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Chapter 287 You are already a mature player, it’s time to learn to guard the crystal by yourself

Chapter 287 You are already a mature player, it’s time to learn to guard the crystal by yourself

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 287 You are already a mature little player, it is time to learn to guard the crystal by yourself.

  What Fang Chang did not expect was that he guessed the ending but not the beginning.

  There was no need for two versions. As soon as the Beta0.1 version was launched, the hibernation capsule was on the shelves of the NPC store.

  As long as the contribution level reaches “intermediate citizen”, you can make an appointment to buy it in the VM, and it supports door-to-door delivery.


  If you want to buy a hibernation capsule, you must first have a piece of land.

  Since the land in the recovery area is collectively owned by the new alliance, it is obviously not feasible to just find a piece of land and circle it and claim it as your own.

  However, this is easy for intermediate citizens. Most players will buy a 50-square-meter piece of land after reaching intermediate citizens and run their own small home or shop.

  Some professional life players who have registered business units can also place the hibernation capsule on commercial or industrial land.

  There is still a lot of room for choice.

  Less than half an hour after the announcement of the new version was released, someone soon discovered this change, and some players in the square began to make a fuss.

  ”Hibernation pod… Shit! Two thousand silver coins!?”

  ”It’s equivalent to a Miner I exoskeleton!”

  ”The contribution level of the order requirement reaches the middle citizen level… Hiss, ten thousand contribution points! I’ll just use the public save point.”

  ”Oh my god… How long will it take to save this money?”

  ”If there are no server activities or faction wars, the average daily income of LV10 under normal gameplay can reach 100 silver coins. Although some people can reach 200 or 300+… But they are all big guys.”

  ”Don’t worry, just grind and you’ll be done!”

  2000 silver coins sounds like a lot, but for players who have really reached LV10, it is actually not unacceptable.

  With the establishment of the Hunter’s Guild, the proportion of task income in the total income of players has gradually decreased from the initial 90% to 66%.

  Many hunting aliens or sweeping commissions issued by non-core NPCs can even bring a one-time income of 1000+.

  These NPCs are usually production units such as Didiwei Food Processing Factory, Lister Factory, and Bachi Factory. Some are farmers in farms or foreign merchants.

  However, compared with the former, the latter has limited economic strength and does not give many silver coins, mainly giving regional reputation or physical rewards.

  The significance of the Hunter’s Guild is probably to review the content of the commission and the prizes, and publish them to the players in a centralized manner, which is much more efficient than players using poor human language to harass NPCs one by one.

  After announcing the start of the celebration, Chu Guang did not go downstairs immediately, but stood by the window on the third floor like an NPC, looking at the players downstairs with a smile.

  Xiao Qi, who was following his calf, quietly raised the camera.


  Chu Guang, who was in a good mood, smiled.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Xiao Qi whispered.

  ”I heard many players complain that the hibernation capsule is too expensive.”

  Chu Guang said calmly.

  ”It’s normal, it’s expensive.”

  There are only two black boxes for producing hibernation capsules, and the maximum daily production capacity is only 40~48. It is impossible for everyone to have their own hibernation capsule. What

  he needs to ensure first is the collective interests, that is, the public save point can obtain enough hibernation capsules to meet the needs of most players, especially new players, to save normally.

  As for the sold hibernation capsules, the income generated can be used to subsidize the production of culture capsules and recruit more new players.

  In fact, not only the hibernation capsules, but also the culture capsules as resurrection points are also hung in the NPC store.

  However, the culture capsule is different from the hibernation capsule. As a tool for synthesizing clones, each game account can only hold one.

  Therefore, the so-called purchase is not to make a new one for the player, but to allow the player to take his own culture capsule out of the shelter.

  At the same time, the culture capsule is equivalent to the “base crystal” in MOBA games. Once it is destroyed, no matter how strong the game character is, it will be finished.

  Do you want to take the resurrection point out of the safe zone?

