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Chapter 279: Evil Swords Grow, Royal Gu Rare Treasures

Chapter 279: Evil Swords Grow, Royal Gu Rare Treasures


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 279: Evil swords are everywhere, and the emperor’s rare treasures

  are buzzing!

  Facing the blood swords coming together, Ji Shang casually slapped out a palm, and the surging power was like a gust of wind, sweeping away all the weapons that attacked secretly.

  The sharp swords were inserted in various places, but they were still trembling slightly, wanting to rise again.

  Yang Shifei’s eyes condensed: “Have our whereabouts been exposed?”

  He looked around, there were no other figures in the spacious treasure house, and there was no movement outside.

  ”These swords are not controlled by people.”

  Luo Xian’er stepped forward and pulled out a blood sword, looking at it carefully: “It seems to have some weird spirituality.”

  The long sword trembled constantly, as if trying to break free from the right hand.

  Yue Rui summoned the cat’s claws and forcefully pressed the remaining swords to the ground, her eyes full of curiosity: “Are these also treasures of the Zhou Kingdom?”

  Yang Shifei looked at Ji Shang again, only to see her shaking her head:

  ”This is beyond my expectation.”

  ”Niang Shang, you don’t know?”

  ”I know that the Zhou royal family has done a lot of research in secret, but these swords are the first time I have seen them.”

  Ji Shang frowned and said, “Maybe they are the results of recent years, and are beyond the control of my Jintian Palace.”

  Yang Shifei pondered for a moment, and an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

  ”Wait, it looks familiar.”

  He suddenly looked at Yue Rui and said in unison: “Thousand Blade Weapon Pool!”

  Luo Xian’er and Ji Shang looked over, puzzled: “What have you found?”

  ”We have seen this sword before.”

  Yang Shifei said solemnly: “I dealt with the prince of Zhou Kingdom in Bingtan and sneaked into his residence. I found that they were secretly collecting the blood of some warriors to refine strange weapons. At that time,

  the sword was not yet completed, and Aunt Shuang broke it with her own hands. Then Bingtan was in chaos, and everyone in Zhou Kingdom left early, so the matter had to be left unresolved.”

  ”Yeah!” Yue Rui nodded in agreement: “I saw it at the time, too, it was a blood-red sword!”

  Ji Shang thought thoughtfully: “It seems that this is one of the results of Zhou Kingdom’s research to replace the Taiwu Saint Weapon?”


  A strange buzzing sound came from the depths of the treasure house, and dozens of blood swords flew out.

  Ji Shang’s eyes were slightly cold, and he immediately used the mysterious skills again, and forced these weapons to the ground with a palm through the air.

  ”The holy soldiers are not here, shall we go in and take a look?”

  ”It’s a good opportunity to explore the strength of the Zhou royal family.”

  Yang Shifei nodded to them secretly, and set off again, walking along the dark passage.

  During this period, blood swords flew from time to time, but without exception, they were easily slapped away by Xian’er and Ji Shang, and even a corner of the clothes could not be touched.

  But the place where they went became more and more rugged and winding, as if they were gradually going deeper into the strange devil’s cave, and the cold air was pressing.
It was not

  until they walked for nearly half a quarter of an hour that the environment in front suddenly changed-a

  blood and flesh forge was everywhere in the field of vision, with ghost fire burning fiercely, and there was more rich blood plasma rolling and surging in it. Dense and thick blood vessels were all around the walls, as if connected to other places.

  Seeing this bloody scene, even Ji Shang couldn’t help but frown.

  ”This method of Zhou Kingdom”

  Yang Shifei slowly came to a huge meat furnace, his eyes becoming more and more solemn.

  There were dozens of blood swords in the furnace trembling slightly, as if they were happily sucking human blood. Looking further ahead, dozens or even hundreds of meat furnaces were in operation, and the blood light almost formed a light curtain.

  ”Millions of lives in Zhou Kingdom were polluted and swallowed, which gave the Zhou Kingdom royal family an opportunity to refine these evil swords without restraint.”

  However, the power of these blood swords was far less than that of the holy soldiers.

  ”Brother, look ahead.”

  Yue Rui pulled his sleeve and pointed to the front: “There is another big furnace.”

  Yang Shifei looked closely and saw a huge black shadow at the end through the scarlet light curtain.

