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Chapter 280 The Second Awakening!

Chapter 280 The Second Awakening!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 280 The Second Awakening!

  [Server-wide announcement: The wave will end within seven days, and the mission rewards will be sent to the player’s account within 24 hours…]

  The bell tower bathed in the morning light, like a torch lit on the ruins, set the mother nest of the mutant slime mold on fire.

  This battle almost exhausted all the ammunition stocks of Shelter No. 404.

  Not to mention the 7mm bullets, nearly a thousand 20mm armor-piercing, high-explosive, and incendiary bombs alone were used, and the 88mm mortar shells were bombed in turns regardless of cost.

  But Chu Guang didn’t feel too bad.

  The old doesn’t go, the new doesn’t come. The

  huge fiscal deficit is certainly worrying, but the military production capacity of Shelter No. 404 has reached an unprecedented height under the stimulation of the “Void Silver Coin”.

  At present, the maximum daily production capacity of 7mm caliber full-power bullets can reach 200,000 rounds with a weight of nearly 5 tons if the raw materials are in sufficient supply.

  With the introduction of a large number of “light cavalry rifles”, the No. 81 Steel Plant has completed mass production of 20mm armor-piercing shells, greatly reducing production costs and working hours.

  At present, the two factory managers of the No. 81 Steel Plant are studying the mass production and improvement of high-explosive shells and incendiary shells, two more complex ammunitions. I believe that it will not take long for results to be achieved.

  Once a war breaks out, this will become the biggest reliance of Shelter No. 404!

  After the battle.

  NPCs wearing protective clothing went to the battlefield to recover corpses, and the tasks of duty and clearing the remaining aliens were handed over to the guards, while the players left the front line one after another.

  The clones need to rest.

  Many players fought all night, relying on the soaring adrenaline to hold on to the [fatigue debuff]. When the emotions above faded, many people yawned.

  The injured players returned to the shelter, and the uninjured players found a nearby save point (hibernation capsule) to log off.

  As for the players who were killed or seriously injured, they had already gone down.

  At this moment, no matter which section of the official website, it is very lively.

  Tail: “Damn… Why am I assigned to Company C? I haven’t even seen what the BOSS looks like! (ó﹏ò)”

  The composition of the troops is randomly assigned.

  In order to ensure that each echelon has sufficient combat power, Chu Guang asked Xiao Qi to assign players. Except for Company A, which serves as the vanguard and has the largest proportion of awakened people, the proportion of awakened people in other companies is the same.

  Of course.

  Players can’t know this.

  In the eyes of most people, not being assigned to the most exciting and dangerous front line is simply bad luck.

  Sisi: “Participation is important, participation is important. We also killed three tyrants, which is pretty good. (pats head)”

  WC really has mosquitoes: “Tyrants are nothing, I got the heads of two bosses and a first kill announced by the whole server! Hahahaha! It’s awesome!”

  I’m the most ruthless: “MMP! Do you have the nerve to steal heads?! I’m about to A up!”

  Makabazi: “That’s right! Too much! I can’t stand it!”

  Stop bullshitting: “Be a human being!”

  WC really has mosquitoes: “It doesn’t matter! If you steal, you’ll earn! (smirk)”

  The MVP of the entire battle was taken by mosquitoes without any suspense.

  The two hundred-kilogram bombs that fell from the sky blasted the node creatures of the wave into slag, which can be said to have directly reversed the situation!

  But the boss behind was suspected of stealing heads…

  No matter how you think about it, there is no need to crash into it, so it has been complained by the front-line players.

  But will mosquito care?

  Obviously not.

  His own plane, he can crash it however he wants.

  Not to mention he was already used to it.

  Commander of the Fountain: “To be honest, I’ve just been wondering if your plane doesn’t have a landing gear at all?”

  WC: “How is that possible! How did I slide down from the building without that thing? The bomb on the belly wouldn’t just hit the ground! But then I realized it was meaningless. There was no airspeed tube and gyroscope, and the ground was pitch black. Not to mention there was no runway, I couldn’t land even if there was a runway. I thought I might as well crash it.”

