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Chapter 281: Garbage Man with Explosive Panel Data

Chapter 281: Garbage Man with Explosive Panel Data


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 281 The Garbage Man with Explosive Panel Data

  It was night.

  To the west of the Second Ring Road, there were constant artillery fire and gunfire. The mercenaries were fighting with the swarming alien species under the cover of air strikes and artillery fire.

  On the contrary, the north, which was noisy all night yesterday, was quiet tonight.

  The straight-line distance of more than ten kilometers was full of steel forests. Gunfire was definitely not audible, but explosions could always be heard faintly.

  However, Zhao Yongxu did not find it strange at all.

  It would be strange for a group of country bumpkins fighting with fire sticks to be able to deal with the waves.

  Presumably, the battle last night had exhausted all their strength. Even if they were not submerged in the surging waves, they would most likely have fled with their tails between their legs.

  Looking at the silent night sky in the north, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

  ”This bunch of idiots.”

  If you don’t have the ability and don’t know how to stay away, aren’t you asking for trouble?

  As we all know, the wave will move towards the direction of dense population and small number of slime mold species. Whether it is population growth or large-scale elimination of slime mold species, it will accumulate “hatred value”.

  Of course, it is normal for those country bumpkins not to know. At

  most, they can stuff half of the “Get Rich Sutra” of “Voice of Boulder City” into their heads. They may not know many words, so how much can they know?

  In his opinion, there is no essential difference between those people and the beggars begging for food at the gate of Boulder City. It can even be said that they are all the same kind of people.

  Retracting his sight from the north, Zhao Yongxu, who was standing by the window of the building, continued to look to the east.

  As an officer of the militia, the front-line commander appointed by the Lord of the City, beautifully solving the wave that threatens the prosperity and stability of Boulder City is what he should really care about now.

  Not far away.

  Two arcs of light streaked across the night sky.

  As four black dots fell one after another, the scorching flames engulfed the entire street and dried every grain of soil on the ground.

  A vacuum zone was cleared near the entrance of the underground complex, and the mercenaries began to move forward.

  In the area between the West Third Ring Road and the West Second Ring Road, two new mother nests on the surface had been destroyed by air strikes a few days ago, but there were still three mother nests hidden in the underground commercial complex.

  The mutation of the incubator is random and unpredictable. Even after a carpet search, it is inevitable that there will be fish that slip through the net.

  Especially when the mutation occurs underground.

  The underground space and rail transportation connected under the towering buildings are intertwined and dense, like a spider web – or a ball of wool tangled together.

  It is said that in the distant prosperous era, only quantum computers can help people find the fastest way home.

  Unfortunately, the Giant Stone City does not have a quantum computer that can ask for directions, nor does it have strategic weapons that can reach tens of meters – or even hundreds of meters underground.

  But it doesn’t matter if there is none.

  They have a sufficient number of cannon fodder and sufficient logistics.

  With the support of indirect and direct firepower, even two powerful evolutions occasionally cannot be their opponents. If

  optimistic, a mother nest hidden underground can be solved tonight.

  If not optimistic, it will take at most two more days.

  Zhao Yongxu quietly waited for good news from the front line, and at this time, the voice of the pilot came from the communication channel.

  ”The airstrike is over, the target has been cleared…returning home.”

  ”Good job, go back and rest, there is no work for you tonight.”

  Just after saying this, Zhao Yongxu’s heart suddenly moved, and then added another sentence.

  ”By the way, take a detour to the north when you come back.”

  ”I want to know the situation of the North Fourth Ring Road.”

  He didn’t need to worry about what the northern suburbs had become.

  The reason for saying this was purely to satisfy his personal curiosity.

  The pilot on the mission didn’t care so much, and replied concisely.


  Two arcs of light drew an arc in the air and took a long detour to the north.

  Zhao Yongxu waited for a while.

  Not long after, the voice of the report came from the communication channel.

  ”We have arrived above the North Fourth Ring Road, and no abnormalities have been found.”

  ”There is an exchange of fire.”

  ”Nothing is seen…it’s pitch black here.”

  It seems that not only the artillery fire has stopped, but also the gunfire has completely stopped.

  Zhao Yongxu chuckled in his heart, as expected, but at this moment, the voice that had paused for a moment sounded again.

  ”Not only the North Fourth Ring Road, the Changling Elevated Road is very quiet, and no open flames have been found… But in the area north to the Fifth Ring Road, sporadic lights can be seen.”

