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Chapter 288 People who are self-aware usually have good luck, whether they are NPCs or players

Chapter 288 People who are self-aware usually have good luck, whether they are NPCs or players

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 288 People who are self-aware usually have good luck, whether they are NPCs or players.

  ”Dear Administrator, I am willing to dedicate my farm to the New Alliance!”

  In the reception room.

  Standing in front of Chu Guang, Old Brown bowed his head respectfully, and his wrinkled right hand trembled as he placed it on his left chest to show respect.

  Chu Guang looked at him in surprise.

  Good guy.

  Is he so self-aware?

  Hearing that Brown wanted to see him for something, Chu Guang thought he was here to ask for the food and biomass oil he had borrowed before, but he didn’t expect that he was here to surrender.

  ”Can you tell me what made you make this decision suddenly?”

  Of course, it was because he wanted to live –

  but the smart old Brown would naturally not say that.

  His face was slightly adjusted, and he raised his head with a solemn and serious expression, and said in a rhythmic voice.

  ”It was your speech, dear administrator.”

  Chu Guang carefully recalled his speech, and he couldn’t remember what he said that day. He only remembered that he advertised his “Nuclear Soda” at the end.

  Seeing that Chu Guang didn’t speak, Old Brown continued.

  ”…your impassioned speech at the celebration enlightened me, a dull person, and made me feel deeply ashamed of my past actions. In order to survive, I did many things that I shouldn’t have done. I can’t argue that I had no choice but to do all this. I just hope that this way can alleviate my sins.”

  ”A new world of equality and no oppression is also what I hope for.”

  When saying this, Old Brown’s face was full of piety, but his heart was bitter.

  In fact, he not only wanted to survive, but even if the New Alliance didn’t want his farm, he would soon be unable to run the farm.

  In the previous Wave War, Shelter 404 requisitioned almost all the biomass oil from his warehouse, and after the war, they didn’t seem to intend to return it. Of

  course, Brown was embarrassed to ask for it.

  After all, without those blue coats, let alone the farm, his head might have been hung on the chair of the Bone Chewing Tribe, and it would not be the Wave’s turn to help.

  But this was borrowing food and oil, and his warehouse was empty enough for rats to run away.

  Yesterday, he asked the butler to do some calculations and found that he had lost nearly 10,000 chips in just the first two months of the year. When he thought that he still had to feed more than 200 slaves and more than 40 servants, he felt a headache that seemed to be splitting.

  This is still the beginning of the year.

  What if it is the end of the year? ? ?

  Especially now that the new alliance has been established, the entire area from the North Fifth Ring Road to the Elm District has been included in the recovery area, and his farm is just within this range.

  What is coming has finally come.

  Old Brown was not at all surprised by this result, but was relieved.

  At least he didn’t have to be awakened by the sound outside the house in the middle of the night, and didn’t have to greet the sunshine the next morning in fear.

  He had had enough of such days!

  Before Shelter No. 404 came to him to liberate the slaves, he took the initiative to offer the sinful farm to the great alliance.

  And this is the only way for him to retain his last dignity.

  After listening to Old Brown’s impassioned speech, Chu Guang smiled in his heart, but didn’t believe a single punctuation mark of his nonsense.

  But this guy was so self-conscious, which saved him a lot of time.

  ”I’m glad you think so, but we are not unreasonable people. We will not take your farm. It belongs to you. As long as you are willing to abide by our order and recognize our sovereignty over the recovery area, you can continue to operate it under our supervision.”

  Brown was stunned after hearing this. He didn’t quite understand what Chu Guang meant, and said in a trembling voice.

  ”Sir, I don’t understand what you mean.”

  He was more afraid that the other party would say something polite to him than the manager of the alliance taking over his farm.

  The new alliance took over the farm, which meant that he could still survive.

  He was really afraid that this blue coat would say no, but would arrange a public trial for him and let the slaves write their own charges.

  That would be the end of him!

  Chu Guang immediately guessed what he was thinking after reading the fear that gradually emerged in Old Brown’s eyes, so he smiled and said to ease the atmosphere.