  Ward’s Foot Foot Who Levin: “Don’t I mean, your 7mm small water pipe is really lame. Why don’t you just use a 20mm cannon? Isn’t it fun to have bang bang bang?”

  Yaer I Want to Go to the Toilet: “That’s right! Don’t you want to consider a 37mm cannon? We’ll help you modify it! (Funny)”

  WC: “Get lost, what do you care? It’s just a cannon. It’s not like I can’t do it!”

  Ward’s Foot Foot Who Levin: “You can do it? It’s hilarious.”

  Yaer I Want to Go to the Toilet: “That’s right! You’re bragging!”

  There is really a mosquito in WC: “@¥#%!”

  It is so easy to fly a plane. If the speed is high enough, just lift the nose and it will go up.

  If it can’t go up, it won’t go up. But it is much more difficult to land a high-speed plane!

  Speed, altitude, angle and a flat runway are all indispensable, but this wooden plane doesn’t even have a dashboard.

  However, for Mosquito, this imperfect flight experience is not a bad thing. Although he crashed a plane, it also provided him with valuable experimental data and flight experience.

  Next time, he is confident that he can do better.

  As for the cost?

  Only three days of OB.

  Not a big problem!

  The post quickly went off the track and became a war of words between the No. 81 Steel Plant and the Goblin Technology.

  What “I made the 88mm gun barrel” and “Only sissies play with 20mm small water pipes, real men only use large-caliber rockets”, the three people’s bragging is getting more and more outrageous.

  But they still talk about it with reason and evidence, citing classics.

  Most people can’t get a word in on this kind of topic, so everyone went to other threads. As a result, Mosquito and the two factory managers managed to make this thread a hot topic by themselves.

  Later, some cloud players who are familiar with technology came in to watch, and they interrupted one after another, and the thread became more and more intense.

  If it were a normal forum, the administrator would have come out to cover his mouth to keep people safe.

  But this forum doesn’t have such rules.

  There were thousands of posts and no one called for a stop. Even after the two big companies stopped, the posts kept going up.

  Professor Yang, the King of Lightning: “Hey, it’s awesome to have a strong background. It doesn’t matter what you talk about.”

  Outlaw Thief Gewa: “It’s not a question of whether it’s hard or not. The server of this forum is a bit weird. A friend of mine who knows technology tried it on a whim and wanted to hack into the server to see, but he couldn’t find the way.”

  Jarvan IV Nidam: “What’s even more weird is that complaints involving this website have fallen on deaf ears no matter whether they go through external or internal channels. Even if the grassroots are too lazy to manage it, they will put up a blacklist, right? This kind of website is not on the blacklist, I guess there are

  probably people above.” Ye Aonaiwohe: “Haha, you are bragging! It’s just a gambling website. At best, it will be under the jurisdiction of the public security brigade. Do you think the leaders have nothing to do and come here to talk nonsense with you? There are people above, it’s ridiculous.”

  Whether there are people above or not, it is not something that ordinary players can know.

  Maybe it has existed for a long time, maybe not, or maybe the “100% real virtual reality game” itself is a test site of a mysterious research institution?

  Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the game is full of domestic players and there is no language barrier between players.

  Of course, only players who have obtained the closed beta qualification and cloud players who have filled in the reservation form will consider this level. For those who are purely here for fun and stupid netizens, the biggest controversy is whether this game exists. If

  it doesn’t exist, the promotional PV is well done.

  If it does exist, it won’t be an urban legend circulating in the game circle until now, and the discussion heat is not as hot as a certain universe that is cutting leeks.

  Every time this topic is discussed, people will argue red in the face, and they just hate that the world can’t become what they imagine.

  Just when the building was getting more and more crooked, an official website announcement was suddenly updated to the top of the forum and pushed to all sections.

  It was a game PV, and the publisher’s ID was Xiaoqi.

  Although it was only three minutes long, it condensed all the wonderful moments of the “Wave War” last night. Every shot from the sky to the land was included, and there was no boring moment in the whole process!

  It is no exaggeration to say that every shot is a work of art!

  Every frame is photographic!

  Although the bloody part has been fine-tuned technically, it does not affect the netizens’ perception. Whether it is the particle effect of each dust particle or the sharp lines on the azure power armor, they are so realistic that no one can find fault with them.

