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Chapter 281: Long-Prepared, Dark Fragrance Meat Knife

Chapter 281: Long-Prepared, Dark Fragrance Meat Knife


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 281 After a long preparation,

  Yang Shifei, the Dark Fragrance Meat Knife, had come into contact with the Demon Knife countless times, and he was naturally very clear about the amount of flesh and blood hidden in its broken blade.

  Now, when he held it in his arms and weighed it, he could find that the Demon Knife had become heavier.

  ”Is it because of the blood of the Emperor Gu?”

  Yang Shifei stared at the body of the Demon Knife again.

  The fact was just as he expected, and the flesh and blood inside it were growing little by little.

  ”Is this probably a good thing?”

  Looking at the Demon Knife rubbing against him in his arms, he quickly relaxed and even looked forward to it.

  The original real Demon Knife was just a “fake holy weapon” used to suppress the filthy evil spirits.

  But after being sealed in the Embedded Dragon Tomb for hundreds of years, it was not until she truly gave birth to spiritual intelligence and even absorbed filth to become a demon, and was no longer just a weapon.

  If she absorbs the blood of the Emperor Gu, will there be other changes?

  Thinking of this, he saw that her movements became smaller and smaller, and the soft flesh and blood climbed up her chest and back, hugging her gently.

  Yang Shifei could vaguely sense the intention of the Demon Knife, who seemed to be dozing off comfortably, wanting to have a good sleep in his arms.

  He couldn’t help but smile, and smoothed the flesh and blood in his arms: “Sleep.”

  The Demon Knife trembled twice, and continued to absorb the Gu blood silently.


  Nothing happened for the time being, Yang Shifei simply closed his eyes and tried to absorb a trace of Gu blood.

  The next moment, the cold breath penetrated his whole body, but did not flow into the meridians and dantian, but continued to nourish the blood, flesh, tendons and bones.

  Feeling that his physical fitness had improved a little, he was suddenly surprised.

  ”The blood of the royal Gu has an effect on me too?”

  Moreover, the filth in the blood pool was not absorbed into the body, but only strengthened the body, which can be said to be quite beneficial.

  ”Maybe it’s the influence of my physique?”

  Yang Shifei quickly stopped thinking about it and continued to close his eyes and practice. Let the Gu blood soak into the whole body, nourishing and improving the strength of the body bit by bit.

  At the same time, deep in the palace.

  The Emperor of Zhou sat on the blood dragon chair, supporting his forehead with a solemn expression.

  ”–After searching for another two days, we still haven’t found their whereabouts?”

  ”Your Majesty, we have searched almost all of our country this time, and found nothing.”

  The ministers below the stage were helpless: “Perhaps after they took away the True Transmission Sect’s holy soldiers, they took advantage of the chaos to leave the country. Our repeated searches will naturally be fruitless.”

  ”Don’t let your guard down.”

  The Emperor of Zhou frowned, his voice gradually sinking: “Although they took advantage of the chaos, they can come and go freely under the nose of the True Transmission Sect. They must have incredible lurking skills.

  If they target my holy soldiers again, sooner or later they will find ways to sneak into the palace, waiting for the time when you relax.”

  Having said that, he flicked his sleeves and ordered: “I am worried, so I will send more people to guard the treasury.”

  ”Your Majesty, there are already four guardians and two venerables.”

  ”Not enough. Go and invite Venerable Wang to guard it.”

  ”As you command.”

  Another old minister stepped forward and said solemnly: “Your Majesty, the defense of Shu has become increasingly tight in recent days, and even the power of the holy soldiers has been greatly enhanced. Our manpower can no longer successfully invade, and even many of the poisonous insects planted in secret have been eliminated. I am afraid that…”

  Everyone in the hall looked solemn.

  ”Shu… is really terrifying.”

  Although Zhou has turned into a fairyland, they have been constrained and infiltrated by Shu for many years, and they have a bit of awe in their hearts, even now.

  Another important minister looked thoughtful: “Should we send another expert to sneak in and explore the current strength of Shu?”

