of silver handcuffs.

  That would be a big deal.

  Old White, who was standing next to him, put down the launch tube with white smoke, and his face was also full of surprise and admiration.

  ”This power is something!”

  But this propellant… smells like Shuangshi-2?

  It’s still a little different from the diethylene glycol of RPG-7.

  The piezoelectric fuze is probably a modern modification, and the initial velocity is much faster than the previous homemade “recoilless gun”. The power of the matching armor-piercing shell is a translation inheritance. A needle-shaped trigger is buried at the front end of the conical shell. As long as it is poked, the vertical penetration can reach 400mm!

  This power is already quite impressive!

  But thinking of this, Lao Bai suddenly reacted.

  How the hell is this imitation of RPG? ! It

  is obviously imitating our own Type 69 40 rocket launcher, okay!

  Not noticing the strange look in Lao Bai’s eyes, WC really has a mosquito and continues to speak with a smile.

  ”In addition to 85mm armor-piercing shells, we also provide 85mm high-explosive grenades for range killing! The price is only 200 silver coins, buy five and send one launch tube! Very useful!”

  The price of 200 silver coins is much more expensive than Iron Fist.

  But it is not unaffordable for Lao Bai and his team.

  Before each battle, the shelter will allocate a budget to each team for the purchase of ammunition based on the combat power of each team.

  You don’t need to pay for ammunition within the budget. For some longer campaigns, supplies will be delivered along with the reinforcements from the rear, which is also free.

  The use of the ammunition budget will only affect the campaign score, which is also an old tradition that has existed for several versions.

  ”…You guys are getting worse and worse.”

  Hearing Lao Bai’s meaningful compliment, WC Zhenyou Mosquito chuckled.

  ”Are you kidding? When have the weapons I designed ever disappointed anyone?”

  ”Just ask one word, are you convinced?”

  Upon hearing this, everyone’s eyes instantly became a little subtle.

  To say that his equipment is useless is definitely speaking against one’s conscience.

  But to say that it is very useful, it just happens that sometimes it is so lame.

  Lao Bai subtly moved his eyes away.

  ”Half of it.”

  Kuangfeng nodded.

  ”+1, half of it.”

  Fang Chang: “I have to think about the remaining half, mainly because I’m afraid you’ll be proud.”

  Fountain Commander: “I couldn’t agree more.”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito cursed: “Fuck! I ask you one word, you talk so much nonsense!”

  Lao Bai smiled and patted Mosquito’s shoulder.

  ”Brother, the main thing is that your equipment has not been tested in actual combat, so I can’t make too many promises! How about this, you give me a 50% discount, and I will purchase 10 armor-piercing guns and 10 grenades from you at a time to help you make a name for yourself!”

  WC is really a mosquito and rolled his eyes.

  ”50% discount?! You might as well let me give it to you for free!”

  Fang Chang’s eyes lit up.

  ”Is there such a good thing?”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Get lost! The maximum discount is 90%, it can’t be cheaper! If it’s cheaper, I will lose money!”

  Upon hearing this, at least four pairs of eyes rolled back at him.

  ”I don’t believe you!”

  Fang Chang would never believe it, this guy only made 20 silver coins for a rocket launcher worth 200 silver coins.

  Conservatively estimated, there is a 50% profit!

  Since the Alpha1.0 version, silver coins have indeed inflated a lot, but because the trade route of Honghe Town has been opened, the prices of various metal and non-metal raw materials have not increased much. With the improvement of supporting facilities in the industrial zone and the increase in production capacity, industrial products have not increased much.

  After some bargaining, the two sides finally reached a consensus, with each armor-piercing shell costing 180 silver coins and each high-explosive grenade costing 130 silver coins.

  The Ox-Horse Squad purchased a total of 25 rounds of rocket launcher ammunition, and the Fountain Squad also purchased 15, which completely bought up Mosquito’s inventory, and the firepower output was directly maxed out!

  After the group agreed on the price, they returned to the Goblin Technology factory, and the newly produced ammunition was stored in the factory warehouse.

  When entering the factory, Fountain, who was looking around, suddenly noticed a pile of wood chips piled near the door, and asked curiously.

  ”What is that thing?”

  Seeing that someone noticed his masterpiece, Mosquito smiled and said.

  ”W-1 ‘Flying Mosquito’ glider! It uses a wooden fuselage and a groundbreaking electric structure. It perfectly combines the most primitive wood with the most advanced solid hydrogen technology. It is the masterpiece of me and my apprentices. The price is only 3,000 silver coins! How is it? Is it very cheap? Don’t you want to buy one?”

  Not far away, [Convincing], who was tinkering with the motor with a screwdriver, happened to hear this and couldn’t help but turn back and complain.

  ”How dare you? The fuselage was designed by me, the engine was designed by the death-defying man, the blades were made by the soul-chasing man, and the bomb launcher was made by the god-killing man. What the hell did you do?”

  If it weren’t for the money.

  He would have gone it alone long ago!

  Mosquito was not moved at all and smiled shamelessly.

  ”I took advantage of your strengths and made up for your weaknesses. This is called resource integration.”