  The choice is yours!

  Looking at the price of the culture capsule in the VM, the canyon escaped mole took a breath.

  ”Ten thousand silver coins…”

  This is too exaggerated!

  Equivalent to a light cavalry exoskeleton!

  Miner I can buy 5 units, or KV-1 can buy 12.5 units!

  Zhang Hai leaned over and took a look at the VM of the mole brother, then looked at his own, his eyes widened instantly: “Wait, why can’t I see it on my VM?”

  Elf King Fugui scratched the back of his head: “It’s OK here, it seems that it will only be displayed when you are a mid-level citizen or above… Although you can only buy it when you are a senior citizen.”

  Irena: “Isn’t the key 10,000 silver coins? Only a ghost would buy it… It’s funny.”

  Zhang Hai didn’t say anything, but counted on his fingers silently.

  A bowl of ramen costs 6 silver coins, so he only makes 4 silver coins, which means… 2,500 bowls? !


  Zhang Hai’s eyes widened even more after he figured it out.

  This rolling pin must be rubbed bald!

  The mole on the run in the canyon touched his chin and analyzed.

  ”It’s not just 10,000 silver coins, there are also maintenance costs. The incubator is different from the hibernation chamber. It needs to be turned on 24 hours a day. The power in standby mode is 1KW, and in working mode it is 10KW… This electricity cost is not supported in the shelter, but if you take the incubator out of the shelter, I’m afraid you will have to bear it yourself.”

  The battery in the incubator can only store electricity for 72 hours.

  Irena asked curiously, “What will happen if the power is cut off?”

  ”It says that it will cause the character to fall into a coma.” The mole on the run in the canyon pointed at the VM, thought for a while and said, “In fact, it can’t be said that only fools buy it. I feel that the significance of this thing is more about moving.”

  Zhang Hai was stunned: “Moving?”

  The mole nodded.

  ”Well, didn’t the Beta 0.1 version establish the Merchant Guild and the Corps system? In the future, players’ activities will definitely not be limited to Qingquan City. As the game content expands, new shelters and even recovery areas will definitely be unlocked. It’s impossible to wait for three days after dying and then walk hundreds of kilometers to catch up.”

  This game does not have a map boundary setting, but players basically cannot go too far. One is that they cannot communicate outside the communication range and the other is that they are too far away from the resurrection point.

  Especially the latter, it is easy for the pioneers to fall into a dilemma.

  If you bring too good equipment, you may not be able to bring it back, and if you don’t bring equipment, you may not be able to go far.

  No matter how strong you are, you can’t be online 24 hours a day. There is no safe area to save. Once you take off the helmet and put it on again, the resurrection CD will start. Wouldn’t it be broken on the spot!

  But if you can buy a resurrection point yourself, there will be no such problem. With only 10,000 silver coins, you can take the coffin board for resurrection with you.


  Compared with the income from opening up the land, are 10,000 silver coins and a 10KW generator a big deal?

  Mole felt that he had guessed the planner’s intention.

  If it is just for the convenience of saving, there is no need to put a culture chamber at home. Buying a hibernation chamber as a bed is enough.

  This culture chamber worth 10,000 is mainly prepared for those players who plan to go to the new map to open up the land, or even stay there for a long time!

  Zhang Hai shook his head and left.

  ”Hey! I can’t afford it!”

  It seems that this ramen is still sold at a low price.

  The Elf King Fugui studied the VM for a while, and suddenly found the plate in Irena’s hand, and took a curious look inside.

  ”What delicious food are you eating?”

  Snail meat?

  It looks strangely fragrant.

  I didn’t expect that Lao Na would occasionally eat some normal food.

  ”Would you like a bite?” Irena picked up a snail with a toothpick and handed it over generously.

  Elf King Fugui reached out to take it, picked up the meat from the shell with the toothpick, and took a closer look with curiosity.

