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Chapter 278 The Howling Death!

Chapter 278 The Howling Death!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 278 The Howling Death!

  On the battlefield.

  The shock wave of the explosion dispersed the spore cloud that filled the sea of ​​corpses and bones. On the street made of concrete fragments and twisted steel bars, a tank nearly ten meters long and three to five meters wide stood tall! The

  [Garbage Picker Level 99] squatting behind the explosion-proof bunker widened his eyes in disbelief, rubbing his amber eyes repeatedly with the back of his hands covered with scales.


  Not only was he shocked, but also Quitting and Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes who were squatting not far away.

  ”Slime mold tank?!”

  ”What the hell is this?!”

  It was a tank in the literal sense.

  It had no turret or tracks. The black and angular body looked quite sci-fi, but the dark red slime mold crawling all over the body and the fat tentacles dragging on the ground made it look like a centipede carrying a turtle shell.

  Chu Guang, who was standing upstairs, frowned and stared at the monster that appeared in the drone screen. The officers standing around him also showed surprised expressions on their faces.

  ”…Is that a human tank?” Vanus swallowed his saliva.

  Chu Guang, who was wearing a power armor, took off the Gauss rifle on his back and asked casually.

  ”Have you seen it?”

  ”…I haven’t seen it, but it obviously came from the city center.”

  Chu Guang didn’t say anything, silently aimed, and then pulled the trigger.

  The flashing arc flashed in the tuning fork-shaped barrel for a moment, and the “spike” blasted out like lightning and hit the front armor of the tank.

  However –

  the armor was intact, but the concrete wall next to it was blasted into pieces, revealing the steel skeleton inside.

  Failed to penetrate!

  Chu Guang frowned.

  This bizarre hit effect gave him a feeling that the “spike” that hit the tank at five times the speed of sound did not even leave a scratch.

  It was as if something had bounced it away the moment it touched the armor!

  The reaction of the “tank” also confirmed Chu Guang’s guess. The tentacles under the chassis slowly crawled, dragging the fusion of flesh and steel forward.

  Only two hundred meters away from the front line!

  Chu Guang made a prompt decision and gave the order.

  ”Anti-aircraft gun position!”

  ”20mm armor-piercing shells, target enemy tanks–”


  At the same time, the two quadruple anti-aircraft guns deployed in the building on one side quickly lowered their muzzles and fired a salvo.

  80 20mm armor-piercing incendiary shells formed two orange-yellow fire rains in the air, and the fierce and intertwined firepower instantly pounced on the tank!

  The sound of banging came from the dense armor in front and on the upper side. The speed of the “slime mold tank” was obviously slowed down, but the dense attack like raindrops still failed to work. The shells were all bounced off by the heavy armor and flew around on the battlefield.

  One of the unfolded shells whizzed into the front of the concrete explosion-proof bunker, scaring the neck of the garbage man squatting behind the bunker.

  ”Oh my god…”

  ”Isn’t the armor of this monster too outrageous?!”

  Quitting, who was squatting next to him,

  said solemnly, “It’s probably a tank from the pre-war era!” Kuangfeng, who was not far away, said solemnly.

  Ye Shi swallowed his saliva.

  ”The peak of combat power in the background board…”

  Although it has been exposed to wind and rain for two hundred years and the surface of the armor has slightly weathered, it still does not affect its absolute advantage over modern weapons.

  Not to mention the 20mm machine gun.

  Even if it is replaced with a modern tank main gun with a penetration depth of 1000mm, it is probably not enough, not to mention the RPG on his back.


  It should be said that it is definitely not enough!

  Ye Shi suddenly realized that if we refer to the background setting of “Wasteland OL”, the big guy in front is the “modern tank”, right?

  M1 and Leopard 2 are not even as good as Panzer IV and T-34 in front of it. At most, they are coffin boards like Renault and Mark.

  Although it has no turret and shield, it does not affect its performance.

  The slime mold hidden inside seems to have regarded it as a mobile shelter, using the hard protection of the armor itself to advance towards the player’s position.

  Although he doesn’t know what will happen if it approaches, Ye Shi doesn’t want to try it at all.

  The fat tentacles dragging under the chassis made him feel physically uncomfortable after reading a lot of learning materials.

  ”Armor-piercing is useless, you have to use high-explosive bombs,” staring at the front of the position, Lao Bai, who had been silent, suddenly said, “Look at its chassis!”

  Ye Shi subconsciously looked at the slime mold tank, only to see that although the armor was intact, the tentacles under the armor were obviously injured.

  Even if it was thrown forward, the speed was not as fast as before.

  Obviously, the commander also discovered this. The two quadruple anti-aircraft guns replaced the magazines and quickly fired the second round of salvos!

  Dense fire rain poured on the side of the slime mold tank, and the flames exploded.

  Although the flying shrapnel could not scrape the armor, it scraped off most of the slime mold on the surface and also scratched the flesh and blood hidden under the armor!

  The tentacles supported under the chassis were severely damaged, and many tentacles that did not have time to retract were even directly blown in two.

  Losing balance, the slime mold tank suddenly lowered on the left side and lay on the battlefield full of gravel, unable to move.

  Looking out of the explosion-proof shelter and looking ahead, Ye Shi excitedly waved his fist and couldn’t help cheering.

  ”Well done!”

  It seems that the mother nest that dominates the slime mold is smart, but not completely smart.

  Although the heavy “turtle shell” can defend against artillery shells, once it loses power, it can only stare at the unreachable distance.

  However, the tank covered with fungal blankets did not sit still and wait for death. A series of worm-like red fungal blocks emerged from the alleys and crawled towards the armored base with black blood flowing, as if they were trying to repair the tentacles that were blown off and destroyed.

  They were trying to “repair the tracks”!

  At the same time, in order to cover the stranded “node creatures”, the wave launched a new round of offensive without stopping.

  The alien species poured out from the intersections, alleys, and storefronts along the street like a tide, and pounced on the players’ positions.

  The beginning of a new round of offensive.

  The machine gunners who had already resupplied, steadied their water-cooled Maxims and pulled the trigger.

  Tut, tut, tut——!

  The machine guns spewed out flames, and the whizzing bullets shot wildly at the surging waves.

  Sensing the intention of the worm-like fruiting bodies to repair the slime mold tank, the anti-aircraft guns continued to use 20mm high-explosive shells to set fire to the ground around the tank.

  Mortar shells fell one after another.

  Every flash of fire took away countless alien species.

  Under the dense firepower network formed by the players’ cooperation, the aggressive alien clusters were like rice in front of the joint production harvester, falling one after another.

  In the face of absolute firepower, the power of an individual is as small as a grain of sand.

  Whether it is a crawler or a gnawer, they have become rolling pieces

  of meat and tofu dregs. A few tyrants covered with keratin armor can withstand the 7mm bullets, but when facing the larger caliber 20mm cavalry rifles, or even the concentrated fire of the 37mm heavy cavalry rifles, the final outcome is only one-being crushed into pieces by boiling steel.

  Crouching behind the explosion-proof bunker, Jun Jun looked at it with envy for a while.

  His claws couldn’t be coordinated like a human hand. While others were shooting, he could only watch from the side.

  ”Damn it!”

  ”I want to delete my account and start over!”

  Ye Shi took the time to tease him while changing the magazine.

  ”Don’t, your attributes are so awesome, it would be a pity to delete your account and start over.”

  Besides, there was no way to open a new account.

  Someone had consulted Brother Guang before, including a series of questions such as “Can I make clones in advance to save resurrection time?” and “Can I open a small account?” However, the replies I received were all just two sentences without exception – [Technical conditions do not allow], [I tried, but unfortunately it didn’t work].

  For such a large game, the operation team obviously went through a series of careful and rigorous deductions, and after considering various situations, they finally chose to adopt the current settings.