  Convincing: “@#¥%!”

  Fang Chang walked over curiously and took a look at the pile of wood.

  Looking closely, there are really two wings and a flat structure that is probably the belly of the aircraft.

  But using wood as the structure, and making the parts so scattered and broken… Will it really not fall apart when it flies into the sky?

  ”…W-1 is okay, why not call it WC-1?”

  Mosquito said with a shy smile.

  ”Actually, I did plan to name it at the beginning, but my apprentices have no artistic talent and said they wanted to shit when they sat on it, so I removed the C.”

  Lao Bai: “Pfft…”

  Kuangfeng: “I can’t look at this plane anymore.”

  Commander Quanshui’s expression was a little subtle.

  ”Am I the only one who is curious whether this thing can fly?”

  Wooden fuselage plus solid hydrogen battery.

  He has never seen such a weird combination.

  Kuangfeng touched his nose.

  ”Let’s analyze it rationally. The energy density of hydrogen is close to three times that of gasoline. Although hydrogen tanks are definitely not okay, solid hydrogen… theoretically it should be okay, but this is under ideal conditions.”

  ”It’s just a game! Use your imagination and don’t be so rigid!”

  Patting Kuangfeng on the shoulder, Mosquito had a confident smile on his face, “Good brother, believe me! I promise it can definitely fly! If it can’t fly, I won’t charge you!”

  Kuangfeng glanced at him.

  ”Don’t encourage me, I won’t drive it.”

  Old White stared at the motor for a while and frowned.

  ”But what about the runway? Even if it can fly… there must be a runway for takeoff, right?”

  Mosquito said with a slight smile.

  ”This kind of epoch-making aircraft naturally does not use a runway in the traditional sense.”

  Quanshui had already vaguely guessed something and swallowed his saliva.

  ”Could it be…”

  ”High-rise buildings! There are thousand-meter-high buildings everywhere here!”

  Mosquito strode to the side of the pile of wooden parts and took out an aluminum joystick that had not been installed yet.

  The enthusiasm flashing in his eyes made the people around him unconsciously take a step back.

  Without noticing the expressions on everyone’s faces, Mosquito’s voice became more and more excited.

  ”According to my calculations, it will take less than a thousand meters, and an altitude of 800 meters will be enough!”

  ”Turn off the engine and dive down. When you are two hundred meters above the ground, pull up the joystick and the switch, and you will turn into a flash of lightning!” Fang

  Chang’s Adam’s apple moved.

  ”…What if it doesn’t pull up?”

  Mosquito still repeated the sentence.

  ”You will turn into a flash of lightning!”

  Lao Bai: “?”

  Kuang Feng: “???”

  Fang Chang: “???”

  Commander of the Spring Water: “……???”

  If you don’t understand, just ask.

  Is this the kind of equipment that a normal person would choose? !


  At dusk.

  Silence shrouded the sky above Qingquan City. The “corpse drivers” in chemical protective suits carried stretchers full of corpses and evacuated the battlefield one after another.

  On the front-line positions not far from them, figures carrying rifles and eager to try were arriving from the rear one after another.

  Among them were the “Death Corps” who had been through the battlefield and wore gray coats, the “Mountain Corps” transferred back from Yuanxi Town and wore green coats, and the miscellaneous teams with distinctive personal colors and a variety of equipment… But no one dared to doubt their combat effectiveness.

  No matter which set of equipment they used, they were undoubtedly the elite among the elite.

  In the days of fighting and constant resurrection, they have summed up a set of fighting methods that best suit them, and passed on these valuable experiences – or strategies – to the newcomers they have guided.

  Each of them is a banner!

  ”You’ve moved all your assets out?” Vanus, standing by the window of the building, looked down at the battlefield below in surprise.

  The murderous atmosphere of the forest of guns and flags, even if the young soldiers of the legion stood in front of them, they would probably be no more than that!

  Chu Guang, who was standing next to them, wearing a power armor, said calmly.

  ”What’s the end of this?”

  Daytime is their home court.

  According to the plan he personally made.

  The players will rotate to hold on to the defense line until dawn, and when the last round of offensive before dawn fades, they will launch a full-scale counterattack against the wave!

  Don’t give those bugs any chance to breathe!

  Since yesterday, the industrial zone has temporarily suspended all export orders and concentrated all production capacity on the front line.

  Boxes and bundles of ammunition were delivered to the ammunition depot on the front line. In addition, two sets of 100KW firewood generators and 200 newly produced hibernation capsules were deployed downstairs of the temporary command post for players to save and rest offline.

  Equipment is tight.

  The rest time allocated to each player clone is only 4 hours, but this time is enough to relieve fatigue.

  Players who signed up for the event have already asked for leave in real life.

  It doesn’t matter if you can’t participate. “Wasteland OL” is a casual, non-hardcore MMORPG that never forces players to participate in server activities.

  At most, it will provide rewards that are hard to refuse in the event.

  Looking at the sunset gradually disappearing on the street, Chu Guang felt the blood burning in his heart.

