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Chapter 278: I can’t raise pigs this year

278. Chapter 278 We can’t raise pigs this year


Author: Wan Ran Yi Xiao

   Chapter 278: You can’t raise pigs this year.

  Huang Minyue is also a super face control. Whenever Xu Jinning inadvertently turns his head to look at her, he can see her eyes fall on her, eyes bright and full of appreciation.

  She often follows Xu Jinning and blows rainbow farts.

  ”Jinning, you are so beautiful. If I had a brother, I would definitely let him marry you.”

  ”Jinning, how can you be so amazing? You are beautiful, talented, and speak foreign languages ​​fluently.”

  ”Jinning, you…”

  No one doesn’t like to be praised, especially sincere praise, so Xu Jinning is very happy to get along with Huang Minyue.

  ”You are also beautiful, super cute.”

  Huang Minyue is indeed very good-looking, with a baby face full of collagen and baby fat, and a pair of big eyes that seem to be able to speak.

  It makes people feel good.

  The key is that her mouth is still very sweet, and she can get along well with anyone, making people unable to hate her.

  ”Ah, Jinning, you actually said that I am good-looking. If someone as good-looking as you says that I am good-looking, then I must be very good-looking.”

  After saying that, Huang Minyue smiled, a little silly and cute.

  After getting along with each other, Xu Jinning found that Huang Minyue was a very simple person with a very simple mind, but she also had an extraordinary intuition and could distinguish between good and evil.

  For example, when meeting some people who are not very good-minded, Huang Minyue would remind Xu Jinning not to have much contact with those people.

  Because Wang Xiumei also often came to her, Huang Minyue also became friends with Wang Xiumei over time.

  These two people are both super serious face control patients. One is simple and the other is carefree. They are both sunny and cheerful. It is not surprising that they can get along with each other.

  The key is that these two people have another thing in common, that is, they are very fond of Xu Jinning.

  When the three of them are together, they are all centered on Xu Jinning.

  Perhaps this is the preferential treatment of face control patients to good-looking people.

  ”Jinning, Xiumei, do you want to come to my house? My dad heard that I made some friends and wants to meet you.” On Friday, Huang Minyue asked Xu Jinning and Wang Xiumei like a happy little bird.

  ”I can, I don’t have anything to do on the weekend.” Wang Xiumei said directly.

  ”Well, I can too.” Xu Jinning replied that she and Xie Ting’an would go to Xie’s house to meet Grandpa Xie on Sunday, and she had nothing to do on Saturday.

  ”Great, then go to my house, my parents have wanted to see you for a long time.”


  On Saturday, the three of them met at school, and then Huang Minyue took them on the bus.

  ”My parents are now in the meat processing factory, we are going to the meat processing factory now…” Huang Minyue introduced.

  In the past, Xu Jinning only knew that Huang Minyue’s father worked in the meat processing factory, but now she knows that her parents are both in the meat processing factory, and this meat processing factory is still her father’s.

  In the past, this meat processing factory was a collective, and Huang Minyue’s father Huang Yuxian was the director of the meat processing factory, responsible for management, and her mother was in charge of finance.

  Since last year, due to national policies, state-owned factories have gradually disbanded and private enterprises have begun to rise. The meat processing factory, which is not big or small, is facing the risk of closure. With

  this closure, I don’t know how many workers will be laid off.

  ”…My parents have worked in the meat processing factory for more than 20 years and have deep feelings for it. Moreover, many workers in the meat processing factory are good friends of my parents for many years. They can’t bear to see the meat processing factory closed.”

  ”So, my parents discussed it, took out all the family savings, and went to the bank to borrow money to buy the meat processing factory.”

  So this Yongxing meat processing factory is now their family’s.

  And most of those workers are still working there. Although it is no longer a stable job that can be inherited, at least they still have a job, and the salary is also high.


  After six stops, they got off the bus.

  The Yongxing Meat Processing Plant was nearby.

  Soon, Huang Minyue took them into the meat processing plant.

  In the office, they first met Huang Minyue’s mother.

  The first time Xu Jinning saw Huang’s mother, she realized who Huang Minyue looked like, her mother.

  Huang’s mother, who was almost 40 years old, still had a baby face. If you didn’t know her, you would think she was only in her twenties. She looked very young.

  Probably because he heard that Huang Minyue had brought her classmates, Huang’s father, Huang Yuxian, who was originally busy, also came.

  Huang Yuxian was also about 40 years old, and he always had a smile on his face, like Maitreya Buddha.