  The milky white meat looked quite delicious, with some strange seasonings sprinkled on the surface, but it still smelled strangely fragrant.

  ”It tastes a bit strange.”

  After stuffing the snail meat into his mouth and chewing it for a while, Brother Fugui frowned and thought for a moment, and gave a fair evaluation.

  ”But it’s okay.”

  Irena showed a happy smile on her face.

  ”Of course, can I cheat you?”

  Elf King Fugui asked curiously: “By the way, what exactly is this thing? Why does it feel like the taste of snails?”

  Irena coughed dryly.

  ”I didn’t say it was a snail… Don’t worry about these details.”

  Elf King Fugui: “No, no, no, I think it’s necessary to know.”

  ”Do you really want to know?”

  ”Hurry up, stop talking nonsense!”

  Seeing Brother Fugui insisting, Irena smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Strictly speaking, it should be considered a snail.”

  Elf King Fugui: “???”


  The celebration lasted until the second half of the night.

  In addition to the talent show, the highlight of the entire celebration is the traditional food competition!

  This time, not only players can participate, but indigenous people can also sign up for the competition. However, compared with the players’ imagination, most of the indigenous people who have just had a full meal are here to make up the numbers, and few have the courage to sign up. The

  three champions of this food competition have been announced. Among them, the “most popular food among players” is still the chef Chaodan brother who understands the taste buds of players the most. Boil

  200g of black ring snake meat to remove the fishy smell, drain it, sprinkle it with salt, pepper, and minced garlic, stir-fry it, add half a liter of water and simmer it on low heat for half an hour, and finally add 50g of chopped deer tail grass to enhance the flavor.

  Like the previous monster ribs, Brother Scrambled Eggs did not hide it, and generously disclosed the recipe, and even released a tutorial on the official website.

  As for the most popular food among the indigenous people, it is still the finger biscuits made by Boss Crow.

  She wrapped the flour with handmade butter and white sugar, baked it into the shape of a bullet, and sprinkled the chocolate bought from the manager on the position of the bullet.

  Although many players complained that it was “too greasy and not as good as mushroom soup”, it was deeply loved by a group of female NPCs such as Xiaoyu, Boss Xia, and the sisters Qiucao and Qiuye, as well as the alien NPC Bachi.

  Stuffing the biscuits into his mouth from under the helmet, the tin can made a touching humming sound.

  ”Only at this time can I feel that I am alive!”

  And when I am drunk!

  Without any hesitation, he gave a high score of 10 out of 10!

  Heya glanced at this “living specimen”.

  ”Have you ever considered that it is not you who want to eat candy, but the slime molds parasitic on you want to eat it.” The

  happy humming sound stopped abruptly.

  The tin can was silent and distressing.

  Yin Fang, who was sitting next to him, couldn’t bear it anymore and sighed helplessly. .

  ”Don’t be like this… Brother Ba finally found a sense of being alive.”

  ”Am I the only one who thinks this thing is too sweet? I feel like my blood has become sticky…” Heya muttered and shook her head. She only ate one piece and never touched the rest.

  She was probably the only one among all the NPCs who couldn’t accept sweets, especially carbohydrates wrapped in fat and baked together, and sprinkled with thick chocolate sauce.

  Chu Guang looked at her strangely.

  ”Is it so exaggerated?”

  Heya said helplessly.

  ”Maybe I am more sensitive to sugar. I still like food with lower metabolic load, higher vitamin content and healthier ingredients.”

  Chu Guang: “For example?”

  Heya: “Animal offal.”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  Don’t cholesterol and protein need to be metabolized?

  What the hell is healthy about this?

  Xiaoyu, sitting on the judges’ seat, has been staring at the biscuits in front of Heya’s table, but she didn’t dare to ask for it.

  Brother Chu told her to eat less sugar. It is said that it will affect height growth. The sugar intake today is almost exceeded, and she can’t eat anymore.

  Xia Yan was not polite to Heya. After asking for her consent, she happily exchanged plates with her and stuffed cookies into her mouth with a happy face.

  She didn’t have so many psychological burdens.

  Anyway, she didn’t gain weight no matter what she ate. She had been used to it for so many years.

  As for the food that the manager loved most, it was beyond the expectations of all the players.

  It was just a simple bottle of sparkling water with a little sugar and a “unique formula” that might exist.

  Fat otaku happy water?

  What’s so good about this thing!

  The natives were not too surprised, but they were curious about what kind of magic the bottle of drink in the manager’s hand had to win the favor of the manager.

  The manager, wearing azure power armor, stood in front of everyone, pointing at the glass bottle in his hand that he had only taken a sip of, and said,

  ”Nuka Cola!”

  ”This is the best drink I’ve ever had!”

  Because there were not only players but also NPCs present, Chu Guang deliberately raised his voice and said it again in human language.

  At this time, the players on the scene suddenly reacted.


  The manager personally promoted the product? !

  But is this advertisement so hard?

  Mosquito had a regretful expression on his face.

  ”It was careless! I should have thought that… this kind of cheap and happy thing would sell like hot cakes in the wasteland!”

  At present, there is already a sugar factory in the industrial zone. Through a series of simple processes such as boiling and drying the red beets imported from Brown Farm, white sugar can be precipitated, and the price is quite cheap.

  The cost of this bottle of soda is only 0.5 silver coins at most!

  If he were to sell it, he would make at least 3 silver coins!

  Kuangfeng, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke.

  ”By the way, who is the winner of this prize?”

  The people in the cattle and horse herd looked at each other.

  ”I don’t know.”

  ”I’ll go to the forum to ask later?”

  It seems that no one has announced that they plan to make the fat house happy water in the wasteland, and no one jumped out to claim the prize at the scene.

  Is it an easter egg left by the official?

  If it is not made by a player, then this is the only explanation.

  The celebration lasted until the early morning. After collecting all the activity points, the players returned to the shelter or the save point on the surface one after another to log off.

  No matter how high you are in the game, your body in reality has to eat.

  As for the indigenous people, they are ready to stay up all night.

  Until all the programs of the celebration were over, many people were still spontaneously celebrating this significant day until the sky was light.

  From now on, the new alliance is officially established!

  The first restoration area extends from Yuanxi Town in the north to the fifth ring road of Qingquan City in the south, from the edge of Yumu District in the west to the old site of Gonglu Town in the east.

  It covers nearly 1,000 square kilometers of land!

  At the same time, a brand new city-state is being built on this wild wasteland in the name of “Dawn”. Just like its name, this rising sun is glowing with the light of dawn.

  The northern suburbs have never been as lively as today.

  The people living here have never been as excited and excited as today.

  ”Let’s toast to the establishment of the new alliance!”

  ”Cheers to the great administrator!”


  In the northern district of Dawn City, people staying at the Long-term Farm also stayed up all night.

  The Highway Town Inn was bustling with people, and the sound of clinking glasses and beer foam almost overturned the ceiling.

  To celebrate this great day, Old Hook generously announced that beer will be free all night and barbecue will be 20% off.

  Until dawn!

  Only for hotel guests!

  Of course, no one would be polite to him for such a good thing. The owner here has made a lot of silver coins from these wastelanders.

  Many hotel guests even rushed back from the park after joining in the celebration, just for free beer.

  A room full of merchants and mercenaries, all drunk, fell asleep in the lobby on the first floor.

  With so many people drunk, the waiters in the store could not manage them at all, so they simply closed the door and left someone behind the counter to watch them, leaving them to sleep in the lobby until they woke up naturally.

  At noon the next day.

  Sun Shiqi shook his head, which was as heavy as a piece of iron, and climbed up from the table.

  He didn’t know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that today’s beer was easier to get drunk than before. He couldn’t stand it after only two trips to the toilet.