  Zhao Yongxu was stunned.

  Sporadic lights?

  The survivors there didn’t leave?

  Could it be that they have solved the wave… But how is this possible!

  With a strange look on his face, Zhao Yongxu immediately continued to ask.

  ”What about the clock tower on 65th Street? What’s the situation there?”

  There was silence in the communication channel for a while.

  Soon a confirmed voice came.

  ”We are now above 65th Street. A large amount of bacterial plaque was found on the wall of the clock tower, which was confirmed to be the remains of the mother nest…”

  ”There should have been a battle here before, and the battle was quite tragic. There were corpses everywhere on the ground… But they won.”

  The cigarette between his fingers fell to the ground.

  Zhao Yongxu’s eyes widened, his eyes full of disbelief.

  ”The remains of the mother nest? Are you sure you didn’t see it wrong?!”

  The pilot answered in an affirmative tone.

  ”…I’m sure of that!”

  The cruise mission ended and the plane began to return.

  Staring blankly at the northern sky outside the window, Zhao Yongxu was silent for a long time without saying a word.

  He couldn’t figure it out.

  Without the support of air firepower, how could those people kill the alien species that were pouring in like a tide with only homemade artillery shells and iron barrel rifles.

  After a long silence, he squeezed out a half-sentence filled with confusion from his lips.

  ”…How is this possible!”


  ”Damn, the explosion last night was like thunder…Does anyone know what happened there?”

  ”Are you talking about the south? I heard it too!”

  ”It’s the wave, right? Those blue jackets have been dealing with that thing for the past two weeks. I heard that the battle on the front line is very lively.”

  ”The wave? I’ve been to Qingquan City so many times, but this is the first time I heard that the wave will go north.”

  ”Maybe this year is different from previous years? After all, it wasn’t so lively last year.”

  ”Strange, can the wave know where there are more people?”

  ”I can tell you are ignorant. My uncle who is a soldier in the Boulder City Militia told me that every gnat you kill outside will come back to you in the form of a wave in the spring of next year.” ”

  Don’t talk nonsense, if it’s really as mysterious as you say, the survivors in Qingquan City would have died

  long ago!” The first floor of the roadhouse next to the trading station on the north gate street of Changjiu Farm was a noisy scene.

  When it gets dark, this place becomes a tavern for mercenaries, traveling merchants and caravan guards.

  Some people eat meat and drink, some play finger-guessing games, and some people talk about what they saw or heard on the road with strangers sitting next to them, just to earn a glass of beer.

  As we all know, where there is wine, there are stories. Although many stories are made up, there are occasionally one or two pieces of information that sound a little valuable in the rumors.

  Therefore, whether there is work or not, mercenaries and merchants like to come here to sit and kill time.

  ”My people and I need to stay for another night.”

  Sun Shiqi walked to the bar and woke up the old Hooker who was dozing off at the back.

  It’s a pity that he can sleep in such a noisy place.

  Opening his cloudy eyes, the old Hooker raised his eyelids and looked at the young man standing in front of the bar, yawning.

  ”No problem… Why do you suddenly plan to stay for another day? I remember you were in a hurry to go back and make a fortune, right?”

  ”The order has been delayed. It’s really unlucky…” Sun Shiqi muttered and sat in front of the bar, “Give me another beer, or the kind with water.”

  Not only his order was stopped, but all the arms orders for export to the entire Changjiu Farm were delayed for one day. It was said that the inventory in the industrial zone had been sent to the front line.

  The girl named Shuanghe came to the inn to express her apology and said that the trading station was willing to compensate him for 10 silver coins for accommodation.

  Although Sun Shiqi wanted to complain that the cost of staying here for one more day was not just 10 silver coins, and he paid for the wages and board and lodging of the mercenaries, he did not embarrass her because the girl apologized sincerely. Besides, it was useless to embarrass her. There was


  war on the front line, and it was impossible to drag the bullets sent to the ammunition depot back.

  If you encounter an unreasonable survivor settlement, it is not impossible to delay the goods until next year, and it is not too much to postpone it for one or two days. It

  is impossible to do business in the wasteland without taking some risks.

  ”We are not Boulder City here, and we don’t sell fake goods diluted with water.”

  When selling things, he did not forget to put a label on his neighbor. Old Hook walked to the wooden barrel tremblingly, turned on the silver faucet, took a cup with a wooden cup as thick as a thigh, and returned to the bar and put it on the table.