  This will be the battle with the largest number of participants, the largest scale, and the highest number of equipment types since the launch of “Wasteland OL”!

  Two hummingbird drones have been deployed by him on the edge of the battlefield, and the camera has been locked on the battlefield filled with spore clouds.

  ”Come on.”

  Chu Guang clenched his fists lightly and exhaled the turbid air in his chest.

  ”Let me see what you can do!”


  The shadow of the high-rise building gradually sank into the dilapidated alley.

  The gray-green fog faintly revealed the bloody red, and the creaking teeth that made people’s legs and feet weak.

  However, no one’s legs were weak.

  After days of fighting, most of the four hundred newbies who had just entered the game in Alpha 1.1 had become qualified fighters.

  For them,

  victory was the only creed.

  Death was insignificant!

  With a hint of excitement in the chattering noise, the players on the front-line positions skillfully opened the safety of their rifles and leaned behind the bunkers made of concrete rubble.

  ”All team members, take your positions! There are only five minutes left!”

  ”… I repeat, the newbies in the team, pay attention, let the machine gunners fire first, hold the rifles steady, and wait until the wave approaches 50 meters before firing!”

  ”Remember! You are no longer rookies, don’t use the little guys in your hands to pick the teeth of the tyrants! Believe in your teammates and the lances in their hands! Use the ammunition where it should be used!”

  ”Here they come – prepare for battle!”

  A shrill long howl came from the thick fog.

  The running gnawers surged out of the darkness like a tide, rushing across a messy battlefield towards the players’ positions.

  At the same time, three flares rose into the sky, dispelling the haze on the streets.

  The machine guns deployed in the building roared first, and the bullets whizzed through the gray-green fog, forming a dense rain of steel fire.

  Then the water-cooled Maxim deployed at the front line also spewed out flames, madly shooting at the alien swarms that rushed like a tsunami.

  The players fired skillfully, and each team cooperated tacitly to clear the aliens in their respective defense areas.

  The first round of charge was just cannon fodder.

  They were already familiar with the aliens’ routines.

  First, use the gnawer swarm to consume their bullets, and then send high-health units and high-mobility units to try to break through the defense line.

  Above the temporary command post, on the roof of the building.

  Mosquito was assembling the W-1 “Flying Mosquito” glider with his four apprentices, braving the strong wind on the rooftop.

  Because it was an experimental model, after an hour of debate, he finally convinced his four apprentices to add an X after the W.

  The plane is equipped with two 100 kg bombs, which are as powerful as the 250 pound bombs of the big bang, and the weight is actually not much different.

  In addition, there are two 7mm small-caliber machine guns installed in the cabin.

  Although the initial proposal of the peacemaker was to use the 20mm cannon directly, Mosquito rejected the proposal after careful consideration.

  The 20mm cannon and ammunition are too heavy!

  It is better to carry two more bombs with that weight!

  What’s more, this thing is the product of a “friendly competitor”.

  This is the time for Goblin Technology to show its strength, how can we let the friendly competitors steal the show?

  ”Hurry up!” Mosquito, holding a telescope, overlooked the battlefield that could not be seen clearly at all, and urged his apprentices loudly.

  Peacemaker couldn’t help but look up and complain.

  ”Damn it! Why don’t you come to help!”

  Mosquito glared at him.

  ”I’m a pilot! I said I’m responsible for flying, what do you want me to do for you? How about we switch?!”

  The one trying to stop fighting shuddered, then cursed and stopped talking.

  It’s not that he’s afraid of heights.

  It’s mainly because he’s unsure.

  Although he was involved in designing this thing, the difference between fixed-wing and quadcopter is too big, and he has no idea whether this thing can fly.

  What if?

  What if the propeller breaks or the wing falls apart?

  That would be a death sentence!

  Mosquito doesn’t care about losing face, but he still can’t let go of his dignity.

  ”Why do I feel something is wrong?” Mosquito, who was standing next to the building, suddenly said.

  ”What? What’s wrong?” Facing the whistling wind, Du Ming, whose eyes were squinted, raised his head.

  Holding the telescope steadily, Mosquito frowned and muttered.

  ”The gunfire has been going on for too long!”

  Hasn’t the first wave of offensive ended yet?

  It should have ended long ago!

  He always has a bad feeling.

  With the nature of the dog planner, he will definitely not play according to the routine.

  He was also a hardcore veteran player who had joined the server in the early versions, and he had long experienced A Guang’s erratic “narrative style”.

  Just when he felt something was wrong, a conspicuous scarlet light suddenly lit up in the gray-green fog. The

  mortar position that was originally on standby for the next round of offensive suddenly opened fire, and dozens of shells whizzed into the sky, exploding a flame around the scarlet light. The sound of

  gunfire below the building became more and more intense, and there were faint roars of pain in the thick fog…

  Looking at the spore cloud that was dispersed by the shock wave of the explosion, and watching the monster gradually reveal its shape in the thick fog, Mosquito, who was holding the telescope tightly, couldn’t help but blurt out a beautiful hometown dialect.


  ”What the hell is that?!”

  (Tomorrow is New Year’s Day, brothers, see you next year!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode