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Chapter 278: Malice in the Light, Blood Sword Appears

Chapter 278: Malice in the Light, Blood Sword Appears


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 278 Malice was in the light, and the blood sword appeared

  in the dark clouds, with a faint flash of lightning.

  Countless flesh and blood crawled all over the imperial capital, and towers of flesh and blood stood up, which was extremely creepy.

  In the depths of the gloomy and terrifying palace, more than a dozen figures knelt on the ground in embarrassment.

  They were all wearing luxurious robes, and they were obviously noble in the imperial capital. But now most people were sweating and shrinking.

  ”——I have no interest in the internal struggles between forces. Whether you live or die, it is up to you to decide.”

  In the deep palace hall, the dense flesh and blood meridians intertwined into a huge face, and slowly said: “But you really disappointed me this time.”

  The internal struggle with the Zhenchuan Sect led to the secret theft of the Taiwu Saint Soldiers.

  Not only did he fail to stop the thief, but he was even killed by the other party, leaving no trace, and could only watch the other party wave his sleeves and leave.

  Such a shameful result made the Zhou Kingdom Immortal Venerable a little angry.

  ”Your Majesty, it’s our fault.”

  The dragon-robed man in the lead said solemnly, “You can just sleep peacefully. We will do our best to catch the thief and redeem ourselves.”

  ”What should we do if you are attacked again?”

  ”We are willing to be severely punished.”

  ”Okay, I hope you won’t let me down again.” The Immortal Lord glanced over and said, “While I am asleep, you must be more vigilant against other countries and pay attention to their every move.”

  ”Understood, Your Majesty, you can rest assured.”

  As the words fell, the huge flesh-and-blood human face gradually disappeared and scattered, and the hall returned to peace.


  Everyone present had a somewhat ugly look on their faces, and the dragon-robed man in the lead couldn’t help but frown.

  ”I asked you to investigate the identities and origins of the thieves. You have searched for almost two days, but still found nothing?”

  ”Your Majesty, we have tried our best, but those people seem to have evaporated from the face of the earth and disappeared without a trace.”

  Several ministers knelt down and bowed, their faces full of distress: “We have searched the area within dozens of miles of Dashan City inside and out, but still couldn’t find any trace of them.” The

  Emperor of Zhou’s face gradually darkened: “Have you searched other places carefully?”

  ”We have lost many elite soldiers this time, and we don’t have so many masters to be deployed for the time being, so…”

  ”Investigate! Keep investigating until you find them!”

  The Emperor of Zhou waved his sleeves and snorted coldly: “We must not let them leave Zhou!”

  ”Yes!” A group of people hurriedly lowered their heads and retreated, escaping into the land of flesh and blood.

  The anger on the face of the Emperor of Zhou gradually faded, and he spoke calmly: “Although we accidentally angered the Immortal Venerable, our trip was not without gain.

  At least many poisonous insects were successfully tested, and the Zhenchuan Sect was also seriously injured and even lost its treasure. Its end will be even worse than ours.”

  He looked back at the three generals of the Imperial Capital under his command: “According to the original plan, and then prepare to annex the Zhenchuan Sect.”

  ”Yes, sir.”

  After many people retreated obediently, only a few figures were left in the hall.

  ”Your Majesty, don’t worry.” An old minister stepped forward quietly and whispered: “Those thieves hiding in the dark will be exposed sooner or later. When the time comes, our masters will come out together and be able to confront them head-on.”

  ”Okay, I’ll wait.”

  The Emperor of Zhou sneered again and again: “I am looking forward to whether this group of thieves will be greedy and come to my Imperial Capital to do evil again.”

  If they really dare to break into the Imperial Capital, they will be made to live a life worse than death!

  A few days later, outside the Imperial Capital of Zhou.

  The carriage moved forward slowly. After many days of traveling, the destination was in sight.

  Yang Shifei leaned forward to take a look and couldn’t help but smack his lips: “This imperial capital looks really weird.” The

  gate of the imperial capital seemed like the entrance to purgatory, cast into a twisted shape with flesh and blood, which was particularly breathtaking at first glance.

  Although the black fog was everywhere, one could still vaguely see the towering mountains of flesh in the imperial capital, as if they were made of countless bloody corpses.

  ”It is indeed a demon cave.”

  Luo Xian’er narrowed her eyes and murmured, “If you want to break into it, you have to walk.”

  Yang Shifei nodded in understanding, slowly stopped the carriage, and turned around and got off the ground first. During

  the two days of traveling, he learned a lot about the layout of the Zhou imperial capital from Ji Shang.

  The royal treasures are hidden in the secret warehouse in the southwest corner of the palace, which is heavily guarded. Because few people know about it, it is called the “Royal Treasury Secret Cellar”, and only the royal family members are qualified to enter it.

  The most precious treasure among them is the Taiwu Holy Soldier.

  But in addition to this, there are many tests in the Royal Treasury Secret Cave. Once the Zhou Emperor orders it to start, the layers of protection will close and seal it, and the Holy Soldier will be completely sealed inside.

  ”I’ll do it!”

  Yue Rui and Ji Shang also got off the carriage at this time, and with a flick of their sleeves, the gray fog quickly enveloped the four of them.

  Yang Shifei turned back and told the horse to relax outside and not get close to others.

  Soon, everyone walked towards the gate of the imperial capital.

  There were a large number of demon city guards stationed at the gate, strictly screening the people entering and leaving the city.

  ”It seems that the Zhou royal family has become a frightened bird.”

  Ji Shang took the lead in stepping into the crowd and glanced back: “Just come in directly, no one will find our trace.”

  Yang Shifei carried Yue Rui on his back and walked into the city gate carefully with Luo Xian’er.

  Even though they were in the old nest of Zhou, these city guards and martial arts masters still did not find any clues and watched the enemy enter the base camp.

  ”It looks like the city is bad.”

  Luo Xian’er was also used to it. She just frowned and looked around: “The environment is really bad.”

  ”Let’s not talk about other buildings for now. What are those flesh and blood towers used for?”

  Yang Shifei pointed to a nearby tower: “It doesn’t look like the original buildings of the Zhou Kingdom.”

  ”You guessed right.” Ji Shang nodded slightly: “These towers are all built later. It is expected that they are used to accumulate filthy breath.”

  He nodded in understanding and looked in the direction of the secret cave: “Let’s go and take a look now?”


  The crowd in the imperial city was surging, and there was a faint noise.

  But as they approached the location of the secret cave, the figures around became increasingly scarce.

  Until the four people stepped into the palace, there was no more noise around.

  Not long after, the two teams of demon soldiers stationed outside the secret cave were stunned, and vaguely felt a breeze blowing.

  They subconsciously looked around and did not find anything unusual. They just thought that they had been standing guard for too long and scared themselves.


  At the same time, Yang Shifei and his party were not blocked at all and walked into the secret cave smoothly.

  Compared to the hideous and terrifying palace, the environment here seemed clean and tidy, as if it had not experienced any disasters.

  He casually glanced around and saw a large number of rows of cabinets and shelves filled with many natural treasures and antiques, all of which were the treasury treasures of the Zhou royal family.

  ”The holy soldiers are hidden.”

  While searching silently, several scarlet blood rays quietly emerged.

  Yang Shifei seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly turned around, only to see a number of blood-red long swords floating out from nowhere, all pointed at everyone.

   Today’s second update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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