  He and Yue Rui approached carefully, and the dark forge several feet high came into view, and there were countless fine blood vessels connected to it, which was very shocking.

  ”It seems that this is the most important thing.”

  Yang Shifei tried to press the furnace wall, but it was surprisingly cold, and there was a faint chilling and gloomy atmosphere.

  Ji Shang jumped up lightly and was able to see the inside of the black furnace clearly, and her face became more solemn.

  Seeing her floating beside him, Yang Shifei whispered, “Have you figured out anything?”

  ”It’s the ‘Imperial Gu’ of the Zhou Kingdom.”

  Ji Shang groaned, “I didn’t expect it to grow to this extent.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows, “What is this?”

  ”I’ve also heard of the name of the Imperial Gu.”

  Luo Xian’er walked over with a sullen face, “Legend has it that the ancestors of the Zhou Kingdom caught a strange poisonous insect from the wilderness, and cultivated it using many methods, and then the ‘Gu’ was born. Many evil Gu in later generations came from this.

  But this is a legend from a thousand years ago. There really is one in this black furnace.”

  ”The Imperial Gu has indeed survived for more than a thousand years and is not dead.”

  Ji Shang looked at the three of them and explained in a low voice, “It has always been stored deep in the bedroom of the Zhou emperor, and has been kept by successive emperors. It is almost the same as the imperial seal. Now it exists in the furnace, which should be related to filth.”

  Yang Shifei was shocked when he heard it, “You mean the Imperial Gu in this furnace has also mutated because of the filth?”

  ”That’s right.” Ji Shang frowned and said, “The Royal Gu should have been only the size of a palm, but now it almost fills the entire furnace. It’s incredibly big.”


  Yang Shifei and Luo Xian’er looked at each other with a slightly strange expression.

  Originally thought that some strange weapon was being refined in this furnace, but unexpectedly it was filled with a huge Gu worm?

  ”However, this may also be an opportunity.”

  Ji Shang suddenly changed the subject: “Although this Royal Gu is called a ‘Gu’, it is actually not used to kill people or control corpses, but a rare treasure used to improve power.”

  ”This thing. Can improve power?”

  Yang Shifei was even more surprised: “Is it for warriors to eat it?”

  ”It’s not about swallowing the whole Gu worm alive, but sharing its blood.” Ji Shang nodded slightly: “The royal family of the Zhou Kingdom has extraordinary cultivation from generation to generation, and they all rely on the blood of the Royal Gu.”


  Yang Shifei looked at the huge black furnace in front of him again: “The mutated Royal Gu can also be used to improve power?”

  ”Now this royal insect is filled with extremely pure filth, and ordinary warriors naturally cannot touch it. It is no different from a deadly poison.”

  Ji Shang looked at Xian’er and Yue Rui meaningfully: “However, for us who have demon bodies, it is indeed a rare treasure. It

  can not only improve our internal strength, but also further improve our true form level, and can perfectly absorb the benefits of the mutated royal insect.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows when he heard it: “Good news!”

  I didn’t expect that there would be extra gains on this trip, so I naturally had to accept it with a smile.

  ”Do we really want to suck the blood of this royal insect?”

  Luo Xian’er subconsciously pursed her cherry lips, her face subtle. It’s not that she has a temper like a little lady, but about drinking insect blood.

  Ji Shang smiled in surprise: “I didn’t expect Princess Luo to be afraid of insects?”

  ”It’s just that I’ve never tried it, so I’m not used to it.”

  ”Don’t worry, I’ve just looked carefully, and this royal Gu is dead and won’t twist around.”

  Ji Shang comforted him softly: “And the blood of this royal Gu is extremely mellow and delicious, you can treat it as wine.”

  Luo Xian’er blinked: “So wonderful?”

  ”The Zhou royal family has been tasting it for more than a thousand years, so it’s naturally true.”

  Ji Shang looked back at the densely packed meat furnace at the back: “This royal Gu is now stored here. Perhaps the Zhou royal family also wants to use the blood of the royal Gu to refine weapons and create hundreds or thousands of evil swords comparable to the Taiwu Saint Soldiers.”

  ”Refine weapons with blood”

  Yang Shifei thought for a while, and subconsciously grasped the magic knife behind him: “Perhaps, I can try this knife too?”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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