  ”Don’t act rashly. The most troublesome thing for me now is Xu State.”

  The Emperor of Zhou kneaded his brows and said, “According to the news from the front line, Xu State has been making more and more moves recently, and it seems that it has secretly formed an alliance with Zhao and Chen.”

  ”Your Majesty, please rest assured that our ‘Ten Thousand Blood Sword’ will be ready soon, and will soon enhance the military strength of our Zhou State.”

  The general affairs officer of the palace said quickly, “The Royal Blood Pond will be completely brewed in five days, and can produce Immortal Gu. And Your Majesty will be able to shape the body of a true immortal and cultivate the first level under the Immortal Venerable!”

  ”The Royal Blood Pond will be completed?!”

  Upon hearing this, the Emperor of Zhou immediately showed a hint of joy.

  Not only him, but all the ministers below the stage were overjoyed.

  ”Great, it’s worth my long wait!” The Emperor of Zhou stood up suddenly, excited: “Once the blood pool is brewed, it will be the time for my Zhou Kingdom to turn the tables!”

  His eyes flashed with coldness, and he said hatefully: “Shu Kingdom. Jintian Palace! Sooner or later, I will completely annex Shu Kingdom, so as to completely wash away the shame of the past few decades!”

  Facing the hopeful eyes of the ministers below the stage, the Emperor of Zhou soon laughed loudly again:

  ”Don’t worry, everyone, as long as the blood pool is completed, this fairy’s nectar will be available for you to enjoy together, and everyone can shape a supreme immortal body.”

  ”Thank you, Your Majesty!”

  The deepest part of the Zhou Kingdom’s treasury was still quiet and silent.

  In the black furnace blood pool, Yang Shifei closed his eyes and practiced for a long time, breathing slowly, letting the blood of the emperor Gu flow into his lungs.

  After two days of retreat, he could feel that his body had a breakthrough again. Whether it was flesh, blood, tendons, bones, or internal organs and meridians, they were tempered and became stronger.


  Yang Shifei stopped his internal energy and opened his eyes again only after he felt a slight swelling.

  But before he could feel himself, he found that the magic knife in his arms had changed a lot.

  ”This is…”

  The flesh and blood of the magic knife, which originally could only cover his chest and back, now seemed to have turned into a graceful woman, quietly lying in his arms.

  Yang Shifei was shocked and thought that the magic knife had also turned into a human form.

  But when he looked closely, he found that it was a mass of flesh and blood interwoven into a body shape similar to that of a woman, and the inside was still empty.

  Yang Shifei breathed a sigh of relief for some reason, and at the same time he also found that the amount of the flesh and blood of the magic knife had increased several times compared to before.

  ”It seems that there is indeed a big breakthrough.”

  He gently stroked the cracked hilt and could clearly feel the vitality of the magic knife.

  The next moment, the flesh and blood figure trembled slightly, as if waking up from a deep sleep.

  Yang Shifei frowned. Although his vitality was surging, he could clearly feel the cold breath.

  ”Is it because the filth is too full?”

  He was about to take the magic knife away from the blood pool, but his hands were suddenly entangled by strands of flesh and blood.


  Yang Shifei was stunned, but he saw the human flesh and blood in front of him wriggling all over, differentiating into dense tentacles, interweaving into slender palms.

  Immediately, she gently held her hands, slowly interlocking her fingers, making the two bodies almost close together.


  Yang Shifei held his breath and concentrated, and could clearly feel the thoughts from the magic knife, as if begging him to pamper him again.

  His expression suddenly became strange, and he simply tried to absorb the filth.

  Buzz –

  as the filth left the body, the magic knife trembled all over, red light flashed, and clumps of flesh and blood kept entangled.


  Soon, these demon flesh and blood were sticking to the body and sucking back and forth, shoulders, arms, chest, everywhere.

  While Yang Shifei was suppressing the pain, he suddenly widened his eyes and took a deep breath.

  There was something wrong with the place where the knife was sucking!

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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