  ”I bet… he mixed something else in the beer.” Obviously, he was not the only one who thought so, and the guests at the next table also muttered.

  Sun Shiqi took the bill from the waiter’s hand, glanced at it, and his face turned green.

  ”Aren’t the drinks free?”

  The waiter whispered.

  ”Yes, sir, but you ate 6 skewers of grilled squirrel meat and 12 skewers of two-headed beef yesterday… and a piece of monster ribs.”

  Sun Shiqi squinted his eyes and carefully read the small words on the back of the bill, then slowly came back to his senses.

  These dishes were indeed ordered by him.

  Especially the monster ribs at the back, he had never heard of monster meat being edible.

  But what he didn’t expect was that this thing cost 30 silver coins! According to the current exchange rate, it would cost 15 chips!

  This is a robbery!

  He has never eaten such expensive food!

  But maybe because he made a little money from the last business, his mentality has changed a little, and he is not as painful as before.

  Hard days have been long enough.

  When he first started doing business, he relied entirely on nutritional paste to save money, and even the mercenary he hired ate better than him.

  Now he finally has money.

  It’s time to be nicer to himself.

  ”Put it on my account.”

  The waiter showed a happy smile on his face.

  ”Okay, please sign, sir.”

  Sun Shiqi picked up a pen and casually signed his name on it, and threw him a silver coin as a tip.

  Amid the waiter’s thanks and blessings, Sun Shiqi, squinting his eyes, walked out of the hotel with his head held high in the bright sunshine.

  The day of picking up the goods was postponed again and again, and finally the day of handover arrived.

  The trading station compensated him with the right to use 100 square meters of storage, which was located in the warehouse area next to the trading station, for two months.

  Sun Shiqi was quite satisfied with this compensation.

  These people are still very reasonable, at least more reasonable than the factories in Boulder City. If they also encounter unexpected failures to deliver the goods, the factories in Boulder City will not give any compensation.

  No one can do anything about things like the wave.

  It’s understandable.

  Looking at the young man in front of him who was handling the goods delivery procedures with him, Sun Shiqi asked curiously.

  ”Why is there a change of hands at this stall today?”

  ”Shuanghe is off today. We have one day off a week. We can discuss and decide which day to take off.” The boy said with a smile.

  ”Okay, wish her a happy holiday for me. I really envy you. We work all year round.” Sun Shiqi flattered casually, and suddenly noticed that there was construction outside the trading post.

  A group of ragged people were under the supervision of guards. Two people in a group were carrying heavy steel and laying it on the wood, and they were hammering around.

  Those people should be prisoners of war.

  Sun Shiqi tutted and asked casually.

  ”What are they doing over there?”

  The boy glanced over there and said with a smile.

  ”You mean there? It seems to be called a railway! It was recently built from the industrial zone to here. I heard that this thing will be used to transport goods in the future.”

  Railway? !

  Sun Shiqi showed a surprised expression on his face.

  There are many scrapped vehicles on the wasteland, and steel bars and steel beams are also common, but those rusty scrap steel obviously cannot be directly recycled. First, they have to be thrown into the furnace for remelting, and then go through a series of processes to turn them into something that can be used.

  This may not sound difficult, but in fact it tests the overall industrial capacity of a survivor settlement.

  If he remembered correctly, a kilometer-long railway would require at least hundreds of tons of steel.

  Is the steel production of these people sufficient to build railways?

  He hadn’t noticed it in the past few days!

  The young man in front of him thought he was making a fuss. As early as when the industrial zone was just relocated, the steel mill had been producing those tracks.

  Although he still didn’t know what the thing was used for, he believed that the decision of the manager would definitely not be wrong.

  ”Did you pick up all this steel from the ruins?”

  ”Half and half, like over there.”

  The young man pointed to a stall not far away. There were more than 20 two-headed cows squeezed in front of the stall. Facing the staff’s sales pitch, the person in charge of the caravan was obviously lost in thought, and it was obvious that he had been tempted.

