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Chapter 288 The Villain’s Charm is Unstoppable

Chapter 288 The Villain’s Charm is Unstoppable


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 288 The charm of villains is unstoppable.

  Old Zhang suddenly said that he wanted to find Wei Changtian, which made Ah Gou temporarily forget about the roast goose. After a moment of hesitation, he blinked and asked in confusion:

  ”Grandpa, are we going to Shuzhou?”

  ”Shuzhou? No.”

  Old Zhang hurried to the broken house, while rummaging through the box, he answered casually: “We are going to Fengyuan.”


  Ah Gou obviously hadn’t heard of this place name: “Where is Fengyuan?”

  ”In the west.”

  Old Zhang said perfunctorily, and then pulled out a tattered long sword from the box. It

  must have been pressed at the bottom of the box for a long time without being moved. The scabbard was covered with mildew, and there were faintly many small holes left by insects.

  However, when Old Zhang drew the sword out of the scabbard with a “clang”, the sword body reflecting the sunlight was bright and smooth. Even a beggar on the roadside would know that this sword was extraordinary.


  Ah Gou couldn’t help but open his mouth and exclaimed: “Grandpa, didn’t you tell my senior brother that you don’t have any treasures anymore? Where did this sword come from?”

  ”Hehe, as a master, you naturally have to keep some good things in the bottom of the box.”

  Old Zhang flicked the blade of the sword proudly, ready to return the sword to the sheath.

  However, he didn’t insert it accurately several times. In the end, he squinted his eyes and aimed for a long time before he successfully put the sword back into the sheath.

  ”Okay, you pack up quickly, I’ll go buy a donkey cart.”

  He found a piece of rag and wrapped the scabbard repeatedly several times. Old Zhang urged: “Let’s go today.”


  Ah Gou was stunned, but he didn’t ask any more questions. He nodded and ran to start packing the two people’s tattered clothes and the “valuable items” that almost didn’t exist in the house.

  ”In Fengyuan in the west. Where is that?”


  An hour later.


  The dilapidated wooden door was closed casually, and a dead branch was inserted horizontally as a bolt.

  Anyway, there was nothing in this broken house, and there was no need to worry about thieves, so Old Zhang simply saved the money to buy a lock.

  ”Grandpa, I’m hungry.”

  Holding the small package and sitting on the donkey cart, Agou patted his belly aggrievedly: “Why don’t we eat first before we go?”

  ”You only know how to eat!”

  Old Zhang glared at Agou and swung the branch in his hand to hit the donkey’s buttocks.

  ”Here are some dry food, eat it!”

  ”But I want to eat roast goose,”

  Agou muttered reluctantly, and seeing that Old Zhang had no reaction, he had to give up and ate the cold steamed bun in small bites.

  ”Gurgle gurgle~”

  The wheels rolled over the ground, and the donkey cart bumped on the bumpy alley.

  A neighbor who was returning home at the alley happened to run into the two of them and couldn’t help asking, “Old Zhang, where are you going?”

  Old Zhang smiled brightly, “Out of town!”

  ”Out of town? Take Ah Gou to avoid the war?”

  ”What war? We have serious things to do!”

  ”Hahahaha, you two are old and young, what serious things can you do?”

  ”Hey, I’m afraid I’ll scare you if I tell you!”


  The man got interested when he heard this, stretched out his hand to hold the shaft of the cart and said with a smile, “There are wars outside the city every day, but they don’t scare me, but you are so arrogant.”

  ”Tell me, what is so scary?”

  ”Humph, I’m going to go”

  Old Zhang’s face was stern, and he puffed out his chest with great pride.

  ”Behead Yama!”


  ”Dingling dingling~”

  The slanting light shone on the village, and few people returned to the poor alley.

  The copper bell hanging on the donkey’s neck swayed, and the sound of the bell became fainter and fainter.

  The man stood there, staring blankly at the donkey cart that had already gone far away. After a long while, he spat on the ground and muttered to himself:

  ”Behead Yama?”


  Three days later.

  In Dafeng, Mang River.

  When the black carriage drove along the long stone bridge over the turbulent Kuan River, the sky had gradually turned orange. Looking around, there was an endless wilderness, and not even a trace of smoke could be found.

  ”Sir, Lord Liang and Miss Liang have returned to Shuzhou.”

  Putting the “code book” in his arms, Chu Xianping leaned close to Wei Changtian’s ear, who was resting with his eyes closed, and whispered:

  ”Also, Jizhou City has been broken.”


  Wei Changtian suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head to ask: “What about the Xu family? Are they all dead?”

  ”No, most of the Xu family had already fled before the city was broken.”

  ”Did Wei Yanyu run away too?”



  We agreed to fight to the death, and my Xu family will never live in vain?

  Wei Changtian recalled what Wei Yanyu had said to him, and couldn’t help shaking his head and smiling.

  Run away, being able to escape from the siege of the imperial army at least shows that Wei Yanyu still has some skills.

  As for the outcome of the Jizhou war, Wei Changtian had long guessed that the Xu family would lose, so he was not too surprised now.

  But why do I feel like I have forgotten something?

  That’s right!

  Old Zhang is still in Jizhou!

  Frowning, Wei Changtian asked again: “After breaking the city, did the imperial army stop using their weapons?”


  Chu Xianping nodded: “Although the imperial court killed many of the Xu family’s remnants after entering the city, it did not harm the people.”

  ”That’s fine.”

  Wei Changtian pondered for a moment and instructed: “Since Jizhou City has been broken, our spies should be able to sneak in.”

  ”Tell them to take care of Old Zhang and Agou, and take them to Shuzhou if necessary.”


  Chu Xianping responded briefly as always, and Wei Changtian also cast his eyes on Li Wutong, who was sitting opposite.

  After spending a few days together, he now has a general understanding of this woman.

  Li Wutong, female, 20 years old, unmarried, the second daughter of Emperor Li Qi of Dafeng, and her biological mother is the queen.

  He likes to wield swords and guns, and is at the sixth level. He has been in the military since he was young, and has a straightforward character, so he is quite famous in Dafeng.

  He is about 1.65 meters tall and weighs about 90 kilograms.

  The measurements are estimated to be about 84 and 62.

  Hiss, it’s not easy to observe the hip circumference in this position.

  ”Why are you looking at me?!”

  Li Wutong was stared at by Wei Changtian, and finally couldn’t help but widen her eyes and defended: “You are talking so loudly, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop!”

  ”I don’t blame you for eavesdropping.”

  Wei Changtian waved his hand and replied indifferently: “The affairs of Jizhou are not a secret, there is nothing to hide.”

  Li Wutong was stunned when she heard it, and then bit her lip and asked: “Then why are you still staring at me?!”

  ”Princess, you are a little unreasonable.”

  Wei Changtian said seriously: “My eyes are on my own face, I can look wherever I want, do you even want to control this?” ”


  Li Wutong was speechless, and she couldn’t force Wei Changtian not to look at her, so she had to be an ostrich and turned her head away and stopped looking at Wei Changtian.


  The sound of waves rolled outside the car, but the car suddenly fell into a strange and awkward silence.

  Chu Xianping was silently “sending a telegram” to the Freemasonry to convey Wei Changtian’s latest instructions.

  Li Wutong was staring at the Mang River that was getting farther and farther away outside the curtain, secretly cursing Wei Changtian for being a pervert.

  Wei Changtian himself was calculating Li Wutong’s hip circumference.

  You Jia, who was standing next to him, looked at Wei Changtian quietly, then at Li Wutong, and finally sighed softly with some helplessness and depression.

  Alas, Miss Li blushed

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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