  Judging from Brother Guang’s activeness on the forum, he should still have a lot of say in the planning team. Even he said it was not possible, so it must be not possible. Seeing

  Ye Shi’s appearance of standing and talking without feeling any back pain, Garbage rolled his eyes.

  ”It’s useless to have a powerful light attribute. You think you’re powerful? I’ll trade with you!”

  Ye Shi said with a grin.

  ”No, you look too ugly, and you don’t have a little brother. I’ll trade with you.”

  ”Go away!”

  You have a little brother.

  But you don’t show any use for it?

  Jun Lazi was about to say something back, but at this moment, something strange happened!

  I saw a series of black shadows suddenly whizzing over the street in front of me, accompanied by a buzzing sound, passing over the collapsed reinforced concrete wreckage and the overpass, and crashing into the floor where the quadruple anti-aircraft gun was located.

  Explosions came from above everyone’s heads one after another.

  The anti-aircraft gun that was still venting firepower a second ago suddenly went out.

  Jun Lazi looked up suddenly, and his amber pupils shrank slightly.


  No –

  it doesn’t look like a sacrifice!

  Those are lantern-sized fungus blocks, thrown over by something unknown. Some fell on the anti-aircraft gun position, and some fell near the front line.

  They fell to the ground without saying a word. Their bodies first shrank half a circle, and then their bellies swelled rapidly as if a chemical reaction had occurred, and then they suddenly exploded into a gray-green spore cloud.

  Although they were not as powerful as the martyrs, they were hard to guard against!

  Caught off guard, many players were injured or even killed on the spot!


  Lao Bai immediately raised the muzzle of his gun and fired a burst of bullets at the top of his head.

  Several mushroom blocks fell to the ground after being sieved by the rifle. Quitting Smoking, who was standing next to him, immediately lay down on the ground, but after waiting for a while, he didn’t wait for the mushroom block to explode, so he stood up again.

  ”What the hell is this?!”

  ”I don’t know…” Fang Chang stared at the mushroom block on the ground dripping with black mucus, his expression solemn.

  Looking closely, the lantern-shaped mushroom block actually had two half-meter-long flesh wings on both sides, which kept shaking like the wings of a dragonfly.

  These two thin wings are obviously not enough to support its two or three kilograms of body, but they are enough for it to fine-tune its flight direction during inertial flight.

  Realizing this, Fang Chang’s face was moved.

  This thing can also correct the trajectory? !

  At the same time, in the headquarters, shouts from the anti-aircraft position came from the communication channel.

  ”We encountered enemy artillery counterattack!”

  Chu Guang said calmly.

  ”How many people are left?”

  ”Three… No, that one is also gone. Only me and another teammate are left.”

  One or two explosions can be heard from time to time in the communication channel. The player who spoke kept panting and seemed to have been seriously injured.

  The same was true for the anti-aircraft position on the other side.

  The unexpected long-range firepower caught the players who were operating the anti-aircraft guns to suppress the slime mold tanks off guard.

  The mother nest actually pointed out the “fire support doctrine”?

  After listening to their report, Chu Guang immediately sent reinforcements to the anti-aircraft gun position.

  At the same time, one of the two Hummingbird drones remotely controlled by Xiao Qi was also separated and followed the source of the long-range firepower.

  The camera on the screen moved quickly.


  The source of the enemy’s firepower was exposed to the vision of everyone in the command post!

  About 800 meters away from the front-line position, there were four trucks parked next to a half-collapsed overpass.

  Like the previous tank, the four trucks were also covered with dark red fungal blankets, and the degree of erosion was even more exaggerated than that of the tank. The cargo box that was lifted up was filled with wriggling pieces of meat!

  Those lantern-shaped “flying insects” were launched from the cargo box!

  Chu Guang noticed that there were constantly gnawers and flesh-red worms crawling into the truck’s compartment, providing it with the organic matter and energy needed to synthesize organisms in a self-sacrificing way.

  As the meat in the carriage squirmed, a long belching sound was emitted, and soon more than 20 “self-destructing flying insects” were shot into the sky, drawing parabolas and smashing into the players’ positions.