  ”5 silver coins.”

  ”Put it on my account.”

  Sun Shiqi took the wooden wine glass and took a look inside.

  Wow, he didn’t know if the beer was diluted with water, but the foam alone had already filled half of the glass.

  He now realized that the hotel did not make money from the room fees, but from the guests’ consumption in the store.

  According to this selling method, a barrel of beer might be exchanged for a cow.

  It’s really shady!

  ”How is the battle situation on the front line of the North Ring Line?”

  Old Hooker replied casually.

  ”It’s over.”

  ”Over?” Sun Shiqi showed a surprised expression on his face, suspecting that he had heard it wrong, “Are you talking about the wave?”

  Old Hooker: “What else could it be?”

  Sun Shiqi restrained the surprised expression on his face and smiled embarrassedly.

  ”I just didn’t expect it to be so soon.”

  Usually, the wave would not end until the end of March.

  And it’s not even the end of February yet.

  Without asking about the wave anymore, Sun Shiqi habitually leaned close to the wine glass and sniffed, smelling the fragrance of wheat malt.

  ”You brewed it yourself?”

  Old Hook replied casually.

  ”Brown Farm’s malt and hops, plus the special fermentation process of Shelter 404, I guarantee that this is a fine beer that you will never get in the tavern in Boulder City.”

  The lines were recited so skillfully. So much

  so that Sun Shiqi always felt that this guy seemed to have memorized it.

  However, this was not the focus of his concern.

  Sun Shiqi pointed to the barrel behind him and asked curiously.

  ”How much is this barrel of beer?”

  Old Hook’s eyes lit up, and a pleasant smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

  ”Are you interested? Sell it to you for 500 silver coins.”

  500? !

  This wooden barrel is only 50 liters at most, maybe only about 40 liters, and it is questionable whether it can fill a hundred glasses.

  Only a fool would buy it!

  Sun Shiqi rolled his eyes, took a sip of beer, and did not respond to Old Hook’s words.

  He made a small fortune recently.

  But he is not stupid.

  The smooth taste made him feel relaxed. Just when he was about to ask for some business information, the wooden door of the inn suddenly opened and a dusty figure walked in.

  Old Hooker looked at the man and asked skillfully.

  ”Eat or stay?”

  ”Neither, I’m here to find someone…”

  Zhou Nan’s eyes lit up when he noticed Sun Shiqi standing by the bar, and he immediately walked towards him quickly, “Hey, friend, I’m looking for you!”

  Sun Shiqi recognized him and remembered that he seemed to be staying in the inn opposite. When he first came to Changjiu Farm, this person invited him to go to Boulder City together.

  ”Give him a beer… and two skewers of grilled lizard meat, put it on my account.”

  ”Okay.” Hooker turned and walked towards the kitchen.

  Sitting on the bar stool next to Sun Shiqi, the merchant from the south said with a happy smile.

  ”Thank you!”

  ”You’re welcome,” Sun Shiqi looked at him and asked, “What do you want to talk to me about?”

  ”Of course I won’t bother you if it’s okay.” With a smile on his face, Zhou Nan continued, “It’s like this, we plan to leave for Boulder City at noon tomorrow. What do you think about what I asked you yesterday?”

  Sun Shiqi made a helpless expression.

  ”My order has been postponed, and I don’t know if it can be delivered tomorrow. You go, I’m afraid I have to stay here for a day or two.”

  Zhou Nan said regretfully, “That’s a pity.” Sun

  Shiqi looked at him and asked curiously, “Have you gathered enough people?”

  Zhou Nan smiled and said, “No, but I heard that the battle near the North Fourth Ring Road has been fought, and those blue jackets have solved the mother nest. Regardless of whether the waves in other places have ended, at least the waves in the northern suburbs have ended. Now is the best time to go to Boulder City! My partners and I have carefully studied the map. We go west along the North Fifth Ring Road, and then go south. We can walk to Boulder City safely.”

  Sun Shiqi looked at him enviously and said.

  ”…Can you ask what business you are going to do?”

  Most of the businesses that everyone can get in touch with are similar, and Zhou Nan did not deliberately hide them. He said with a beaming face.

  ”Salt and sulfur, these two are the best-selling items there, especially during this period of the wave! Oh yes, there are also gas masks and devil cloths from the trading post.”

