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Chapter 285 Mr. He, give me some shares

Chapter 285 Mr. He, give me some shares


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 285 Mr. He, give me some shares

  After eating roast duck and drinking, everyone went back to the hotel to lie down, not even having the energy to talk nonsense.

  Although Jiang Qin used clever management methods to improve everyone’s work efficiency, this thing is actually similar to the principle of stimulants. Once the effect of the drug wears off, only endless fatigue and soreness remain.

  In this case, it is difficult for anyone to take advantage of the night to go out for a stroll or something.

  Jiang Qin was also worn out by Feng Nanshu’s walking. He didn’t even know if his legs were still his own. So after taking a shower, he decided to go to bed immediately. Not to mention that the sky fell, even if Feng Nanshu came to cry, he would not open his eyes.

  As a result, the next second, the mobile phone that Jiang Qin placed on the table began to vibrate and ring.


  Jiang Qin was silent for a long time, thinking that it was still the old rule. If you don’t call once, it means it’s not important, and you can talk about it tomorrow morning.

  But what he didn’t expect was that the phone kept ringing, which made Boss Jiang a little helpless, so he reached out to touch the phone and asked who it was in a tired voice.

  ”Mr. Jiang, this is Lao He. I have something important to discuss with you. Do you have time now?”

  ”Mr. He, is the matter you want to discuss something that can be explained in a few words?” Jiang Qin asked weakly.

  He Yijun was stunned for a moment: “What kind of important matter can be explained in a few words? I was planning to chat with you all night.”

  Jiang Qin was numb: “How about this, you tell me what it is first. Do you want me to win-win, or do you need my help?”

  ”I need your help.”

  ”So you want me to help you? Then Mr. He, don’t blame me for taking advantage of others. I hope you can write an email and send your long article to my mailbox. I will take a quick look at it tomorrow morning.”

  He Yijun was about to curse on the other end of the phone: “Jiang Qin, you are really a real person!”

  Jiang Qin laughed twice, but in fact he couldn’t open his eyelids: “You asked me for help, can’t I be a little more arrogant?”

  ”Okay, you wait for me, I will scold you harshly with acrostic poems when I write the email.”


  Jiang Qin didn’t know whether He Yijun was dead or not. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. He didn’t even dream. His expression looked very peaceful. Eight hours later, he was a strong man again. He was so arrogant that he did more than a dozen sets of abdominal muscle training exercises. His young body seemed to know no fatigue.

  After doing the exercises and taking a shower, Jiang Qin sucked his lower abdomen in front of the mirror in the bathroom and observed his abdominal muscles from various angles.

  Very good, the outline is already very obvious.

  This can be considered as a successful training, right?

  Jiang Qin patted his belly and planned to take the team to find a coastal city to play after the inspection of these four cities.

  Otherwise, how could he let others “accidentally” see his abdominal muscles?

  Boss Jiang tilted his mouth, opened the curtains to let the morning light in, and then opened the mailbox to check the work reports of the Business Department and the Marketing Department.

  After reading the work report, Jiang Qin suddenly remembered the phone call last night, so he flipped through the mailbox and found that there was indeed a new email in the inbox. The sender was He Yijun.

  The content of the email was indeed long and dense, and it was dizzying. Jiang Qin read it carefully and found that it was the subsequent business plan of Wanzhong Group written by He Yijun.

  Of course, these big things were not the most important. The most important thing was the sentence written by He Yijun at the end of the email.

  ”Mr. Jiang, please prepare some money for me. A shopping mall in the next city is about to collapse. I have talked to their boss and plan to buy it.”

  Jiang Qin thought for a while, and typed on the keyboard: “Read, Mr. He, please prepare some shares for me. I feel that I haven’t had a win-win situation for a long time. My life is too dull.”

  Less than five minutes after the email was sent, He Yijun called immediately and roared like a dragon: “Mr. Jiang, your request is a bit excessive!”

  ”Mr. He, are you going to borrow money or not?”

  ”Borrow, I will definitely borrow money.”

  The reform of Wanzhong Mall at the beginning of the year has exhausted He Yijun’s capital. Although Wanzhong is still thriving after the reform, the funds cannot be recovered in a short time, not to mention that he still owes a lot of debts to the bank. This time he was really caught by Jiang Qin.

  This dog, it turns out that he hasn’t won yet!

  Jiang Qin raised his lips, feeling happy as a sponsor. Although he spent a lot of money on the early stage of the “Liangjian” marketing, the group buying has already taken root in Linchuan Station and is constantly extracting market share. It is no problem to take out a few million.

  Moreover, since the millennium, the purchasing power of the RMB has fallen sharply. Later, it encountered trade restrictions with China and depreciated rapidly. Instead of storing it in the bank as waste paper, it is better to invest it.

  However, Jiang Qin is not planning to invest in the industry, but in He Yijun.

  When Zhihu was just starting out and made some achievements by chance, He Yijun began to look for him to advertise.

  You know, at that time, Jiang Qin was just an unknown stupid college student, while Lao He was a serious Linchuan rich businessman.

  Being able to lower his status to seek a cooperative relationship, Jiang Qin felt that if he gave He Yijun a chance, or made him ten years younger, he would definitely become the protagonist of the era.

  In addition, after the Linchuan business banquet, Lao He inexplicably smelled the taste of the times, and hurriedly began to plan reforms. He cut off the most profitable pure sales business like a strong man cutting off his arm, and plunged directly into it.

  Although Jiang Qin was a bug of the times, He Yijun could actually use this bug to jump out of the three realms. This is really not something that ordinary people can do.

  Vision, courage, ruthlessness and sensitivity, Lao He has everything, and all he lacks is a vent, and now, the vent has also been found.

  ”When will you return to Linchuan? Otherwise, let’s talk in detail in person.” He Yijun thought for a while and gave in.

  Jiang Qin thought carefully: “I am currently investigating the market in another place. It will take about half a month to finish. How about this, I will go back before the end of the month.”

  He Yijun hummed: “Okay, then let’s talk about it in detail in Wanzhong half a month later.”

  ”You must prepare the bait, plenty of it, and it will make people drool. Otherwise, I won’t bite the hook easily.”

  He Yijun was about to have a cerebral hemorrhage. He cursed him and hung up the phone fiercely.

  Jiang Qin was so happy that he got up and went to the next door. He took out the rich woman who became even dumber after getting up early, and went to the buffet restaurant on the second floor to have breakfast.

  One after another, other people also got up. Everyone gathered in the buffet restaurant and put three tables together to form a long table.

  ”While we’re having breakfast, let me arrange today’s tasks for you all.”

  ”Lan Lan and Tan Qing will go to Tsinghua and Peking University to collect the questionnaires and settle the commissions. The others will follow me to visit several other schools to see if there are any new ideas.”

  ”At 1 pm, let’s meet in the hotel lobby to discuss where to go and have fun!” As soon

  as the words fell, the clear and stupid 208 core employees cheered, and the morning fatigue was completely swept away. Even the pace of eating was accelerated.

  This is the people’s entrepreneur who has tasted the bitterness of the grassroots. He really knows what to say and when. Whenever you feel lazy, his chicken blood is really replenished quickly and well.

  So, everyone started to act in teams again.

  Zhihu is positioned as a college student forum, so regional promotion activities do not need to cover the whole area. It only needs to use the most famous schools as a sample, and the rest will come naturally. Therefore, today’s research task is not that heavy, but more like strolling.

  There are many shopaholics in 208. They bought a lot of cultural and creative products, such as bookmarks and T-shirts, as souvenirs and stuffed them into their bags. They didn’t know who they would give them to.

  Feng Nanshu didn’t have much desire to shop, but he liked to take pictures everywhere.

  Lu Xuemei came as a team photographer and has now become the boss’s full-time photographer. She basically goes wherever she is told to go.

  In fact, universities all over the country are basically the same. Only some iconic buildings are worth checking in. But Feng Nanshu stopped in front of a wall with the words “diligent study and forge ahead” written on it, and took many photos with the word “diligent” happily.

  Jiang Qin pretended not to understand anything, but his heart was actually beating wildly.

  After the questionnaires were collected, everyone started to pack up and prepare to move to Qianmen Street. After

  the work was done, it was time to think about having fun. The attractions they were going to visit tomorrow were almost all concentrated in the same area, so living in Qianmen was the most convenient.

  ”Fuck, the capital really is very expensive. Are the hotels near the second ring road built of gold? Why are they so expensive?”

  Jiang Qin was confused when he saw the invoice.

  ”This is what everyone chose, because we can start shopping right after we go out. Dong Wenhao said that the filming location of the miracle doctor Xilaile is right in front, and they specifically asked to go and see it.”

  Jiang Qin was stunned for a moment: “Are you talking about Dashilan? But forget it, although Xilaile in the TV series does live in Dashilan, their filming location is in Wuxi.”

  ”What the hell is Dashilan here?” Wei Lanlan was also a little confused.

  ”It should be a commercial street now. Forget it, there’s nothing to worry about. Let’s live here. We have money.”

  Jiang Qin handed the invoice to Xu Yu and took a group of 15 people into the hotel elevator. They checked into their rooms according to the room numbers. After enduring the hottest noon, everyone left the hotel at three o’clock and went shopping and eating. They slept

  on the bus, peed when they got off the bus, took pictures at a certain time, and forgot about it when they went back.

  Traveling is actually about going from a place you are tired of to a place others are tired of, and then spending all the money you have worked so hard to earn, and finally getting exhausted, unless you can find a pretty girl to accompany you along the way.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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