  The flying insects vibrated their wings in the air, looking for their targets.

  Chu Guang’s eyes were filled with surprise.


  A suicide drone that automatically corrects its trajectory? !

  And it can be produced and launched at the same time!

  Looking at the four trucks that kept spewing out aliens, everyone in the command post showed solemn expressions.


  ”Aliens actually have artillery!?”

  Even Vanus, who had seen some of the world, was equally surprised at this moment.

  Obviously, it was the first time he had seen such an outrageous and strange thing.

  ”That truck… should be a mobile drone base station of the Prosperous Era. I remember it seemed to be used in the logistics and distribution industry.”

  Vanus learned a little about the Prosperous Era when he was studying at the Military Academy, but for an officer, it was not a compulsory course, and he had only heard of it.

  Staring at the screen with a frown, Chu Guang said in a deep voice.

  ”The mutant slime molds dominated by the mother nest have extremely strong ‘mimicry’ abilities. They will imitate us… or other people’s fighting methods.”

  Heya’s previous research has confirmed this.

  But what surprised him was that those slime molds not only imitated, but even “absorbed” the relics of pre-war civilization in an unexpected way.

  From “Plague Knights” to “Plague Tanks”, without exception, they are the products of this kind of “fusion concept”.

  What is chilling is that those mutant slime molds not only formed a highly concentrated hive society, but also mastered the ability to discover and solve problems.

  Even if these methods seem a bit immature!

  ”Attention, Artillery Group A, coordinates…, five rounds of artillery fire, dense barrage.”

  Half of the twelve 88mm mortars were separated and fired at the artillery coordinates set by Chu Guang.

  Some shells were intercepted by buildings and smashed into buildings or overpasses, but many shells also fell near the target area.

  Although the sudden artillery attack did not cause substantial damage to the four trucks, it killed a large number of gnawers and flesh-red worms that were queuing up to give their heads. The

  projection speed of the self-destructing flying insects slowed down, and the suppressed anti-aircraft artillery positions resumed firepower.

  The other four players carried two machine guns and rushed to the anti-aircraft positions to establish new firepower points. The task changed from suppressing enemy ground units to suppressing self-destructing flying units.

  But this alone is not enough.

  Under the suppression of artillery fire, a large number of gnawers still rushed towards the truck fearlessly, turning their flesh and blood into artillery shells.

  Chu Guang made a decision immediately.

  ”Artillery A and B groups, correct the artillery coordinates…, slowly advance the barrage to the southwest, five rounds of artillery fire, clear the obstacles for the ground troops!”

  As the order was issued, Chu Guang immediately edited a task and sent it to the front-line position.

  Not far below the building.

  Lao Bai, who was lying behind the explosion-proof bunker and fighting with the aliens, had the VM on his arm vibrating slightly.

  A line of light blue pop-up windows appeared.

  [Task: Advance under the cover of the barrage and destroy the enemy’s artillery position! ]

  ”New task!”

  ”Team members! Follow me!”

  Lao Bai shouted at the top of his voice, grabbed a few magazines from the ammunition box and inserted them into the exoskeleton, and then continued to fire while rushing towards the flank of the position.

  Fang Chang, Garbage-kun and other players followed closely behind, and soon a team of ten came up from behind to take over their defense zone.

  Leaving the center of the battlefield, the temperature of the surrounding air dropped by several degrees.

  Ye Shi, who had changed to a submachine gun, caught up with Lao Bai.

  ”What is the new mission?”

  Lao Bai said concisely.

  ”Destroy the enemy’s artillery position!”

  Jieyan, who was following closely with several RPGs on his back, was stunned.


  ”Aliens have this thing!?”

  Fang Chang, Kuangfeng and other old players were not too surprised. After all, they had seen a lot of strange things, so there was nothing to be surprised about.

  The number of slime mold aliens is huge and there are many kinds. Even the gnawers can distinguish several varieties according to size, speed, and whether they glow.