  He also had a beer belly that was rare in this era.

  Xu Jinning thought, could it be because Uncle Huang was the director of the meat processing plant?

  Both Huang’s mother and Huang’s father were very enthusiastic towards Xu Jinning and Wang Xiumei, and welcomed their arrival.

  At noon, Xu Jinning and Wang Xiumei were taken to the canteen of the meat processing plant to eat together.

  ”Director Huang, are you planning to buy that many piglets this time? More than 2,000?”

  After dinner, because Wang Xiumei was very curious about the meat processing plant, Huang Yuxian, his wife, and Huang Minyue took them to visit the meat processing plant.

  At this time, an employee came over with a document and asked.

  ”Yes, a total of 2,500 pigs, try to implement it within a month.” Huang Yuxian gave a positive answer.

  After the employees left, Huang Minyue asked, “Dad, we are going to raise so many pigs this time.”

  ”Yes, the prospects for raising pigs are still very good. These days, everyone is short of meat. As long as these pigs are raised and sold at the end of the year, the money will be earned back.”

  ”This time, it’s considered that all the coffin capital has been invested, but it will be recovered by the end of the year, and the money from the factory can also be earned back.”

  Huang Yuxian did not hide the factory’s affairs from his daughter.

  Of course, there is nothing that cannot be told about this matter, so even if Xu Jinning and Wang Xiumei are here now, Huang Yuxian has nothing to hide.

  Huang Yuxian has been a frank and straightforward person all his life.

  He didn’t know that his words made Xu Jinning frown.

  [Wait, this year… raising pigs…] Xu Jinning felt that the plot of raising pigs was somewhat familiar.

  At this moment, a light bulb went off in his head, and something suddenly flashed through his mind, and Xu Jinning also grabbed it.

  [I remember that we can’t raise pigs this year, there will be a nationwide swine fever! ]

  Huang Yuxian had finished speaking, and was still imagining how much money the piglets would be sold for when they grew into big pigs at the end of the year.

  Suddenly, a female voice was heard, and the female voice was very anxious.

  He remembered that this was the voice of his daughter’s classmate named Xu Jinning.

  Huang Yuxian had a good impression of this girl.

  Because she is beautiful!

  Huang Minyue’s face control was inherited from her father Huang Yuxian.

  But what the girl Jinning said made him a little unhappy.

  How can you say that, and say that there is swine fever, and it is nationwide. If this is true, how serious it would be.


After Being Mind-read by the Cannon Fodder Group, the Foolish Beauty Effortlessly Won at Life

After Being Mind-read by the Cannon Fodder Group, the Foolish Beauty Effortlessly Won at Life

Score 3.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Xu Jinning transmigrated and found herself in a fictionalized version of the 1980s from several novels, where she was the fake rich daughter cannon fodder destined to suffer from depression and die three years later. Knowing that this was an unchangeable world, Xu Jinning chose to be indifferent and live one day at a time.

Suddenly, the cannon fodder group from these novels discovered that they could hear Xu Jinning’s inner thoughts!

[“Big sister, your plastic best friend will only deceive you. She’ll even plot to marry you off to an ab*sive man, snatch away your college acceptance letter, and make you die from a miscarriage caused by d*mestic v*olence.”] Xu Fanghua: … After completely falling out with her best friend of over a decade, she turned the tables, pushing her friend towards the ab*sive man and going to college with her acceptance letter.

[“Aunt, they’re going to demolish this house. It’s large, and you’ll get subsidies for several houses. Please don’t sell it.”] Aunt Xu: … Gritting her teeth, she didn’t sell the house. Three months later, they moved into a new house, starting a life of collecting rent.

[“This year, don’t raise pigs. There will be a swine flu outbreak, and you’ll lose money until you cry.”] The director of the poultry factory, who switched to raising chickens and ducks: … While everyone else’s pigs died, only the chickens, ducks, and geese raised in his factory brought in a full pot of wealth.

Xu Jinning realized that she was just casually commenting, but everyone around her was changing, and they were being exceptionally good to her.

Her big sister, who used to dislike her, was now helping her prepare for college. Her second brother took charge of vast lands for her. The director of the poultry factory unexpectedly wanted to acknowledge her as his goddaughter, ensuring she had meat to eat every day. Most shocking of all, her aunt wanted to transfer one of the houses acquired from the demolition into her name, as a gift…

Unconsciously, Xu Jinning found that she seemed to be effortlessly winning at life!


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