  Speaking of this, Zhou Nan couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”There are so many good things here, and they are cheap and good quality! Do you know how much the nutrient paste here is? The wholesale price of one ton is only 299 silver coins!”

  299 silver coins…

  equivalent to 1.5 assault rifles?

  There are all kinds of currencies in the wasteland, and even the same currency has different values ​​in different regions. Sun Shiqi subconsciously made a conversion in his head.

  When he realized what this price meant, he was shocked.

  ”Are you sure?! The price of two assault rifles can be exchanged for one ton of nutrient paste?!”

  In Boulder City, the retail price of nutrient paste is 1~2 chips per kilogram, and the wholesale price is 300~400 chips per ton.

  If it is replaced with a drone assault rifle, it will be at least two!

  And this is based on the fact that the latter is also not cheap.

  Noticing the surprise on Sun Shiqi’s face, Zhou Nan looked at him strangely, as if he was surprised that someone didn’t know about this.

  But thinking that this gentleman had only been here for two days, Zhou Nan was relieved and continued with a smile.

  ”Isn’t it amazing? I was also shocked when I first knew about it! I suspect that the nutritional paste produced by the Didiwei Food Processing Factory costs less than 200 silver coins per ton! If I hadn’t had money, I would have wanted to start a factory!”

  The bank of Changjiu Farm can lend money, but not everyone can.

  Unless two conditions are met.

  Either have technology.

  Or have equipment.

  Or, have enough “contribution” to the local economy.

  As a merchant from the south, he happened to have none of these three things.

  However, this did not prevent him from transporting the nutritional paste to the south in exchange for food or livestock, and then transporting the livestock back in exchange for silver coins.

  Zhou Nan studied all day yesterday and found that the demand for livestock here is quite strong. A two-headed cow sold to Changjiu Farm can be exchanged for at least three or four thousand silver coins!

  Take two or three tons of nutrient paste to the south, and use the local currency to buy one or two two-headed cows from the farmers and ranchers there.

  Seeing that his friend was full of excitement, Zhou Nan asked with a smile.

  ”Brother, do you want to form a partnership? We can set up a factory with some money. I have studied it. As long as we buy some second-hand equipment from Boulder City, we can set up this factory with 200,000 chips.”

  Sun Shiqi admitted that he was indeed tempted.

  But after hesitating for a long time, he finally shook his head.

  ”… I admit that this proposal is very tempting, but it is too far to go to Jinchuan Province. It may take half a month to go back and forth.”

  The northern suburbs have the weapons and food that Honghe Town lacks the most, and the latter has the mines and people that the former needs.

  Transporting slaves and mines from Honghe Town to sell here, exchanging them for rifles and food and then selling them back, you can still make a lot of money.

  There are many ways to make a fortune. He can’t eat them all by himself. The best way is to manage this trade route well!

  Sun Shiqi has thought about it.

  He planned to save some money to buy a few trucks, form a fleet, and take over the copper mine business from here to Honghe Town.

  The demand for copper mines here is the strongest. It is used in laying wires and making bullets, and the price is always so stable. The cost-effectiveness of transportation is much higher than that of steel.

  After earning hundreds of thousands of silver coins, he plans to buy a piece of land on North Street, build a warehouse first, and then build a mill. If he

  is lucky enough to catch the autumn harvest, he can grind the harvested corn and wheat into flour, and make a lot of money whether it is sold to Honghe Town, Boulder City or Garbage City.

  The unit price of grain is not high, but the gross profit is never low. Not everyone wears shoes, but everyone has to eat.

  Last year was a cold winter.

  This year should be a good year, and the price of grain must be very cheap.

  Sun Shiqi imagined the future in his heart. Zhou Nan, who was sitting next to him, felt a little regretful, but didn’t say much, and raised his glass.

  ”It’s such a pity. If we join forces, we will definitely have the hope of becoming the largest grain merchant in Qingquan City.”

  ”No regrets, there are many opportunities to make a fortune,” Sun Shiqi clinked glasses with him and said with a smile, “I wish Boss Zhou’s business will grow bigger and bigger!”

  ”Haha, I’ll give you a toast!”

  ”I’ll give you a toast!”

  The two of them drank until their faces were flushed, one cup after another, and talked happily.

  Old Hook, who was sitting behind the bar, listened to the two bragging, his wrinkled face was full of smiles, and he would occasionally say a few words to praise

  them. No matter how they make money, they can’t do without the money for drinking.