  ”An electric mule costs only 50,000 silver coins, and now there is a 10% discount. With a more advanced and convenient means of transportation, you can travel between Honghe Town and Shuguang City faster. The demand for steel is very strong now. Are you really not going to consider it?”

  Sun Shiqi did not speak. He noticed the brand printed on the back of the two-headed bull, and a trace of vigilance gradually appeared in his eyes.

  Horseshoe Chamber of Commerce!

  He recognized this logo.

  One-third of the iron ore and one-fifth of the slave business in Honghe Town are in their hands. Although they do not have their own iron ore, they have a good relationship with many slave owners because they can provide a stable “labor force”, and their salesmen are spread all over the southern part of the river valley province.

  Thinking of this, Sun Shiqi, who was originally a little relaxed, suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

  It has been nearly a month and a half since the trade route was restored. Obviously, he is not the only one who has set his eyes on this piece of fat meat in the northern suburbs.

  In the future, more and more people will come here to do business!

  He must hurry up!


  Including the holiday on the second day, the celebration lasted for two full days.

  According to the report compiled by Xiaoqi, the total expenditure of this celebration reached 61,231 silver coins. In addition to the consumption of food and drinks, it also includes the benefits given to players through lottery.

  In addition, because some of the prizes were drawn by Chu Guang with his own points, they were not counted in the total cost.

  However, if you think he will lose money, you are wrong. Although

  these more than 60,000 silver coins were spent, they were also spent on players and NPCs. Players and NPCs are all his people, so those silver coins are just a different form to accompany him.

  In addition to the last advertisement he made, after the celebration, the merchants who came to inquire about “Nuka Cola” sparkling water almost broke the door of the warehouse.

  The only 20 boxes of inventory were sold out.

  After tasting a bottle, many people paid the deposit without saying a word. In just one morning, the orders were scheduled for a month later!

  As for who came up with such a genius idea?

  Of course, it was Chu Guang himself.

  He had made his own sparkling water a long time ago, but he was recently troubled by the budget problem and thought of exporting this thing to earn foreign exchange.

  At present, the product is produced by the “Nuclear” soda factory, which is wholly owned by the shelter. If Chu Guang had not thought of a certain arrogant riddle man, he could not help but praise himself as a genius.

  Of course, these are all trivial matters.

  If you really want to fundamentally solve the “budget problem”, it is not enough to rely on one or two best-selling products.

  The scientific expedition team managed by Yin Fang has locked on a shelter in Dongcheng District.

  According to the recorded information, the shelter was opened fifty years ago and was numbered 401.

  Considering that there has been no news about the shelter, Chu Guang has reason to believe that it has been abandoned and the people there are nowhere to go.

  But it doesn’t matter if it is abandoned.

  As long as the controlled fusion reactor is still good and as long as he can find fuel rods of matching models, he will have a way to reuse it!

  For example, throw a few hundred culture chambers over.

  It just happens to increase the presence of Shelter No. 404 in the eastern part of Qingquan City and prepare for the expansion of the recovery area.

  In addition to solving the problems of the players, there are also problems of the indigenous people that need to be solved.

  Establishing a new alliance is not just a slogan, but also a promise.

  Currently, the laws of the new alliance are only implemented in Dawn City. In addition to Dawn City, there are many small and medium-sized survivor settlements in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City and even in the large wasteland outside the city, which are suffering from the invasion of alien species and predators.

  In addition, there are still some stubborn feudal lords in the recovery area who need to recognize the situation and make a choice between self-consciousness and passive consciousness.

  Chu Guang plans to use a month to deal with these historical problems.

  However, what Chu Guang did not expect was that the first person to recognize the situation and make changes was his old neighbor Brown…

  (Thanks to “Ji Jia Luo Yu” for the reward for the leader!! Sorry brothers, it’s a little late today TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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