  Many netizens even sighed.

  If you turn off the filter, it is just like the real thing!

  And this time, Brother Ye Ao was unprecedented. Less than an hour after being slapped in the face, he sourly posted the second post of the day.

  ”Haha, keep blowing it…”

  ”If this is the actual game screen, I will eat shit on the live broadcast!”

  It doesn’t matter whether it is a game screen or not.

  The tense and exciting battlefield, coupled with the shocking BGM, not only the cloud players are excited, but even the real players who just came off the line can’t wait to see it again.

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Awesome! I’m on TV again! Hahaha!”

  Irena: “And I’m not playing a corpse this time. (Funny)”

  Fountain Commander: “Luckily I put on my gear! (Grinning)”

  Yaya: “By the way, why is it Xiaoqi who posted the video today? Wasn’t it always A Guang before?”

  Tail: “I’ll tag you! (≥ω*)@Xiaoqi”

  Usually, this planner named Xiaoqi would not interact with netizens on the forum, and even Tail had never thought of tagging her.

  However, at this moment, something unexpected happened.

  Xiaoqi: “A Guang, he’s asleep.o(*////▽////*)q”

  Ya Ya: “???”

  Weiba: “?”

  Ye Shi: “What the hell?! Isn’t A Guang a single dog? (Shocked)”

  Fang Chang: “Be careful of scumbags, this guy hasn’t posted an official announcement on WeChat Moments, remember to check his phone to see if it’s visible only to certain people. (Smirk)”

  Xiaoqi: “Hey, don’t talk nonsense, we are not the kind of relationship you think.ヾ(@≥≤@)”

  Teng Teng: “Then what is your relationship? Do you know each other in real life? Have you met the parents? (Curious)”

  Xiaoqi: “It’s the master.o(*////▽////*)q”

  The post was quiet for a while.

  Although it was only a short second.

  Teng Teng: “Anyway, call 110 first.”

  Xiaoqi: “QAQ?”


  Players can take off their helmets and get up, but Chu Guang doesn’t have a helmet. He hasn’t slept for more than 20 hours, and he fell asleep on the bed as soon as he returned to the shelter.

  When he woke up, it was already night.

  ”…Is my schedule reversed again?”

  Chu Guang rubbed his sleepy eyes and slowly sat up from the bed, muttering, glancing at the pool of liquid under the bed.

  The accelerated metabolism will cause a lot of sweating, and this time the amount is obviously more than the previous times, so that he even feels a little dehydrated.

  The whole body is filled with a sense of strength, and the mind and vision are clearer than ever before. Chu Guang can even vaguely see half of the fingerprint stuck on the door handle.

  There is no surprise.

  He has risen again!

  ”The previous development progress was 19%.”

  ”…Then it should be 20% now?”

  The second awakening!

  Chu Guang was delighted.

  Although he wanted to go for a physical examination right now, the sense of disharmony brought by the sudden increase in physical function made him dare not get up from the bed immediately.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, he gently moved his fingers and limbs to adapt to the changes happening to him.

  He is not bragging.

  Now he is even confident that he can dodge the oncoming bullets with just his intuition, reflex nerves and strength!

  Of course.

  It’s good to know about this kind of thing yourself, there’s no need to try it out of your own accord…

  Standing in the elevator, Chu Guang was planning to take a shower first, and then go to Heya for a checkup, but at this moment, something suddenly occurred to him.

  ”Speaking of which… it seems that the task of unlocking the B4 floor has been completed?”

  Chu Guang instantly lost his composure when he thought of this.

  Last time he unlocked the B3 floor, he recovered two black boxes from the warehouse, solving the problem of players’ difficulty in saving and insufficient attribute panels.

  This time he solved the wave and unlocked the B4 floor. It’s not too much to give him a black box for printing power armor, right?

  In addition to the incubator and the black box, there must be other good things!

  However, just as Chu Guang excitedly reached out to the elevator touch screen, a line of light blue floating windows appeared in front of him.

  [Remaining unlocking time: 6 days, 12 hours, 13 minutes, and 6 seconds]

  Seeing this line of words, Chu Guang almost vomited blood.


  Hasn’t the wave been repelled?