  According to the description of the mutant slime mold in the official setting of “Wasteland OL”, it is not surprising that the fruiting body has long-range support capabilities.

  Lao Bai did not answer Quitting’s confusion. He skillfully opened the mission briefing in the VM and shared several drone photos with the team members.

  Looking at the four trucks covered with fungus blankets on the screen, Quitting could not help swallowing his saliva and squeezed out a word for a long time.


  Jun Lazi was not nervous at all. When he saw the BOSS appear, his face showed an eager expression.

  His claws and muscles were useless in the frontal battlefield, but sneak attacks were different.

  BOSS battle!

  It was time for him to show his skills!

  ”How do we get there?”

  Lao Bai: “Take the path we found before!” They

  have been doing the hunter team’s mission these days, and they have already figured out the passages that can be traversed in the surrounding urban area.

  Almost at the same time as the voice fell, dozens of shells fell on the street 80 meters away to their right front.

  The splashed stones flew into the windows of the buildings on both sides and even fell at the feet of everyone.

  Lao Bai’s face became serious, and he quickened his pace, motioning the team members to follow.

  ”Fire support is coming!”

  ”Hurry up!”

  Including Garbage, there are a total of ten players, led by Lao Bai, the cattle and horse team, which almost represents the strongest combat power of the server.

  The group set out from the flank of the position, quickly inserted to the rear of the wave under the cover of the barrage, and rushed towards the enemy’s artillery position!

  At this moment, fierce gunfire continued on the front of the battlefield.

  The aliens rushed up wave after wave, as if they were determined to tear the players’ positions into pieces tonight.

  The players naturally would not do as these beasts wished. With the support of strong logistics, the fierce firepower did not decrease at all.

  Staring at the tank that was anchored in the center of the battlefield for a long time, he lay on the edge behind the explosion-proof bunker and paddled with his brows furrowed.

  Suddenly, he had an idea and spoke.

  ”That tank is probably a node creature! We have to find a way to take it down!”

  The gunfire around was like firecrackers.

  The construction site boy and brick, who could barely hear the captain’s voice, shouted loudly.

  ”What? What are node creatures?!”

  Debt Eyes: “Similar to the ‘Decay Knight’! A special evolution that can dominate other fruiting bodies nearby! I saw people discussing it on the official website.”

  The Canyon Fleeing Mole on the same front also shouted.

  ”Is your information reliable?!”

  Edgepad shouted: “Unreliable! But these alien species are endless! If we don’t get rid of it… I’m afraid we will have to fight them until dawn!”

  The mole gave a look to the Elf King Fugui next to him.

  The latter set up the RPG, took a deep breath, turned on the thermal vision, and aimed at the flashing red light in the gray-green fog.

  Pull the trigger.

  With a whoosh, the armor-piercing shell rushed away with a trail of white smoke and hit the armor of the tank!

  Sparks exploded!

  Large pieces of fungal blankets peeled off!

  However, the metal jet of the armor-piercing shell did not penetrate the armor!

  The commander of the fountain not far away shouted loudly.

  ”Don’t waste ammunition, I tried it, it doesn’t work at all!”

  The battlefield guy squatting next to him added with a curse.

  ”This armor is too fucking ridiculous!”

  Five RPGs didn’t even smoke!

  Even the T-72 can’t be that tough, right? ?

  He couldn’t tell for a moment whether the tank was cheating or the armor-piercing shells were diluted.

  The battlefield was in a stalemate.

  Just when everyone was at a loss, a piercing scream suddenly came from above.

  The sound was like an air defense alarm, and it was approaching rapidly, just like the buzzer hanging on the “Death Scream”.

  A bad premonition came to his mind, and he raised his head suddenly, his face turned green in an instant, and he blurted out “Fuck”.

  I saw a propeller plane with a wingspan of nearly ten meters, falling straight down from the roof of a building not far away towards his position.

  Irena swallowed her saliva.

  ”Is that… Mosquito?”

  The buzzer was clearly the same model as the “Death Scream” rocket!