  ”It means literally. As long as you abide by the laws of the alliance, free all slaves, hire employees according to the minimum wage and labor treatment we set, and fulfill your tax obligations, you will be protected by the law.”

  Release all the slaves?

  Brown said with a wry smile.

  ”My lord… you should take my farm away. There is land everywhere in this wasteland, but without slaves, they are just a pile of useless soil. You can’t expect food to pop out of the ground by itself.”

  People are always unsatisfied.

  It seems that if the employees are given two more days off and asked to get off work on time, the sky will fall.

  Can’t farm without slaves?

  What a joke!

  Chu Guang felt that he needed to settle accounts with him.

  ”How many slaves do you have?”

  Old Brown didn’t dare to hide anything, but he really didn’t have the habit of counting how many slaves he had every day, so he said carefully.

  ”About more than 200…”

  Chu Guang continued. ”

  How many fields?”

  Old Brown continued.

  ”The actual planting area… is about more than 500 acres.”

  More than 500 acres?

  There are so many?

  Chu Guang looked slightly surprised.

  He had estimated the actual planting area of ​​Brown Farm based on the map to be only about 100 acres. He didn’t expect it to be five times more than his estimate?

  This error is a bit outrageous.


  This matter can be considered later. Now is not the time to settle the land.

  ”More than 200 laborers planting 500 acres of land, don’t you think it’s a waste?” Looking at Brown who was unaware of it, Chu Guang said with great sorrow.


  Brown’s face was full of confusion.

  He didn’t feel the waste at all.

  Slaves don’t need to be paid, just given food to eat. And the food for slaves is cheap. After growing crops, they can spread a handful of green wheat on the ground, or find a corner to grow some sheep’s horn potatoes, which is their food. What they can’t finish can be sold cheaply to scavengers.

  When the slaves can’t work anymore, they will be sold directly, or taken outside for disposal.

  ”If I were you, I would sell the slaves, use the money to buy a few tractors, and then equip them with planters and harvesters, and save some money to build a water tower and irrigation canal for the farm. Only 500 acres of land, more than 20 people are enough! Give them some wages and bonuses, they will work harder than slaves, and even treat the farm as their own home.”

  ”You can’t farm without slaves? This idea is very problematic!”

  Old Brown was stunned by what Chu Guang said.

  After a long time, he whispered.

  ”…Sir, 200 slaves can only be exchanged for 200,000 silver coins at most. Is this enough to buy the things you mentioned?”

  He didn’t know how many silver coins or chips were needed to buy these equipment, but he felt that the manager’s calculation was quite casual.

  Chu Guang smiled slightly and said,

  ”It may not be enough, but it won’t be much different. In view of your sincerity in joining the alliance, we are willing to provide you with a loan with an interest rate that is negligible to help you upgrade your agricultural tools and survive the initial transformation period.”

  ”Don’t worry about not being able to pay it back. We will distinguish between personal and corporate debts. This is not Boulder City. Even if you go bankrupt, you will not become a slave. As long as the accounts are normal, the remaining assets will be auctioned at most.”

  Old Brown walked out of the reception room in a daze. He calculated for a long time but couldn’t figure it out.

  He had already prepared to lose the farm and only hoped that the manager would leave him some property for retirement. As a result, he actually got a loan?

  And he can continue to run his own farm.

  His heart was full of confusion.

  After all the calculations, it seems that he has made a profit?

  It’s outrageous.

  Chu Guang did not embarrass this self-conscious feudal lord, and even encouraged him a few words, and personally sent him out the door.

  Holding all the property tightly in his hands is Grandet’s behavior, and the reasonable allocation of resources is what the alliance manager should do. What

  Chu Guang needs is not a farm, but to ensure the production of food and industrial raw materials in the territory. If Old Brown is willing to take the initiative to welcome the new order, he can certainly give him a decent ending.

  If the propaganda tools are used properly, Old Brown’s deeds may also become a role model for those small feudal lords outside the recovery area.

  Looking at the figure disappearing at the edge of the park, Chu Guang touched his chin and thought.

  ”…The New Alliance needs its own propaganda department.”

  Or just learn from the Voice of Boulder City and make a radio station belonging to Dawn City?

  Chu Guang’s eyes lit up, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was necessary.

  What is it called to do good things without leaving a name?

  That’s called an honest person!

  You can’t always let others talk nonsense.

  The wastelanders in Boulder City and even the entire southern area of ​​Qingquan City have the right to know the most real New Alliance and Dawn City.

  In short, he also had to find a few people who could brag and take back the propaganda position that had been neglected for a long time!


  The next day, the working group sent by the New Alliance entered Brown Farm and, with the assistance of the guards, liquidated the assets of Brown Farm.

  The main things that needed to be settled were slaves and land.

  One was about principles, and the other was about taxes, both of which were top priorities. As for Old Brown’s personal property, Chu Guang did not intend to take it from him.

  As long as it was within the territory of the New Alliance, it would be the same no matter who held it.

  Old Brown was also quite cooperative with the working group that came to reform him, but when he saw who was coming, he was dumbfounded.

  ”Lu, Luca… Hello, sir.”

  When he went to the outpost last winter, he did not recognize this face. It was not until he inquired about the situation of Changjiu Farm that he learned that Luca was a slave who had escaped from him.

  When he first heard about this, Old Brown was scared and broke out in a cold sweat on the spot.

  He still remembered that he was so angry that he almost shot the guard who let Luca go privately. However, considering that this might make things worse, he thought about it and finally didn’t do it.

  Looking at Luca standing in front of him, Old Brown was so nervous that he felt like a fish on the chopping board.

  He even began to regret that he didn’t pack up his belongings and run away.

  But Luca didn’t make things difficult for him. He looked at him calmly and said,

  ”Hello, Mr. Brown.”

  ”In accordance with the order of the administrator, I am Luca who is here to supervise the transformation of the farm. We will take the slaves here to Changjiu Farm for study and transformation, and the commissioner will evaluate the price and give you a one-time compensation.”

  ”And after that, I need to make sure that everyone here has obtained a free identity. Remember, everyone. Illegal restriction of personal freedom is a felony. You are now a citizen of the New Alliance. I hope you will remember this.”

  He has been reborn. As for the past, Luca no longer wants to pursue it, and it is meaningless.

  Besides, this is the task of the administrator. Luca, who feels more loyal than anyone else, will never mix personal feelings into it.

  Brown nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, with a flattering smile on his face.

  ”I promise you! I will do my best to cooperate with your work!”

  Luca nodded.

  ”It’s better.”

  Twenty guards in black coats marched in unison and formed two teams to enter Brown Farm. The

  serfs standing next to the shack looked at these people blankly, confused about what was happening before their eyes.

  They didn’t know that their fate would change drastically.

  The farm guards standing around the wall cast envious eyes at the rifles on the guards’ backs.

  ”No wonder they can beat the people of the Bone Chewing Tribe… With this equipment, I feel like they can fight with the Boulder City.”

  Although they have never been to Boulder City, the neat formation and uniforms, as well as the shiny long bayonets and rifles on their backs, are already the limit of their imagination.

  At this time, someone continued.

  ”I heard that the best fighters are not these people.”

  ”Is there anyone who can fight better?”

  ”Those in blue coats are all awakened! Those in black coats are just guards to maintain order.”

  All of them are awakened? !

  How can it be!

  Not many people believed this.

  One or two hundred people was acceptable, but all of them were awakened, which was too exaggerated!

  After all, awakening requires more than just acquired efforts. It also requires high talent. Many people never awaken until they die, and many people suddenly awaken after a life-and-death experience.

  ”By the way… what will happen if Old Brown surrenders?”

  ”Probably disband on the spot. If I were the manager of the new alliance, I would not allow such a large and uncontrolled armed force to exist on my territory.”

  ”But they didn’t pay attention to those mercenaries either?”

  ”It’s different. Mercenaries are mercenaries, and slave owners’ guards are another matter… In short, there is a difference.”

  ”If it really disbands, I’ll just join the army. It doesn’t matter who I work for. Anyway, I can’t do anything else.”

  ”Come on, with your poor and ugly appearance, can you pass the physical examination?”


  Listening to the unscrupulous laughter of his companions around him, Liu Wuyue’s face was full of resentment. He hated those blue coats for taking away the farm, and he also hated them for being indifferent to the fate of the farm. They were simply unworthy of Brown’s kindness to them!