  The mission is also completed!

  Do we have to wait until the spore concentration outside returns to normal before opening the door?

  There is no use in being anxious. Chu Guang took a deep breath and pressed the button on the B3 floor with his index finger.


  Let’s first figure out the changes in myself.


  Medical laboratory.

  He Ya, who came out of the analysis room next door, handed the tablet full of data in her hand to Chu Guang who was sitting on the scanning bed.

  ”… Unbelievable, the changes in you are getting more and more amazing. Are you sure you didn’t use any drugs or other technical means?”

  Chu Guang took the tablet and just glanced at it, then switched to the more concise and intuitive attribute panel.

  ”No, is this considered a second awakening?”

  He Ya raised her eyebrows and asked curiously.

  ”Secondary awakening? Is this a professional term? Has anyone done similar research?”

  Chu Guang said casually, “No, it’s just the name that the wastelanders have come up with for this phenomenon… I also heard it from others.”

  As for whether anyone has studied it, only those who have studied it know.

  There is no forum for academic exchanges in the wasteland, and the gap in knowledge and cognition is greater than the gap between the rich and the poor. Even in modern society, not everyone can distinguish the difference between selective gene expression and DNA mutation, let alone the illiterate wastelanders.

  But places like the academy should know something about this phenomenon, right?

  But the Wandering Swamp is too far away from here.



  Chu Guang Gene sequence: Manager (second stage) → Manager (third stage)

  Level: LV.19 → LV.20

  ——Basic attributes——

  Strength: 18 → 23

  Agility: 13 → 18

  Constitution: 16 → 21

  Perception: 14 → 19

  Intelligence: 15 → 20



  Talent: 1. Wild instinct: Wild instinct can be awakened under extreme conditions, and all attributes will be increased by 10~15% during the duration, and the fatigue value accumulation speed will increase by 20~30%.

  2. Mental deterrence: It can produce a psychological pressure effect on fully mental life forms weaker than itself, weakening its will to resist.

  3. Hive mind: For fully mental life forms weaker than itself, it can share 3~15% of the intelligence attribute, so that it can be inspired and think faster. This effect is affected by many factors such as distance, number of people, acceptance, etc., and the maximum distance is 10m.


  After reading the attribute panel from beginning to end, Chu Guang’s face was surprised.

  Good guy.

  All attributes increased by five points!

  No wonder he felt like a superman when he woke up today.

  But what is the last skill?

  Can it open a person’s head?

  His intelligence attribute is currently 20. Although it is only a 3-point increase according to the maximum 15%, compared with ordinary people with only five points of basic intelligence, isn’t it equivalent to a 60% increase in nerve cell activity?

  If it is used on a group, there is also a 0.6-point guarantee!

  This talent is quite amazing!


  how did this happen?

  Looking at Chu Guang who was lost in thought, He Ya thought for a while and suddenly spoke.

  ”It will take some time to study the mother nest, but about the research on the evolutionary body… I found something unusual.”

  Evolutionary bodies are the name of node creatures by wastelanders.

  Although few people know what role they play in the wave, most people can see that they are obviously different from common alien species such as gnawers, crawlers and even tyrants.

  Whether it is the way of fighting or the dominance over lower individuals.

  They are like the strange species among the mutant slime mold.

  Chu Guang looked up at He Ya and asked curiously.

  ”What did you find?”

  ”Based on the comparison of samples recovered from the Decayed Knight, the Queen, abandoned tanks and trucks, I found some special DNA fragments in some of their cells…”

  Heya walked to Chu Guang’s side, stretched out her index finger and lightly swiped on the tablet, and the screen quickly switched from the attribute panel to another research report.

  ”Does it look familiar?”

  Chu Guang noticed the picture in the report, which was two long chains of unfolded DNA. On another picture next to it, there were some structures similar to synapses.

  As for those numbers and symbols.

  He was sure.

  This was the first time he met them.

  ”Just tell me the conclusion.”

  Heya didn’t seem surprised that Chu Guang would say that.

  ”It’s too hasty to draw conclusions now, but all the clues are reflecting the same thing.”

  ”Those ‘evolved bodies’ are likely to be transformed from humans!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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