  Of course, he was happy that they drank more.

  In the end, Zhou Nan went out with the help of the wall, while Sun Shiqi himself lay on the bar for half the night and was carried back to the room by the hotel waiter in the second half of the night. When he

  woke up early the next morning and saw the bill on the bedside table, Sun Shiqi’s originally groggy head suddenly sobered up and his face turned green.

  ”220 silver coins?!”

  What did he drink last night? !


  Official website forum.

  Normally, at this time, it should be the peak time for players to go online, and there would be few people on the official website, but today at this time it is very busy.

  Quitting: “I can’t go online!”

  I am the worst: “Me too! Strange.”

  Similar posts popped up one after another. Many LV9 players were surprised to find that they had broken through the bottleneck as soon as they put on the helmet!

  The most surprised one was undoubtedly Jun Laji.

  He has been stuck at LV9 for almost a month!

  This time he finally broke through!

  Jun Laji Level 99: “Hahahaha, awaken! I finally awakened!”

  Looking at the prompt in the upper right corner of the official website, Jun Laji was so excited that tears flowed down his face.

  How long has it been since the account was created?

  As one of the first few Europeans to enter the game, and an account exclusively for the European emperor, it should have been an exciting thing, but it just happened to catch up with the cold winter that only happens once in N years.

  Coupled with the debuff of “experience is more difficult to obtain”, he successfully upgraded to LV10 when the A round of testing was almost over.

  Watching the “younger generations” successfully awaken one by one, I am afraid that only he knows the sadness in it.

  It is really not easy!

  Ye Shi: “Fuck, Junk-kun has awakened?!”

  Canyon Fugitive Mole: “Shocked! Will he turn into a Deathclaw?!”

  Level 99 Trash Picker: “How is that possible? But the strength is really amazing. I feel like I can fight the Deathclaw at the west gate! (grin)”

  Fang Chang: “Good brother, show us your attribute panel!”

  Tail: “Hurry up! Let me see it! (`ω)”

  Under the instigation of everyone, Junk-kun finally couldn’t resist the urge to show off and posted his attribute panel in the post.


  ID: Garbage Picker Level 99

  Gene Sequence: Alien·Lizardman

  Level: LV.9→LV.10

  ——Basic Attributes——

  Strength: 17→27 (+10)

  Agility: 9→14 (+5)

  Constitution: 9→14 (+5)

  Perception: 9→11 (+2)

  Intelligence: 2→3




  Cold Blooded (better concealment, slow movement in low temperature environment) Parallel

  Feet (better endurance, difficulty in operating complex machinery)

  Flesh Regeneration (stronger recovery, difficulty in improving gene sequence level)

  Boiling Blood (Removes the debuff brought by the “Cold Blooded” talent for a certain period of time, and gains a 10%~20% bonus to strength and constitution attributes.)


  The moment the attribute panel was posted, the comment section below the post was instantly boiling!

  Tail: “?”

  Quit Smoking: “???”

  Night Ten: “What the hell?!”

  Fountain Commander: “Are you fucking cheating?!”

  Edgepaddling: “Oh my god… this attribute

  is too outrageous!” Lao Bai: “Are you serious about the strength attribute?!”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “Please, planner, please cut it down!”

  In just a few minutes, things like “the balance is broken” and “the combat power is broken” all popped up at once.

  These people have done whatever it takes to achieve their goals, as if the closed beta server will not be able to operate the next day without cutting it down.

  Of course, some people are joking.

  But for the garbage picker 99, this joke is not very funny.

  Seeing that everyone started to tag the planner, Garbage Jun panicked and quickly picked out the words.

  “Fuck! I’m at least a circle bigger than you guys, is it too much for my attributes to be higher?”

  Stop bullshitting: “Too much! Not only do I have high attributes, but I also have to show them off to show off! (Going crazy)”

  Makabazi: “That’s right! Is this what a human would do! (Going crazy)”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “??? Didn’t you ask me to post it?!”

  This is too much!

  Just when Garbage Jun was arguing with the crowd, an announcement suddenly popped up on the official website, which helped him out.

  Because of this sudden update announcement, both players and cloud players were attracted to it.

  [The closed beta server of “Wasteland OL” will start the B round of testing in 6 days. At that time, the brand new version will meet the friends, so stay tuned! ]

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode