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Chapter 289: Fierce Battle in the Jungle

Chapter 289: Fierce Battle in the Jungle


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 289: Fierce Battle in the Jungle

  Green covered every street and every tall building.

  Dense vines and tree roots crisscrossed, buildings leaned to the left and right, and concrete walls were covered with cracks and moss.

  It was hard to imagine that this was once a prosperous urban area.

  The primeval forest and the city seemed to be integrated together. Although many urban areas in Qingquan City were like this, they were far less shocking than here.

  Looking around, every frame was like a world-famous painting! Every shot was like a work of art!

  Is this the height that human modeling technology can reach?

  I couldn’t help but take a picture with the ear-hanging camera. While being shocked by the scene in front of me, Fang Chang couldn’t help but have a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

  How should they get there?

  The group only had the last kilometer left to the mission site.

  However, this short one kilometer seemed so far away in front of the undulating ruins.

  ”According to the background information… This is one of the core business districts in the eastern district of Qingquan City. The giant egg in front of us is our goal of this trip.” Standing next to Fang Chang, Lao Bai, wearing a light cavalry exoskeleton, said while comparing it with the pre-war map.

  Quitting asked curiously.

  ”What’s that?”

  Kuangfeng: “Zoo.”

  The full name is “Qingquan City Third Ecological Protection Park”. The structure of the entire facility is similar to the artificial biosphere they found in the Zhongzhou Space Experimental Base before, but the purpose of use is different.

  One is to provide research support for outer space colonization, and the other is for the surrounding citizens to watch and play.

  The former is definitely more technically advanced.

  But in terms of scale, the latter is much larger.

  Ye Shi said with a subtle expression: “… I suddenly have an ominous premonition.”

  ”Me too, be alert and be prepared for battle,” Lao Bai turned off the display screen on his arm, took out the nylon fiber rope from his waist, and threw a bundle to Kuangfeng who was standing next to him.

  ”It’s time to work.”

  Working, of course, refers to the hidden mission of the scientific expedition team.

  In fact, it can’t be considered a hidden mission, but because the mission has a high requirement for the professional level, only they meet the criteria for accepting the mission.

  As for the reward for the mission, it is also quite generous. If the specific location of Shelter No. 401 can be locked and the area can be successfully controlled, a total of 5,000 silver coins will be rewarded!

  Of course, this is the most optimistic scenario.

  Since there is no intelligence in the area, the expedition team only analyzed the clues of Shelter 401 and found that it might be located under the zoo or a nearby subway station.

  If you use VM to scan the map and find that Shelter 401 does not exist at all, or encounter difficult-to-deal-with dangers such as Death Claws and have to retreat, you can only get the intelligence reward.

  But Lao Bai thinks that this is not a big problem for them. After

  all, he is the man who “first killed” the Death Claw.

  Although the Death Claw has been severely injured by the concentrated fire of the large force of predators…

  the rope was thrown down from the half-collapsed high-rise building.

  Lao Bai skillfully rappelled to the slope below. After confirming that it was safe below, the other four members of the team also successively descended to the surface through ropes. Quitting,

  wearing a heavy KV-1, walked in front with a hatchet in his hand to lead the way. Lao Bai, who followed closely behind, had already opened the safety of LD-47. Ye Shi, who is a perception system, walked in the center of the team, followed by Fang Chang, who held the “Dawn Breaking” compound bow.

  Kuangfeng released the Y-1 Firefly quad-rotor drone and set the follow path on the tablet, allowing it to maintain a certain flight altitude and follow.

  The group went deep into the dense forest.

  The soles of the boots creaked as they stepped on the wet concrete debris, and the damp air was mixed with the rustling of the woods and the chirping of insects.

  Everyone’s nerves were highly tense – or excited.

  The rustling sound always made them feel that something was spying on them in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to move.

  But there were no dangers along the way.

  In addition to encountering a few hyenas wandering around for food, only a python hanging on a tree branch scared everyone.

  The python was as thick as the tree trunk, and silver climbed from the mouth to the corners of the eyes, just like a clown’s smiling face.

  It was probably sleeping on the tree branch, and it was not until it opened its eyes and looked over that Ye Shi sensed its presence and quickly reminded everyone.

  ”What a good thing, just right for soaking in wine!” After cutting off the snake’s head with a knife, Jieyan happily picked up the python and put it into the backpack behind the KV-1, making blood everywhere. Smelling the blood

  , Ye Shi took a step aside in disgust.

  ”Hey, how come you are the same as Lao Na.”

  Jieyan laughed.

  ”Snakes and insects are still different, how can they be the same?”

  Fang Chang asked curiously.

  ”Is this thing useful?”

  Kuangfeng: “Analyze it rationally. Alcohol will cause protein denaturation and inactivation. The only use of soaking snakes in wine… is that it is useless.”

  Lao Bai coughed dryly.

  ”Okay, this topic cannot be argued to a conclusion… Let’s move on.”

  Recycling materials is also part of killing monsters.

  Some prey can be taken to the Hunter’s Guild or warehouse to exchange for money and contributions.

  For example, the three hyenas that Fang Chang shot dead.

  It’s just that this place is too far away from Dawn City. Compared with the high-yield mission they are carrying out, it is not cost-effective to waste time on processing prey.

  The cattle and horse team continued to move forward.

  After passing through a large area of ​​undulating dense forests and gaps between buildings, the group finally arrived near the moss-covered “dome”.

  The streets here are finally relatively spacious, and a collapsed high-rise building is right between the zoo and the subway station.

  There are several corpses lying next to the iron fence at the security checkpoint, and everyone is alert in an instant.

  Lao Bai gestured to Fang Chang next to him, indicating that he should cover himself, and then pointed at the earphones, then lowered his body and held the rifle, carefully approaching. There

  are many blunt instrument injuries and sharp instrument piercing marks on the chests and heads of several corpses, which are obviously not left by wild animals.

  ”Judging from the signs of decay… it should be within ten years.”

  Or it could be twenty years.

  He is not a professional doctor, and only knows some simple first aid measures such as hemostasis, bandaging, and suturing.

  ”These people were eaten by wild beasts after they died. There are many teeth marks on their bones… But the fatal wound was the bow and arrow.”

  Listening to the voice coming from the communication channel, Fang Chang looked in the direction of Lao Bai and frowned slightly.

  ”Bow and arrow?”

  ”Well… I don’t see any bullet marks here,” Lao Bai looked around and suddenly frowned. He reached out and picked up a rusty iron plate half buried in the soil. “What is this?”

  The vegetation is dense and the light here is very dim, but with the mottled light, you can still see clearly the outline of a triangular base and flame drawn on it.


  Lao Bai’s face showed a trace of surprise.

  That was several versions ago. At that time, the shelter had just defeated the Bone Chewing Tribe, and the NPC store put on the shelves 37 “Torch” mind interference devices snatched from the black snake. The function is to use brain waves to command aliens.

  Although some intelligence players have developed pet flow gameplay, there are too few intelligence players in combat professions. Most intelligence players take the life profession route, so this gameplay has never had a sense of existence.

  I remember correctly…

  This should be the symbol of the Torch Church.

  But why is it here?

  Just when Lao Bai was confused, two whizzing sounds suddenly came from the side, and two arrows went straight to his chest and head.

  Clang clang!

  Although the arrows were as fast as lightning, they only left a shallow scratch on the polymer bulletproof plate and helmet of the Type 5 “Light Cavalry”.


  Lao Bai, who was attacked by surprise, shuddered all over, raised the muzzle of the gun without hesitation, and pulled the trigger in the direction of the arrow.

  Tut tut tut——!

  Bullets shuttled through the streets covered with dense forests.

  Large pieces of wood chips splashed in the dark shadows, and two shrill screams came from the shadows, and soon something fell from the tree.

  At the same time, Fang Chang and Ye Shiyi’s group also noticed the situation on Lao Bai’s side at the first time, and they all raised their rifles and fired to cover Lao Bai who was attacked.

  ”Lao Bai! What’s the situation on your side?” Fang Chang said quickly.

  ”I don’t know! I didn’t see clearly what it was… but I should have knocked down two. Kuangfeng, can you see it over there?”

  Kuangfeng, who had his eyes tightly closed, shook his head and opened his eyes.

  ”The high-altitude vision is too poor, the drone can’t see anything.”

  There were several more whizzing sounds, and arrows kept shooting out from the shadows, chasing in the direction of Lao Bai. At this moment, a Molotov cocktail was thrown out, and the flames instantly rose in the chaos.

  ”Damn it!”

  Being attacked from three sides, Lao Bai cursed in his mouth, while firing back, he quickly retreated more than ten meters, moved to the back of a collapsed concrete block, leaned against the bunker and observed the surroundings vigilantly.

  The light here is very poor!

  And the opponent is hiding in the dark.

  If it’s just a bow and arrow, there’s nothing to be afraid of.

  Although the light cavalry exoskeleton is not good at defense, it is still no problem to block a volley of bullets, not to mention cold weapons.

  However, the fear is that there are other guys on the other side.

  For example, Molotov cocktails…

  Lao Bai has experienced how cunning the hostile NPCs in Wasteland OL are. This game even has hyenas that will outflank and attack from weak points, not to mention humans.

  ”Fuck, how come I didn’t notice them at all?!” Ye Shi clenched the Pu-9 submachine gun in his hand and stared at the densely forested street in front of him.

  The field of vision here is narrow, and the sniper rifle is completely useless.

  Kuangfeng said calmly: “Maybe the opponent’s concealment attribute is too high, and the passive perception judgment failed. Similar things have happened before. Don’t rely too much on the panel attributes… By the way, what about your killing perception?”

  Ye Shi frowned.

  ”I feel it now! From all directions!”

  Kuangfeng: “…” Fang

  Chang made a prompt decision.

  ”Lao Bai, there are too many opponents! Retreat first!”


  Lao Bai changed the magazine of the rifle and left the bunker.

  At this moment, a few clusters of stars suddenly lit up in the shadows under the dense forest.

  Fang Chang quickly shot an explosive arrow in the direction of the fire. With a “bang”, the flying fragments penetrated into the forest, and soon several black shadows fell from the trees.

  However, at the same time, burning arrows shot out from the forest, like a dense net, covering Lao Bai and the cattle and horse team standing behind to protect them.

  The fire arrows did not cause much damage, but they exposed their details.


  The monkeys cried out in the jungle, and the black shadows waved their long arms through the forest. Fang Chang’s pupils shrank slightly, and he finally saw who was attacking them.

  No –

  to be precise, it was not a human.

  It was a group of monkeys that were no more than 1.5 meters tall, with arms hanging down to their ankles!

  They held not only bows and arrows, but also short spears made of steel bars, hammers tied with concrete stones, and long and short knives picked up from somewhere.

  Ye Shi aimed at the monkeys that rushed to the vicinity and pulled the trigger. The submachine gun burst out with firepower in an instant. In just one breath, four or five monkeys fell from the tree and hit the ground heavily.

  However, soon, more monkeys came out from the shadows, baring their bloody fangs and waving all kinds of cold weapons to surround them.

  Monkeys! ?

  Quitting raised the muzzle and fired, with disbelief written all over his face.

  ”Fuck! Monkeys in the wasteland OL can use tools?!”

  ”Who knows, maybe someone taught them…”

  Kuangfeng calmly raised his rifle and fired, killing the monkeys chasing Lao Bai one by one, covering Lao Bai’s retreat to their surroundings.

  The sound of gunfire continued in the forest. The

  flickering gun flames repelled the monkeys’ encirclement again and again.

  After suffering huge casualties, the monkeys seemed to finally realize that the group of people in front of them were not easy to mess with, and the rhythm of the attack gradually slowed down.

  The group of people fought and retreated, and soon withdrew from the streets near the zoo, and got rid of the monkeys near a collapsed commercial plaza.

  ”I just felt strange, why there are no gnawers here… It turns out that a group of monkeys have occupied this place!”

  Sitting on the concrete stone, Ye Shi took a deep breath and checked the ammunition of the submachine gun.

  There are two magazines left!

  Since it was a scientific expedition mission, considering the low possibility of encountering a large-scale battle, they only carried the amount of ammunition needed for conventional combat based on experience.

  If it was just a group of monkeys, there would be nothing to be afraid of, but the key is that this group of monkeys not only know how to use tools, but are also familiar with the terrain, are not even afraid of death, and are suspected of having mutated.

  This situation is a bit tricky!

  Fang Chang: “We should call Garbage-kun up.”

  After putting the drone back into the backpack, Kuangfeng adjusted his breathing while looking at Lao Bai.

  ”Do you want to continue?”

  ”… There are too many opponents, and we don’t have enough manpower. Let’s retreat today.” Lao Bai looked at the iron plate engraved with a torch in his hand.

  Although the goal was not achieved, this operation cannot be considered a failure.

  At least they figured out the situation near the mission target.

  And they also found an interesting piece of information.

  Fang Chang sighed, his expression was quite regretful.

  ”It would be great if we could catch one… even if it’s dead.”

  At this moment, Quitting, who had been silent, suddenly raised his hand weakly.

  ”Are you talking about… this?”

  A pair of eyes looked over, only to see that the guy’s backpack was open, and he was holding a dead ape in his hand.

  The members of the Niu Ma team finally got a close look at what the monster they had been fighting for nearly half an hour looked like.

  The ape had very long arms and small eyes with dark green pupils, which looked like two small green beans embedded on a crooked potato. The most prominent feature of the ferocious face was the teeth, which were not only shocking in appearance, but also had two fangs that turned out of the lips.

  The most special thing was that although the monkey was covered with black hair all over its body, it did not have hair on its back, but had a layer of black scales that crawled from the neck to the base of the tail.

  Ye Shi was surprised.

  ”Fuck! Not bad, brother, when did you pick it up?”

  Quitting smiled embarrassedly.

  ”When I was retreating, I just stabbed one to death with my hatchet. I thought it was a pity to throw it away, so I took it off and stuffed it in my backpack.”

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but praise: “You are really good at this! You have done a great job!”

  Quitting: “Hehe.”

  Fang Chang walked over and took the ape from Quitting’s hand. He cut its back with a dagger and found that it was not cut. He was surprised.

  ”Is this thing cut-proof?”

  Kuangfeng touched his chin thoughtfully.

  After a long time, he gave a comment.

  ”It should be good for making gloves.”

  At the same time, on the edge of the giant egg-shaped building covered with vines, a man in an animal skin coat was standing on a tower made of wooden boards and steel bars.

  His face was smeared with dark green mud, and he held a telescope made of human bones in his hand. There was a circle of camouflage vines around his neck.

  The monkeys around him were in awe of him… or afraid, as if there was something in him that frightened them.

  Watching the group of uninvited guests disappear from his sight, he cursed, drove away the monkeys that gathered at his feet, and put away the telescope.

  ”This bunch of rubbish!”

  Two sets of exoskeletons!

  And the guns in the hands of those wastelanders!

  They look good at first glance!

  Thinking of this, a trace of greed appeared in his eyes.

  It’s a pity that I didn’t leave that group of people behind!


  Forum official website.

  [Monster illustration update:

  1. Ironback Ape: Black hair, black scales on the back, living in groups, able to use basic tools and open flames, good at shooting cold arrows, suspected to have night vision, extremely high mobility in the jungle, recommended for players above LV8 to hunt.

  2. Silver Mouth Snake: The silver-white pattern extends from the lip seam to the corner of the eye, the base of the fangs can store 120ml of venom, and the venom glands are all over the body. Do not eat it.


  [New information about the East District of Qingquan City: The East District of Qingquan City is a primeval forest. For some reason, the vegetation there is much denser than other areas. 】

  【New intelligence about Shelter No. 401: The Torch Church is suspected to be related to it. 】

  With the return of the Ox-Horse Team, the official website’s database also updated the intelligence they collected in the eastern district of Qingquan City.

  New map!

  And new alien species!

  Many players are curious about that area that few people have set foot on.

  Tail: “I get it! The new map is the high-rise version of the Elm District! (o°ω°o)”

  Sis: “There are more magical animals that I can’t understand.”

  Irena: “Huh! The poison glands are all over the body. Is it so scary? (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “What do you want to do? I advise you not to think about it. (Funny)”

  Fang Chang: “Regarding the new map, let me tell you my opinion. Shelter No. 401 in the eastern district may become the next novice village. The progress of the strategy for this map will most likely directly affect the speed of issuing closed beta qualifications!”

  Kuangfeng: “Well, the testing progress of this game follows the main storyline. The capacity of the shelter has a limit. After the capacity limit is reached, the support of the Human Alliance for the new alliance will be greatly affected. The aid will also be suspended, which is also very true. ”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “Fuck, come on, big guys! Hurry up! Our happiness depends on you! TT”

  Riding a donkey to the market: “+1, woo woo woo, I want to play too. QAQ”

  Fang Chang: “Don’t worry, everyone, we are already doing our best to conquer the new map!”

  Lao Bai: “The scientific expedition team has increased the mission income based on the intelligence we recovered. We plan to organize another wave of strategy plans, but there are too many alien species active locally. It may not be enough to rely on just a few of us. Are there any good brothers who plan to join us?”

  Garbage Pickering Level 99: “Me, me, me, brother Lao Bai, please take me with you! I am also a member of the Burning Legion! (Excited)”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Do you need air support? My plane has been repaired! You use flares to mark it, and leave the rest to me. (side-eyed smile)”

  I am the darkest: “Fuck, that thing can be repaired?! Wasn’t it blown to pieces!”

  Death: “Don’t listen to his bragging, our prodigal boss built a new one, but this time it is equipped with a gyroscope and pitot tube, it should be able to land… (sigh)”

  Midnight Killer Chicken: “Raise your hand! The Jungle Corps applies for battle! (Proud)”

  Piltover Paratrooper: “Paratrooper No. 1 is ready!!!”

  Xiao Xiaoxiao Bookworm: “Hehe, we are best at field battles. (Evil smile)”

  Lao Bai: “Steady! It’s you! (grin)”


  Shelter 404.

  Administrator’s office.

  While the players on the forum were discussing, Chu Guang looked at the iron plate with the torch in his hand and fell into deep thought.

  ”Shelter 401 was opened fifty years ago?”

  Yin Fang, who was standing aside, nodded.

  ”According to the intelligence we collected, it is indeed the case.”

  Chu Guang continued.

  ”The torch left Shelter 117 twenty years ago… In other words, they had already set their sights on 401 at that time.”

  ”What is there?”

  If I remember correctly, the black boxes stored in Shelter 117 are mainly used to produce bionic organs, and should not contain the so-called “mind control device”, and Heya, who has awakened after twenty years of dormancy, has never heard of anything related to that thing.

  Obviously, the alien control technology held by the Torch Church that dominates the Southern Death Coast was not taken out of Shelter 117, but was recovered from other shelters.

  And this place is likely to be Shelter 401.

  The treasure chest that was finally found may have been taken by someone else 20 years ago, which is not good news for Chu Guang.

  Yin Fang changed his posture and crossed his arms, saying helplessly: “Three-digit shelters are already confidential, and it is impossible to find public information. Moreover, after two centuries, I can only lock its approximate location through some indirect clues.”

  After a pause, Yin Fang continued.

  ”However, when investigating the third ecological protection park in Qingquan City, I found some interesting things.”

  Chu Guang: “What are they?”

  ”Seventeen of the twenty biology professors who received tickets to Shelter No. 401 have held academic lectures in the ecological protection park. Although the originals of those papers can no longer be found, it can be confirmed based on the ticket information that these lectures frequently mentioned something called ‘resonance theory’.”

  Chu Guang frowned: “Resonance theory?”

  Facing someone’s expectant eyes, Yin Fang said helplessly.

  ”Don’t look at me like that. This is my first time to do archaeology in the River Valley Province. I have never heard of these inexplicable things before. But the good news is that at least we can now confirm that Shelter 401 is near the ecological protection area.”

  Chu Guang pondered for a moment.

  ”It seems that we can only go in and take a look.”

  Yin Fang shrugged: “That’s what I suggested. Anyway, we have confirmed that there is something there. Why don’t you send your people over to take a look?”

  Just a group of monkeys.

  Can they still turn the world upside down?

  Even the wave is no match for this group of blue coats. Yin Fang has no doubt that it is only a matter of time for them to clean up a group of beasts.

  At this time, footsteps were heard outside the door, and soon a knock on the door sounded.

  ”Come in.”

  The door opened.

  The person who came in was Heya.

  Chu Guang raised his head and saw the excited expression on her face, so he asked curiously.

  ”Did something good happen?”

  Without keeping the secret, Heya said with a beaming eyebrow.

  ”About the induced expression serum you asked me to study before.”

  ”The results are out!”

  (Thanks to the leader of “Winter Little Fat Pig Hot Pot City” for the reward!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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