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Chapter 286 Beta01 version update! Brand new merchant gameplay and army system!

Chapter 286 Beta01 version update! Brand new merchant gameplay and army system!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 286 Beta0.1 version update! Brand new merchant gameplay and army system!

  The atmosphere on the scene was boiling like fire, and the noisy voices were like the roaring waves.

  Chu Guang, who was standing on the third floor, could see the faces full of enthusiasm.

  He could even touch the excitement and desire with his nose.

  The blood was surging in his heart.

  The emotional resonance spread among the crowd.

  He believed that

  he was not the only one waiting for this moment.

  At six o’clock in the evening.

  The boiling voices in the square subsided a little, and at this moment, the solemn and loud voice sounded above the square.

  ”Nearly two hundred days and nights have passed since the gate was opened. It took us only half a year to transform the endless wilderness into thousands of acres of fertile fields outside the farm.”

  ”In this short six months, we drove out alien species, conquered barbarism, defeated the tide, advanced under the gunfire, and cultivated the barren soil.”

  ”We have accomplished a miracle that others consider impossible. This was accompanied by sacrifice, but we did not abandon anyone.”

  ”Now we have enough reason to believe that we have the courage and the ability to bring order to more distant places!”

  ”Let’s cheer for this moment!”

  ”For ourselves and for everyone around us!”

  ”Victory belongs to us!”

  ”Belongs to all those who have fought for this land!”

  The words fell, resounding.

  Thunderous applause.

  Cheers resounded throughout the square.

  ”Long live the Administrator!”

  ”Shelter 404 will live forever!”

  ”Long live the Human Alliance!”

  ”Long live Demacia!”

  ”Emperor of Mankind!”

  ”People live for–woo, woo, woo, let me go, let me finish!”

  Some people shouted greatness and long live, while others said some difficult to understand or even confusing words, but the pure emotion was the same.

  People expressed their excitement in their own way, venting their emotional resonance in cheers.

  Waiting for the surging sound waves to subside.

  At the end of the opening ceremony of the celebration, Chu Guang announced the resolution of the management of Shelter 404–in the background setting of “Wasteland OL”, the authority of the administrator is also granted by the “overhead organization” located at the bottom of the shelter.

  ”…According to the collective vote of the management of No. 404, Shelter No. 404 will fulfill the mission entrusted to us by the Human Alliance era, work hand in hand with our compatriots waiting for us on the surface, recast a new alliance on the ruins, rebuild a new world of equality and prosperity, and rebuild our home!”

  In the name of the alliance, the United Front for the Revival of Human Civilization was officially established!

  In order to distinguish it from the Human Alliance of the old era, it is referred to as the “New Alliance” or “New Alliance”.

  From the North Fifth Ring Road of Qingquan City to Yuanxi Town, a large area across the Elm District will be used as the first restoration area of ​​the new alliance.

  And a large area of ​​land from the outpost to Changjiu Farm will be merged and managed in the name of Shuguang City as the capital of the new alliance.

  As for the legislative work and system construction, it will also be carried out later, so I won’t go into details here. There are still many detailed and complex tasks, but fortunately there is also a lot of time, and people have enough time to explore the path that suits them.

  This work is like developing an APP. You can first come up with a BUG that can run, and then slowly adjust it so that this BUG can be accepted by most people, or at least not make most people uncomfortable.

  Even in the prosperous era with extremely abundant productivity and resources, there is no program that satisfies everyone 100%. Even the big data that has been tempered by thousands of times will occasionally make people’s blood pressure rise.

  But in the final analysis, it is better to have it than not.

  Chaos has lasted for two centuries in the River Valley Province, and the people living here have been waiting for this moment for too long.

  Even though most of the natives do not understand the meaning of the alliance, at least not yet, it does not prevent them from cheering for the arrival of this moment.

  They need a reason to unite.

  A reason that can be proudly said.

  Bachi, standing in the tin can, rubbed the lower edge of the helmet with his index finger, and looked up at Chu Guang standing on the third floor of the sanatorium with interest.

  ”The new alliance… sounds interesting.”

  Witnessing the birth of a new force, his journey to the west is not in vain.

  There was no change in Heya’s expression on her face. Her mind was now full of specimens of the mother nest, DNA, and research on the induced expression serum.

  After experiencing the “farce” of the year, she had already seen through the boredom in human nature. She was only interested in things that were worth her interest.

  Yin Fang, who was standing aside, touched his nose and said thoughtfully.

  ”It’s beyond my expectation.”

  Bachi looked at him curiously.

  ”What’s your expectation?”

  ”I thought he would crown himself emperor.”

  Although he said this in a teasing tone, Yin Fang was not joking at all.

  Shelter No. 404 did not give him the feeling of a real shelter, at least not like the several shelters he had been to before.

  Perhaps because of faith, or perhaps because of personal charm, the residents here unconditionally obeyed and even worshipped him. As

  long as that man wanted, he could do whatever he wanted. Not to mention being an emperor, I’m afraid no one could oppose him to something more exaggerated.

  In fact, based on Yin Fang’s understanding of Chu Guang, this man really rarely cares about the means to achieve his goals, and some of his actions always make him dumbfounded.

  However, what is puzzling is that he rarely does these things for himself.

  People are indeed complicated things…

  ”Long live the New Alliance! Long live Dawn City!” Ditwei, who was standing on the edge of the crowd, cheered excitedly, even more exaggerated than the locals, attracting the attention of others.

  The owner of Gray Squirrel Clothing Store, Mr. Er, looked at the guy in surprise. He came here to purchase goods and happened to catch up with the celebration, but he didn’t expect to see an old customer.

  ”Aren’t you from Boulder City?”

  ”What’s the relationship?” With excitement on his face, Ditway said nonchalantly, “We are all survivors of Qingquan City. We live in the same wasteland. What’s wrong with me cheering? No problem at all!”

  People from Boulder City?

  He didn’t remember having this label.

  He was a merchant, a businessman walking in the wasteland. He was neither born there nor a retainer of the lord. He would follow whoever could make him rich, and he would take money wherever he could make money.

  If you think he is from Boulder City just because he often does business in Boulder City, you are totally wrong!

  Not only Ditwei thought so, but Lister, who was standing not far away, also had the same idea in his heart, but his mood was far more complicated than this guy.

  He had a good reputation among the merchants in Boulder City. He had traveled all over the country for more than ten years, and he only had the idea of ​​living in the inner city.

  But recently, this idea suddenly wavered.

  This is quite incredible.

  Lister has been to many places that are more prosperous than here, such as the ideal city in Yunjian Province, which is like heaven.

  But he never thought of spending the rest of his life there.

  The people there think about things that are completely different from what he thinks. Even with simple business contacts, he can feel that he and they are from two different worlds.

  If he went there with his property to live, the biggest possibility would be that he would live off his property and then get out in disgrace. The people there never thought of accommodating others, and he could not integrate into the local life at all.

  But it was different here. No matter whether they were refugees or merchants, they could be accepted as long as they obeyed the local laws.

  Yes, it was the same in Boulder City. At least anyone could enter the outer city, but the two places gave him completely different feelings.

  Liszt couldn’t describe the feeling.

  But it was different anyway.

  Xia Yan, standing at the door of the weapons store, stared at the azure power armor in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

  Xiaoyu, who was sitting astride her neck, was excitedly shaking her calves, stretching her neck to look around, chewing the plastic stick in her mouth.

  She didn’t understand what Brother Chu was saying.

  But it seemed that everyone was very happy.

  Something good must have happened!

  Tail, sitting on Rourou’s shoulder, looked at the direction of the weapons store with envy and jealousy, and kept muttering in his mouth.

  ”Damn… Why is it Boss Xia who is carrying Xiaoyu! Tail also wants to be Xiaoyu’s mount!”

  Sisi looked at her in surprise.

  ”Hey! Can I call the police?”

  At this great moment when the natives and players celebrated together, a server announcement was also updated in all players’ VMs.

  And the official website of the forum.

  [Announcement of the Beta0.1 version update of “Wasteland OL” closed beta server! ]

  [Major update:

  1. The upper limit of closed beta players increased from 1,500 to 4,500!

  2. The map was fully upgraded! The scope was expanded to the surrounding areas of the Valley Province!

  3. New facilities “Trade Merchant Guild”!

  4. New “Corps System”!



  1. Add a lot of in-game modeling, a more realistic climate change system.

  2. Add more caravans from outside the Valley Province, and develop unique local languages ​​and cultural customs for them.

  3. Xiaoyu grew another 1cm taller.

  4. Fixed a few bugs.



  It’s still the same old rules.

  At the same time as the announcement was released, Chu Guang asked Xiao Qi to post the pre-edited post on the official website forum! ”

  Developer Diary: Beta0.1 Version”

  ”Hello everyone, I am your dearest planner A Guang! It’s been a long time since we met, but I have been watching over you on the forum.”

  ”After sacrificing 200 siege lions, our server has finally regained its life. Now we can accommodate 4,500 players online at the same time! The helmets are currently being produced overtime. We plan to release 10 to 40 activation codes and virtual helmets every day. In other words, every day after three days, there will be fresh and delicious – I mean cute newbies joining us!” ”

  Are you happy? Are you excited? Although there is a long queue in front of the gate to the new world, at least now the gate has opened a small crack! Don’t applaud for us, give the applause to those testers, they have suffered a lot in the server… What? You also want to come in and suffer? Wait a little longer! There will be a chance!”

  ”In short, with the efforts of countless test players, our virtual community has begun to take shape, and Wasteland OL has finally ushered in the B round of testing! We promise to end the closed beta before the launch of Give Him Love 6 and Star Cake, and decide whether to add an internal test before the public beta depending on the actual situation.”

  ”Tell me about this Beta version!”

  ”In the new version, we will focus more on the development of the virtual community itself, enhance the cooperation between players and players, players and NPCs, and enrich players’ career gameplay and choices.”

  ”The traditional acceptance of tasks is still the most mainstream gameplay, but it is no longer the only option. You can choose to skip complicated tasks and use the money saved from working to register as a traveling merchant in the ‘Merchant Guild’, starting from a small business and expanding the business little by little, and then losing it all again.”

  ”If you don’t want to bear all the risks alone, you can also rely on cheating to pull your friends into your black car and let them bear part of the cost, and the price is a little bit of dividends.”

  ”If you are not interested in doing business, and don’t have the confidence to bargain with cunning wastelanders with poor human language, you can also try to hire NPCs, or be hired by NPCs, to manage your own or other people’s trade routes, and eventually become a tycoon or a well-known deadbeat.”

  ”You can even register to be a caravan guard who is busy putting out fires, put aside the worries of money, and focus on enjoying the journey itself. After all, death is just a three-day CD back to the city.”

  ”In addition to the above content, we have also prepared new content for combat professional players-that is, the exciting legion system!”

  ”In the new version, the combat method of the player’s forces will evolve from conscripts to standing legions. NPCs will form one or more standing legions as needed. Some legions will be open to players to join, mainly for combat professional players who are not interested in command and focus on mainstream mission gameplay.”

  ”Of course, in addition to the standing legions established by NPCs, the new version also allows players to form their own legions. If you are confident enough in your art of command and have proved it to others, you can also consider taking an unusual path.”

  ”Any player with three or more silver medals and a contribution level of senior citizen can form an independent ‘corps’ with at least two friends who are above the middle citizen level, set their own flag and number, and recruit other players who trust themselves and share the same ideals to join the team.”

  ”We have designed a special growth path for the Corps system. Like the skill proficiency system, it is divided into ten levels, with a scale of ten-man, one-hundred-man, and even one-thousand-man teams. Accumulating military merits can get promotions, increase the upper limit of recruitment, larger garrisons, and more budgets.”

  ”It is worth mentioning that although the Corps was born for war, its function is not just to fight external wars. It also bears the responsibilities of maintaining order, suppressing rebellion, safeguarding peace, expelling alien species, resisting waves, and building homes.”

  ”In a peaceful state, the Corps can choose whether to participate in tasks such as mercenaries, escorts, and weapons testing according to its own needs, and obtain funds from the tasks to purchase and upgrade equipment. When a war breaks out, each Corps will automatically respond to the call of war from the shelter and go to the front line to fight.”

  ”We will strengthen the cooperation between professional life players and professional combat players, and through reasonable balance design, let the two different play styles get the same game experience. We will give the player’s corps more disposal rights for spoils, and also encourage professional life players to provide more logistical support to the front line, and take what they need from the captured spoils.”

  ”Investing in a battle with a greater chance of winning may be a sure win, but a battle full of risks may also bring huge dividends.”

  ”But it should be noted that although the player’s corps can determine the target of the attack to a certain extent, it does not have the right to declare war independently, nor can it declare war on external forces on behalf of the new alliance.”

  ”As the direct person in charge, the corps commander needs to strictly restrain his team. The price of violating discipline is not only the withdrawal of flags and numbers, but major violations will even affect whether the account can continue to be used…”

  Less than a minute after the post was sent,

  the forum, which was originally calm, exploded instantly.

  ”What the hell!? The B round test is really open!”

  ”The dog planner is awesome!”

  ”A Guang: Well said, your account is gone.”


  ”By the way, why didn’t I see those with closed beta bids on the forum today?”

  ”Those with bids are all online! Those damn Europeans! They are probably having fun in the game right now and have no time to show off on the forum.”

  ”Fuck! Why can’t we wait until the new version is online before holding the celebration! Wouldn’t I miss the entire Spring Festival event if I do this!” “Calm down

  , even if the celebration is held after the new version is online, you still have to wait three days to enter the game, not to mention that there are only 40 qualifications released every day at most. Are you sure you can win?”

  ”Fuck! Do you have to be so real!”

  ”Don’t say it!”

  Since the last time the game screenshot function was launched, a large number of high-definition screenshots have flooded into the forum, and the number of reservations has already exceeded the six-digit mark and is heading for seven digits. With

  so many people queuing up at the same time, there are only 40 numbers available at most every day. There will always be people who can get in and people who can’t.

  However, compared to the endless waiting before, the account release every day always gives us hope.

  Unlike the Alpha version, sometimes there are several releases in a month, and sometimes no account is released in a month, which is really anxious.

  Cloud players cheered the arrival of the B round of testing, and the gossip section of the entire forum was crazy. Only the few sections that are limited to closed beta players have not become lively.


  It is only a matter of time before it becomes lively.

  The VM of online players can also receive the news of version updates.

  As soon as the celebration started, a long line formed at the entrance of the save point, all of whom were players who planned to take a shortcut to log off and go to the official website to join in the fun.

  If you don’t want to go to the save point, there are other options. The beer and corn wine at the celebration are unlimited, and 5 silver coins can buy a large cup or a large bowl. It is

  even more convenient for old players. They found a place to lie down without getting in the way, and then directly used VM to ask Xiaoqi to help pull the power.

  Since the previous Alpha1.0 version, there are too many ways to tactically log off.

  But not everyone is in a hurry to run to the official website.

  Why bother?

  Friends are all in the game.

  It doesn’t matter where we discuss.

  In the square.

  Looking at the server announcement that popped up on the VM, the commander of the fountain touched his chin with excitement.

  ”We have our own base, funds allocated by the official shelter, and we can recruit players… No level limit? In other words, we can recruit new people?”

  Although his level is not very good, he has the highest command skill proficiency in the whole server.

  Edge paddling is obviously also very interested. The requirements for establishing an independent corps are three silver medals and senior citizens. He fully meets the standards. One of the medals is a “special medal” with a shield.

  The debt-ridden big-eyed standing next to him smiled and said.

  ”How about the name of the Death Corps?”

  ”Get out!”

  Although he said get out, he was obviously tempted.

  On the other side, several people from the cattle and horse team also gathered together to discuss and

  quit smoking after reading the server announcement, and suddenly shouted in surprise.

  ”Awesome! Is this corps system a preparation for guild gameplay?”

  ”Eighty percent of it is,” Fang Chang nodded and said thoughtfully, “The information revealed by A Guang in the post is very clear. The new version will emphasize cooperation between players and focus on improving the community.”

  The mole brother next to him heard it and hesitated, “Generally, MMORPGs will only start to attract players to guild gameplay after level 30 or even level 60, right? The current highest level of the server is less than LV20. Isn’t it too hasty to start warming up now?”

  After completing the main quest of a general MMORPG, the level is basically close to the maximum level. If you want to increase the game content, you can only rely on constantly patching the plot, constantly releasing expansion packs, blackening popular characters, and whitewashing villains.

  But this alone is obviously not enough.

  Sylvanas can’t burn the tree twice.

  Most MMORPG strategies are to guide players to form communities and use guilds and interpersonal relationships to bind players in the game.

  Similar things include mentorship and marriage.

  However, “Wasteland OL” obviously does not have this problem.

  There is so much to explore in the wasteland world, it is like a real world. Even if the bad planners do not make any updates, the existing gameplay alone is enough for players to play for a long time.

  Fang Chang: “Actually, there is no difference. Generally, you can reach level 50-60 after playing MMORPG for half a year. The leveling difficulty of Wasteland OL is obviously much greater than that of traditional MMORPGs. It is normal to give high-level players more gameplay options.”

  Lao Bai nodded.

  ”Indeed, there were fewer people on the server before, and there were many tasks. Now that the number of players has increased, there are not enough trees near the park.”

  It’s not just trees.

  The garbage in the ruins will not refresh after you pick it up.

  If you want to get more benefits, you can only go farther away.

  It’s not just about cutting trees and scavenging, other professions are the same.

  After a pause, Fang Chang looked at his friends and continued.

  ”Let me make a prediction. In at most two versions, the server will definitely open the hibernation capsule used for archiving to players for purchase, allowing players to establish their own archive points, and even allow players to purchase cultivation capsules and set their own resurrection points!”

  Ye Shi hesitated, “What does this mean?”

  Fang Chang only answered with two words.


  (Thanks to the leader of “Brilliant Corpse Change” for the reward!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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