  He also noticed the situation above his head, and his eyes widened.

  Especially when he saw the two thick and large bombs hanging under the belly of the plane, he was instantly shocked.

  ”What does he want to do?!”

  Amid the harsh noise, the unbridled laughter was faintly heard.


  ”Your Grandpa Mosquito is here!”

  ”Fuck—get up for me!”

  The plane rushed down steeply, and the joystick had already pulled to the root of his thigh.

  Sitting in the cabin, Mosquito held the joystick with both hands, gritted his teeth, and prayed with all his might.

  Perhaps the “Soul of the Machine” heard his piety.

  The fuselage and wings shook violently, and the nose of the plane that was falling faster and faster was lifted up miraculously.

  Mosquito was delighted, and felt that the blood in his body was boiling.

  Not only because of the overload!

  But also because of the cheers from the bottom of his heart!

  He conquered the sky!

  Suppressing the crazy shaking of the fuselage and the bloodshot eyes, Mosquito used all his strength to stay conscious. He held the joystick with both hands, looking at the crosshairs painted on the windshield, and approached the outline in the thick fog little by little.

  ”Head——” ”

  It’s mine!”

  The moment the crosshairs were aligned, he suddenly pressed the bomb button.

  Two 100-kilogram bombs filled with explosives fell from the sky and hit the stranded tank like thunder!

  The flames and smoke of the explosion rushed into the sky, dispersing the thick fog and even lifting his plane up a few meters.

  Finally, the fuselage was stabilized, and the feeling of overload gradually disappeared.

  Taking a glance at the street boiling with flames in the rearview mirror, Mosquito, who was holding the joystick, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”… Fortunately, I chose Agility!”

  The propeller began to increase power.

  Flying his glider towards a wider airspace.

  On the front line.

  Hot stones rained down behind the explosion-proof shelter. The shock wave of the explosion blew up stones, sand and even corpses, almost burying everyone on the front line.

  Canyon Fleeing Mole coughed dryly and climbed up from the ground, picked up the rifle buried by cement slag, and shook off the dust on it.


  Edge spit out the sand in his mouth and shook his dizzy head.

  ”I thought I was sacrificed.”

  Outside the explosion-proof shelter, thick smoke billowed.

  In the face of pure power and absolute equivalent, even the most advanced armor is useless – not to mention that the center of the explosion occurred at its most vulnerable top.

  The shock wave of the explosion blew the slime mold in the armor, along with the aliens on half a street, into pieces. Even if the remaining aliens were still alive, they were obviously slow to move because they lost the command of the “node creature”.

  Looking at the messy battlefield and the aliens who had lost their organization, I swallowed unconsciously.

  ”…It’s over?”

  The battlefield guy nodded woodenly.

  ”It should be…”

  Even if the armor can withstand it.

  No creature can survive that kind of explosion…

  Not far away, there was an explosion in the gray-green fog. Judging from the direction, it should be the enemy’s “artillery position”. The

  ”self-destructing flying insects” that continued to harass the front line and the anti-aircraft artillery position finally stopped. It seems that Lao Bai and his team who infiltrated the back of the wave played a role.

  Edge paddling can feel that the mother nest probably thought of the same thing as them and put the day of the decisive battle today, so from the beginning, they took out the ultimate skills and the momentum of a decisive battle.

  But it is obvious that the intensity of the firepower resisted by the players exceeded their expectations…

  The wave is receding.

  Tonight’s offensive looks like it will end hastily.


  will the administrator let them go just like that?

  The whistle of the charge sounded as expected. Edge paddling glanced at the VM on his arm, looked at the flashing task pop-up window, and was happy.

  Here it comes!

  The final decisive battle!

  [Task: Decisive moment! ]

  [Goal: Destroy the hive on Street 65! ]

  (Happy New Year everyone! Thanks to the leader of “Today’s Yishui Ni” for the reward!! I went home for New Year’s Day. I visited a lot of people today, so I’m a little late. Sorry…)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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