  This was not loyalty at all!

  Finally, he couldn’t help but curse in a low voice.

  ”We gave them so much tribute, and now they want to take the farm from us? Bloody Hands is not such a bastard!”

  A few years ago, he finally managed to become a guard from a slave and a person with a name. Now he can finally ride on the heads of those slaves and act arrogantly. But now someone actually told him that they are free?

  What a joke!

  He doesn’t want that!

  The slightly older guard glanced at him.

  ”Bloody Hands… Those jackals often come here to take advantage of us. We give them much more food than we give to the blue coats.”

  Liu Wuyue said stubbornly.

  ”But at least they didn’t take away our farm!”

  The older guard shrugged.

  ”Maybe, but what does it have to do with me? This is Old Brown’s farm, neither yours nor mine. Maybe he has reached some deal with the New Alliance, and it is also a sum of money or some other promise, but no matter what it is, it has nothing to do with you and me.”

  He still has a good impression of the New Alliance.

  Unlike most of the guards here, he is a wastelander who wandered from the east, not a guard promoted from a slave. He worked for Old Brown not for loyalty, but purely to make a living.

  He has seen many slave owners along the way, but this is the first time he has seen an idealist who is willing to return freedom to people.

  Although he has not met the manager, he is deeply impressed by the kindness of this adult.

  Maybe he will join the army later.

  As the other guards said, working for anyone is working for life. Anyway, he can’t do anything else except pulling the trigger, so it’s better to leave the bullets for those predators and aliens.

  Liu Wuyue was so angry that he couldn’t speak. Seeing that a conflict was about to happen, Liu Jiuyue, who was standing next to him, hurried up to pull him.

  ”Forget it, brother, don’t be impulsive.”

  Fighting in front of the guards is not a good idea.

  This is already the territory of the New Alliance.

  As the leader of the farm guards, Liu Zhengyue’s mood at the moment is also full of complexities.

  He thinks that Old Brown was simply frightened by those blue coats.

  Maybe the people of the New Alliance didn’t intend to take care of them at all, and they didn’t look down on their small place at all. It was all because of Old Brown’s self-righteousness that this result occurred.

  What’s more, they have been providing food to those blue coats. Those people will not abandon the donkey after they have done their work, right?

  But now it’s useless to say anything.

  Their master has already donated this farm to the New Alliance. The only consolation is that they can continue to cultivate this land.

  It’s just that there are no more slaves to use.

  On the threshing ground.

  All 217 slaves were brought here and stood in two rows on the open space, looking around blankly, and the guards carrying rifles.

  They didn’t know that these people came to save them, and they didn’t even know what happened outside the wall.

  They watched Old Brown walk in front of them.

  This man who had always been bossing them around, for the first time ever, used a polite tone today, looking at them like human beings and speaking.

  ”The new alliance has been established, thank the great administrator, from now on you are free! I am no longer your master, and you are no longer anyone’s slave.”

  ”Live well in the new era.”

  ”It’s all over.”

  After throwing down these words, Old Brown hurried away, and soon the working group led by Luca took over here and started working with the cooperation of the guards.

  Many slaves recognized Luca, but the changes in him made all the slaves dare not recognize him.

  However, Luca did not put on any airs with them, and walked in front of them patiently, and promoted the ideas and will of the administrator to them.

  And the only private goods he brought with him –


  It was the administrator who saved you, so you must remember and abide by loyalty!

  After hearing these words, the slaves who were originally uneasy all breathed a sigh of relief.

  For most of them, loyalty, which can be explained in one sentence, is much easier to understand than equality and salvation.

  Seeing that these people finally understood the painstaking efforts of the administrator, old Luca finally showed a relieved smile on his face.

  In any case, the backward production relations must be abolished.

  In the recovery area of ​​the New Alliance, human freedom will be protected by law, and this is also Chu Guang’s promise to those who support him.

  217 serfs and 41 servants will automatically obtain the status of guardians and go to Changjiu Farm for transformation ranging from one to six months.

  During this period, the New Alliance will provide them with food and educational opportunities, and their obligation is to learn at least one skill to make a living.

  Whether it is operating a sewing machine or moving bricks and screwing, at least find a job that can be done.

  In addition, they need to learn the laws of the New Alliance and accept new ideas.

  When the transformation is over, everyone will automatically obtain the status of residents of the New Alliance and decide their own future.

  Of course, they can continue to farm.

  But not for others, but for themselves.


  Chu Guang had originally planned to go there in person to take over Brown Farm, but unfortunately he had something more important to do and couldn’t leave, so he entrusted it to Old Luca.

  Today is the third day since the establishment of the new alliance. At 8:00 a.m. in the wasteland time, the first batch of European emperors who were qualified for the closed beta test of Beta0.1 version finally went online.

  Chu Guang temporarily placed the newly produced cultivation capsule in Shelter No. 117.

  Since there is no independent room suitable for placing the hibernation capsule on the B4 floor, and it involves the most core area of ​​the shelter – the terminal that controls the server.

  This is a function for “developers”, and Chu Guang naturally cannot open it to players.

  Although Shelter No. 404 does not have more space, Shelter No. 117 still has 100 “luxury single rooms” available.

  In the bug correction of Beta0.1 version, Chu Guang changed all 500 rooms in Shelter No. 117 into double dormitories, and the population limit of Shelter No. 117 instantly doubled, and now it can accommodate a maximum of 1,000 people.

  The first batch of players in the B round of testing is tentatively set at 40 people.

  At the same time, the exploration plan for Shelter 401 and the reactor fuel rods is also underway. At present, this work is mainly carried out by the scientific expedition team led by Yin Fang.

  In the square of Shelter 117.

  At this moment, there is a noisy noise.

  Most people put on the helmet with the mentality of giving it a try, but they didn’t expect it to be real.

  All the expectations and uneasiness were settled at this moment, and the joy and excitement that gushed out were like a new life!

  Keep your voice down. I Bron: “Hahahaha! I’m in! I’m finally in!”

  Asian Pictures: “Everyone, be quiet and listen to me. Everyone here is a person who has stood out from billions of good brothers. Speak more tough!”

  Brother Bing and Huo: “Ah! Everyone, be tough! Is the dog planner here? Light a new cigarette for me!”

  Asian Pictures: “Fuck, brother is awesome!”

  Luo Yu repeatedly rubbed his face.

  ”Huh, huh, huh? Doesn’t this game have a link to create characters and choose gender?”

  Feng Qing looked around blankly.

  ”The modeling is flawless, you can’t get through it at all, and there are also differences in light and shadow effects and temperature. This game… is too real!”

  Wearing a deep blue power armor, Chu Guang and his most loyal guards stood aside and watched these new players crying, laughing, making noises and jumping excitedly.

  He had long been accustomed to the performance art of the players and could understand their excitement, but the guards next to him were still somewhat unaccustomed.

  Chu Guang coughed lightly and whispered in the communication channel.

  ”Frozen awakening syndrome, dormancy time of more than two centuries… This happens occasionally, don’t be too surprised.”

  The symptoms were made up by him, and no one could disprove it anyway.

  The guards wearing exoskeletons certainly had no doubt about what the administrator said. In their view, the administrator’s will was the truth, and they nodded loyally.

  Not to mention being surprised, there was no change in their expressions.

  It was the same as the previous versions.

  Chu Guang left enough time for these excited little players to celebrate and let them vent their excitement and excitement.

  At the same time, most of the old players who were planning to do the “Passing on the Torch” task stood at the edge of the hall and watched the newbies comment and pick and choose.

  Most of them came here in the same way.

  Even more exaggerated than these newbies.

  Watching the newbies making a fuss is also one of the reserved programs of the “Wasteland OL” closed beta server.

  ”This batch of newbies is not good,” Tail, who was holding his arms, shook his head in a conscientious manner, “No one took off their pants!”

  Sisi glanced at Tail.

  ”Your remarks are very dangerous.”

  The old players who led the newbies were mainly in the LV8~LV11 range, but there were also some “50% newbies” who had just passed LV5 who came to recruit apprentices.

  Chu Guang did not strictly limit the level of the “Passing on the Torch” task, and there was no restriction that they must be combat professional players. The only requirement was to have VM.

  At the same time, since the Beta0.1 version updated the legion system, many old players who planned to set up independent legions also came here to recruit

  people. However, the conditions for these big guys to recruit people are usually more stringent than those for individual players, mainly for like-minded hardcore players.

  There are many ways to play Wasteland OL.

  Although it tends to recruit hardcore players who can play, it does not “only” recruit hardcore players.

  An overly serious server atmosphere will make the game niche, and this is why Chu Guang has always emphasized on the official website that Wasteland OL is a “fun MMORPG” that focuses on leisure.

  Carrying a wooden sign in his hand, Big Eyes in Debt shouted excitedly, looking like an old man picking up children at the kindergarten gate.

  ”The Death Corps is recruiting! We have the highest combat losses and the most medals. We go wherever there is danger! The only requirement is to follow the command in the team battle and not be afraid of death in the team battle. Professional firefighter Shui Ge will take you to experience the most realistic firefighting scene!”

  Edge Water couldn’t help but spray.

  ”Is there an advertisement like you?”

  Big Eyes in Debt laughed.

  ”You know der! Didn’t you see that the eyes of those newbies are bright?”

  The construction site boy and the brick raised their hands.

  ”I stand with my eyes wide open! It’s better to make things clear with the newcomers rather than have conflicts after joining the group!”

  On the other side, Brother Mole’s “Skeleton Corps” and Fountain Commander’s “Storm Corps” are also recruiting, but neither of them is very open.

  As for the characteristics, there are some. The former focuses on German stick equipment and gives a shovel when joining the group. The latter advocates breaking the whole into parts, and everyone can wear whatever they want.

  Many newbies have read Brother Mole’s posts on the forum, especially when they heard that he was an unemployed painter, some hardcore players went to him to sign up.

  In addition to the Death Corps, the one who made the most noise is undoubtedly Brother Mosquito.

  This guy can be said to have performed performance art to the extreme. He stood in the square with flamethrower equipment and yelled at the top of his duck voice.

  ”The Burning Legion is recruiting! The T0 boss will help you show off and fly! The Legion has air force and artillery. If you join now, you will get a 10% discount voucher for Goblin technology! Unlimited usage time!”

  Fountain Commander: “Damn, Mosquito, aren’t you a professional player?”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “That’s right! You come here to join in the fun! And you call that thing an air force?”

  Macababa: “That’s right! Your broken plane is not as good as my bullshit brother’s air force!”

  Stop talking nonsense: “???”

  Ignoring everyone’s complaints, Mosquito smiled and said, “Hey, who said I’m a professional life player! Have you ever seen a professional life player who first killed a boss?”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group standing next to me was the worst, and they rolled their eyes at the same time.

  This guy.

  He just grabbed a head, how dare he brag about it every day!

  Mosquito coughed.

  ”Stop talking nonsense, I’m helping Lao Bai and the others recruit people. Originally we were going to call it the Bull and Horse Corps, but the name was too lame, and it just so happened that we all played Warcraft together before, so we changed it to the Burning Corps.” It turned out to

  be a few big guys in the Bull and Horse Group.

  Everyone stopped complaining

  about Mosquito pitting the newbies. The combat effectiveness of the Bull and Horse teams is still obvious to all.

  However, Lao Bai and the others did not recruit new players themselves, but asked Mosquito to do it for them, which was beyond the expectations of Mole, Fountain and other players.

  Did these damn Europeans receive some hidden mission again?

  It’s too much not to cut a knife!

  In addition to the newly established corps, the merchants who were trying to trick the newbies into joining the group were also there, shouting and making empty promises.

  The noisy sounds in the square were endless, and the newbies were stunned to find that these old players were even more noisy than them.

  At this moment, a scream came from the crowd.

  Unprofessional reaction: “Fuck! Why is my nose flat?”

  The surrounding players turned their heads to look at the door and laughed. Wow.


  … Bajie walking upright?

  There must be something wrong with the nose and ears!

  ”Awesome, after the cat girl, there are also pigmen?”

  ”My friend, can you eat pork?”

  ”Ugh, the bad taste of the dog planner!”

  ”Hahaha, brother, I’ve seen your book!”

  Unprofessional reaction: “%¥#@!”

  Chu Guang, who was standing in the square, also showed a surprised expression on his face.

  Especially when he browsed the attribute panel of this little player.


  ID: Unprofessional Anti-Bun

  Gene Sequence: Constitution System

  Level: LV.0

  ——Basic Attributes——

  Strength: 5 Agility: 3


  : 7

  Perception: 5

  Intelligence: 5




  Pigman: Get the nose, ears and tail of a pig (Screwed up, the genetic similarity between pigs and humans is as high as 83%, but the fusion of the two is not as smooth as expected… Maybe I should try cats next time.)]

  Accelerated recovery: Has a 133%~150% recovery speed bonus, and a 200% bonus to the accumulated hunger speed.


  Same as the previous Aoao Sesame Paste.

  The player’s sequence was not classified as an alien species, but a physical system. The attribute panel is also a standard template for the physical system, 3 agility 7 physical, and the rest are all baseline values ​​5.

  It’s also because of this.

  After all, the claws of lizards and white bears can be used, and the hard-working debuff is at most a bit uncoordinated with the fingers.

  But pig’s trotters…

  In addition to braised, Chu Guang really can’t think of any other uses.

  ”Forget it, let’s leave the specific gameplay to the players to figure out.”

  Chu Guang coughed lightly, walked in front of the players, skillfully blocked the hand that tried to attack his chest, and activated the talent of mental deterrence, forcing the naughty little players to instinctively step back.

  Waiting for everyone to quiet down.

  Responding to the pairs of expectant eyes, Chu Guang read out the opening remarks he redesigned for the Beta version with a serious expression.

  ”Welcome back to the surface, the lucky ones who are still alive! I am the manager of Shelter 404 and also the manager of the Alliance.

  ”I have two important news to tell you here. The good news is that the war is over, and the bad news is that our world has changed beyond recognition.”

  ”However, the situation here is not as bad as you think. Thanks to the efforts of your predecessors, they united the indigenous people on the surface, defeated the barbarism that threatened us, and successfully established our first base in the wasteland. ”

  According to the resolution of the highest level of the Human Union, the United Front for the Rejuvenation of Human Civilization has been established. We have formed a new alliance, and soon recovery zones will spring up like mushrooms after rain until we get back what we have lost one by one.”

  ”You are more fortunate than tens of billions of people to be able to live in this new era. After celebrating the joy of regaining your new life, I need you to recognize the current situation as soon as possible, and then fulfill your oath under the banner of the Human Union-”

  ”Rebuild our home!”

  In the setting, the players are old popsicles who have been dormant until now in the era of the Human Union.

  Although the hibernation capsule does not have a freezing function.

  After speaking this passage in Chinese, Chu Guang recorded it and backed it up on the server.

  In the future, new people will join the game every day, and he can’t be on the scene every day as a repeater.

  After that, Chu Guang will instruct trusted guards to wear six-style “heavy cavalry” exoskeletons and come here to complete this task on his behalf-

  replay his recording.

  Or repeat what he said again.

  After the opening animation ended, Chu Guang gave the time to the old players.

  In the lively welcome ceremony, the newbies found Their own organization, full of expectation, took the novice gift packs prepared by the managers for them, ready to step into this mysterious wasteland world, to feel how real this 100% real virtual reality game can be. With the

  care of the old players, the fastest death record created by the old man who quit smoking should not be refreshed so quickly.

  At the same time, the strongest fighting force of the server, the Cattle and Horses Squad, was quietly approaching the eastern part of Qingquan City – an area that few people have set foot in.

  Standing on the half-collapsed high-rise building.

  Fang Chang, holding a telescope, looked at the vast sea of ​​forests scattered among the reinforced concrete ruins, with shock written on his face.

  ”This is too amazing…”

  (Thanks to the leader “地三鲜盖Van” for the reward!! This chapter is still a little short of 10,000 words, just regard it as making up for yesterday. I will pay back the updates I owed before. It’s too uncomfortable to have no manuscripts saved TT.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode